Abnormal values of CPU usage in Mesos - cpu

I want to calculate the CPU utilization of each framework in Mesos. Following this, I have determined that I can use /monitor/statistics/ endpoint to collect the data for each task on slaves and then group the tasks by the framework_id.
The problem is that sometimes I get abnormal values for CPU usage: negative or extremely large. What can be the cause of it?


Detecting CPU load on different machines

I am trying to create a background task scheduler for my process, which needs to schedule the tasks(compute intensive) parallelly while maintaining the responsiveness of the UI.
Currently, I am using CPU usage(percentage) to against a threshold (~50%) for the scheduler to start a new task, and it sort of works fine.
This program can run on a variety hardware configurations( e.g processor speed, number of cores), so 50% limit can be too harsh or soft for certain configurations.
Is there any good way to include different parameters of CPU configuration e.g cores, speed; which can dynamically come up with a threshold number based on the hardware configuration?
My suggestions:
Run as many threads as CPUs in the system.
Set the priority of each thread to an idle (lowest)
In the thread main loop do a smallest sleep possible, i.e. usleep(1)

Apache Spark - How to avoid failing slow tasks

Dear fellow Apache Spark enthusiasts
I recently kicked off a sideline project with the goal of turning a couple of ODROID XU4 computers into a stand-alone Spark Cluster.
After setting up the cluster I ran into a problem that seems to be specific to heterogeneous multi processors. Spark executor tasks run extremely slow on the XU4 when using all 8 processors. The reason, as mentioned in a comment on my post below, is that Spark does not wait for the executors that have been kicked off on the slow processors.
One solution is to use fewer executor cores and to set the CPU affinity to not use the LITTLE processors. This is however a less than ideal solution.
Is there a way to ask Spark to wait a bit longer for feedback from slower executors? Obviously waiting too long will have a negative effect on performance. The positive effect of utilising all cores should however balance out the negative effect.
Thanks in advance for any help!
#Dikei response highlights two potential causes, but it turns out the problem is not the one he suspects. I have the same set up as the #TJVR, and it turns out the driver is missing heartbeats from executors. To address this, I added the following to spark-env.sh:
export SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS="-Dspark.worker.timeout=600 -Dspark.akka.timeout=200 -Dspark.shuffle.consolidateFiles=true"
export SPARK_JAVA_OPTS="-Dspark.worker.timeout=600 -Dspark.akka.timeout=200 -Dspark.shuffle.consolidateFiles=true"
This changes the default timeouts for executor heartbeats. Also set spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles to true to improve performance on my ext4 filesystem. These defaults changes allowed me to increased the core usage above one and not frequently lose executors.
Spark does not kill slow executors, but will mark an executor as dead in two cases:
If the driver doesn't receive a heartbeat signal in a while (default: 120s): The executor have to regularly (default: 10s) send a heartbeat message to notify the driver that it is still alive. Network issues or large GC pause can prevent these heartbeat from happening.
The executor has crashed due to exception in the code or JVM runtime error, most likely due to GC pause as well.
In my opinion, it's probably that GC overhead has killed your slowed executor and the driver has to redo the task on a different executor. If this is the case, you can try splitting your data into smaller partitions, so that each executor has to process less data at a time.
Secondly, you should NOT set spark.speculation to 'true' without testing. It's 'false' by default for a reason, I've seen it do more harm than good in some case.
Lastly, the following assumption might not hold true.
The positive effect of utilising all cores should however balance out
the negative effect.
Slow executors (straggles) can cause the program to perform much worse, depending on workload. It's entirely possible that avoiding the slow cores will provide the best result.

Recovery techniques for Spark Streaming scheduling delay

We have a Spark Streaming application that has basically zero scheduling delay for hours, but then suddenly it jumps up to multiple minutes and spirals out of control: This is happens after a while even if we double the batch interval.
We are not sure what causes the delay to happen (theories include garbage collection). The cluster has generally low CPU utilization regardless of whether we use 3, 5 or 10 slaves.
We are really reluctant to further increase the batch interval, since the delay is zero for such long periods. Are there any techniques to improve recovery time from a sudden spike in scheduling delay? We've tried seeing if it will recover on its own, but it takes hours if it even recovers at all.
Open the batch links, and identified which stages are in delay. Are there any external access to other DBs/application which are impacting this delay?
enter image description here
Go in each job, and see the data/records processed by each executor. you can find problems here.
enter image description here
There may be skewness in data partitions as well. If the application is reading data from kafka and processing it, then there can be skewness in data across cores if the partitioning is not well defined. Tune the parameters: # of kafka partitions, # of RDD partitions, # of executors, # of executor cores.

Individual Spark Task consume more time on computation if more cores are assigned

I am running a spark job with input file of size 6.6G (hdfs) with master as local. My Spark Job with 53 partitions completed quickly when I assign local[6] than local[2], however the individual task takes more computation time when number of cores are more. Say if I assign 1 core(local[1]) then each task takes 3 secs where the same goes up to 12 seconds if I assign 6 cores (local[6]). Where the time gets wasted? The spark UI shows increase in computation time for each task in local[6] case, I couldn't understand the reason why the same code takes different computation time when more cores are assigned.
I could see more %iowait in iostat output if I use local[6] than local[1]. Please let me know this is the only reason or any possible reasons. I wonder why this iowait is not reported in sparkUI. I see the increase in computing time than iowait time.
I am assuming you are referring to spark.task.cpus and not spark.cores.max
With spark.tasks.cpus each task get assigned more cores, but it doesn't necessarily have to use them. If you process is single threaded it really can't use them. You wind up with additional overhead without additional benefit and those cores are taken away from other single threaded tasks that can use them.
With spark.cores.max it is simply and overhead issue with transferring data around at the same time.

WebSphere Liberty auto scaling CPU metric

WAS Liberty has auto-scaling feature and one of the metrics is the CPU metric.
My question is about the case when I have many JVMs being members of different clusters running on the same host. Is Liberty measuring the CPU consumption of each JVM or is it per host? If it is host-wide, then scaling decisions are almost meaningless because how does it know which JVM is actually consuming all the CPU time and needs to be scaled out? If I have 5 JVMs and 4 of those are not doing any work and one JVM is taking 99% of my CPU on the host, I only need to scale that JVM, not all five of them.
The manual says metrics trigger on averages across a cluster, so for the scenario you outline:
If they are all in a single cluster, there is really no scaling action required and it wouldn't likely help.
If the spinning JVM is in a single or very small cluster (w/o the other 4) then it could trip the CPU metric depending on the average %cpu and the configuration
The usage of the resources is compared against its threshold at each level (JVM, Host and Cluster). When the usage goes beyond the threshold at one of the levels, the scale out action is executed.
