I apologies in advance if this is an easy question but I am still learning Eigen.
I am creating two Eigen::SimplicialLLT objects
Eigen::SimplicialLLT <Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> Omegachol1;
Eigen::SimplicialLLT <Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> Omegachol2;
and next, I would need to use one of them for other calculations and therefore I need to assign a new SimplicialLLT object to one of them (reusing the initial object is of course possible but very tedious and the code would quickly become unreadable).
I tried something like
Eigen::SimplicialLLT <Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> Omegachol = Omegachol1;
but it does not work.
Is there a way to copy SimplicialLLT object and reuse them?
Based on my understanding, this is not a duplicate of Re-use Eigen::SimplicialLLT's symbolic decomposition
These solvers objects are neither copyable nor movable. I suggest using a reference to the solver object:
Eigen::SimplicialLLT <Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> Omegachol1;
Eigen::SimplicialLLT <Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> Omegachol2;
Eigen::SimplicialLLT <Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> & Omegachol1_ref = Omegachol1
EDIT: Apparently also for Eigen::SimplicialLLT the solve method is non-const, so you will need a non-const reference.
I know that std::vector<T>::push_back() has move semantics support. So, when I add a named temporary instance to a vector, I can use std::move().
What are the other common places in the STL that I should grow the habit to add std::move()
I know that std::vector<T>::push_back() has move semantics support.
The support that push_back has is simply an additional overload that takes an rvalue reference, so that the new value T inside the vector can be constructed by invoking T(T&&) instead of T(const T&). The advantage is that the former can be implemented way more efficiently because it assumes that the passed rvalue reference is never going to be used afterwards.
Most Standard Library containers have added similar overloads to their push/enqueue/insert member functions. Additionally, the concept of emplacement has been added (e.g. std::vector<T>::emplace_back), where the values are constructed in place inside the container in order to avoid unnecessary temporaries. Emplacement should be preferred to insertion/pushing.
So, when I add a named temporary instance to a vector, I can use std::move().
"Named temporary" doesn't really make much sense. The idea is that you have an lvalue you don't care about anymore, and you want to turn it into a temporary by using std::move. Example:
Foo foo;
// I'm sure `foo` won't be used from now on
Just remember that std::move is not special: it literally means static_cast<T&&>.
What are the other common places in the STL that I should grow the habit to add std::move?
This is a really broad question - you should add std::move everywhere it makes sense, not just in the context of the Standard Library. If you have a lvalue you know you're not going to use anymore in a particular code path, and you want to pass it/store it somewhere, then std::move it.
I'm trying to make an array-like data structure in Scheme, and since I need to refer to it (and alter it!) often, I want to give it a name. But from what I've read on various tutorial sites, it looks like the only way to name the list for later reference is with define. That would be fine, except it also looks like once I initialize a list with define, it becomes more complicated altering or adding to said list. For example, it seems like I wouldn't be able to do just (append wordlist (element)), I'd need some manner of ! bang.
Basically my questions boil down to: Is define my only hope of naming a list? And if so, am I stuck jumping through hoops changing its elements? Thanks.
Yes, define is the way for naming things in Scheme. A normal list in Scheme won't allow you to change its elements, because it's immutable - that's one of the things you'll have to learn to live with when working with a functional data structure. Of course you can add elements to it or remove elements to it, but those operations will produce new lists, you can't change the elements in-place.
The other option is to use mutable lists instead of normal lists, but if you're just learning to use Scheme, it's better to stick to the immutable lists first and learn the Scheme way to do things in terms of immutable data.
Yes, define is the way to do "assignment" (really naming) in Scheme. Though, if you're writing some kind of package, you might consider wrapping the whole thing inside of a function and then using let to define something you refer to.
Then, of course, you have to have some sort of abstraction to unwrap the functions inside of your "package."
See SICP 2.5 Building Systems with Generic Operations
(append wordlist (element)) is creating a new list. What you might want is to use set! to redirect a reference to the new list, or define a reference to the new list using the same symbol's name.
Weak hash tables like Java's weak hash map use weak references to track the collection of unreachable keys by the garbage collector and remove bindings with that key from the collection. Weak hash tables are typically used to implement indirections from one vertex or edge in a graph to another because they allow the garbage collector to collect unreachable portions of the graph.
Is there a purely functional equivalent of this data structure? If not, how might one be created?
This seems like an interesting challenge. The internal implementation cannot be pure because it must collect (i.e. mutate) the data structure in order to remove unreachable parts but I believe it could present a pure interface to the user, who could never observe the impurities because they only affect portions of the data structure that the user can, by definition, no longer reach.
That's an interesting concept. One major complication in a "purely functional" setting would be that object identity is not normally observable in a "purely functional" sense. I.E., if I copy an object or create a new identical one, in Java it's expected that the clone is not the original. But in a functional setting, it is expected that the new one be semantically identical to the old one, even though the garbage collector will treat it differently.
