R beginner: rotate x-axis - rotation

I am trying to rotate my x-axis labels 45 degrees, but I can't make it work. It will only do 90 degrees with las = 3 :(
categories <-read.csv("Categories.csv", header = T)
df <- data.frame(categories)
table <- table(categories)
barplot(table, las=3)
My table looks like this:
categories Freq
1 Biogenic reef only 2
2 No specific mapping 3
3 Reef (stone reef & biogenic reef) 3
4 Reef (stone reef only) 4
5 Stone reef & biogenic reef 16
6 Stone reef only 38
7 Stone reef only (biogenic reef observation) 2
Hope that someone can help :)


Degrees of Freedom in SAS Proc MIXED

Below is a SAS proc Mixed code generated by JMP. Both JMP and SAS give me a confidence interval for the variance components (in the table "covariance parameter estimates"). I would like the degrees of freedom in the output, or at least a formula to calculate them. Can anyone tell me where that would be?
DATA Untitled; INPUT x y Batch &$; Lines;
0 107.2109269 4
3 106.3777088 4
6 103.8625117 4
9 103.7524023 4
12 101.6895595 4
18 104.4145268 4
24 100.6606813 4
0 107.6603635 5
3 105.9161433 5
6 106.0260339 5
9 104.660272 5
12 102.5820776 5
18 103.7961511 5
24 101.2887124 5
0 109.2066284 6
3 106.9341754 6
6 106.6141445 6
9 106.8234541 6
12 104.7778902 6
18 106.0184734 6
24 102.9822743 6
CLASS Batch;

Make a matrix B of the first, fourth and fifth row and the first and fifth column from matrix A in OCTAVE

I have matrix A
A =
5 10 15 20 25
10 9 8 7 6
-5 -15 -25 -35 -45
1 2 3 4 5
28 91 154 217 280
And i need to make a matrix B of the first, fourth and fifth row and the first and fifth column from matrix A.
How can i do it?
>> B = A([1,4,5],[1,5])
B =
5 25
1 5
28 280
You should look up how to use index expressions in the Matlab and Octave language to extract and work with submatrices.
See the Octave help on Index expressions: https://octave.org/doc/latest/Index-Expressions.html

Making a scatterplot with PCA and how to read results

Im a little newbie with R and not familiar with PCA. My problem is, from a survey I have a list with observations from nine variables, first one is the gender of the respondents, the next five (Q51_1_c,Q51_2_c,Q51_4_c,Q51_6_c,Q51_7_c) ask about entrepreneurial issues and the others ask about future expectations (Q56_1_c, Q56_2_c, Q56_3_c). Except gender, all this variables takes values between 1 and 5. I want to make a scatter plot with two axis. First one with "entrepreneurial variables" and second axis with "future expectations variables" and then define as points in the scatter plot the position of Male and Female. My data look like this:
x <- "Q1b Q51_1_c Q51_2_c Q51_4_c Q51_6_c Q51_7_c Q56_1_c Q56_2_c Q56_3_c
3 Male 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
4 Female 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 3
5 Female 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1
7 Female 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 4
8 Female 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4
9 Female 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4
13 Male 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 3
15 Female 3 4 4 4 4 1 1 5
16 Female 4 1 4 4 4 3 3 3
19 Female 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
20 Male 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 5
21 Female 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 3
26 Female 5 5 1 2 1 4 4 3
27 Female 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
29 Male 2 2 2 2 1 4 4 4
31 Female 3 1 1 1 1 5 2 3
34 Female 4 1 1 4 3 3 1 4
36 Female 5 1 1 4 4 5 1 2
37 Male 5 1 2 4 4 5 4 5
38 Female 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1"
To run PCA this is my code:
x <- na.omit(x) #Jus to simplyfy
resul <- prcomp(x[,-1], scale = TRUE)
x$PC1 <- resul$x[,1] #Saving Scores PC1
x$PC2 <- resul$x[,2] #Saving Scores PC2
The result axis are like this:
biplot(resul, scale = 0)
Finally, to make the scatter plot:
x %>%
group_by(Q1b) %>%
summarise(mean_PC1 = mean(PC1),
mean_PC2 = mean(PC2)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=mean_PC1, y=mean_PC2, colour=Q1b)) +
geom_point() +
Which gives me this:
I'm not sure how about read the results... Should I accept that Females in general get higher values in the dimension of future expectations than Males. And Males get higher values in the entrepreneurial dimension?
Thanks in advance!!
Your interpretation of the axes looks correct, i.e., PC1 is a gradient which from left to right represents decreasing "entrepreneurialness", while PC2 is a gradient which from bottom to top represents increasing future expectations (assuming that "5" in the original data means highest entrepreneurialness/expectations).
In terms of whether males and females are different, you probably need to plot more than the just the means for each group: even if males and females are truly identical in their entrepreneurialness/expectations, you'd never expect the means from two samples to sit right on top of each other on a scatter plot. To address this, you could plot the actual observations rather than their means (i.e., one point per row, coloured by gender) and see if they intermingle vs. separate in the plot space. Or, regress gender against the principal components.
Another issue is whether it's appropriate to use PCA on ordinal data - see here for discussion.

Gnuplot animations, Nbodies solver

I was searching for this for few hours, bud didnt manage to find anything really useful to make everything work.
So ive got a txt file with data.
x1 y1 z1
x2 y2 z2
x3 y3 z3
x1' y1' z1'
x2' y2' z2'
x3' y3' z3'
x1'' y1'' z1''
x2'' y2'' z2''
x3'' y3'' z3''
x1^n y1^n z1^n
x2^n y2^n z2^n
x3^n y3^n z3^n
That means ive got 3 planets with 3d position each. After time step h planet 1(x1,y1,z1) moves to (x1',y1',z1').
How to visualisate that animation in GNUplot? Ive got N time steps and K bodies.
Thank You for any help.
Use gif terminal.
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8 8
7 7 7
8 8 8
9 9 9
8 8 8
9 9 9
10 10 10
9 9 9
10 10 10
11 11 11
10 10 10
11 11 11
12 12 12
set term gif animate optimize delay 50 size 500,500
set output 'planets.gif'
set xrange [0:15]
set yrange [0:15]
set zrange [0:15]
unset key
unset colorbox
set palette rgb 3,11,6
do for [i=0:9] {
splot 'planets.txt' every :::i::i u 1:2:3 with points palette ps 3 pt 6

Vertical white lines when plotting heatmap in TIFF

When I plot a matrix with the image function as a TIFF file, I often get vertical or horizontal lines.
My matrix is of 150000 rows x 2000 columns, the lines also appears when plotting matrices of 150000 rows x 100 columns. The results are the same.
Where do the lines come from? Is this some sort of pixelated artifact? I get them almost all the time.
The matrix looks like this:
V999 V1000 V1001 V1002 V1003 V1004 V1005 V1006 V1007 V1008 V1009 V1010
[1,] 1 4 0 0 15 15 15 15 8 0 1 0
[2,] 0 3 12 5 15 15 15 1 15 4 0 2
[3,] 0 0 0 3 6 15 15 15 15 15 0 3
[4,] 3 6 15 15 15 15 15 0 3 15 15 2
[5,] 15 15 15 0 3 15 15 2 1 5 8 11
[6,] 2 1 5 8 11 15 15 15 0 0 4 3
tiff("test.tiff", width=450, height=1100)
image(t(mc), col = col1, main="950-1500"
Any hints/comments will be much appreciated.
You're seeing an aliasing artifact from the x11() display. You can try dragging the window to make it bigger or smaller and eventually you'll find a window size height and width that is compatible with your desired resolution.
