In a Julia codebase I have inherited, at one point there is a division by 1f6
So far as I can tell, this division doesn't change the output online, and I haven't been able to figure out the meaning of this step by googling "1f6 Julia."
What does it mean?
As usual, DNF's comment should just be the answer:
julia> 1f6
julia> typeof(1f6)
julia> Float64(1f6)
julia> Int(1f6)
On the next MWE, #code_warntype returns bad performance type, ##1469::JuMP.Containers.SparseAxisArray.
using JuMP, Gurobi
function MWE(n)
m = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer)
#variable(m, x[i=1:n, j=i+1:n], Bin)
#variable(m, y[i=1:n], Bin)
#codewarn_type MWE(5)
While the adapted version where j goes from 1 to n instead of i+1 to n is totally great for #codewarn_type.
function MWE_codewarntype_safe(n)
m = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer)
#variable(m, x[i=1:n, j=1:n], Bin)
#variable(m, y[i=1:n], Bin)
#codewarn_type MWE(5)
However, I can't allow my model to have nearly twice more variables and more than half unused. I ran both code with larger instances and the performances quickly deteriorate. Does this mean I should ignore what #code_warntype tells? If so, that's not the first time I would have to ignore it and I find it particularly unclear how to understand when #codewarn_type returns are meaningful. Maybe I should ask a more general question about this macro, how to read and understand it?
Hmm. I thought we fixed this. Note that x is a concrete type, so this is just a failure of Julia's inference. It also means that when x is passed to another function (e.g., add_constraint), it will be fast.
Edit: opened an issue to discuss:
Here's the MWE:
using JuMP
function MWE(n)
model = Model()
#variable(model, x[i=1:n, j=i+1:n])
#code_warntype MWE(5)
The question to ask is: is the time difference material? If it's only marginally faster, I would go with the more readable version.
i am trying to write a general tensor operation in julia (matrix * tensor of known rank).
My tensor is an object with n indices (e.g. tensor(a_1,a_2,...,a_n) and my matrix only has an effect on the i'th index. Therefore it would be conventient to have an iterator with goes over every but the i'th index. Is there an easy function to implement this, or do you have an idea how to do it with good performance? I also need the result of the iterator in the CartesianIndex-form (i think), because i have to iterate over the last index in a matrix-vector-multiplication style.
My first idea was to get all permutations for the indices before and after the i'th one, but the generation of those seemed tedious...
I hope you can help me,
best regards,
It's not clear exactly what you are after. You can get an iterator over the indices that ignore the i'th row of a Matrix like
Iterators.filter(x->x[1] != i, CartesianIndices(a))
Is that useful for you, or could you edit the question to be more explicit?
FWIW, there is also a nice little package called InvertedIndices.jl which allows you to drop specific columns/rows like so:
julia> using InvertedIndices
julia> x = rand(4,4)
4×4 Array{Float64,2}:
0.779118 0.66097 0.335433 0.583011
0.284284 0.799394 0.353914 0.146769
0.716189 0.605426 0.2449 0.92238
0.140876 0.210152 0.810854 0.37236
julia> x[Not(2), Not(4)] # drop second row and 4th column
3×3 Array{Float64,2}:
0.779118 0.66097 0.335433
0.716189 0.605426 0.2449
0.140876 0.210152 0.810854
I am curious to know if it is possible to generate an arbitrary number in Julia. That is, a number that does not follow any particular distribution. If I use x=rand(), then I am afraid that x is uniformly distributed between [0,1].
You mean any number in the range representable by a type?
julia> function rand_in(T)
rand_in (generic function with 1 method)
julia> x=rand_in(Int32)
EDIT: re-wrote function according to comments of #Nico202
EDIT2:re-wrote function according to comments of #Nico202
I think you are encouraged to use these kind of for loops in Julia:
b = [i+1 for i in [1,2,3]]
but I wonder why, apart from more compact syntax which leads to better
readability. Are these inline for loops more efficient to evaluate
expressions? If yes, why?
These for loops are called array comprehensions. They are a simple notation for a common programming pattern of allocating an array and then filling each element with a value based on some calculation.
Doing this without a comprehension is possible and probably about as fast if done correctly (removing unnecessary bounds checks with #inbounds). For the example in the question, the following code does the same:
let tmp = [1,2,3], len = length(tmp)
b = Vector{Int}(len)
#inbounds for (n,i) in enumerate(tmp)
b[n] = i+1
In most cases using the form in the question is a win for both performance and readability.
