The Server Instance cannot be started because the IntegratedWebLogicServer Domain was not built successfully - oracle

I am new to ADF.In JDeveloper, I tried to run my first project , It asked for a password for the first time, after entering this, it should run my project but it gave the below error-
The Server Instance cannot be started because the IntegratedWebLogicServer Domain was not built successfully.
For more information,
There was a log file too.
Adding environment variable to WLST script USER_MEM_ARGS = -Xms32m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m
Log File: C:\Users\absasahu\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\o.j2ee.adrs\BuildDefaultDomain.log
Product Home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\jdeveloper\jdev\
Domain: C:\Users\absasahu\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\DefaultDomain 2022-05-18 07:55:17
cmd.exe /c ""C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd" "C:\Users\absasahu\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\o.j2ee.adrs\""
Process started
wlst > \Java\jdk1.8.0_331 was unexpected at this time.
Elapsed time: 395 ms
Please help me out.
What I tried-
Set java_home system variable without any whitespaces.(Not worked).

Yeah , Solved my problem.
Go through this link [][1]
Solution 1- Set environment variables JAVA_HOME , and value as path to your jdk. But keep in mind to shorten(remove whitespaces) like use PROGRA~2 for program files(*86).
Solution 2- If you have more than One java path set on environment variables, remove them.
It will work now. It worked for me too.


JMETER_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly but build is successful and the script works fine in Jmeter GUI and cmd prompt

I have created a jmeter jmx script and it is getting executed perfectly in GUI and non GUI mode. I have configured the same in Jenkins but I am getting the build success with an error message as "The JMETER_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
This environment variable is needed to run this program"
I have also tried setting the JMETER_HOME as E:\apache-jmeter-4.0 in User variables and Path as E:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin in System Variables and it didn't work.
I tried the below Questions but no luck.
'jmeter' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
JMETER_HOME environment variable is not defined
Here is my command and error from jenkins
E:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\jmeter -n -t E:\JMeter Tutorial\JenkinsIntegration.jmx -l E:\JMeter Tutorial\JenkinsIntegrationResult.jtl
The easiest way of setting an environment variable is defining it under Manage Jenkins - Configure System - Global properties:
The better way would be using Environment Injector plugin
And last but not the least, you're getting this message because you're sitting at outdated JMeter 4.0, if you upgrade to i.e. JMeter 5.2.1 you won't be seeing this warning, moreover according to 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so in any case upgrade does make sense, check out what is the latest stable JMeter version and switch to it
I removed Jenkins and reinstalled as well as i deleted the old job and created a new job with default settings in jenkins (i dint do anything in the manage Jenkins) and it worked charm with both jmerer 4.0 and 5.3. java 1.8.0_251
with 5.3
with 4.0
as far i remember i just removed the space and added underscore in the below command from folder name JMeter Tutorial to Jmeter_Tutorial
E:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin>E:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\jmeter.bat -n -t E:\JMeter_Tutorial\JenkinsIntegration.jmx -l E:\JMeter_Tutorial\JenkinsIntegrationResult.csv

