Calling the right guard in middleware for Multi-auth system - laravel

I am adding a custom authentication system via guards , models and providers.
After trying to read some documentation and articles, I am bit confused about the different way of invoking guards and middleware
Question 1:
So, if I want to invoke (default) authentication in a particular route (as defined in auth.php as "default => [ 'guard' => 'web' ... , is it
'middleware' => ['auth']]
Does this mean the default auth ? Or the middleware "auth" - which is included in the Kernel.php as below
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'auth' => \App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
if i want the default auth as defined in "web" of config/auth.php
should it be
'middleware' => ['auth']] or
'middleware' => ['web']] or
'middleware' => ['auth:web']]
Question 2:
Now there is a middleware group called "web" which has useful things like StartSession, EncryptCookies, CSRF Protection, - so if I have a custom guard "abcguard" - is session management, cookie encryption done through some mechanism or I should explicitly add that middleware "web" in my routes /route-group?
Question 3:
what if I have a custom guard called "abcguard" defined in auth.php as such
and I have a middleware group called abcguard (just for illustration purpose) -- how do I make sure that that a route dashboard is available after the abcguard authentication and passing though middleware abcguard
Is this the right way?
'middleware' => ['auth:abcguard', abcguard]]
How does Laravel know which one is authentication and which one is just a middleware? Or is "guard" just a name for another middleware - the only specific behaviour is that a guard determines how users are authenticated and a middleware might just check if an user is authenticated?
Q4 - In the statement below, how does laravel find out which abcguard is a guard and which is a middlewar group?
'middleware' => ['auth:abcguard', abcguard]]

First, you seem to confuse web middleware group (defined in Kernel) with web guard (authentication mechanism using session) for auth middleware, and they are even not related TBH. Guard is used to authenticate users, and middleware group just holds different middlewares for your web routes. If in your auth.php config, you have default guard web, the 'middleware' => 'auth' will end up using web guard. In case you want to use other guard, you will need to use 'middleware' => 'auth:other_guard'
Again, web middleware group only holds middlewares for ALL of your web routes. You should not add auth to all of them, for sure.
The right way will be 'middleware' => ['auth:abcguard', 'abcguard'], yea. In this case, you have auth middleware using abcguard guard and abcguard middleware group.
When you write auth:abcguard you are calling auth middleware and passing abcguard as argument to it's handle function. Same if it was web - default session guard, or api - default auth token, or sanctum - sanctum's session cookie. Middleware groups are defined in your App\Http\Kernel::class. In case you have abcguard middleware group there, you will be using all middlewares defined in that group.


How to access Sanctum package in custom laravel package

i want to access laravel sanctum auth which is working fine in project routes
I'm making a custom package of api's which needs to use same sanctum authentication with in the custom package routes
use auth sanctum middleware for your routes, See below example.
I was having the same problem, but I found that the packet routes did not have a default guard and the session was not accessible through the packet.
The solution was to add the 'web' middleware to the routes.
Route::get('/dashboard', [HomeController::class, 'index'])->middleware(['auth:sanctum'])->name('dashboard');
Route::get('/dashboard', [HomeController::class, 'index'])->middleware(['web', 'auth:sanctum'])->name('dashboard');
For those who don't understand why this happens, the question is simple, the 'web' guard is automatically added to the routes that are in the web.php file, but for some reason this doesn't happen with the routes of packages.
Why is the 'web' guard necessary?
Actually, the 'web' guard is not needed, the point is that it bundles various middlewares including: \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession, which is what handles the user session, so if you don't want to include the 'web' guard in the routes, you you can create a custom middleware group with everything needed for your routes to work in the app\Http\Kernel.php file and the problem will be solved.

Can I use OAuth and Auth at the same time in Laravel?