As a complementary to #Dan Getz's answer, in practice, another advantage of using comprehension is that we don't need to explicitly care about types, e.g. In b = [i+1.1 for i in tmp], comprehension will always1 deduce the appropriate eltype of b for us:
julia> [i+1 for i in [1,2,3]]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> b = [i+1.1 for i in [1,2,3]]
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
However, when using the common for-loops, we need to carefully initialize b(like the one in #Dan Getz's answer: b = Vector{Int}(len)), which means we need to explicitly do the type inference by ourselves. yes, Julia is dynamic language that talks about types, and it's not very hard to determine these types even in some sophisticated cases, but we just don't bother to.
1. Note that, in Juliav0.5- when Julia couldn't correctly do comprehension type inference in the global scope, this is actually a gotcha. But it's been fixed now, refer to this PR and corresponding issues for further details.
Essentially the situation I have is this. I have a module (which also imports a number of other modules).
I have a script like:
import MyModule
In MyModule:
module MyModule
export main
function main()
The first toc() call outputs around 20 seconds. The second outputs 2.3e-5. Can anyone offer a guess as to where the time is going? Does Julia do some kind of initialization on the first call into a module, and how can I figure out what that is?
Precompilation can be confusing. I'll try to explain how it works.
Julia loads modules by first parsing them, then running so-called "top-level" statements, one at a time. Each top-level statement is lowered, then interpreted (if possible) or compiled and executed if the interpreter does not support that particular top-level statement.
What __precompile__ does is actually fairly simple (modulo details): it performs all of the steps listed above at precompile time. Note that the steps above include execution, which can be surprising if you are more familiar with statically-compiled languages. It is not possible, in general, to precompile dynamic code without executing it, because the execution of code can result in changes such as the creation of new functions, methods, and types.
The difference between a precompile run and a regular run is that serializable information from a precompile run is saved to a cache. Things that are serializable include ASTs from parsing and lowering and results of type inference.
This means that Julia precompilation goes much further than the compilation of most static languages. For instance, consider the following Julia package that computes the number 5000000050000000 in quite an inefficient way:
module TestPackage
export n
n = 0
for i in 1:10^8
n += i
On my machine:
julia> #time using TestPackage
2.151297 seconds (200.00 M allocations: 2.980 GB, 8.12% gc time)
julia> workspace()
julia> #time using TestPackage
2.018412 seconds (200.00 M allocations: 2.980 GB, 2.90% gc time)
Now let's give the __precompile__() directive, changing the package to
module TestPackage
export n
n = 0
for i in 1:10^8
n += i
And look at the performance during, and after, precompilation:
julia> #time using TestPackage
INFO: Precompiling module TestPackage.
2.696702 seconds (222.21 k allocations: 9.293 MB)
julia> workspace()
julia> #time using TestPackage
0.000206 seconds (340 allocations: 16.180 KB)
julia> n
What has happened here is that the module was run at precompilation time, and the result saved. This is distinct from what compilers for static languages typically do.
Can precompilation change behaviour of a package? Certainly. Precompilation is, as mentioned earlier, effectively running the package at precompile-time, instead of at load-time. That doesn't matter for pure functions (as referential transparency guarantees that their result will always be the same), and it doesn't matter for most impure functions, but it does matter in some cases. Suppose we had a package that does nothing but println("Hello, World!") when it is loaded. Without precompilation, it looks like this:
module TestPackage
println("Hello, World")
And this is how it behaves:
julia> using TestPackage
Hello, World
julia> workspace()
julia> using TestPackage
Hello, World
Now let's add the __precompile__() directive, and the result is now:
julia> using TestPackage
INFO: Precompiling module TestPackage.
Hello, World
julia> workspace()
julia> using TestPackage
There is no output the second time it is loaded! That's because the computation, println, was already done when the package was compiled, so it is not done again. This is the second point of surprise for those used to compiling static languages.
This of course raises the question of initialization steps that can't just be done at compile-time; for instance, if my package needs the date and time that it's initialized, or needs to create, maintain, or delete resources like files and sockets. (Or, in a simple case, needs to print information to the terminal.) So there is a special function that is not called at precompile-time, but is called at load-time. This function is called the __init__ function.
We redesign our package as follows:
module TestPackage
function __init__()
println("Hello, World")
yielding the following result:
julia> using TestPackage
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/fengyang/.julia/lib/v0.6/TestPackage.ji for module TestPackage.
Hello, World
julia> workspace()
julia> using TestPackage
Hello, World
The point of the examples above is to possibly surprise, and hopefully illuminate. The first step to understanding precompilation is to understand that it is different from how static languages are typically compiled. What precompilation in a dynamic language like Julia means is:
All top-level statements are executed at precompile-time, instead of at load-time.
