Quill Editor Component throws only in production -> TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'className') - laravel

I'm using quill editor as rich text editor component and in development everything works fine but as soon as I launch my web app in a production environment, the component throws following error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'className')
at new t (cms-editor.58b2a676.js:1:4281)
at T.value (main.5b8d6e17.js:809:22276)
at T.value (main.5b8d6e17.js:810:2735)
at main.5b8d6e17.js:809:22151
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at T.value (main.5b8d6e17.js:809:22109)
at new Y (main.5b8d6e17.js:788:5408)
at o (main.5b8d6e17.js:829:1661)
at main.5b8d6e17.js:829:1411
at Kt (main.5b8d6e17.js:4:656)
Gv # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
or # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
Kt # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
wt # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
t.__weh.t.__weh # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
Do # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
te # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
mount # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
t.mount # main.5b8d6e17.js:4
setup # main.5b8d6e17.js:831
(anonymous) # main.5b8d6e17.js:12
Promise.then (async)
zh # main.5b8d6e17.js:12
(anonymous) # main.5b8d6e17.js:831
The top log message suggests that cms-editor seems to be the origin of the error:
<div id="cms-editor" class="cms-editor">
<quill-editor ref="quill" :modules="modules" :toolbar="toolbar" v-model:content="content" contentType="html"/>
<script setup>
import BlotFormatter from 'quill-blot-formatter'
import {ref, watchEffect} from 'vue'
import {Quill} from "#vueup/vue-quill";
const props = defineProps({
body: String,
triggerEmit: Boolean
const content = ref(props.body || '')
const emit = defineEmits(['emitBody'])
watchEffect(async () => {
if (props.triggerEmit) {
const body = await compressHtml(content.value)
emit('emitBody', body)
const quill = ref(null)
const compressImage = (dataUrl, width, mime, resize) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const img = new Image();
img.src = dataUrl
img.onload = () => {
const height = Math.round(img.height / img.width * width)
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height);
resolve(canvas.toDataURL(mime, resize));
const compressHtml = async (content) => {
let body = content.split('<')
let count = 1
for (const id in body) {
count = count + 1
let el = body[id]
if (el.substr(0, 3) == 'img') {
const dataUrl = el.split('"')[1]
const src = el.split('"')[1].split(',')[1]
const mime = el.split('data:')[1].split(';')[0]
const size = atob(src).length;
if (size >= 250000) {
let img_el = await compressImage(dataUrl, 600, mime, .9)
.then(res => {
return 'img src="' + res + '">';
body[id] = img_el
return body.join('<')
const toolbar = [
[{header: [1, 2, 3, false]}],
[{size: ['small', false, 'large', 'huge']}],
['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'],
['blockquote', 'code-block'],
[{align: []}],
[{list: 'ordered'}, {list: 'bullet'}],
[{color: []}, {background: []}],
['link', 'image'],
const modules = {
module: BlotFormatter,
var BaseImageFormat = Quill.import('formats/image');
const ImageFormatAttributesList = [
//make quill image alignment work
class ImageFormat extends BaseImageFormat {
static formats(domNode) {
return ImageFormatAttributesList.reduce(function (formats, attribute) {
if (domNode.hasAttribute(attribute)) {
formats[attribute] = domNode.getAttribute(attribute);
return formats;
}, {});
format(name, value) {
if (ImageFormatAttributesList.indexOf(name) > -1) {
if (value) {
this.domNode.setAttribute(name, value);
} else {
} else {
super.format(name, value);
Quill.register(ImageFormat, true);
The error is thrown instantly, when the component is loaded. The props do not seem to play a role because I tried commenting them out and the error still gets thrown. Any idea how I could debug this?
I'm using inertia.js if that is relevant.

Your blot formatter might be configured in a wrong way. I didn't really use this feature in my App, so I disabled / removed it and the production error disappears.
See issue here:


How to use React useContext with leaflet routing machine and react leaflet?

