moving WSL venv in Windows - windows

I have started using WSL2 with windows 11.
Recently while organizing my folders I tried to copy and paste a few files created in WSL to a different location but I get the error "Error 0x80070780: The File Cannot Be Accessed by the System"
I have narrowed it to moving the python venv but I am still not getting how to move the files
Edit with additional details:
All my files are in the windows Directory only.
I am trying to copy the files from one folder to another
I am trying a simple copy and paste (ctrl-C ctrl-V)
Yes it only happens with the venv I made in WSL using
python3 -m venv ./venv
Thank you for the help


Installing Github .zip files on Chromebook via Linux

I'm using a Linux Debian terminal, trying to install a Github .zip file by following a walkthrough (from Chromebook). They're using a Windows terminal and access the zip file from a G: drive. They run the following:
G:\filename>npm install
Which installs the Github zip. I've looked all over online and tried a few different solutions but can't get past the second command they run.
I was able to open /mnt/chromeos/MyFiles/Downloads from Linux by sharing the Downloads folder with it.
I'm not sure how to change the directory from here to the and/or run commands from it. Whenever I try to run cd or cd /mnt/chromeos/MyFiles/Downloads/ it always fails. Is this even possible on a Chromebook?

Windows Shell Script Default Folder

I'm trying to create a shell script for deploy a django application in Windows 10. I'm just at the beginning but what I want to do is:
Create the directory C:\Software\MyApp;
Clone the project from GitLab in C:\Software\MyApp;
Install virtualenv in C:\Software\MyApp\py2_env;
So I wrote this script
# setup folser
cd C:\
mkdir C:\Software\MyApp
cd C:\Software\MyApp
# clone application
git clone
# virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv C:\Software\EVARplanning\py2_env
I save it in a file called that is in my Desktop folder. The problem is that when I double-click it, it create an "Application" and "SoftwareMyApppy2_env" folder in my Desktop (C:\Users\<user>\Desktop).
The strange thing is that if I open a terminal and copy/paste those commands one by one, they work perfectly...
Can you tell me what I wrong?

How to create a desktop-entry for anaconda on Ubuntu 17.10?

I've recently installed anaconda3 in Ubuntu 17.10 (system environment). To run anaconda-navigator, I've to activate root for each time as
Source ~/anaconda3/bin/activate root
And to run it I've to write each time
Now I am wanted to create a desktop entry but I'm having errors at multiple stages. Can you please explain from beginning how to create a desktop-entry for anaconda3 on Linux?
EDIT: I've tried using this post on AskUbuntu. But, it failed for me. It is not showing on dock-bar as well as in /usr/share/applications. I'm really frustrated.
First, check if anaconda3 is installed on your system or not (Sometime the package may be broken due to network issues during installation (Not worked for me)). And whether you are able to launch anaconda-navigator without a desktop entry.
For creating a desktop entry
Step 1. Open your text editor and save the following content as Anaconda.desktop to your home directory.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Scientific Python Development Environment - Python3
Take care with the Python version. in $HOME/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/anaconda_navigator/static/images/anaconda-icon-256x256.png change python3.8 if needed
Step 2. Copy your Anaconda.desktop to /usr/share/applications/ as root (Because you might need permission to copy at /usr/share/applications/)
sudo cp Anaconda.desktop /usr/share/applications
This will create a desktop entry named Anaconda in /usr/share/applications/.
Step 3. add this line export PATH="$HOME/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" to your /etc/profile or $HOME/.bashrc
Step 4. Check if Anaconda is added to your application dock. If you didn't find it, search it in search-bar. Or you can run directly from /usr/share/applications/Anaconda.desktop.

How do I change the default start folder of jupyter-notebook?

I have installed anaconda on C:\Users\My_name\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda2, the issue is that whenever I launch jupyternotebook or any other from the anaconda navigator the starting directory is a external network location Z:. I want jupyter to be installed and run on C:\ how do I solve it?
Here is a copy of the anaconda command prompt so you better understand what I mean.
I have already reinstalled anaconda making sure that I select the C:\ directory, even installing offline so the computer has no acces to Z:, but the result is the same. Any ideas on how to solve it?
I defined a new windows PATH variable to ~\Anaconda2\Scripts. Then I can start jupyter notebook anywhere just by tiping "jupyter notebook" on the command line.
For MacOS, edit this file:
/Users/{your user name}/anaconda/bin/jupyter_mac.command
Original was:
DIR=$(dirname $0)<br/>
I added a line:
DIR=$(dirname $0)<br/>
cd /Users/{your user name}/{whatever folder you want}/<br/>
This way, Jupyter notebook starts directory you want. Be careful about folder names with space. Use \ before the space. For example, the Google Drive folder shoule be:
cd /Users/{your user name}/Google\ Drive/

Vagrant: how to edit files on the Vagrant server?

I'm following these instructions for setting up a Django app on Vagrant.
I have successfully completed them and started Django, but: how can I now edit the Django files within my usual text editor, TextMate?
I guess I can ssh and use vi to edit them from the command line, but I thought the point of Vagrant was to be able to use my usual editing tools.
I'm just not sure where the Django files are physically located.
Apologies if this question is off-topic, I'll happily post it elsewhere, if editors can let me know where is best.
That web site is exactly the same place I started a few months ago.
Since I've learned more about Vagrant since then, I've created my own GitHub repo. You can download it here:
The way it is setup:
git clone the repo to a local directory on your machine
cd into that directory
run "vagrant up"
the directory you run "vagrant up" in is mapped to /vagrant on the guest virtual machine
Here is a working example of the way one might do it:
cd $home
git clone
cd djangovagrant
vagrant up
vagrant ssh djangovm
cd /vagrant startproject django_project
cd django_project
python runserver [::]:8000
You will then see the Django Project build on your local machine in the "djangovagrant" folder you created by the clone command above. You can you Textmate, Sublime, or any text editor you like to edit the files locally, and they'll be mapped to the guest VM.
I hope this helps - good luck.
Vagrant always synchronizes the files in the project you set up with your PC.
So whenever you ssh into the vagrant, (usually) in /vagrant directory you can see all the files you have in the root folder of your project (directory where Vagrantfile ruby script is)
Now you can use your text editor and save the file in a folder you want (for convenience, always save new files inside the project directory). now mirroring your directory structure around the /vagrant directory you can see the file being saved in the appropriate folder in your guest machine.
For e.g if you created and saved a file in your project root folder then you can see it appear in /vagrant directory.