Jenkins job with batch stage has a zombie environment variable

I have a python command line program that can retrieve passwords for me.
I can run it from the command line and get the passwords.
Example command:
passwordmanpro_cli javaprops OpenWeatherMap_DEV
The response comes back fine.
I have the Jenkins agent installed on the machine. I have a "Execute Windows Batch Command" step which calls exactly the same commandline.
This USED to work without an issue. A month ago it stopped working. With an error:
ERROR Success not returned from passwordmanagerpro
Using URL - (AUTHTOKEN ommitted - 36)
ResponseCode - 200
resJSON - {'operation': {'name': 'Authentication', 'result': {'status': 'Failed', 'message': 'User is not allowed to access from this host'}}}
IP Being used to send message might be:
Something is different from how this request is sent via a windows terminal and how it is sent from a windows batch step in Jenkins.
I have verified the windows batch command is being run as a correct user.
I have verified the username and password credentials being passed are the same
I have verified the source IP by adding debug lines in python.
The password manager we are using has an API user setup and you enter an IP address the API is allowed to be called from. Apparently the restriction is not done on source IP but a reverse hostname lookup.
Can anyone give me advice on how to debug this further?
Update 1
More debugging has revealed that the cause is the environment is being set wrong. The host machine is windows 10. I have an environment variable called PASSMANCLI_AUTHTOKEN and another called PASSMANCLI_URL
In control panel I am setting both variables system wide. NOT for a particular user.
What is really strange is that the PASSMANCLI_URL is changing and being picked up ok, but the PASSMANCLI_AUTHTOKEN variable is not. I have added a "set" windows batch command in the config and I have confirmed that the PASSMANCLI_AUTHTOKEN value is NOT coming from the system setting but somewhere else. I am wondering if Jenkins does anything special with this.
BTW: I have also used the whoami command as part of the project config and confirmed Jenkins is running as the same user.
Update 2
I have gone through the entire windows registery and looked at all Environment entries and deleted PASSMANCLI_AUTHTOKEN. I have confirmed it is not in the environment console. I have restarted the Jenkins agent and the entire server. I then run my jenkins job with a single command "Set" and it reads back the OLD value of the token!
update 3
I have created a brand new Jenkins job with 1 step which is the windows batch command. It simply has "set" so displays the environment variables. I can see PASSMANCLI_AUTHTOKEN is still being set even though I have completely wiped it from the machine.
update 4
I thought it might be something to do with the way the Jenkins runner uses JAVA. (Our Jenkins runner is using Java 8 32 bit). I wrote a Java program which runs
processBuilder.command("cmd.exe", "/c", "set");
and outputs the result.
I checked the output and the variable is NOT set, as expected.
I still don't know where this variable is coming from when executed via Jenkins.

Cassandra - "The system cannot find the file specified"

I have installed Cassandra on Windows 10, and now when I try to run it using "cassandra", I get the following error:
Any ideas?
After looking at the file it seems, powershell script cassandra-env.ps1 executes following function:
if (Test-Path Env:\JAVA_HOME)
$env:JAVA_BIN = "$env:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe"
elseif (Get-Command "java.exe")
$env:JAVA_BIN = "java.exe"
echo "ERROR! No JAVA_HOME set and could not find java.exe in the path."
I'm not an expert on Cassandra stuff, but if I were you I would run this script and make sure $env:JAVA_BIN is set correctly, and from there I would follow its trail and check
ParseJVMInfo function in the conf\cassandra-env.ps1 file which is throwing error in your setup.
Check JAVA_HOME environment variable and see if it is setup such that [JAVA_HOME]\bin\java.exe exists.
Don't install Cassandra into directory where the name has space in it. Startup script for Windows has problems with such names.
Update after an additional investigation:
Looking more precisely into the code, it looks like it can't start Java with the given command-line switches: -d64 -version - either Java executable isn't in the PATH, or the -d64 switch isn't supported for your version of Java - for example, if you installed 32-bit version of Java. Please try to run the java -d64 -version from the command line to check that it works
In my case I updated my java version and added latest version in system environment and run this command as administrator in cassandra specieid path(C:\Program Files\apache-cassandra-3.11.6\bin).
cassandra.bat -f
its running perfactly!!
and also make sure You must allow the execution of PowerShell Scripts. for this check out this one
actually , its not about the path ...
its about giving the proper access / privilege to the path you are trying to access , that's something have to do with UAC setting on windows , try minimize it and make sure you have the right access through clicking on folder properties and giving permission to your user or everyone to access this path read / change or full control .
so u don't have to uninstall anything :)

"The system cannot find the path specified." error message when trying to start GlassFish with asadmin