I'm trying to use a useContext hook inside a react-leaflet controlComponent but I have an error when my context fires the update function.
I use a react-leaflet controlComponent because of leaflet routing machine. I think the code + the error are better than word:
export const CartographyContext: React.Context<CartographyContextType> = React.createContext<CartographyContextType>({ positions: [] });
const routeSummaryValueContext = React.useMemo(
() => ({ routeSummary, setRouteSummary }),
const elevationProfileValueContext = React.useMemo(
() => ({ elevationProfile, setElevationProfile }),
<CartographyContext.Provider value={{ positions, elevationProfileValueContext, routeSummaryValueContext, positionsValueContext, addPosition, changePosition }}>
}} />
const CreateRoutineMachineLayer = (props: any) => {
const geoService = new GeoLocalisationService();
const cartographyContext: CartographyContextType = React.useContext<CartographyContextType>(CartographyContext);
const [routes, setRoutes] = React.useState<any[]>();
React.useEffect(() => {
if (routes) {
//The line which cause the error
cartographyContext.elevationProfileValueContext.setElevationProfile(geoService.getElevationProfile(decodePolyline(routes[0].geometry, true)));
const summary: RouteSummary = {
ascent: routes[0].routeSummary.ascent,
descent: routes[0].routeSummary.descent,
distance: routes[0].routeSummary.distance,
estimatedDuration: routes[0].routeSummary.duration
}, [routes]);
const { orsOptions } = props;
const instance = L.Routing.control({
router: new OpenRouteRouter(orsOptions),
lineOptions: {
styles: [{ color: "#3933ff", weight: 4 }],
extendToWaypoints: true,
missingRouteTolerance: 0
routeWhileDragging: true,
autoRoute: true,
geocoder: new geocoder.Geocoder(),
}).on('routesfound', (e) => {
click: (e: L.LeafletMouseEvent) => {
if (instance.getWaypoints().length === 2 && instance.getWaypoints()[0].latLng == null) {
instance.spliceWaypoints(0, 1, new L.Routing.Waypoint(e.latlng, null, {}));
} else if (instance.getWaypoints().length === 2 && instance.getWaypoints()[1].latLng == null) {
instance.spliceWaypoints(1, 1, new L.Routing.Waypoint(e.latlng, null, {}));
} else {
instance.spliceWaypoints(instance.getWaypoints().length, 0, new L.Routing.Waypoint(e.latlng, null, {}));
return instance;
const RoutingMachine = createControlComponent(CreateRoutineMachineLayer);
error :
g: React has detected a change in the order of Hooks called by ForwardRef(LeafComponent). This will lead to bugs and errors if not fixed. For more information, read the Rules of Hooks: https://reactjs.org/link/rules-of-hooks
Previous render Next render
1. useContext useContext
2. useRef useRef
3. useContext useRef
Uncaught Error: Rendered fewer hooks than expected. This may be caused by an accidental early return statement.
I clearly doing something wrong here but I haven't found yet.
Thank you
Kind regards
Ok I found the good implementation :
const RoutingMachine: React.FC<RoutingMachineProps> = (props) => {
//const RoutineMachine = (props: any) => {
const geoService = new GeoLocalisationService();
const cartographyContext: CartographyContextType = React.useContext<CartographyContextType>(CartographyContext);
const [instance, setInstance] = React.useState<any>();
const [alreadyDisplayed, setAlreadyDisplayed] = React.useState(false);
const { orsOptions } = props;
const map = useMap();
//const instance = L.Routing.control({
React.useEffect(() => {
const instance = L.Routing.control({
router: new OpenRouteRouter(orsOptions),
lineOptions: {
styles: [{ color: "#3933ff", weight: 4 }],
extendToWaypoints: true,
missingRouteTolerance: 0
routeWhileDragging: true,
autoRoute: true,
geocoder: (L.Control as any).Geocoder.google({
apiKey: GOOGLE.googleMapApiKey,
}).on('routesfound', (e) => {
const routes = e.routes;
cartographyContext.setElevationProfile(geoService.getElevationProfile(decodePolyline(routes[0].geometry, true)));
const summary: RouteSummary = {
ascent: routes[0].routeSummary.ascent,
descent: routes[0].routeSummary.descent,
distance: routes[0].routeSummary.distance,
estimatedDuration: routes[0].routeSummary.duration
}, []);
click: (e: L.LeafletMouseEvent) => {
if (instance) {
if (instance.getWaypoints().length === 2 && instance.getWaypoints()[0].latLng == null) {
instance.spliceWaypoints(0, 1, new L.Routing.Waypoint(e.latlng, null, {}));
} else if (instance.getWaypoints().length === 2 && instance.getWaypoints()[1].latLng == null) {
instance.spliceWaypoints(1, 1, new L.Routing.Waypoint(e.latlng, null, {}));
} else {
instance.spliceWaypoints(instance.getWaypoints().length, 0, new L.Routing.Waypoint(e.latlng, null, {}));
return null;
export default RoutingMachine;

