Abstract GORM Data Service not Being Injected by Spring - spring

I have a GORM Data Service abstract class that I'm trying to wire it into a Controller class. Given the below sample code as-is, the myDomainClassDataService object will be null when the application starts and I will get an exception when I attempt to call its methods. If I apply the #Autowired annotation to myDomainClassDataService in the MyController class, then I will receive a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException. We are using GORM with a neo4j database.
The code works when running through IntelliJ locally, but not at all when built and deployed in an AWS CodePipeline. This is part of an upgrade from Grails v4 to v5, where the code was previously working without any issues.
// gradle.properties
// Sample GORM Data Service class
import grails.gorm.services.Service
import org.myorg.auth.UserService
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource
abstract class MyDomainClassDataService {
UserService userService
MessageSource messageSource
final void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) {
this.messageSource = messageSource
abstract MyDomainClass get(Serializable id)
abstract List<MyDomainClass> list(Map args)
abstract Long count()
abstract void delete(Serializable id)
abstract MyDomainClass save(MyDomainClass myParam)
def updateMyDomainClassApplicability(MyDomainClass myDomainClass, Boolean selectedApplicableFlag) {
// Concrete method. Do something.
def getSomethingFromMyDomainClass(myParam){
// Concrete method. Do something.
// More concrete methods below.
// Sample Controller class
import org.myorg.assessment.MyDomainClassDataService
class MyController {
MyDomainClassDataService myDomainClassDataService
def index(Integer max) {
// Concrete method. Do something.
// More concrete methods below.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Is there a way for #SpyBean to create spies for all types based on the interface type in a Spring Boot test?

I have a Spring Boot application where I would like to ensure that a list of decorators are verified to be executed. These decorators all extend from the same Abstract class, which in turn extend from the same interface, and they are autowired into a service class as a list of decorators. I would have thought that providing the #SpyBean(MyDecorator.class) at the class level of the test would have done the trick, but I got the error specifying that the decorator is not a spy. It looks like the MockitoPostProcessor class expects that we provide the individual concrete classes in the annotation as so #SpyBean(classes = {decorator1.class,decorator2.class}). I tried the latter, and it worked.
However, the issue that I have with this is that we have to add to this list every time we create a new decorator, which is not ideal. This is why I thought it makes sense to have the interface type be checked as well. Please let me know if there is a better way of doing this, or if I missed something. A thought that crossed my mind was to define my own post processor to wrap any bean from a defined type in a mockito spy, but I would like to check here first. Here is a skeleton definition of the classes to help you understand my dilemma.
public interface MyDecorator{
public void decorate(SomeObject obj);
public class AbstractDecorator implements MyDecorator{
//common decorator logic
public class Decorator1 extends AbstractDecorator{
public void decorate(SomeObject obj){
//decoration logic
public class Decorator2 extends AbstractDecorator{
public void decorate(SomeObject obj){
//decoration logic
public class DecorationService implements Service{
private List<MyDecorator> decoratorList;
public void processDecorators(){
//go through list of decorators and process some object
//#SpyBean(MyDecorator.class) //<-- This doesn't wrap the classes in a spy and errors out
#SpyBean(classes = {Decorator1.class, Decorator2.class}) //<-- This works
public class DecoratorServiceTest{
private List<MyDecorator> decoratorList;
public void testProcessDecorator(){
//verify that each decorator was processed
I posted a spring boot github issue here. Hopefully we would either see an improvement on it or we get an explanation as to why it is designed in this way.
I have a workaround in place that I'm using which is I've created a class that implements Spring's BeanPostProcessor interface, and I override the postProcessAfterInitialization method, and I check if the class is what I'm expecting, then I would wrap it in a mockito spy. Also, you would need to define the spring bean.
Here is a snippet of the class that I created.
public class SpyBeanPostProcessor<T> implements BeanPostProcessor{
* The class type to spy on.
private Class<T> typeToSpy;
* Construct a SpyBeanPostProcessor with a class type to wrap
* as a {#link org.mockito.Spy}
* #param typeToSpy The class type to spy on.
public SpyBeanPostProcessor(Class<T> typeToSpy) {
this.typeToSpy = typeToSpy;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
if (typeToSpy.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass())){
return Mockito.spy(bean);
return bean;
I also needed to create a new spring bean that loads the BeanPostProcessor as shown below.
public static SpyBeanPostProcessor decoratorSpyBeanPostProcessor(){
return new SpyBeanPostProcessor(MyDecorator.class);

Is it possible to parameterize a JUnit Jupiter test with beans from a Spring ApplicationContext?

