Iterate between two arrays within a single loop - bash

I have these variables:
bridge_xa_name_list=( "$br_int0_srxa" "$br_int1_srxa" "$br_int2_srxa" "$br_int6_srxa" "$br_int7_srxa" "$br_wan3_srxa1" "$br_wan3_srxa2" )
bridge_xb_name_list=( "$br_int0_srxb" "$br_int1_srxb" "$br_int2_srxb" "$br_int6_srxb" "$br_int7_srxb" "$br_wan3_srxb1" "$br_wan3_srxb2" )
I am trying to use a single loop to iterate all the elements for each array.
At the moment I have a functioning loop but only by referencing the $bridge_xa_name_list
for a in "${bridge_xa_name_list[#]}"; do
shell_echo_textval_green "Network Bridge Name Detected" "$a"
sleep 1
shell_echo_text "Verifying $a network State"
virsh_net_list=$(virsh net-list | grep active | grep $a)
if [[ ! $virsh_net_list == *"active" ]]
shell_echo "[Inactive]"
shell_echo "[Active]"
shell_echo_green "$a.xml found. Undefining anyway."
virsh net-undefine $a
shell_echo_text "File $a.xml is at $srxa_fld_path"
if [[ -f ${srxa_fld_path}${a}.xml ]]
shell_echo "[Yes]"
shell_echo "[Not Found]"
shell_echo_text "Attempting to copy $a.xml template to ~/config/$srxa_nm"
cp $xml_file_path $srxa_fld_path${a}.xml
shell_echo ["Copied"]
#Check if Copy was sucessfull
if [[ -f $srxa_fld_path${a}.xml ]]
shell_echo_red "[Failed]"
shell_echo_red "There was an error when trying to copy ${a}.xml"
shell_echo_error_banner "Script Aborted! 1 error(s)"
exit 1
$a in my script is iterating all the elements from the 1st array. However, I would like to include the second array as part of the same loop.

These are indexed arrays so you can iterate over the indexes:
for (( i = 0; i < ${#bridge_xa_name_list[#]}; i++ )); do
echo "${bridge_xa_name_list[i]}"
echo "${bridge_xb_name_list[i]}"

$a in my script is iterating all the elements from the 1st array. However, I would like to include the second array as part of the same loop.
I think you mean that you want to execute the loop body once for each element of bridge_xa_name_list and also once, separately, for each element of bridge_xb_name_list, without duplicating the body of the loop. Yes, there are at least two easy ways to do that:
Absolutely easiest would be to just specify the additional elements in the loop header:
for a in "${bridge_xa_name_list[#]}" "${bridge_xb_name_list[#]}"; do
# loop body ...
What you need to understand here is that the for loop syntax has nothing in particular to do with accessing an array. The in list of such a command designates zero or more individual values (shell "words") to iterate over, which in the case of your original code are produced by a parameter expansion involving array-valued parameter bridge_xa_name_list. But this is just a special case of the shell's general procedure of expanding each command (path expansion, parameter expansion, command expansion, etc.) before executing it. You can use that however you like.
Make a function around the loop that executes it once for every function argument. Then call that function once for each array:
my_loop() {
for a in "$#"; do
# loop body
# ...
my_loop "${bridge_xa_name_list[#]}"
my_loop "${bridge_xb_name_list[#]}"
Note that this still exhibits the same expand-then-execute behavior described in the previous item, which is why you have to pass the expansion of each array (to one word per element). There is no direct way to pass the whole array as a single argument.
Note also that the shell supports a special shortcut for iterating over all the elements of $#. For that particular case, you can omit the in list altogether:
my_loop() {
for a; do
# loop body
Of course, you can also combine the above, by providing the function and calling it once with the elements of both arrays:
my_loop "${bridge_xa_name_list[#]}" "${bridge_xb_name_list[#]}"


