Ruby Timeout.timeout does not timeout in x secs - ruby

Below code
Timeout.timeout(2) do
i = 0
i = i + 1
p "test #{i}"
does not timeout in 2 secs. whereas below similar code timeout in 2 seconds
Timeout.timeout(2) do
i = 0
i = i + 1
# p "test #{i}"
What is the underlying difference? Please help.

I don't know exactly what's going on here and I suspect somebody who understands the underlying C code would be the one to give a complete answer. I have an inkling. The Matz Ruby Interpreter (MRI) has a global thread lock which means only one thread can actually run at any given time. The way threading works is when one thread is waiting on a resource it sleeps and this gives another thread opportunity to run.
Timeout creates a second thread that will sleep for 2 seconds then raise an exception on the current thread enforcing the timeout. We are guaranteed this thread will not run before 2 seconds but not guaranteed exactly when it will run after 2 seconds but usually a few milliseconds or so with some exceptions.
The function p is unique in that it writes directly to std.out. This is where a C programmer may be helpful but it appears to me that its starving the other thread of resources possibly because to throw an exception the second thread needs to own std.out.
p and pp both cause this problem whereas puts does not.
In support of the resource starvation theory the following code works
Timeout.timeout(2) do
i = 0
i = i + 1
p "testing timeout #{i}"
sleep 0.001


Multi Threading in Ruby

I need to create 3 threads.
Each thread will print on the screen a collor and sleep for x seconds.
Thread A will print red; Thread B will print yellow; Thread C will print green;
All threads must wait until its their turn to print.
The first thread to print must be Red, after printing, Red will tell Yellow that's its turn to print and so on.
The threads must be able to print multiple times (user specific)
I'm stuck because calling #firstFlag.signal outside a Thread isn't working and the 3 threads aren't working on the right order
How do I make the red Thread go first?
my code so far:
#lock =
#firstFlag =
#secondFlag =
#thirdFlag =
print "Tell me n's vallue:"
#n = gets.to_i
#threads =
#threads << {
t = Random.rand(1..3)
n = 0
#lock.synchronize {
for i in 0...#n do
#firstFlag.wait(#lock, t)
puts "red : #{t}s"
#threads << {
t = Random.rand(1..3)
n = 0
#lock.synchronize {
for i in 0...#n do
#secondFlag.wait(#lock, t)
puts "yellow : #{t}s"
#threads << {
t = Random.rand(1..3)
n = 0
#lock.synchronize {
for i in 0...#n do
#thirdFlag.wait(#lock, t)
puts "green : #{t}s"
#threads.each {|t| t.join}
There are three bugs in your code:
First bug
Your wait calls use a timeout. This means your threads will become de-synchronized from your intended sequence, because the timeout will let each thread slip past your intended wait point.
Solution: change all your wait calls to NOT use a timeout:
Second bug
You put your sequence trigger AFTER your Thread.join call in the end. Your join call will never return, and hence the last statement in your code will never be executed, and your thread sequence will never start.
Solution: change the order to signal the sequence start first, and then join the threads:
#threads.each {|t| t.join}
Third bug
The problem with a wait/signal construction is that it does not buffer the signals.
Therefore you have to ensure all threads are in their wait state before calling signal, otherwise you may encounter a race condition where a thread calls signal before another thread has called wait.