Visual regression in Cypress

I am doing a visual regression :
code: plugins/indexts
on('task', {
graphicsMatch: ({ img1Path, img2Path, diffImgPath }) => {
const img1 = PNG.sync.read(fs.readFileSync(img1Path));
const img2 = PNG.sync.read(fs.readFileSync(img2Path));
const { width, height } = img1;
const diff = new PNG({ width, height });
let pixelCount = pixelmatch(img1.data, img2.data, diff.data);
fs.writeFileSync(diffImgPath, PNG.sync.write(diff));
return pixelCount;
And('I capture the screenshot of {string}', (editorDocument: string) => {
'the generated pdf is as expected {string} and {string}',
(nameOfFeatureFile: string, editorScreenshot: string) => {
nameOfFeaturefile: string,
actualFileName: string,
expectedFileName: string,
) {
cy.get('#generatedFileName').then((receivedFileName) => {
const sourceFilePath = `${FilesApi.screesnShotsFolder}${FilesApi.visualTestingFeaturesFolder}/${nameOfFeaturefile}/${actualFileName}${FilesApi.graphicExt}`;
const expectedFilePath = `${FilesApi.expectedExportsFolder}${expectedFileName}${FilesApi.graphicExt}`;
const diffFilePath = `${FilesApi.actualExportsFolder}${actualFileName}-${FilesApi.graphicsDiffSufix}${FilesApi.graphicExt}`;
cy.task('graphicsMatch', {
img1Path: sourceFilePath,
img2Path: expectedFilePath,
diffImgPath: diffFilePath,
}).then((pixelsDiff) => {});
i am using pixelmatch here,i have used viewport as 1280x720 in json file locally it works fine but fails on CI as the resolution of screenshot is not persistent
i have even tried cy.viewport(1280, 720) before capturescreenshot it didnt work as well.
How do i fix this issue, please help.