Conditional on non-instantiated variable

I am new to Bash scripting, having a lot more experience with C-type languages. I have written a few scripts with a conditional that checks the value of a non-instantiated variable and if it doesn't exist or match a value sets the variable. On top of that the whole thing is in a for loop. Something like this:
for i in ${!my_array[#]}; do
if [ "${my_array[i]}" = true ]
#do something
This would fail through a null pointer in Java since my_array[i] is not instantiated until after it is checked. Is this good practice in Bash? My script is working the way I designed, but I have learned that just because a kluge works now doesn't mean it will work in the future.
You will find this page on parameter expansion helpful, as well as this one on conditionals.
An easy way to test a variable is to check it for nonzero length.
if [[ -n "$var" ]]
then : do stuff ...
I also like to make it fatal to access a nonexisting variable; this means extra work, but better safety.
set -u # unset vars are fatal to access without exception handling
if [[ -n "${var:-}" ]] # handles unset during check
then : do stuff ...
By default, referencing undefined (or "unset") variable names in shell scripts just gives the empty string. But is an exception: if the shell is run with the -u option or set -u has been run in it, expansions of unset variables are treated as errors and (if the shell is not interactive) cause the shell to exit. Bash applies this principle to array elements as well:
$ array=(zero one two)
$ echo "${array[3]}"
$ echo "array[3] = '${array[3]}'"
array[3] = ''
$ set -u
$ echo "array[3] = '${array[3]}'"
-bash: array[3]: unbound variable
There are also modifiers you can use to control what expansions do if a variable (or array element) is undefined and/or empty (defined as the empty string):
$ array=(zero one '')
$ echo "array[2] is ${array[2]-unset}, array[3] is ${array[3]-unset}"
array[2] is , array[3] is unset
$ echo "array[2] is ${array[2]:-unset or empty}, array[3] is ${array[3]:-unset or empty}"
array[2] is unset or empty, array[3] is unset or empty
There are a bunch of other variants, see the POSIX shell syntax standard, section 2.6.2 (Parameter Expansion).
BTW, you do need to use curly braces (as I did above) around anything other than a plain variable reference. $name[2] is a reference to the plain variable name (or element 0 if it's an array), followed by the string "[2]"; ${name[2]}, on the other hand, is a reference to element 2 of the array name. Also, you pretty much always want to wrap variable references in double-quotes (or include them in double-quoted strings), to prevent the shell from "helpfully" splitting them into words and/or expanding them into lists of matching files. For example, this test:
if [ $my_array[i] = true ]
is (mostly) equivalent to:
if [ ${my_array[0]}[i] = true ]
...which isn't what you want at all. But this one:
if [ ${my_array[i]} = true ]
still doesn't work, because if my_array[i] is unset (or empty) it'll expand to the equivalent of:
if [ = true ]
...which is bad test expression syntax. You want this:
if [ "${my_array[i]}" = true ]

Get length of an empty or unset array when “nounset” option is in effect

Due to the fact that Bash, when running in set -o nounset mode (aka set -u), may consider empty arrays as unset regardless of whether they have actually been assigned an empty value, care must be taken when attempting to expand an array — one of the workarounds is to check whether the array length is zero. Not to mention that getting the number of elements in an array is a common operation by itself.
While developing with Bash 4.2.47(1)-release in openSUSE 42.1, I accustomed to that getting array size with ${#ARRAY_NAME[#]} succeeds when array is either empty or unset. However, while checking my script with Bash 4.3.46(1)-release in FreeBSD 10.3, it turned out that this operation may fail with generic “unbound variable” error message. Providing default value for expansion does not seem to work for array length. Providing alternative command chains seems to work, but not inside a function called through a subshell expansion — functions just exits after the first failure. What else can be of any help here?
Consider the following example:
function Size ()
declare VAR="$1"
declare REF="\${#${VAR}[#]}"
eval "echo \"${REF}\" || echo 0" 2>/dev/null || echo 0
set -u
declare -a MYARRAY
echo "size: ${#MYARRAY[#]}"
echo "size: ${#MYARRAY[#]-0}"
echo "Size: $(Size 'MYARRAY')"
echo -n "Size: "; Size 'MYARRAY'
In openSUSE environment, all echo lines output 0, as expected. In FreeBSD, the same outcome is only possible when the array is explicitly assigned an empty value: MYARRAY=(); otherwise, both inline queries in the first two lines fail, the third line just outputs Size: (meaning that the expansion result is empty), and only the last line succeeds completely thanks to the outer || echo 0 — however passing the result through to the screen is not what is usually intended when trying to obtain array length.
Here is the summary of my observations:
Bash 4.2 Bash 4.3
openSUSE FreeBSD
counting elements of unset array OK FAILED
counting elements of empty array OK OK
content expansion of unset array FAILED FAILED
content expansion of unset array(*) OK OK
content expansion of empty array FAILED FAILED
content expansion of empty array(*) OK OK
(* with fallback value supplied)
To me, that looks pretty inconsistent. Is there any real future-proof and cross-platform solution for that?
There are known (documented) differences between the Linux and BSD flavors of bash. I would suggest writing your code as per the POSIX standard. You can start here for more information ->
With that in mind, you can start bash with the --posix command-line option or you can execute the command set -o posix while bash is running. Either will cause bash to conform to the POSIX standard.
The above suggestion will increase the probability of cross-platform consistency.
As a temporary solution, I followed the route suggested by #william-pursell and just unset the nounset option during the query:
function GetArrayLength ()
declare ARRAY_NAME="$1"
case "$-" in
set +u
eval "echo \"${INDIRECT_REFERENCE}\""
set -u
eval "echo \"${INDIRECT_REFERENCE}\""
(Using if instead of case leads to negligibly slower execution on my test machines. Moreover, case allows matching additional options easily if that would become necessary sometime.)
I also tried exploiting the fact that content expansion (with fallback or replacement value) usually succeeds even for unset arrays:
function GetArrayLength ()
declare ARRAY_NAME="$1"
if [[ -z "${!INDIRECT_REFERENCE+isset}" ]]; then
echo 0
eval "echo \"${INDIRECT_REFERENCE}\""
However, it turns out that Bash does not optimize ${a[#]+b} expansion, as execution time clearly increases for larger arrays — although being the smallest one for empty or unset arrays.
Nevertheless, if anyone has a better solution, fell free to post other answers.