So, if we allow object identity to be a part of the semantics, it would be sound, otherwise probably not. In the latter case, even if a hack could be found (I thought of one, described below), you're likely to have the language implementation fighting you all over the place because it's going to do all sorts of things to exploit the fact that object identity is not supposed to be observable.
One 'hack' that popped into my mind would be to use unique-by-construction values as keys, so that for the most part value equality will coincide with reference equality. For example, I have a library I use personally in Haskell with the following in its interface:
data Uniq s
getUniq :: IO (Uniq RealWorld)
instance Eq (Uniq s)
instance Ord (Uniq s)
A hash map like you describe would probably mostly-work with these as key, but even here I can think of a way it might break: Suppose a user stores a key in a strict field of some data structure, with the compiler's "unbox-strict-fields" optimization enabled. If 'Uniq' is just a newtype wrapper to a machine integer, there may no longer be any object to which the GC can point and say "that's the key"; so when the user goes and unpacks his key to use it, the map may have forgotten about it already. (Edit: This particular example can obviously be worked around; make Uniq's implementation be something that can't be unboxed like that; the point is just that it's tricky precisely because the compiler is trying to be helpful in a lot of ways we might not expect)
TL;DR: I wouldn't say it can't be done, but I suspect that in many cases "optimizations" will either break or be broken by a weak hash map implementation, unless object identity is given first-class observable status.
Purely functional data-structures can't change from the user perspective. So, if I get a key from a hash-map, wait, and then get the same key again, I have to get the same value. I can hold onto keys, so they can't disappear.
The only way it could work is if the API gives me the next generation and the values aren't collected until all references to the past versions of the container are released. Users of the data-structure are expected to periodically ask for new generations to release weakly held values.
EDIT (based on comment): I understand the behavior you want, but you can't pass this test with a map that releases objects:
FunctionalWeakHashMap map = new FunctionalWeakHashMap();
{ // make scope to make o have no references
Object o = new SomeObject();
map["key"] = o;
} // at this point I lose all references to o, and the reference is weak
// wait as much time as you think it takes for that weak reference to collect,
// force it, etc
Assert.isNotNull(map["key"]); // this must be true or map is not persistent
I am suggesting that this test could pass
FunctionalWeakHashMap map = new FunctionalWeakHashMap();
{ // make scope to make o have no references
Object o = new SomeObject();
map["key"] = o;
} // at this point I lose all references to o, and the reference is weak in the map
// wait as much time as you think it takes for that weak reference to collect,
// force it, etc
map = map.nextGen();
I'm just playing around with a grub-bootable C++ kernel in visual studio 2010.
I've gotten to the point where I have new and delete written and things such as dynamically allocated arrays work. I can use STL lists, for example. I can even sort them, after I wrote a memcpy routine. The problem is when I use the std::vector type. Simply constructing the vector sends the kernel off into la la land.
Obviously I'm missing a function implementation of some kind, but I looked through STL searching for it and came up empty-handed. It fails at the push_back:
vector<int> v;
and disappears into the ether.
Any guesses as to what I'm missing?
Edit yes it's vector of int. Sorry for the confusion. Not only that, but it's not the constructor it fails on, it's a call to push_back.
Stab in the dark: do you have new[] and delete[] implemented? A list will create one item at a time with new while a vector will likely allocate larger blocks of memory with new[].
As per our discussion above, creating a
std::vector<mySimpleStruct> v;
instead of a
std::vector<int> v;
appears to work correctly. This must mean the problem is with something being done in the specialization of some functions for std::vector in your standard template library. I'm assuming you're familiar with template specialization already, but in case you're not:
Also, once you've figured out where the real problem is, could you come back and post the answer here? You have me curious about where the real problem is now, plus the answer may be helpful to others trying to build their own OS kernels.
Do you use a custom allocator or a default one?
You might try using a custom one just to see what allocations vector peforms that might destroy your implementation of the memory manager (this is probably what actually fails).
And yes, please post back once you solve it - it helps all other OSdevers out there.
How come the Matrix class has no methods to edit its vectors and components? It seems like everything inside a matrix can be read but not written. Am I mistaken? Is there some third-party elegant Matrix-like class that would allow me to delete rows and intentionally edit them?
Please, notify me if there is no such class – I will stop searching.
The designer of class Matrix must have been a fan of immutable data structures and functional programming. Yes, you are correct.
In any case, there is a simple solution for what you want. Use Matrix for what it can do, then, just use .to_a to get a real array.
>> Matrix.identity(2).to_a
=> [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
See also Numerical Ruby Narray. You could also monkeypatch the class to add more behavior. If you do this, please patch a subclass of Matrix. (There are Ruby library projects out there that want more behavior from required classes so they directly modify them, making their new files somewhat toxic. They could have so easily just patched a subclass or singleton class.)
Oh, and khelll (:-) would probably like me to say that there is quite possibly a way for you to do what you want in a functional style. That is, by creating new objects rather than by modifying the old ones.