Implement force-directed graph in next js

I'm trying to create a force-directed graph for mapping the interactions between courses in an institution. Using Next JS + TypeScript for my frontend.
Have tried several attempts at charting this out using react-flow, dagre, vis-network but am getting either a window : undefined error or just the damn alignment of nodes not being force-directed inside the box I have defined.
Before I move on with implementing d3-force right out of the box, can someone please recommend any alternative solution to this ?
Here's what my nodes & edges look like :
Here's my attempt with reactflow & dagre :
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import ReactFlow, {
} from 'react-flow-renderer';
import dagre from 'dagre';
import { NodeData, useCourseNodes } from 'src/hooks/useCourseNodes';
import { useDepartment } from '#contexts/ActiveDepartmentContext';
import {
} from '#contexts/ActiveCourseContext';
import { useDrawerOpen, useUpdateDrawerOpen } from '#contexts/DrawerContext';
const dagreGraph = new dagre.graphlib.Graph({directed:true});
dagreGraph.setDefaultEdgeLabel(() => ({}));
const nodeWidth = 10.2;
const nodeHeight = 6.6;
const getLayoutedElements = (
nodes: Node[],
) => {
// const isHorizontal = direction === 'LR';
dagreGraph.setGraph( {width:900, height:900, nodesep:20, ranker:'longest-path' });
nodes.forEach((node: Node) => {
dagreGraph.setNode(node.id, { width: nodeWidth, height: nodeHeight });
edges.forEach((edge: Edge) => {
dagreGraph.setEdge(edge.source, edge.target);
nodes.forEach((node) => {
const nodeWithPosition = dagreGraph.node(node.id);
// node.targetPosition = isHorizontal ? Position.Left : Position.Top;
// node.sourcePosition = isHorizontal ? Position.Right : Position.Bottom;
node.targetPosition = Position.Top;
node.sourcePosition = Position.Bottom;
// We are shifting the dagre node position (anchor=center center) to the top left
// so it matches the React Flow node anchor point (top left).
node.position = {
x: nodeWithPosition.x - nodeWidth / 2,
y: nodeWithPosition.y - nodeHeight / 2,
return node;
return { layoutedNodes:nodes, layoutedEdges:edges };
const LayoutFlow = () => {
const activeDept = useDepartment();
const setActiveCourse = useUpdateActiveCourse();
const setDrawerOpen = useUpdateDrawerOpen()
const drawerOpen = useDrawerOpen();
const {courseList, edgeList} = useCourseNodes()
const { layoutedNodes, layoutedEdges } = getLayoutedElements(courseList, edgeList)
const [nodes, setNodes, onNodesChange] = useNodesState(layoutedNodes);
const [edges, setEdges,onEdgesChange] = useEdgesState(layoutedEdges);
const onConnect = useCallback(
(params) =>
setEdges((eds) =>
addEdge({ ...params, type: ConnectionLineType.SimpleBezier, animated: true }, eds),
// ? For switching between layouts (horizontal & vertical) for phone & desktop
// const onLayout = useCallback(
// (direction) => {
// const { nodes: layoutedNodes, edges: layoutedEdges } = getLayoutedElements(
// nodes,
// edges,
// direction
// );
// setNodes([...layoutedNodes]);
// setEdges([...layoutedEdges]);
// },
// [nodes, edges]
// );
// ? M1 - for force re-rendering react flow graph on state change - https://github.com/wbkd/react-flow/issues/1168
// ? M2 - (Applied currently in useEffect block below)for force re-rendering react flow graph on state change - https://github.com/wbkd/react-flow/issues/1168
useEffect(() => {
const {layoutedNodes, layoutedEdges} = getLayoutedElements(courseList, edgeList)
}, [activeDept, drawerOpen]);
return (
<div style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }} className="layoutflow">
onNodeClick={(e: React.MouseEvent, node: Node<NodeData>) => {
// created a copy of the node since we're only deleting the "label" property from the node object to conveniently map the rest of the data to the "data" property of the active course
const nodeCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(node))
const { data } = nodeCopy;
const { label } = data
delete data.label
courseId: label,
<MiniMap />
<Controls />
{/* <Background /> */}
<div className="controls">
{/* <button onClick={() => onLayout('TB')}>vertical layout</button>
<button onClick={() => onLayout('LR')}>horizontal layout</button> */}
export default LayoutFlow;
Here's my attempt with vis-network : (note : I did slightly modify edges to have from-to instead of source-target when working with this)
import { useCourseNodes } from "#hooks/useCourseNodes";
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { Network } from "vis-network";
const GraphLayoutFour: React.FC = () => {