Evaluate variable in if statement

So I have an array like:
al_ap_version=('ap_version' '[[ $data -ne $version ]]')
And the condition gets evaluated inside a loop like:
for alert in alert_list; do
data=$(tail -1 somefile)
condition=$(eval echo \${$alert[1]})
if eval "$condition" ; then
echo SomeAlert
Whilst this generally works with many scenarios, if $data returns something like "-/-" or "4.2.9", I get errors as it doesn't seem to like complex strings in the variable.
Obviously I can't enclose the variable in single quotes as it won't expand so I'm after any ideas to expand the $data variable (or indeed the $version var which suffers the same possible fate) in a way that the evaluation can handle?
Ignoring the fact that eval is probably super dangerous to use here (unless the data in somefile is controlled by you and only you), there are a few issues to fix in your example code.
In your for loop, alert_list needs to be $alert_list.
Also, as pointed out by #choroba, you should be using != instead of -ne since your input isn't always an integer.
Finally, while debugging, you can add set -x to the top of your script, or add -x to the end of your shebang line to enable verbose output (helps to determine how bash is expanding your variables).
This works for me:
#!/bin/bash -x
al_ap_version=('ap_version' '[[ $data != $version ]]')
for alert in $alert_list; do
condition=$(eval echo \${$alert[1]})
if eval "$condition"; then
echo "alert"
You could try a more functional approach, even though bash is only just barely capable of such things. On the whole, it is usually a lot easier to pack an action to be executed into a bash function and refer to it with the name of the function, than to try to maintain the action as a string to be evaluated.
But first, the use of an array of names of arrays is awkward. Let's get rid of it.
It's not clear to me the point of element 0, ap_version, in the array al_ap_version but I suppose it has something to do with error messages. If the order of alert processing isn't important, you could replace the list of names of arrays with a single associative array:
declare -A alert_list
alert_list[ap_version]=... # see below
and then process them with:
for alert_name in ${!alert_list[#]}; do
Having done that, we can get rid of the eval, with its consequent ugly necessity for juggling quotes, by creating a bash function for each alert:
check_ap_version() {
(($version != $1))
Edit: It seems that $1 is not necessarily numeric, so it would be better to use a non-numeric comparison, although exact version match might not be what you're after either. So perhaps it would be better to use:
check_ap_version() {
[[ $version != $1 ]]
Note the convention that the first argument of the function is the data value.
Now we can insert the name of the function into the alert array, and call it indirectly in the loop:
declare -A alert_list
check_alerts() {
local alert_name alert
local data=$(tail -1 somefile)
for alert_name in ${!alert_list[#]}; do
if $alert "$data"; then
signal_alert $alert_name
If you're prepared to be more disciplined about the function names, you can avoid the associative array, and thereby process the alerts in order. Suppose, for example, that every function has the name check_<alert_name>. Then the above could be:
alert_list=(ap_version os_dsk)
check_alerts() {
local alert_name
local data=$(tail -1 somefile)
for alert_name in $alert_list[#]; do
if check_$alert_name "$data"; then
signal_alert $alert_name