I am doing a project in which I have implemented private chat in Laravel. But for the third party, we use OAuth but i have already used auth() in my project. Can I use both? OAuth is getting token, then communicate with Vue.js. So, I don't want to remove auth() functions in my project. Can you please guide me what to do?
Real time chat system in laravel project. I'm using separate Vue.js with Laravel.
Yes. You can use both OAuth and default Laravel Auth at the same time. In default, Laravel provides routes as web.php and api.php.
web.php: This route uses default Laravel Auth functionality
api.php: Routes defined here uses OAuth functionality
Make sure you use default driver as web in config/auth.php
'defaults' => [
'guard' => 'web',
'passwords' => 'users',

Laravel api routes with auth

I'm trying to make an api route that's only accessible if the user making the request is logged in. This is what I have in my routes/api.php but it returns
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api'], function () {
Route::post('schedules', ['uses' => 'Api\ScheduleController#store']);
Can this be done without laravel passport and how? I only need the route for in-app use for logged in users.
I assumed the login mentioned is on "web" which using "session" as driver.
Your are getting this issue because "web" and "api" guard is using different driver for authentication. Take a look in config/auth.php. The "api" guard is using "token" as it's default driver.
Thus, you have few options to encounter this.
Move the route for "schedules" in web.php. No worry, your ajax will failed if not authenticated. But, take note that anything that involved POST method will require csrf (_token parameter), unless you are using laravel axios
Using authentication using api also which you can refer this tutorial for "token" driver and all your secure routes will be using token in its Authentication header

Lumen: add middleware to package defined routes

I have a problem with adding middleware to existing routes of a vendor package. I building an API on top of Lumen (micro-services framework created by Laravel). I am using Passport for oauth authentication and imported this package: to use Passport in Lumen. I have implemented a custom route for requesting a token and want to block requests to the existing passport route: /oauth/token. But I also need the route myself in order to redirect token requests from my custom route.
I have tried to override the existing route like this:
$app->post('/oauth/token', [
'middleware' => 'reject',
'uses' => '\Dusterio\LumenPassport\Http\Controllers\AccessTokenController#issueToken'
But this throws a 500 back at me without Exception tracing.
I am using a custom route for requesting a token in order to set the set the token scope based on the role of a user. I am using the scope to check the role of a user (or app with other grant types), the normal token route of Passport should be blocked to everyone except Lumen self. With this only Lumen should be able to set the scope.
TLDR: How can I add middleware to package defined routes in Lumen.
The latest merge of supports prefixing the passport routes.
I added "dusterio/lumen-passport": "dev-master", to my composer.json and Dusterio\LumenPassport\LumenPassport::routes($app, [ 'prefix' => 'api/v1/protected', 'middleware' => 'reject', ]); at the end of my bootstrap/app.php.
See this issue for additional information:

Laravel enable VerifyCsrfToken for specific routes

Running Laravel 5.3 I have certain API routes that my application calls for guests on the site.
I do not want these to be completely public and directly accessible so I'm think that I need to add "VerifyCsrfToken" middleware to these routes only.
I believe that would at least confirm that the request is coming from my application.
Any guidance on this? Thanks
After adding the csrf middleware to the route as suggested by #motie and then also adding the "StartSession" middleware the route seemed to work - but it did not actually work according to what I had hoped - Was hoping for it to compare tokens and the fail if mismatch - but that was not the case.
The VerifyCsrfToken has the following in its checks:
if (
$this->isReading($request) ||
$this->runningUnitTests() ||
$this->shouldPassThrough($request) ||
It requires any one of those conditions to pass - which is a bit strange as the "isReading" simply checks if the request uses "GET" method present so it always passes...
Also calling the StartSession middleware seems to refresh the csrf token for the API route which means the web token and api call token are not the same. I'm think it might just be easier to add this route to the "Web" routes or add the "web" middleware to it...
To enable csrf for some api routes, define an alias for it in ```app/Http/Kernel.php::
tected $routeMiddleware = [
'csrf' => \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class,
'session' => \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class,
then you will be able to add it to the routes you want in api.php.
Route::get('secured-api-route', ['middleware' => 'csrf']);
Using the csrf middleware requires activating the session middleware. Hence, it will be better to create a new middleware group than registering separate middlewares.
'api.csrf' => [