const {courseList:nodes, edgeList:edges} = useCourseNodes()
// Create a ref to provide DOM access
const visJsRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
useEffect(() => {
const network =
visJsRef.current &&
new Network(visJsRef.current, { nodes, edges } );
// Use `network` here to configure events, etc
}, [visJsRef, nodes, edges]);
return typeof window !== "undefined" ? <div ref={visJsRef} /> : <p>NOT AVAILABLE</p>;
export default GraphLayoutFour;
Here's my attempt with react-sigma
import React, { ReactNode, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { UndirectedGraph } from "graphology";
import erdosRenyi from "graphology-generators/random/erdos-renyi";
import randomLayout from "graphology-layout/random";
import chroma from "chroma-js";
import { Attributes } from "graphology-types";
import { ControlsContainer, ForceAtlasControl, SearchControl, SigmaContainer, useLoadGraph, useRegisterEvents, useSetSettings, useSigma, ZoomControl } from "react-sigma-v2/lib/esm";
interface MyCustomGraphProps {
children?: ReactNode;
export const MyCustomGraph: React.FC<MyCustomGraphProps> = ({ children }) => {
const sigma = useSigma();
const registerEvents = useRegisterEvents();
const loadGraph = useLoadGraph();
const setSettings = useSetSettings();
const [hoveredNode, setHoveredNode] = useState<any>(null);
useEffect(() => {
// Create the graph
const graph = erdosRenyi(UndirectedGraph, { order: 100, probability: 0.2 });
graph.nodes().forEach(node => {
graph.mergeNodeAttributes(node, {
label: "label",
size: Math.max(4, Math.random() * 10),
color: chroma.random().hex(),
// Register the events
enterNode: event => setHoveredNode(event.node),
leaveNode: () => setHoveredNode(null),
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
nodeReducer: (node, data) => {
const graph = sigma.getGraph();
const newData: Attributes = { ...data, highlighted: data.highlighted || false };
if (hoveredNode) {
//TODO : add type safety
if (node === hoveredNode || (graph as any).neighbors(hoveredNode).includes(node)) {
newData.highlighted = true;
} else {
newData.color = "#E2E2E2";
newData.highlighted = false;
return newData;
edgeReducer: (edge, data) => {
const graph = sigma.getGraph();
const newData = { ...data, hidden: false };
//TODO : add type safety
if (hoveredNode && !(graph as any).extremities(edge).includes(hoveredNode)) {
newData.hidden = true;
return newData;
}, [hoveredNode]);
return <>{children}</>;
<MyCustomGraph />
<ControlsContainer position={"bottom-right"}>
<ZoomControl />
<ForceAtlasControl autoRunFor={2000} />
<ControlsContainer position={"top-right"}>
<SearchControl />
import { useCourseNodes } from '#hooks/useCourseNodes'
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import React from 'react'
import { useSigma } from 'react-sigma-v2/lib/esm';
const GraphLayoutThree = () => {
const isBrowser = () => typeof window !== "undefined"
const { courseList, edgeList } = useCourseNodes()
const sigma = useSigma();
if(isBrowser) {
const SigmaContainer = dynamic(import("react-sigma-v2").then(mod => mod.SigmaContainer), {ssr: false});
const MyGraph = dynamic(import("./CustomGraph").then(mod => mod.MyCustomGraph), {ssr: false});
return (
<SigmaContainer style={{ height: "500px", width: "500px" }} >
else return (<p>NOT AVAILABLE</p>)
export default GraphLayoutThree
Here's my attempt with react-force-graph (note : I did slightly modify edges to have from-to instead of source-target when working with this)
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const GraphLayoutTwo = () => {
const isBrowser = () => typeof window !== "undefined"
if(isBrowser) {
const MyGraph = dynamic(import("./CustomGraphTwo").then(mod => mod.default), {ssr: false});
return (
else return (<p>NOT AVAILABLE</p>)
export default GraphLayoutTwo
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
const GraphLayoutTwo = () => {
const isBrowser = () => typeof window !== "undefined"
if(isBrowser) {
const MyGraph = dynamic(import("./CustomGraphTwo").then(mod => mod.default), {ssr: false});
return (
else return (<p>NOT AVAILABLE</p>)
export default GraphLayoutTwo
To implement something similar we use react-graph-vis inside a nextjs application.
If you have the window is not defined error, just wrap the component and import it with dynamic
// components/graph.tsx
export const Graph = ({data, options, events, ...props}) => {
return (
then in your page
// pages/index.ts
const Graph = dynamic(() => (import("../components/graph").then(cmp => cmp.Graph)), { ssr: false })
const Index = () => {
return (
<Graph data={...} .... />
export default Index;

