Trying to get BASH backup script to find an IP address based off known MAC address? - bash

I have a small BASH backup script that uses Rsync to grab a handful of computers on my LAN. It works very well for static devices using an Ethernet cable - trouble comes in for my even smaller number of Laptop users that have docks. Every once in a while they do not connect to the Dock & Ethernet cable/statically assigned address and end up on the WiFi with a DHCP assigned address. I already have a list of known statically assigned targets in a file that is parsed through to actually backed up. So I keep thinking I should fairly easily be able to create a second file with an nmap scan before each backup run with other code I found - something like:
sudo nmap -n -sP | awk '/Nmap scan report for/{printf $5;}/MAC Address:/{print " => "$3;}' | sort
which gives me a list of => B4:FB:E4:FE:C6:6F for all found devices in the LAN. I just removed the | sort and send it to a file > found.devices instead.
So Now I have a list of found devices IP and MAC address - and I'd like to compare the two files and create a new target list with any changed IP addresses found (for those Laptop users that forgot to connect to the Dock and are now using DHCP). But I still want to keep my original targets file clean for the times that they do remember and also continue to get those other devices that are wired all the time while ignoring everything else on the LAN.
found.devices => D4:XB:E4:FE:C6:6F => B4:QB:Y4:FE:C6:6F => B4:FB:P4:ZE:C6:6F => B4:FB:E4:BE:P6:6F
known.targets D4:XB:E4:FE:C6:6F domain source destination B4:QB:Y4:FE:C6:6F domain source destination B4:FB:P4:ZE:C6:6F domain source destination B4:FB:E4:BE:P6:6F domain source destination
Should get a list or a file for the current back run to use of: domain source destination domain source destination domain source destination domain source destination
Currently my bash script just reads the file of known.targets one line at a time:
cat /known.targets | while read ip hostname source destination
this mounts and backs up the data I want ...
I really like the current system, and have found it to be very reliable for my simple needs, just need to find some way to get those users that intermittently forget to dock. I expect its series of nested loops, but I cannot get my head to wrap around it - been away from actual coding for too long - Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'd also really like to get rid of the => and just use comma or space separated data but every time I mess with that awk statement - I end up shifting the data and getting an oddly placed CR somewhere I cannot figure it either!

Try this pure Bash code:
declare -A found_mac2ip
while read -r ip _ mac; do
[[ -n $mac ]] && found_mac2ip[$mac]=$ip
done <'found.devices'
while read -r ip mac domain source destination; do
# ... DO BACKUP FOR $ip ...
done <'known.targets'
It first sets up a Bash associative array mapping found mac address to ip addresses.
It then loops through the known.targets file and for each mac address it uses the ip address from the known.targets file if the mac address is listed in it. Otherwise it uses the ip address read from the known.targets file.
It's also possible to extract the "found" MAC and IP address information by getting it directly from the nmap output instead of from a `found.devices' file. This alternative version of the code does that:
declare -A found_mac2ip
nmap_output=$(sudo nmap -n -sP
while IFS=$' \t\n()' read -r f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 _; do
[[ "$f1 $f2 $f3 $f4" == 'Nmap scan report for' ]] && ip=$f5
[[ "$f1 $f2" == 'MAC Address:' ]] && found_mac2ip[$f3]=$ip
done <<<"$nmap_output"
while read -r ip mac domain source destination; do
# ... DO BACKUP FOR $ip ...
done <'known.targets'