Any statements that are to be executed at load-time must be moved to the __init__ function.
This should also make it more clear why precompilation is not turned on by default: it is not always safe to! Package developers must check to make sure they are not using any top-level statements who have side effects or varying results, and move those to the __init__ function.
So what does this have to do with the delay on first call into a module? Well, let's look at a more practical example:
module TestPackage
export cube
square(x) = x * x
cube(x) = x * square(x)
And do the same measurement:
julia> #time using TestPackage
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/fengyang/.julia/lib/v0.6/TestPackage.ji for module TestPackage.
0.310932 seconds (1.23 k allocations: 56.328 KB)
julia> workspace()
julia> #time using TestPackage
0.000341 seconds (352 allocations: 17.047 KB)
After precompilation, loading becomes much faster. That's because during the precompilation, the statements square(x) = x^2 and cube(x) = x * square(x) are executed. These are top-level statements like any other, and they involves a certain degree of work. The expression must be parsed, lowered, and the names square and cube bound inside the module. (There is also the export statement, which is less costly but still needs to be executed.) But as you noticed:
julia> #time using TestPackage
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/fengyang/.julia/lib/v0.6/TestPackage.ji for module TestPackage.
0.402770 seconds (220.37 k allocations: 9.206 MB)
julia> #time cube(5)
0.003710 seconds (483 allocations: 26.096 KB)
julia> #time cube(5)
0.000003 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes)
julia> workspace()
julia> #time using TestPackage
0.000220 seconds (370 allocations: 18.164 KB)
julia> #time cube(5)
0.003542 seconds (483 allocations: 26.096 KB)
julia> #time cube(5)
0.000003 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes)
What's going on here? Why does cube need to be compiled again, when there is clearly a __precompile__() directive? And why doesn't the result of the compilation get saved?
The answers are fairly straightforward:
The cube(::Int) was never compiled during precompilation. This can be seen from the following three facts: precompilation is execution, type inference and codegen don't happen until execution (unless forced), and the module does not contain an execution of cube(::Int).
Once I type cube(5) in the REPL, this is no longer precompile-time. The results from my REPL run are not getting saved.
Here is how to fix the problem: execute the cube function on the desired argument types.
module TestPackage
export cube
square(x) = x * x
cube(x) = x * square(x)
# precompile hints
julia> #time using TestPackage
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file /home/fengyang/.julia/lib/v0.6/TestPackage.ji for module TestPackage.
0.411265 seconds (220.25 k allocations: 9.200 MB)
julia> #time cube(5)
0.003004 seconds (15 allocations: 960 bytes)
julia> #time cube(5)
0.000003 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes)
There is still some first-use overhead; however, note especially the allocation numbers for first-run. This time, we have already inferred and generated code for the cube(::Int) method during precompilation. The results of that inference and code generation are saved, and can be loaded from cache (which is faster and requires much less runtime allocation) instead of redone. The benefits are more significant for real-world loads than for our toy example, of course.
julia> #time cube(5.)
0.004048 seconds (439 allocations: 23.930 KB)
julia> #time cube(5.)
0.000002 seconds (5 allocations: 176 bytes)
Since we have only executed cube(0), we have only inferred and compiled the cube(::Int) method, and so the first run of cube(5.) will still require inference and code generation.
Sometimes, you want to force Julia to compile something (possibly saving it to cache, if this is happening during precompilation) without actually running it. That's what the precompile function, which can be added to your precompile hints, is for.
As a final note, note the following limitations of precompilation:
Precompilation only caches results from your package's module, for your package's functions. If you depend on functions from other modules, then those will not be precompiled.
Precompilation only supports serializable results. In particular, results that are C objects and contain C pointers are typically not serializable. This includes BigInt and BigFloat.
The quick answer is, the first time you run a function it has to compile, so you're measuring compilation time. If you're not aware of this, see the performance tips.
But I'll assume you know that, but it's still bothering you. The reason is because Modules in Julia don't compile: modules are THE dynamic scope. When you're playing around in the REPL, you are working in the module Main. When you're using Juno and click on code in a module, it will evaluate that code in the module, thus giving you a quick way to play around dynamically in a non-Main module (I think you can change the REPL scope to another module too). Modules are dynamic so they can't compile (when you see a module precompile, it's actually just precompiling lots of the functions defined inside of it). (This is why dynamic things like eval happen in a module's global scope).
So when you put main in a module, that's no different than having it in the REPL. Global scopes of modules thus have the same type-stability/inference issues as the REPL (but the REPL is just the global scope of the Main module). So, just like in the REPL, the first time you call the function it has to compile.