I tried to follow The Java EE 6 Tutorial and start GlassFish with the command below. But I got an error message. How to solve this?
C:\glassfish3\bin>asadmin start-domain --verbose
The system cannot find the path specified.
Go to asenv.bat file in config directory
remove line set AS_JAVA="C:/Program Files(x86)/Java/"
retry asadmin.
It will work this time!.
I fixed this issue by editing glassfish3\glassfish\config\asenv.bat as described in domain1 not configured -- The system cannot find the path specified
then I got an error because no domains existed, that was solved by editing glassfish3\bin\asadmin.bat as described in Oracle Glassfish "There is no Domain" Issue Fix Solution
Hi I was facing the same issue. I am able to resolve the same issue by following below steps:
Go to \glassfish\config (Note: In my case it is c:\glassfish3\glassfish\config)
Now open asenv.bat in notepad.
Make the value of AS_JAVA same as JAVA_HOME environment variable.
Now open command prompt and go to the bin folder and run asadmin start-domain domain1.
If you are getting error that no domain exist then create new domain by following below link:
I got this error, when installing Java EE (which includes GlassFish) using 64 bit windows 7. As a reference installing same Java EE latest to my 64 bit Linux worked well and I could see how it set default domain up.
It seems that in my 64 bit Window 7 asadmin.bat looks my java from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\bin\java" even if I have installed 64 bit version in "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\bin".
asadmin.bat runs first "%~dp0..\glassfish\config\asenv.bat" and then studies where if guesses java is. There is something odd in this, almost in my configuration, but I can't fix this nicely
%JAVA% -jar "%~dp0..\glassfish\modules\admin-cli.jar" %*
I could manually set %JAVA% right, but how to set nicer correction?
Set your correct Java path in:
set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80
Note: follow Oracle glassfish's release notes for the supported JDKs

JDeveloper IntegratedWebLogicServer not able to build default domain

I am trying to run the JDeveloper Integrated Weblogic server ( on Windows 7 x64 and keep running into this error from within JDeveloper:
[Starting Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer]
#### Server Instance IntegratedWebLogicServer could not be started: Error starting Server Instance.
I found this in the createDefaultDomain.log file:
Log File: C:\Users\mologan\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee.adrs\CreateDefaultDomain.log
Label: JDEVADF_11.
Product Home: C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\jdev\
Domain: C:\Users\mologan\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\DefaultDomain
"C:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd" "C:\Users\mologan\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee.adrs\"
Process started
Elapsed time: 94 ms
When I try to run this command from the command line I get the following:
C:\Users\mologan>"C:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd" "C:\Users\mologan\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\o.j2ee.adrs\"
PATH=C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\patch_wls1035\profiles\default\native;C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\patch_jdev1111\profiles\default\native;C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\server\native\win\32;C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\server\bin;C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\modules\ORGAPA~1.1\bin;C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\JDK160~1\jre\bin;C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\JDK160~1\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_24\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Application Virtualization Client;C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Bluetooth Software\;C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Bluetooth Software\syswow64;C:\Program Files\Broadcom\WHL\;C:\Program Files\Broadcom\WHL\syswow64;C:\Program Files\Broadcom\WHL\SysWow64\;C:\Program Files\Broadcom\WHL\SysWow64\syswow64;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\ant\\bin;C:\Oracle\MIDDLE~1\WLSERV~1.3\server\native\win\32\oci920_8 Your environment has been set.
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
Error: ADRS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD environment variable not set.
Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.
Has anyone seen this type of error before? I have no idea how to fix it and its getting really frustrating. All help is much appreciated!
Open file and set ADRS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD.
import os
os.putenv('ADRS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD', 'welcome1')
if not 'ADRS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD' in os.environ:
print("Error: ADRS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD environment variable not set.")
I found this answer:
Domain creation fails after installing on new Windows version (7338577, 7339920, 8654914)
When JDeveloper is installed on a newly released Windows version, it is possible that Jython, which is used by Oracle WebLogic Server's script tool, does not recognize the Windows version and instead assumes that it is running in a Linux environment.
This causes domain creation to fail with the following error in CreateDefaultDomain.log:
wlst > Failed to get environment, environ will be empty: (0, 'Failed to /
execute command ([\'sh\', \'-c\', \'env\']): Cannot run /
program "sh": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file /
# wlst > Error: ADRS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD environment variable not set.
The workaround is to obtain a patch for jython-modules.jar, or to run on a supported version of Windows.
Original source:
I'm using JDeveloper
Have the same problem, and all I had to to is exit the JDeploper, kill the Java process in the Task Manager, and restarting JDev again.