UPDATE: per comment from OP, dropping assumption (and associated code) about keeping an IP address that shows up in found.devices but without a match in known.targets (ie, this cannot happen)
start with a list of IP/MAC addresses from known.targets
if a MAC address also shows up in found.devices then the IP address from found.devices takes precendence
Adding a standalone entry to both files:
$ cat known.targets D4:XB:E4:FE:C6:6F domain source destination B4:QB:Y4:FE:C6:6F domain source destination B4:FB:P4:ZE:C6:6F domain source destination B4:FB:E4:BE:P6:6F domain source destination AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF domain source destination
$ cat found.devices => D4:XB:E4:FE:C6:6F => B4:QB:Y4:FE:C6:6F => B4:FB:P4:ZE:C6:6F => B4:FB:E4:BE:P6:6F => FF:EE:CC:BB:AA:11
One awk idea:
$ cat ip.awk
FNR==NR { ip[$2]=$1; dsd[$2]=$3 FS $4 FS $5; next }
$3 in ip { ip[$3]=$1 }
END { for (mac in ip) print ip[mac],dsd[mac] }
Running against our files:
$ awk -f ip.awk known.targets found.devices domain source destination domain source destination domain source destination domain source destination domain source destination
Feeding this to a while loop:
while read ip hostname source destination
echo "${ip} : ${hostname} : ${source} : ${destination}"
done < <(awk -f ip.awk known.targets found.devices)
This generates: : domain : source : destination : domain : source : destination : domain : source : destination : domain : source : destination : domain : source : destination


wget resolves to a different IP than host

I have a shell script in which I use host to get the IP of the target site to update ufw and allow outbound traffic to that IP. However, when I make the subsequent wget call to the same base URL, it resolves to a different IP, and thus is blocked by ufw. Just to test, I tried pinging the URL, and it returned a different third IP.
We're blocking all outbound traffic by default in ufw, and only enable what we need to go out, so I need the script to update the correct IP so I can wget the content. The IP in each instance (host vs wget) is consistently the same, but they return different values with respect to each other, so I don't think it's simply a DNS issue. How do I get a consistent IP to update the firewall with, so that the subsequent wget request performs successfully? I disabled the firewall as a test, and was able to download from the URL successfully, so the issue is definitely in getting a consistent IP to point to.
HOSTNAME=<name of site to resolve>
LOGFILE=<logfile path>
Current_IP=$(host $HOSTNAME | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 4)
#this echoes the correct value
echo $Current_IP
if [ ! -f $LOGFILE ]; then
/usr/sbin/ufw allow out from any to $Current_IP
echo $Current_IP > $LOGFILE
echo New IP address found and logged >> ./download.log
Old_IP=$(cat $LOGFILE)
if [ "$Current_IP" = "$Old_IP" ] ; then
echo IP address has not changed >> ./download.log
/usr/sbin/ufw delete allow out from any to $Old_IP
/usr/sbin/ufw allow out from any to $Current_IP
echo $Current_IP > $LOGFILE
echo IP Address was updated in ufw >> ./download.log
After that updates the firewall, a subsequent wget to HOSTNAME attempts to go out to a different IP than was just updated.
Turns out the difference was "www.". When I was resolving host I was not using www, and when I was using wget I was using www, and thus they resolved to different IPs for this particular site.

Ssh not working when host is taken using grep

When I'm hardcoding i. e.
ssh - i /home/<passwordfile> akhil#$server1
It is working,but when I'm greping the host from other file its not working
server2=$(grep - e host /home/akhil/configuration. File | awk FS, '{print $2} ' )
echo $server2
ssh - i /home/<passwordfile> akhil#$server2
While printing server 2 is fine, but when it is used in ssh I'm getting a error saying : not known host name.
I want to automate the script with a configuration file so that when ever the cluster changes I could simply change the ip address in configfile instead of changing in all my scripts.
I need help in this.

How to create network file based on IP address from file similar to /etc/hosts

I have a file which maps IP address to hostnames. Its format is similar to hosts file and contains a list of IP address to hostname mapping.
eg. master1 master2 master3 slave1 slave2 slave3
I would like to create network file (/etc/sysconfig/network) for all the IP address mentioned in the file.
The format of network file is where the hostname is mentioned based on hosts file.
For every IP Address the network file is created in a directory named by IP Address i.e. network/{IPAddress}.
For example for master1 the path of file should be network/ and for master2 the path should be network/
How can i do so?
Till now I have obtained IPAdress by following command echo $(<hosts) | awk '{print $1}' and Hostname by echo $(<hosts) | awk '{print $2}. But this only prints the contents of first line of the hosts file.
Reads ip and hostname from hosts and writes desired output to network/$ip.
while read ip hostname; do
printf '%s\n' "NETWORKING=yes" "HOSTNAME=$hostname" "NOZEROCONF NF=yes" > network/$ip
done < hosts

