Modifications failed installing rdlc report designer in Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio

I am trying to install Microsoft RDLC Report Designer in Visual Studio 2017. For my install attempt I went to Tools--> Extensions and Updates and selected RDLC Report Designer and clicked download. It began the installation process and then failed with a Modifications Failed box shown on the attached see screen shot. I also tried to install the RDLC Report Designer from the Marketplace and got the same error. Any idea why this is happening? I have Visual Studio 2013 installed on the same machine with RLDC installed for it, could that be the problem?1
The only things I saw in the installation log that stood out were:
Capping recursion at 5 directories in each extension root due to 'default limit'.
5/2/2022 12:35:06 PM - Skipping 'C:\Users\peter\AppData\Local\Microsoft SDKs' as it doesn't exist
5/2/2022 12:35:06 PM - The extension with ID '717ad572-c4b7-435c-c166-c2969777f718' is not installed to Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017.

I was able to get the RDLC Report Designer and Report Server Project installed by updating visual studio and then installing the extensions.


Show crystal report in another folder using mvc web app

My Crystal report is in a separate location. I want to show that the report using web app.i has already installed CR runtime and Crystal report for a visual studio in my local machine. But when I host it on my server I need to install CR runtime and Crystal report for visual studio. But I was unable to install the Crystal report for visual studio because there is no visual studio installed in a server. Give error "you must already install visual studio 2010 or other. How can I solve this?
Is there any way to install crystal report for Visual studio without installing visual studio
I found a solution. we have to install some nuget packages.First install [Install-Package CrystalReports.Engine -Version 13.0.3500] and install related dependencies.
Follow the following link
Then you have to install CR Runtime
Change the the bitness of project to 64

Weird editor of RDLC in Visual studio 2017

I have an rdlc (definition is 2010) and trying to edit it in the Visual studio 2017 (community).
When I open it in the designer (which is an separated extension and require to install)
It ask me to update the RDLC to latest version.
I can edit it in visual studio 2017 after update RDLC.
But edited RDLC CANNOT be rendered (the definition updated to 2016)
If I choose not to update, the report viewer can display the report correctly.
Then I try to search why the reportViewer unable to render definition 2016 RDLC.
I found that the reportViewer version in Visual studio 2017 is version 12.
According to information from web, the latest version of report viewer is 14.
And I found there is actually NO WAY to update the report viewer to 14 (at least in community version).
I am curious why the handling of visual studio 2017 can be that bad
The RDLC designer forces us to update the RDLC to 2016 definition in visual studio 2017
But there is no way to update the viewer to render the report with 2016 definition
Installed things:
Designer ask me to update when trying to view the RDLC in the VS2017
Updated RDLC cannot be rendered in the ReportViewer
If choose not to update, the reportViewer can be displayed, but designer cannot view and edit the RDLC
There are a few different components for RDLC in Visual Studio 2017.
Installed as an extension - you need this to edit your reports. I understand this is what you have already:
Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio (
A separate extension. Adds the projects and wizards into Visual Studio that you use for creating new projects/reports.
Microsoft Reporting Services Projects (
Extension links only for clarification, you can find them in Visual Studio in:
Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Online.
For each project you have that uses ReportViewer, you need the ReportViewerControl NuGet package to give you the updated viewer:
For Winforms (or WPF via a WindowsFormsHost (
Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.Winforms (
For ASP.Net (never used personally):
Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WebForms (
Again, links only for clarification, you can find in Visual Studio in:
Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution -> Browse.
Note: Be sure to install the correct nuget packages. If you're coming from VS2015 you might previously have had unofficial packages installed. Check the name carefully (and the link if you need to confirm). Screenshot below:
Further info
Integrating Reporting Services Using the Report Viewer Controls - Get Started (

Why I can't see the Crystal Report on my MVC Project?

I have Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. After installing Crystal report for visual studio I can't add a new item of type of crystal report. I restarted the visual studio and my PC but I can't see this. I went to control panel and see that Crystal report already installed.
What is wrong?

Error in upgrading to Service Pack 1 in visual studio 2010

I have installed Visual Studio 2010 professional version and installation is successful. When I open visual studio, the dialog in first image came and clicked on the link. While installing SP1,the dialog in second image came.How can I solve this issue?
log file is

Crystal Report not working for Visual Studio 2010

I have downloaded and installed Crystal Report "CRforVS_13_0_4.exe" for Visual Studio 2010, professional edition. But it not seems to work with visual Studio. Whenever i try to open Tool Box window, OR try to add Crystal Report (.rpt) in to the project It gives me following error.
[Window Title]
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
[Main Instruction]
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program.
[Close the program] [Debug the program]
I checked that as soon as "Crystal Reports Tool Package" loads in to the Tool Box this error pop out. I also monitored the files while installation and found that it seems that its 64 bit version. But i am haveing 32 bit win7 OS. But i couldn't find out 32 bit version.
I installed "" but, it not support designer. and i got .mhtml extension while adding crystal report(.rpt)
Thanks.Any input will be appreciated,
After more search I downloaded the latest version of Crystal Reports for VS2010 (Support Pack 5 (v. 13.0.5.x)) and it worked fine for me. Here is the link to download crystal reports
As mentioned on the website - "To integrate "SAP Crystal Reports, the developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio" into VS 2010 or 2012, you must run the Install Executable. Running the MSI will not fully integrate Crystal Reports into VS. MSI files by definition are for runtime distribution only."