Camera rotation and OrbitControls in react-three/fiber

I am trying to create a scene with react-three/fiber and react-three/drei. I want to use a PerspectiveCamera and be able to pan/zoom/rotate with the mouse, but I am also trying to add some buttons that can update the camera position and target in order to have different views (eg. top view, bottom view, side view, etc). I have achieved the latter part and my buttons seem to be working as I update the target x,y,z and position x,y,z using props.
The only problem is that the camera is not responding to the mouse so I only get a fixed camera position and target.
I have included all the scene codes below.
import React,{ useRef, useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import * as THREE from 'three';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import { PerspectiveCamera, Icosahedron, OrbitControls } from '#react-three/drei'
import { Canvas, useThree } from "#react-three/fiber";
function VisualizationComponent(props) {
const width = window.innerWidth;
const height = window.innerHeight;
const [controls, setControls] = useState(null);
const [threeState, setThreeState] = useState(null);
const [treeStateInitialized, setThreeStateInitialized] = useState(false);
_.forOwn(props.objects, (value, key) => {
return () => {
if(controls) controls.dispose();
function usePrevious(value) {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
const { objects } = props
const prevState = usePrevious({objects});
const mainCamera = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
if(!threeState) return;
if (
!treeStateInitialized ||
shouldUpdateObjects(props.objects, prevState.objects)
) {
_.forOwn(props.objects, (value, key) => {
const addDefaultObjects = () => {
if (threeState) {
var hemiLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight( 0xffffbb, 0x080820, 0.2 );
hemiLight.position.set( 0, 0, 1 );
threeState.scene.add( hemiLight );
const garbageCollectOldObjects = () => {
while (threeState && threeState.scene.children.length) {
const oldObject = threeState.scene.children[0];
oldObject.traverse((child) => {
if (child.geometry) {
if(child.material && Array.isArray(child.material)){
child.material.forEach(d => d.dispose());
const shouldUpdateObjects = (currentObjects,nextObjects) => {
const result = false;
let currentDigest = 1;
let nextDigest = 1;
_.forIn(currentObjects, (value, key) => {
currentDigest *= value.id;
_.forIn(nextObjects, (value, key) => {
nextDigest *= value.id;
return currentDigest !== nextDigest;
const hasAncestorWhichDisablesThreeJs = (element) => {
if (!element) return false;
let isEditable = false;
for (let i = 0; i < element.classList.length; i++) {
if (element.classList[i] === 'disable-threejs-controls') {
isEditable = true;
return isEditable ||
const initializeScene = (state) => {
return (
onMouseOver={ (e) => {
const target = e.target;
if (!target || !controls) return true;
if (hasAncestorWhichDisablesThreeJs(target)) {
controls.enabled = false;
} else {
controls.enabled = true;
} }
onCreated={ (state) => {initializeScene(state)}}
'shadowMap.enabled' : true,
'alpha' : true
position-x={props.cameraX || 0}
position-y={props.cameraY || -20}
position-z={props.cameraZ || 20}
up={[0, 0, 1]}
fov={ 15 }
aspect={ width / height }
near={ 1 }
far={ 10000 }
target-x={props.targetX || 0}
target-y={props.targetY || 0}
target-z={props.targetZ || 0}
<div className='threejs-react-container'>
{ props.children }
VisualizationComponent.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,
objects: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
cameraX: PropTypes.number,
cameraY: PropTypes.number,
cameraZ: PropTypes.number,
targetX: PropTypes.number,
targetY: PropTypes.number,
targetZ: PropTypes.number,
export default withRouter(VisualizationComponent);

Nunjucks setup for koa v2

I have a Koa v2 app with koa-views#next as a renderer and nunjucks templating engine. Here is my working setup, which don't have any problem, I just confused with the double declaration of the views folder:
const Koa = require('koa');
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
const path = require('path');
const router = require('koa-router')();
const views = require('koa-views');
const app = new Koa();
const index = require('./routes/index');
app.use(views(path.join(__dirname, 'views'), {
extension: 'njk',
map: { njk: 'nunjucks' },
nunjucks.configure(path.join(__dirname, 'views'), {
autoescape: true,
router.use('/', index.routes(), index.allowedMethods());
But if I don't do this, the rendering doesn't work. If I uncommenting the nunjucks.configure block, I'm getting the following error:
Template render error: (unknown path)
Error: template not found: layout.njk
Is there any problem with my setup?
I come up a solution to use nunjucks without any other renderer library in koa v2:
import njk from './nunjucks';
// Templating - Must be used before any router
app.use(njk(path.join(__dirname, 'views'), {
extname: '.njk',
noCache: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
throwOnUndefined: true,
filters: {
json: function (str) {
return JSON.stringify(str, null, 2);
upperCase: str => str.toUpperCase(),
globals: {
version: 'v3.0.0',
// Inspired by:
// https://github.com/ohomer/koa-nunjucks-render/blob/master/index.js
// https://github.com/beliefgp/koa-nunjucks-next/blob/master/index.js
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');
function njk(path, opts) {
const env = nunjucks.configure(path, opts);
const extname = opts.extname || '';
const filters = opts.filters || {};
const f = Object.keys(filters).length;
let i = 0;
while (i < f) {
env.addFilter(Object.keys(filters)[i], Object.values(filters)[i]);
i += 1;
const globals = opts.globals || {};
const g = Object.keys(globals).length;
let j = 0;
while (j < g) {
env.addFilter(Object.keys(globals)[j], Object.values(globals)[j]);
j += 1;
return (ctx, next) => {
ctx.render = (view, context = {}) => {
context = Object.assign({}, ctx.state, context);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
env.render(`${view}${extname}`, context, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
ctx.body = res;
return resolve();
return next();
module.exports = njk;