Solution: This a bit harder to solve, although it is possible to solve with Queue. But I propose a complete rethinking of your code instead. See below for the full solution.
Better solution
I think you need to rethink the whole construction, and instead of condition variables just use Queue for everything. Now the code becomes much less brittle, and because Queue itself is thread safe, you do not need any critical sections any more.
The advantage of Queue is that you can use it like a wait/signal construction, but it buffers the signals, which makes everything much simpler in this case.
Now we can rewrite the code:
redq =
yellowq =
greenq =
Then each thread becomes like this:
#threads << {
t = Random.rand(1..3)
n = 0
for i in 0...#n do
puts "red : #{t}s"
And finally to kick off the whole sequence:
#threads.each { |t| t.join }
I'd redesign this slightly. Think of your ConditionVariables as flags that a thread uses to say it's done for now, and name them accordingly:
#lock =
#thread_a_done =
#thread_b_done =
#thread_c_done =
Now, thread A signals it's done by doing #thread_a_done.signal, and thread B can wait for that signal, etc. Thread A of course needs to wait until thread C is done, so we get this kind of structure:
#threads << {
t = Random.rand(1..3)
#lock.synchronize {
for i in 0...#n do
puts "A: red : #{t}s"
A problem here is that you need to make sure that thread A in the first iteration doesn't wait for a flag signal. After all, it's to go first, so it shouldn't wait for anyone else. So modify it to:
#thread_c_done.wait(#lock) unless i == 0
Finally, once you have created your threads, kick them all off by invoking run, then join on each thread (so that your program doesn't exit before the last thread is done):
Oh btw I'd get rid of the timeouts in your wait as well. You have a hard requirement that they go in order. If you make the signal wait time out you screw that up - threads might still "jump the queue" so to speak.
EDIT as #casper remarked below, this still has a potential race condition: Thread A could call signal before thread B is waiting to receive it, in which case thread B will miss it and just wait indefinitely. A possible way to fix this is to use some form of a CountDownLatch - a shared object that all threads can wait on, which gets released as soon as all threads have signalled that they're ready. The ruby-concurrency gem has an implementation of this, and in fact might have other interesting things to use for more elegant multi-threaded programming.
Sticking with pure ruby though, you could possibly fix this by adding a second Mutex that guards shared access to a boolean flag to indicate the thread is ready.
Ok, thank you guys that answered. I've found a solution:
I've created a fourth thread. Because I found out that calling "#firstFlag.signal" outside a thread doesn't work, because ruby has a "main thread" that sleeps when you "run" other threads.
So, "#firstFlag.signal" calling must be inside a thread so it can be on the same level of the CV.wait
I solved the issue using this:
#threads << {
sleep 1
This fourth thread will wait for 1 sec before sending the first signal to red. This only sec seems to be enough for the others thread reach the wait point.
And, I've removed the timeout, as you sugested.
I realized I don't need a fourth Thread, I could just make thread C do the first signal.
I made thread C sleep for 1 sec to wait the other two threads enter in wait state, then it signals red to start and goes to wait too
#threads << {
sleep 1
t = Random.rand(1..3)
n = 0
#lock.synchronize {
for i in 0...#n do
puts "verde : #{t}s"
n += 1