I would like to write a unit test which is executed for every Spring bean of a given type. JUnit5's parameterized tests offer a lot of possibilities, but I don't know how to inject beans into a method source as it has to be a static method.
Is there a way to determine the parameters of a JUnit5 test based on Spring's application context?
For starters, a factory method configured via #MethodSource does not have to be static. The second sentence in the User Guide explains that.
Factory methods within the test class must be static unless the test class is annotated with #TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS); whereas, factory methods in external classes must always be static.
Thus, if you use #TestInstance(PER_CLASS) semantics, your #MethodSource factory method can be non-static and can therefore access the ApplicationContext injected into the test instance.
Here's an example that demonstrates that for beans of type String, with an intentional failure for the bar bean.
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringJUnitConfig;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS;
class SpringBeansParameterizedTests {
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
void stringBeans(String bean) {
assertEquals(3, bean.length());
Stream<String> stringBeans() {
return applicationContext.getBeansOfType(String.class).values().stream();
static class Config {
String foo() {
return "foo";
String bar() {
return "barf";
If you don't want to work directly with the ApplicationContext, you can simplify the solution by having the collection of all such beans of a given type (String in this example) injected directly, as follows.
class SpringBeansParameterizedTests {
List<String> stringBeans;
void stringBeans(String bean) {
assertEquals(3, bean.length());
Stream<String> stringBeans() {
return this.stringBeans.stream();
static class Config {
String foo() {
return "foo";
String bar() {
return "barf";
The usage of the #TestFactory might help.
Actually I stumbled across a post that does a pretty similar (or the same) thing as you do on github.
Let your Test run with the SpringExtenion and use the injected Beans as parameters for our Test.

Autowire working in unit test but not in main java class

I've a domain class that I want to auto-populate from external config. Here is my domain class:
public class StudioVo {
private code;
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
Here is my context xml:
<bean class="org.springframework.batch.core.scope.StepScope" />
<bean id="ItemReader" class="com.sdm.studio.reader.StudioReader" scope="step">
<property name="studioVo" ref="StudioVo" />
<bean id="StudioConfigVo" class="com.sdm.studio.domain.StudioVo" />
Here is the class where I want to use the vo:
public class StudioReader implements ItemReader<List<Studio>> {
private StudioVo studioVo;
public List<Studio> read() throws Exception {
System.out.println("getCode: " + studioVo.getCode()); //code is null here
return null;
However when I run it via unit test by autowiring, it runs fine. Like this:
public class StudioTest {
private StudioVo studioVo;
public void testAutoPopulationOfStudio(){
System.out.println("getCode: "+ studioVo.getCode()); // works!
// Assert.assertTrue(studioVo.getCode().equals("102"));
Not sure what's going on here - I'm working with an old Spring Batch application wrapped in Spring Boot (so there is a mix of XML based and Java based config - and may be that is the cause of this issue). What am I missing?
In your StudioTest, you are autowiring StudioReader where as you missed the #Autowired in your StudioReader code, so add it as shown below:
public class StudioReader implements ItemReader<List<Studio>> {
#Autowired //add this so that studioVo can be injected
private StudioVo studioVo;
//add other code
Please be certain to note that using #Autowire requires a chain of Spring-managed beans below it from wherever you are using it including the class in which you are using #Autowire. That is because Spring needs the precedent references to match up the object-reference hierarchy. I.e., in business logic layer ClassA, you want to #Autowire a field. ClassA itself needs to be a managed bean. Further, if the field you want to #Autowire holds an object that has referential dependencies to other objects (and most do), these also must be Spring-managed.
For example, the following will work:
package com.example.demo;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
public class MessageRunner {
private static SetterMessage setterMessage;
public static void main(String[] args) {
setterMessage = (SetterMessage) (new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(DemoConfiguration.class)).getBean("setterMessage");
setterMessage.setMessage("Finally it works.");
private static void p(String s) {
DemoConfiguration.java looks like this:
package com.example.demo;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.example.demo")
public class DemoConfiguration {
SetterMessage.java, this:
package com.example.demo;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class SetterMessage {
private String message = null;
private SetterMessage2 setterMessage2;
public String getMessage(){
return message+setterMessage2.getSubMessage();
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
package com.example.demo;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class SetterMessage2 {
private String subMsg = "";
public void setSubMessage(String msg) {
subMsg = msg;
public String getSubMessage() {
return subMsg;
Note that SetterMessage2.java is annotated as a Component (#Service) but no field in it is autowired. That is because it's the end of the object reference chain. But because it is a Component, it can be autowired into SetterMessage.java. However look at MessageRunner.java's main() method and field declarations. Note that the class field SetterMessage is NOT autowired. If it were annotated as #Autowired, main() would fail at runtime, throwing an NPE with the reference to setterMessage in main(). This is because MessageRunner.java is not marked as some kind of component. So we need to grab a valid instance of MessageSetter from the application context and use it.
To emphasize, the following version of MessageRunner.java's main() method WILL FAIL, throwing an NPE, if MessageRunner.java looked like this:
public class MessageRunner {
#Autowired // <-- This will not do the job for us
private static SetterMessage setterMessage;
public static void main(String[] args) {
setterMessage.setMessage("Finally it works."); // NPE here on ref to setterMessage
This is a real gotchya for people new to Spring. In fact, I'd place it among the Top Five Spring Newbie Discouragers and a really evil, pernicious detail that has caused new Spring programmers countless hours in aggravation and Google searches. So I do hope that noting this phenom here will save at least some newbies time and high blood pressure spikes.
Note: If you go to create the above classes in your IDE, bear in mind these were developed with Spring Boot enabled.

