Docker Desktop Windows - How do you want to open this file? - windows

I used to be able to run Docker on Windows and Linux no problem.
I installed this recently on my new PC and I keep getting "How do you want to open this file?" popup on every command that I run:

This issue was fixed by installing Windows sub system - ubuntu in my case


Where can I see log files for failed Docker Desktop Windows installation?

I am trying to install Docker Desktop for Windows on Windows 10.
The installer triggers the UAC prompt but then nothing else, silently dies.
Q: Where can I find the log files from Docker Desktop Installation (attempt)?
(Is there a command line argument I need to pass to Docker Desktop Installer.exe?)
Windows 10 Pro 64bit: 20H2, virtualization and hyper-v enabled
Docker Desktop:
Context: I used to successfully run Docker Desktop, but an update failed and I could not install or uninstall it. I needed to see the installation log files.
Install logs are automatically generated by Docker Desktop Installer.exe, and can be found in:

Docker Desktop Installation failed: one prerequisite is not fulfilled on Windows 10

I have a problem when installing a Docker Desktop
"Installation failed: one prerequisite is not fullfilled"
Docker Desktop requires Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise (15063+) or Windows 10 Home (19018+).
My Computer System Specification:
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version: 10.0.10240 Build 10240
RAM: 8Gb
I have tried manually Install Hyper-V and Containers in my Computer, but still failed to install the desktop docker.. Anyone can help me? Im need your help.
You need to install Windows 10 Home 2004 build which was released on May 2020, you can use Microsoft's update assistant to manually get the update if it's not showing up for you on Windows.
Get it here:
You may want to try Docker Toolbox
Docker Toolbox is an installer for quick setup and launch of a Docker
environment on older Mac and Windows systems that do not meet the
requirements of the new Docker Desktop for Mac and Docker Desktop for
Windows apps.
The actual required Windows version is greater than what it says in the installer GUI.
It might be a typo! and according to Docker this has happened before:
Docker actually requires Windows build xxxxx or greater - we're
working on the typo in the installer gui, but you'll need to update
your Windows to proceed. (Jan 8, 2018)
Just Update Windows and the problem goes away.
If you cannot update the system use choco
Install following the official Сhocolatey documentation:
After installation, run the command choco install docker-desktop or follow the official installation documentation

Docker Desktop installation on windows 7 is not working

I've downloaded docker desktop from the website but was unable to open the installer.
My operating system is windows 7.
What are the steps required to install docker desktop on windows 7?
Docker Desktop is not supported on windows 7, you can use Docker toolbox instead.
Do following steps:
Install hyper-v
Install Docker Toolbox and try to follow link instructions
Run Docker Quickstart as admin.
After following above steps, you may not be able to run Docker Quickstart Terminal properly. If so, follow below steps:
Go to window's Start.
type: Environment
click: Edit the system environment variables
Make sure you have VBOX_INSTALL_PATH (should point to VirtualBox installation folder. i.e. C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox)
Make sure you have VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH (should point to VirtualBox installation folder. i.e. *C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox*)
Make sure you have VBOX_USER_HOME (e.g. C:\Users\Sara.VirtualBox)
Make sure you have DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH in your User variables (i.e. C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox)
Restart your computer.
Try Running Kitematic. If its not working and you are receiving an error about "default" already existing or config.json missing, do the following:
close Docker Quickstart Terminal if open.
open task manager -> processes.
End process VBoxHeadless.exe
add an empty config.json file manually in %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default if config.json is missing.
Run in CMD: docker-machine rm -f default
Run in CMD: docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 default
If the above CMD commands failed:
delete folder %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default manually
restart computer
run Docker Quickstart Terminal as admin
folder %userprofile%.docker\machine\machines\default should have been created properly at this point.
open kitematic. UI should be presented properly
Problem with "default" project
Failure on "default"
As far as I know, Docker desktop require Windows 10.
System Requirements
Windows 10 64-bit: Pro, Enterprise, or Education (Build 15063 or later).
You will need Win10 pro to install Docker on PC, but otherwise you can still install Docker on PC by downloading Docker Toolbox for Win7,8,10. Link to download Docker Toolbox at: /get/Programming/Other-Programming-Files/Docker-Toolbox.shtml

How to initialize and run Docker on windows?

I have Docker installed on Windows 7 platform. However when I try to run boot2docker start, the console gives me:
Failed to get machine 'boot2docker-vm': machine does not exist.
Ok, so I try to initialize the machine: boot2docker init. What now happens is even though I have the ISO image on the same path as docker, it tries to download a new image (and then fails to do so).
I uninstalled both OracleVM and GIT before installing them with boot2docker bundle as advised on Docker forums, but now I don't know how to proceed.
I had the same problem on a Windows 7 64 bit system when I installed the entire boot2docker package. It seems that running the solely 64-bit based boot2docker image from a 32-bit OS image (e.g. created by Virtualbox) does not work.
The solution for me was
to activate Intel Virtualisation Technolologies in my BIOS
(Lenovo X61 for me). Note that the settings can be found either
under CPU or Security.
choose a 64 bit OS version in VirtualBox and boot in with the
image obtained by boot2docker.
In case you're trying to do this now
For Windows 10 64-bit: Pro, Enterprise, or Education (Build 15063 or later), follow the instructions to install Docker Desktop here
If you have Windows systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker Desktop for Windows(in my case Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language), you can install Docker Toolbox by following the instructions here
boot2docker does not support sharing directories on Windows IIRC. The way I run Docker on windows is:
install VirtualBox
install Vagrant
create a directory (let's say c:\vm\docker)
download this Vagrantfile and save it under c:\vm\docker\Vagrantfile
open a DOS command prompt
go to the directory cd c:\vm\docker
start the VM vagrant up and wait for it to install, start up and get provisionned
connect to the VM vagrant ssh
play with docker docker images, etc
Also you might want a real console instead of using the DOS command prompt:
install Git Bash for Windows
install Console
setup Console to use Git Bash (see this guide)
use Console to run the vagrant up and vagrant ssh commands

Installing MAC OS useing virtualbox On Windows 8.1

I am trying to install Mac(OSX-Mavericks) using virtualbox On Windows 8.1.
Everything works fine But, when MAC Installation setup starts in virtual machine, it keep on loading and do not start the installation wizard stays on the first screen.
I have waited for a log time like 3-4 hrs but unable to figure out the problem as there is no error.
I am using a dell(Inspiron 3537).
I have installed Mac on my previous Samsung laptop successfully in the same way.
I will provide other information on demand as I'm not sure where the problem is as setup loads but not starts the installation process.
Thanks in advance
enable virtualisation on your BIOS, it may helps.
Open an administrator CMD shell and try this:
cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox"
VBoxManage modifyvm <name_of_your_vm> --cpuidset 00000001 000306a9 00020800 80000201 178bfbff
Then close/VirtualBox and open again (to save your new settings). Boot OSX with "-v" flag.