Bash Function is not getting called, unless I echo the return value

In my program I am trying to return a value from a function, the return value is string. Everything works fine(atleast some part), if I echo the value once it is returned, but it is not even calling the function, if I dont return.... Consider the code below....
function get_last_name() {
echo "Get Last Name"
set $ipath
for item
echo $last
main() {
current=$(get_last_name "$path")
echo -n "Current="
echo $current
It gives me an output like this
Current=Get Last Name iface0
If I comment the echo $current, then the I am not even seeing the "Get Last Name", which makes to come to conclusion, that it is not even calling the function. Please let me know what mistake I am making. But one thing I am sure, bash is the ugliest language I have ever seen.......
Functions do not have return values in bash. When you write
current=$(get_last_name "$path")
you are not assigning a return value to current. You are capturing the standard output of get_last_name (written using the echo command) and assigning it to current. That's why you don't see "Get last name"; that text does not make it to the terminal, but is stored in current.
Detailed explanation
Let's walk through get_last_name first (with some slight modifications to simplify the explanation):
function get_last_name () {
local IFS='/'
set $ipath
for item
echo "Get Last Name"
echo $last
I added the local command before IFS so that the change is confined to the body of get_last_name, and I moved the first echo to the end to emphasize the similarity between the two echo statements. When get_last_name is called, it processes its single argument (a string containing a file path), then echoes two strings: "Get Last Name" and the final component of the file path. If you were to run execute this function from the command line, it would appear something like this:
$ get_last_name /foo/bar/baz
Get Last Name
The exit code of the function would be the exit code of the last command executed, in this case echo $last. This will be 0 as long as the write succeeds (which it almost certainly will).
Now, we look at the function main, which calls get_last_name:
main() {
current=$(get_last_name "$path")
echo -n "Current="
echo $current
Just like with get_last_name, main will not have a return value; it will produce an exit code which is the exit code of echo $current. The function begins by calling get_last_name inside a command substitution ($(...)), which will capture all the standard output from get_last_name and treat it as a string.
Note the difference between the following:
current=$(get_last_name "$path")
sets the value of current to the accumulated standard output of get_last_name. (Among other things, newlines in the output are replaced with spaces, but the full explanation of how whitespace is handled is a topic for another day). This has nothing to do with return values; remember, the exit code (the closet thing bash has to "return values") is a single integer.
current=get_last_name "$path"
would not even call get_last_name. It would interpret "$path" as the name of a command and try to execute it. That command would have a variable current with the string value "get_last_name" in its environment.
The point being, get_last_name doesn't "return" anything that you can assign to a variable. It has an exit code, and it can write to standard output. The $(...) construct lets you capture that output as a string, which you can then (among other things) assign to a variable.
Back to main
Once the value of current is set to the output generated by get_last_name, we execute
two last echo statements to write to standard output again. The first writes "Current=" without a newline, so that the next echo statement produces text on the same line as the first. The second just echoes the value of current.
When you commented out the last echo of main, you didn't stop get_last_name from being executed (it had already been executed). Rather, you just didn't print the contents of the current variable, where the output of get_last_name was placed rather than on the terminal.

In shell, How do I efficiently process arguments passed to a function to invoke other programs without using too many conditional statements?

I don't have much practical programming experience.
I wrote a function in shell script to take parameters based on whose values an external program is invoked with other parameters. (the program name is passed as a parameter to the function, $1 in this case).
Somehow I find this code shitty and would like to reduce the lines and make it more efficient. I feel like there are too many conditions here and there might be an easier way to do this. Any ideas? There has to be a better way to do this. Thanks.
Code is here
You can build the argument list as an array, with separate conditionals for each variable part of the list (rather than nested conditionals as you have). This is very similar to Roland Illig's answer, except that using an array rather than a text variable avoids possible problems with funny characters (like spaces) in arguments (see BashFAQ #050) -- it's probably not needed here, but I prefer to do it the safe way to avoid surprises later. Also, note that I've assumed the arguments must be in a certain order -- if -disp can go before `refresh, then the "all versions" parts can all be put together at the beginning.
# Build the argument list, depending on a variety of conditions
arg_list=("-res" "$2" "$3") # all versions start this way
if [ "$7" = "allresolutions" ]; then
# allresolutions include the refresh rate parameter to be passed
arg_list+=("-refresh" "$4")
arg_list+=("-disp" "$5") # all versions need the disp value
if [ "$6" = "nooptions" ]; then
: # nothing to add
elif [ "$6" = "vcaa" ]; then
arg_list+=("-vcaa" "5")
elif [ "$6" = "fsaa" ]; then
arg_list+=("-fsaa" "4")
elif [ "$6" = "vcfsaa" ]; then
arg_list+=("-vcaa" "5" "-fsaa" "4")
if [ "$1" != "gears" ]; then
# ctree has time-to-run passed as parameter to account for suitable time for
# logging fps score. If bubble fps capture strategy is different from ctree,
# then this if statement has to be modified accordingly
arg_list+=("-sec" "$8")
# Now actually run it
./"$1" "${arg_list[#]}" &>> ~/fps.log
Instead of the repeated inner "if … elif … fi" you can do this part of the argument processing once and save it in a variable (here: options).
case $6 in
nooptions) options="";;
vcaa) options="-vcaa 5";;
fsaa) options="-fsaa 4";;
vcfsaa) options="-vcaa 5 -fsaa 4";;
./$1 -res $2 $3 -refresh $4 -disp $5 $options -sec $8
You could use getopts (see example) if you process that large number of arguments.