Mapstruct - How can I inject a spring dependency in the Generated Mapper class

I need to inject a spring service class in the generated mapper implementation, so that I can use it via
#Mapping(target="x", expression="java(myservice.findById(id))")"
Is this applicable in Mapstruct-1.0?
As commented by brettanomyces, the service won't be injected if it is not used in mapping operations other than expressions.
The only way I found to this is :
Transform my mapper interface into an abstract class
Inject the service in the abstract class
Make it protected so the "implementation" of the abstract class has access
I'm using CDI but it should be the samel with Spring :
unmappedTargetPolicy = org.mapstruct.ReportingPolicy.IGNORE,
componentModel = "spring",
uses = {
// My other mappers...
public abstract class MyMapper {
protected MyService myService;
#Mapping(target="x", expression="java(myservice.findById(obj.getId())))")
public abstract Dto myMappingMethod(Object obj);
It should be possible if you declare Spring as the component model and add a reference to the type of myservice:
#Mapper(componentModel="spring", uses=MyService.class)
public interface MyMapper { ... }
That mechanism is meant for providing access to other mapping methods to be called by generated code, but you should be able to use them in the expression that way, too. Just make sure you use the correct name of the generated field with the service reference.
Since 1.2 this can be solved with a combination of #AfterMapping and #Context.. Like this:
public interface MyMapper {
#Mapping(target="x",ignore = true)
// other mappings
Target map( Source source, #Context MyService service);
default void map( #MappingTarget Target.X target, Source.ID source, #Context MyService service) {
target.set( service.findById( source.getId() ) );
The service can be passed as context.
A nicer solution would be to use an #Context class which wrap MyService in stead of passing MyService directly. An #AfterMapping method can be implemented on this "context" class: void map( #MappingTarget Target.X target, Source.ID source ) keeping the mapping logic clear of lookup logic. Checkout this example in the MapStruct example repository.
What's worth to add in addition to the answers above is that there is more clean way to use spring service in mapstruct mapper, that fits more into "separation of concerns" design concept, called "qualifier". Easy re-usability in other mappers as a bonus.
For sake of simplicity I prefer named qualifier as noted here http://mapstruct.org/documentation/stable/reference/html/#selection-based-on-qualifiers
Example would be:
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Named;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class EventTimeQualifier {
private EventTimeFactory eventTimeFactory; // ---> this is the service you want yo use
public EventTimeQualifier(EventTimeFactory eventTimeFactory) {
this.eventTimeFactory = eventTimeFactory;
public EventTime stringToEventTime(String time) {
return eventTimeFactory.fromString(time);
This is how you use it in your mapper:
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Mapping;
#Mapper(componentModel = "spring", uses = EventTimeQualifier.class)
public interface EventMapper {
#Mapping(source = "checkpointTime", target = "eventTime", qualifiedByName = "stringToEventTime")
Event map(EventDTO eventDTO);
I am using Mapstruct 1.3.1 and I have found this problem is easy to solve using a decorator.
#Mapper(unmappedTargetPolicy = org.mapstruct.ReportingPolicy.IGNORE,
componentModel = "spring")
public interface FooMapper {
FooDTO map(Foo foo);
public abstract class FooMapperDecorator implements FooMapper{
private FooMapper delegate;
private MyBean myBean;