What could prevent frequently switching default source ip of a machine with several interfaces

The goal was to frequently change default outgoing source ip on a machine with multiple interfaces and live ips.
I used ip route replace default as per its documentation and let a script run in loop for some interval. It changes source ip fine for a while but then all internet access to the machine is lost. It has to be remotely rebooted from a web interface to have any thing working
Is there any thing that could possibly prevent this from working stably. I have tried this on more than one servers?
Following is a minimum example
# extract all currently active source ips except loopback
IPs="$(ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 |
awk '{ print $1}')"
read -a ip_arr <<<$IPs
# extract all currently active mac / ethernet addresses
Int="$(ifconfig | grep 'eth'| grep -v 'lo' | awk '{print $1}')"
read -a eth_arr <<<$Int
while(true); do
#ip route replace dev eth0:1 src
route_cmd="ip route replace dev ${eth_arr[e]} src ${ip_arr[i]}"
echo $route_cmd
eval $route_cmd
sleep 300
if [ $i -eq $ip_len ]; then
echo "all ips exhausted - starting from first again"
# break;
I wanted to comment, but as I'm not having enough points, it won't let me.
Does varying the delay time before its run again change the number of iterations before it fails?
Exporting the ifconfig & routes every time you change it, to see if something is meaningfully different over time. Maybe some basic tests to it (ping, nslookup, etc) Basically, find what is exactly going wrong with it. Also exporting the commands you send to a logfile (text file per change?) to see changes in them to see if some is different after x iterations.
What connectivity is lost? Incoming? Outgoing? Specific applications?
You say you use/do this on other servers without problems?
Are the IP's: Static (/etc/network/interfaces), bootp/DHCP, semi-static (bootp/DHCP server serving, based on MAC address), and if served by bootp/DHCP, what is the lease duration?
On the last remark:
bootp/dhcp will give IP's for x duration. say its 60 minutes. After half that time it will "check" with the bootp/dhcp server if it can keep the IP, and extend the lease to 60 minutes again, this can mean a small reconfig on the ifconfig (maybe even at the same time of your script?).

BASH- trouble pinging from text file lines

Have a text file w/ around 3 million URL's of sites I want to block.
Trying to ping them one by one (yes, I know it is going to take some time).
Have a script (yes, I am a bit slow in BASH) which reads the lines one at a time from text file.
Obviously cannot print text file here. Text file was created >> w/ Python some time ago.
Problem is that ping returns "unknown host" w/ every entry. If I make a smaller file by hand using the same entries the script works. I thought it may be a white space or end of line issue so tried addressing that in script. What could the issue possibly be?
while read line
li=$(echo $line|tr -d '\n')
li2=$(echo $li|tr -d ' ')
if [ ${#line} -lt 2 ]
ping -c 2 -- $li2>>/dev/null
if [ $? -gt 0 ]
echo 'bad'
echo 'good'
Does the file contains URLs or hostnames ?
If it contains URLs you must extract the hostname from URLs before pinging:
hostname=$(echo "$li2"|cut -d/ -f3);
ping -c 2 -- "$hostname"
Ping is used to ping hosts. If you have URLs of websites, then it will not work. Check that you have hosts in your file , example or an IP address and not actual full website urls. If you want to check actual URLs, use a tool like wget and another tool like grep/awk to grab for errors like 404 or others. Last but not least, people who are security conscious will sometimes block pinging from the outside, so take note.
C heck if the file contains windows-style \r\n line endings: head file | od -c
If so, to fix it: dos2unix filename filename
I wouldn't use ping for this. It can easily be blocked, and it's not the best way to check for either ip addresses or if a server presents web pages.
If you just want to find the corresponding IP, use host:
$ host is an alias for has address has address has address has address has address has address
As you see, you get all the IPs registered to a host. (Note that this requires you to parse the hostname from your urls!)
If you want to see if a URL points at a web server, use wget:
wget --spider $url
The --spider flag makes wget not save the page, just check that it exists. You could look at the return code, or add the -S flag (which prints the HTTP headers returned)