join threads in the order they finish, in order to raise exception faster

I have a couple threads running and want to wait for them to finish:
[thread_a, thread_b].each(&:join)
Say that one of the threads suffers an immediate fatal exception as soon as it's started. Meanwhile, the other takes 10 minutes to complete. If we're lucky and thread_a is the thread that fails, we'll get its exception immediately, since it's being joined first. However, if we're unlucky, we have to wait 10 minutes for thread_a to finish, and only then does thread_b get to raise its exception to the parent thread.
I have an existing solution that uses an ensure block in each thread, to insert that thread into a queue when it exits. The parent thread can then poll the queue and join each thread as it finishes. However, I'm wondering if Ruby has a more idiomatic way to handle this?
Existing solution:
dead_threads =
threads = do |i| do
case i
when 0; sleep
when 1; raise "I'm the problem thread!"
dead_threads << Thread.current
live_threads_count = threads.size
until live_threads_count == 0
live_threads_count -= 1

Ruby multi threading #join and simultaneous execution

My records in a database are already categorized into buckets (0, 1, 2, 3). Rather than applying a function to each record serially, I'd like to open four threads and apply the function to the record in that thread's bucket.
If I run this:
i = 4
i.times do |n| {
puts "opening thread for #{n} degree"
I get:
opening thread for 0 degree
opening thread for 1 degree
opening thread for 2 degree
opening thread for 3 degree
with waiting in between each one. It's still going serially.
If I do the same as above, but without join:
i = 4
i.times do |n| {
puts "opening thread for #{n} degree"
I get:
opening thread for 3 degree
opening thread for 2 degreeopening thread for 0 degree
opening thread for 4 degree
which is closer to what I want; it seems they all run simultaneously.
It makes me nervous when my puts statements are printed haphazardly like this. If I don't have the join there, doesn't that mean that whichever thread terminates first, the rest of the script moves on and the other threads terminate early? What should I do?
What SHOULD I be doing here?
You should be joining your threads. Otherwise when the main thread (your script) exits, it takes all unfinished threads with it. The reason why execution is serial in your first case is that you wait for a thread to finish right after you start it (and before you start the next one). First create all threads, then wait on them.
i = 4
threads = do |n| {
puts "opening thread for #{n} degree"
# or
require 'thwait'
You will see further improvements in threading performance if you run the code on JRuby or Rubinius, as their threads are not crippled in any way by some global lock.

Using threads without mutex.unlock in Ruby

I'm not sure why this code works:
m, n =,
t = do
p 'ha'
sleep 1
p 'ya'
s = do
p 'h'
sleep 1
p 'y'
I've avoided a deadlock by using the locks in the same order, but I'm not sure why this works since every mutex needs to have both mutex.lock and mutex.unlock, and this code doesn't have .unlock and still works. Why?
Per the docs, Mutex#lock waits until the lock is acquired. If you add some kind of output after acquiring the locks, you should see it's not executing in thread s until t is dead. When t is done and gets killed the lock is released.

Implementing a synchronization barrier in Ruby

I'm trying to "replicate" the behaviour of CUDA's __synchtreads() function in Ruby. Specifically, I have a set of N threads that need to execute some code, then all wait on each other at mid-point in execution before continuing with the rest of their business. For example:
x = 0
a = do
x = 1
b = do
# x should have been changed
raise if x == 0
[a,b].each { |t| t.join }
What tools do I need to use to accomplish this? I tried using a global hash, and then sleeping until all the threads have set a flag indicating they're done with the first part of the code. I couldn't get it to work properly; it resulted in hangs and deadlock. I think I need to use a combination of Mutex and ConditionVariable but I am unsure as to why/how.
Edit: 50 views and no answer! Looks like a candidate for a bounty...
Let's implement a synchronization barrier. It has to know the number of threads it will handle, n, up front. During first n - 1 calls to sync the barrier will cause a calling thread to wait. The call number n will wake all threads up.
class Barrier
def initialize(count)
#mutex =
#cond =
#count = count
def sync
#mutex.synchronize do
#count -= 1
if #count > 0
#cond.wait #mutex
Whole body of sync is a critical section, i.e. it cannot be executed by two threads concurrently. Hence the call to Mutex#synchronize.
When the decreased value of #count is positive the thread is frozen. Passing the mutex as an argument to the call to ConditionVariable#wait is critical to prevent deadlocks. It causes the mutex to be unlocked before freezing the thread.
A simple experiment starts 1k threads and makes them add elements to an array. Firstly they add zeros, then they synchronize and add ones. The expected result is a sorted array with 2k elements, of which 1k are zeros and 1k are ones.
mtx =
arr = []
num = 1000
barrier = num do
Thread.start do
mtx.synchronize { arr << 0 }
mtx.synchronize { arr << 1 }
end .map &:join;
# Prints true. See it break by deleting `barrier.sync`.
puts [
arr.sort == arr,
arr.count == 2 * num,
arr.count(&:zero?) == num,
arr.uniq == [0, 1],
As a matter of fact, there's a gem named barrier which does exactly what I described above.
On a final note, don't use sleep for waiting in such circumstances. It's called busy waiting and is considered a bad practice.
There might be merits of having the threads wait for each other. But I think that it is cleaner to have the threads actually finish at "midpoint", because your question obviously impliest that the threads need each others' results at the "midpoint". Clean design solution would be to let them finish, deliver the result of their work, and start a brand new set of threads based on these.