public FooDTO map(Foo foo) {
FooDTO fooDTO = delegate.map(foo);
return fooDTO;
Mapstruct will generate 2 classes and mark the FooMapper that extends FooMapperDecorator as the #Primary bean.
I can't use componentModel="spring" because I work in a large project that doesn't use it. Many mappers includes my mapper with Mappers.getMapper(FamilyBasePersonMapper.class), this instance is not the Spring bean and the #Autowired field in my mapper is null.
I can't modifiy all mappers that use my mapper. And I can't use particular constructor with the injections or the Spring's #Autowired dependency injection.
The solution that I found: Using a Spring bean instance without using Spring directly:
Here is the Spring Component that regist itself first instance (the Spring instance):
public class PermamentAddressMapper {
private TypeAddressRepository typeRepository;
private PersonAddressRepository personAddressRepository;
static protected PermamentAddressMapper FIRST_INSTANCE;
public PermamentAddressMapper() {
if(FIRST_INSTANCE == null) {
public static PermamentAddressMapper getFirstInstance(){
public static AddressDTO idPersonToPermamentAddress(Integer idPerson) {
Here is the Mapper that use the Spring Bean accross getFirstInstance method:
#Mapper(uses = { NationalityMapper.class, CountryMapper.class, DocumentTypeMapper.class })
public interface FamilyBasePersonMapper {
static FamilyBasePersonMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(FamilyBasePersonMapper.class);
default AddressDTO idPersonToPermamentAddress(Integer idPerson) {
return PermamentAddressMapper.getFirstInstance()
source = "idPerson",
qualifiedByName="idPersonToPermamentAddress" )
source = "idPerson",
target = "idPerson")
FamilyDTO toFamily(PersonBase person);
Maybe this is not the best solution. But it has helped to decrement the impact of changes in the final resolution.

Inject a list of classes that extends an abstract class with Spring

I have the next code:
public abstract class MyClass{
protected abstract void method1();
Classes that extend the first one:
public class MyClass1 extends MyClass{
public class MyClass2 extends MyClass{
My class where I try to inject list of classes that extends an abstract class
public class SpringClass{
#Autowired **//It doesnt work, nothing is inyected!**
List<MyClass> classes
My problem is it doesnt work, it doesnt inject the list of classes that extend MyClass in property classes. Why?
You can remove #Autowired annotation for the instance variable and add it to the setter method. After doing this your spring class would be
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class SpringClass {
List<MyClass> classes;
public void setClasses(List<MyClass> classes) {
this.classes = classes;
Hope this helps.
public class SpringClass {
private Map<String, YourInterface> map;
String in map will be contain all classes name that implements the YourInterface as String.
if you want to get all instances - use map.values()
if you want to get specific instance - get it by class name.
in additional, you can customize the key by another recognize such as Enum.
in this case - you need to configure this as #Bean
as bellow :
public class CalculationHandlerConfig {
public HashMap<OperatorTypeEnum, CalculatorService> CalculationHandlers(Map<String, CalculatorService> beansMap) {
HashMap<OperatorTypeEnum, CalculatorService> map = new HashMap<>();
for (CalculatorService bean : beansMap.values()) {
map.put(bean.getOperatorType(), bean);
return map;
It looks like it could be dependent on the version of Spring being used, however, you may also want to try using an interface that all the desired classes implement, and injecting the list referencing the interface.
In other words, instead of this..
