Trigger a particular flow in Power Automate Desktop - power-automate

I want to trigger a particular flow in Power Automate Desktop. How can I do this instead of clicking on the run button against the flow manually? Is there a way?

there are several ways for you to do this.
Let's say you wanna start a desktop flow by a http request (a post request for example). You can create a simple flow at your cloud PWA using the trigger below:
and then call your desktop flow:
It depends on how you wanna trigger it, if you want you can use a recurrence trigger, the email one, etc.
Let me know if it helped you.


Add multiple events in Google Calendar using batch request

I want to add multiple events in google calendar using google calendar API. I am thinking of using batch request for the same but unfortunately, I couldn't find any helpful pkg or article to help me send batch request using golang.
can anyone please explain me how to send batch request to google calendar to insert event using golang.
Thank you!
The first thing you need to consider is why you want to bother with batching
Batching is not going to save you quota, in some case it will increase the likly hood that you will get a flooding error. All batching saves you is the number of HTTP calls.
You're limited to 50 calls in a single batch request and they must all be to the same authorized user. So unless you are planning on inserting a large number of events to a single users calendar there is really no reason to work out batching.
That being said from what i can see the google-apis-go-client does not support batching and they dont intend to add it. Which would mean that if you do in fact want to add batching you will need to check the first link i posted and code this manually yourself.

Google Drive API for receiving access request notification

I am trying to integrate with Google Drive such that I can receive a notification whenever someone tries to request access for any file in my drive. But, I could not find any such API for that.
I have integrated with Google Drive Watch Changes API, but it doesn't push any event for access requests, otherwise, it works fine. I have also checked List Changes and Query Activity api whether it has any change for such case, but I could not find any such change/activity.
I found out that Slack can receive such notifications which means it is possible somehow. Kindly help, if you know how can it be done.
I assume that your goal is to record each time that someone opens any file in your Drive. If my assumption is correct, then you could use Apps Script API to accomplish your goal. You should create an onOpen() trigger that saves the user interaction (you may want to send yourself an email with MailApp), and apply it to every file that you want to monitor. You can take these project management examples as a reference. Please, ask me any additional doubt about this approach.

How To Integrate Microsoft Flows

I am creating Flows in,
I Don't know that How I can use or call these flow from my website. or how I can integrate it from my website.
What I want : I want to create these flow in my website and want users to select or create flows and then want to trigger these flow on some conditions.
So do I have to design this all in my website or I can integrate already created user flow in my website from
Is there any api to integrate it?
I want to integrate Dynamic 365 and sales force flows
I saw a thread Microsoft Flow integration But no answer here.
Please suggest what should I do to trigger flows from external websites.
One option would be to select "HTTP Request" as the trigger, and pass in a JSON object to start a Flow. This would enable you to call it from an external website with whatever parameters you want.

How to create Processer group in apache-nifi?

I want to create processer-group in Nifi.from somewhere I will get the tenant name Based on tenant I want to make processer-group, is it possible through programmatically? Please reply
As #daggett pointed out in the comments, the Apache NiFi REST API provides documentation on the expected input and response of every API method. To discover the correct method(s) to perform a task, it is often easiest to use the NiFi UI with your browser's developer tools open. The NiFi UI is a reference implementation of an API client, as all UI activities are performed using the API. Simply execute the desired task (i.e. drag a process group onto the canvas and enter a name) and watch the resulting requests fire in the developer tools window.

Need real time example of an action in Microsoft dynamics CRM

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, I know the requirements when to use the plugin, workflows and custom workflows, but I cannot come across those cases or situations when I can use the actions or custom actions.
Can anybody suggest me real time requirement when to use the action?
If possible, please demonstrate an "action" with an example.
Actions are really a supported way to create a custom request, that performs a custom action (or more likely, set of actions) and returns a custom response. I'd say the most likely use case is if you have an external system that needs to perform a set of actions in CRM. Let's say the external system handles phone calls, and needs to create an account, and a phone call record. The custom action could accept the phone number and a couple other fields and then generate the Account, Phone Call, and associate the phone call to the account all in one SOAP request.
One simple use is when you need to execute some server side code from JavaScript by clicking a button in the ribbon OR any where in the client side(not on an entity delete, update, create etc.... messages.) , then you need to create an Action.
e.g if you have to implement some logic and you feel it would be very complex Or not possible on client side (JavaScript), then you should just create an action, implement your logic in that action(server side) and call that action in JavaScript.
For more Info Actions
