How to change build number or version of a currently active internal testing in play console? - google-play-console

Currently I have an app build active for internal testing.
There were some changes in the code resulting a new build so how can I update the currently active version of the internal testing.I could only upload a new build but could not modify any of the existing one?
Do I need to pause the current internal test track and create a new internal test release for every new version?


Run action after a build label is set

I have a standard build configuration, ending with a simple ssh copy of the output files to a remote server.
The process wanted is simple:
The developper pushes the commit to production
Teamcity builds the product
The developper downloads the product from the remote server where build results are stored
The developper tests the product (end-to-end testing, testing setups etc, can't be automated at the moment).
If the product is okay, label the build that produced this output as the new version (let's say 3.2.1).
Teamcity applies the label, and moves the files produced by this build to a folder named after the label value (3.2.1 in this example).
Only the last step is missing, because I don't find any ways to connect on the tag action to trigger some sort of build action.
I already tried to link another build configuration to this one, but the issue is that it has to be triggered by the developper for a specific build ID, so the developper tests the output of a given build, if it's okay, he tells teamcity "Okay, release this build as version 3.2.1" and the build artifacts are persisted in a folder named 3_2_1 for instance.

Create 2 different click once publish from the same project

I have an application which is running on machine with production database,I need to do a quick test against test database, for this I need to create the second publish which will start the new installation instead of updating the production application.
I tried changing product name, but it just update the product name. Is there any setting available in publish, which forces the second publish to start a new installation instead of updating the old first one?
Creating copy of the project will solve the problem, but it would be nice to create the 2 different publish from the same project.
For now changing assembly name and product name does the trick. But I wonder if its possible to publish both production and test simultaneously with different app and publish settings!!

Is it possible to add subscriptions?

We have a setup so initially report is deployed to the draft folder of the server and then we manually move that report to its folder. The problem is that we have lots of subscriptions that needs to be recreated in the SSRS interface every time and thats annoying.
So is it possible to setup those subscriptions in Visual Studio so each deployed version of the report would have all subscriptions ready to go?
The project definition has event generator, which will trigger the batch file you difined, then each time you build new version the event will be triggered.
If you want to triggered the event after running some tasks of new build, you could write batch file to trigger the build and run the task.

Jenkins- multiple locations SVN. Is it possible to specify the build version

I am new to Jenkins CI tool and I want to know if it is possible to specify what build to use when there are several projects, on different SVN locations, dependent on one another. For example, if I have the web project on SVN location1 and the backend project on SVN location2 and the web depends on the backend and one of the developers modifies something in backend, when the web developer does a commit, there will be a build failure. Is there the possibility to specify that the build from the web part should take into consideration build x from backend and not the newest build?
Thanks in advance.
yes that can be done. in Jenkins check for the Build Triggers options in your project web-settings and on the line Build after other projects are built you can specify the name of projects you want to build automatically after there has been changes made to the base project.
And similarly, in the Post-build Actions, look for Build other projects, where you can specify that if the base project builds successfully, it will automatically trigger a build on children projects.
Hope this helps.
Your example of building a project against a specific version of another project is a little non-standard, but not impossible.
In your case, I would use Jenkins' ability to execute arbitrary scripts to help. The script would take care of getting the correct version of the project that the one I want to build depends on.
Building on your example of a Web and Backend project, here's how I would do things without using a parametrized build:
Add a file to the repository of the Web project that stores the version of the Backend project to use
Configure a job to build the Web project when the source for the backend project changes in SVN.
The project should check out the latest version of the Web project
The first Build Step for the project would be a script (Execute Shell or Execute Windows Batch Command) that does the following:
Gets the version of the Backend to use from the file containing the version info
Either pulls the appropriate version of the Backend from the Backend's repository; or pulls the source of the appropriate version of the Backend's source
(If you pulled the source only for the Backend, the next Build Step should be to build the Backend next)
Build the Web piece
Do any unit tests

Private Builds for Continuous Integration using ClearCase

I currently have a CI environment setup using the following tools:
VCS - ClearCase (UCM enabled)
CI Server - Jenkins
Build Engine - MSBuild
Basically Jenkins is polling my UCM Project's Integration stream every 2 minutes and building via a msbuild script I wrote.
While in ClearCase it is not a best practice having a individual stream for each developer, good CI demands private builds to be run before commiting the code. Added to that, ideally i would have atomic commits, which ClearCase provides just on the form of Deliver to stream.
Currently we are working directly on integration stream, and sometimes our builds fail because Jenkins starts building before the developer finishes her check-ins.
My question is, how can I have a private work area (Sandbox) and atomic commits on ClearCase without creating a stream for each developer? Am I missing something?
Currently we are working directly on integration stream, and sometimes our builds fail because Jenkins starts building before the developer finishes her check-ins
You can write your build script in order to detect if a deliver is in progress.
A deliver is characterized by an activity named you can list its content and see if any version in it is in checkout. If yes, the deliver is in progress.
If the most recent deliver has only checked-in versions, you can safely start your build.
How can I have a private work area (Sandbox) and atomic commits on ClearCase without creating a stream for each developer
A private area for Jenkins to use would be a snapshot view on each developer stream.
As the name suggests, a snapshot view would take a snapshot of the code, but you need to define a criteria suggesting that Jenkins can build what the snapshot view has updated.
What I have seen used is a 'BUILD' shifting label (a label you re-apply on the newly updated code, and used by Jenkins in his snapshot view with a selection rule based on that label):
The developer move his/her label when he/she thinks the current code is ready to be build, and a Jenkins jobs update its snapshot view on the developer stream, based on the versions referenced by said shifting label 'BUILD'.
