Spring boot GraphQL showing 404 - spring-boot

I am new to GraphQL. However, after watching couple of videos and GraphQL blogs I decided to give it a try but I am getting "404 error" even after doing exactly the same thing as in those videos/blogs. Could this be because of "I am using a little newer version of Spring Boot than in those videos/blogs". Even this bare-bone example: https://github.com/shressur/spring-boot-and-graphql is not working. I would appreciate if anyone could guide me to the right direction.
package com.example.demo.resolver;
import graphql.kickstart.tools.GraphQLQueryResolver;
public class QueryResolver implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
public String testingApp(){
return "Test in progress...";
schema {
query: Query
type Query{
testingApp: String
accessing graphiql:
"timestamp": "2022-05-01T17:49:04.825+00:00",
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"path": "/graphql"

Adding #Component on the QueryResolver solved the issue (testing API successfully via Postman)


Kotlin + Spring + GraphQL : 405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

I am building a simple example with Spring boot + GrapQL
package com.example.graphql
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication
import org.springframework.boot.runApplication
import org.springframework.graphql.data.method.annotation.QueryMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController
class GraphqlApplication
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
class MyQueryController {
fun message(): Message = Message("1","some-text")
data class Message(var id: String, var text: String) {
then I got the schema under src/main/resources/graphql/schema.graphqls withe the following
type Query {
message: Message
type Message {
id: String
text: String
When I try to go to http://localhost:8080/graphql I got [95221568-1] Completed 405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, headers={masked}
Any clue ?
this are dependencies in the pom.xml
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
As explained by #d.j.brown in the comments, Spring for GraphQL does not support GET queries on the "/graphql" endpoint, even though it can be supported by other implementations. Only POST HTTP requests are supported.
If you'd like to explore your API, you can enable the graphiql UI by enabling it in the configuration properties with spring.graphql.graphiql.enabled=true and browsing http://localhost:8080/graphiql. From there, you'll be able to craft and send GraphQL queries using this playground tool.

method level custom annotation doesn't work spring boot

I am trying to define custom annotation(LogMe) that should run before and after methods that are decorated with the annotation.
The annotation works fine for the spring identified methods - the ones defined with #GetMapping etc. however, the annotation on my custom written methods doesn't invoke AOP.
I have defined annotation as follows:
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
public #interface LogMe {
My Aspect is like this:
public class LogMeAspect {
public void loggableMethods() {}
public Object serviceResponseTimeAdvice(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>REACHING TO PJP:"+joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
Object obj = joinPoint.proceed();
return obj;
spring.factories defined as follows (I am trying to access this aspect from dependency).
usage of the annotation:
public class Utils {
public String testing(int i, int j, String str) {
System.out.println("in testing");
return i+j+str;
public void testing2() {
System.out.println("in testing 2");
I have the following dependencies for my aspect module.
I have following dependencies for the module from where I am calling the aspect. of course, one of it is the aspect dependency - spring-boot-api-logging
<!-- core -->
<!-- matrix -->
<!-- kafka -->
<!-- tests -->
<!-- database -->
<!-- logging-->

Spring Boot Google App Engine security annotation?

I'm currently working on a Spring Boot project with Google App Engine & I'm trying to check if my user is logged in on my controller actions thanks to annotations, like #PreAuthorize(isAuthenticated()). This annotation would return a HTTP 403 error if false.
Currently, my users are logged in with the Google App Engine basic UserService & I already tried to use this annotation without success (it does nothing).
Here is my pom file :
I'm trying to make my code more readable currently I'm doing this on my controller :
private UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
public String createPizza(Model model) {
if (!userService.isUserLoggedIn()) { // used in every actions that need an authentication check
return "error";
model.addAttribute("pizza", new Pizza());
return "create";
But I'd like to have this :
public String createPizza(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("pizza", new Pizza());
return "create";

Spring endpoints without dependency Spring-Boot-Data-REST-Starter

I Have a Repository and Controller,
public class PersonController {
PersonRepository repository;
public Iterable<Person> getPeople() {
return repository.findAll();
public void addPerson(#RequestBody Person person) {
and I want to create endpoint /people but this doesn't work without the dependency Spring-Boot-Data-REST-Starter.
The question is : is it possible to create an endpoint without the Spring-Boot-Data-REST-Starter dependency?
here's my dependencies:
I have a message : Started Application, but the process is finished with exit code 0, so nothing is up.
I should have add this dependency:

arquillian #Drone injections always returning "about:blank" page

I am having this problem for 2 days now, and I am tending to think that something in my configuration is off. I'll post first my code and then explain:
public class MyTest extends Arquillian {
#Deployment(name = "MyPlatform", testable = false)
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
WebArchive war;
war = ShrinkWrap
.create (WebArchive.class, "MyPlatform.war")
.merge (Maven
return war;
private PhantomJSDriver browser;
private URL deploymentUrl;
#Test(dataProvider = Arquillian.ARQUILLIAN_DATA_PROVIDER)
public void should_login_successfully(#InitialPage LoginPage loginPage) {
System.out.println ("ACTUAL: " + browser.getCurrentUrl ());
System.out.println ("DEPLOYMENT URL: " + deploymentUrl.toExternalForm ());
loginPage.login ("demo", "demo");
Assert.assertEquals (deploymentUrl.toExternalForm () + "index.tm", "");
The #ArquillianResource injection works fine, and shows the correct URL. However the #Drone injection shows "about:blank". after some testing i found something weird:
if my war file is called something like MyPlatform.blabla.war, then the Drone trancates after the first "dot" and i get "" which is not what i deployed...so for some reason the #Drone is always trancating my deployment URL and cant seem to find the root of it.
here is my POM just in case
I would be greatful if someone can help me in solving this pickle..!
Typical, After I posted the question i found the problem, and it was simply that my applicaiton is running over SSL and phantomjs is not redirecting from 8080 -> 8443...
Now to figure out how to do this ...
