I want to show the metrics of ActiveMQ(messages arriving in the EXPIRY_QUEUE and DL_QUEUE) on Sentry and generate the Alerts using Sentry.
Kindly suggest any option to scrape the ActiveMQ metrics in Sentry.
As the documentation notes:
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis can export metrics to a variety of monitoring systems via the Micrometer vendor-neutral application metrics facade.
However, the Micrometer website does not list Sentry as a supported integration. I'm not familiar with Sentry, but if it can deal with formats from other platforms (e.g. Prometheus) then you could make it work. Otherwise you'll likely have to write your own plugin.
I cannot find any reference on implementation of getting metrics.
Can Someone help with an example and references?
As stats_example says here, You can get stats listed in STATISTICS.md. But clearly mentioned in the example comments, You need to implement metrics
Stats events are emitted as JSON (as string). Either directly forward
the JSON to your statistics collector, or convert it to a map to
extract fields of interest.
So in this case, In your application, you need to implement metrics collector something like prometheus
And if you want full broker side metrics, You can implement Kafka monitoring As Kafka Documentation explained here
Kafka uses Yammer Metrics for metrics reporting in the server. The
Java clients use Kafka Metrics, a built-in metrics registry that
minimizes transitive dependencies pulled into client applications.
Both expose metrics via JMX and can be configured to report stats
using pluggable stats reporters to hook up to your monitoring system.
In my corporate project I am using Spring Boot and Apache ActiveMQ 5.x Spring Boot starter. I am a totally beginner in this.
My goal is to expose Prometheus endpoint with some JMS queue metrics:
number of messages in queue
number of messages in error queue
What are dedicated tools for retrieving such metrics? Up to now I have found two possible ways. Can anyone confirm which of these two tools can solve my problem?
https://activemq.apache.org/components/artemis/documentation/latest/metrics.html (here the example is not very helpful)
I don't think the Spring stuff will work because that will provide Spring-related metrics from the application itself, not the ActiveMQ broker.
Also, the documentation for ActiveMQ you cited is for ActiveMQ Artemis. However, the dependency you're using is for ActiveMQ 5.x. Therefore, the documentation is not applicable. However, if you choose to use ActiveMQ Artemis it is very simple to expose a Prometheus endpoint using this Prometheus metrics plugin implementation. It's worth noting that Artemis is ActiveMQ's next generation message broker. If you're starting a new project I would recommend you use it rather than 5.x. Artemis is planned to replace 5.x and become ActiveMQ 6.0 in the future.
I think your best bet would be to configure the Prometheus JMX exporter. It even has a sample configuration for ActiveMQ 5.x.
ActiveMQ comes with Jolokia bundled by default for extracting JMX Beans for the JVM, queues and a bunch of other metrics using HTTP. That way we can easily export using a software like Telegraf, which comes with a simple input plugin for ActiveMQ and a simple output plugin for Prometheus.
How can I build a microservice to monitor Kafka metrics?
I don't want to use the confluent control center or any other tool.
Before building anything like a microservice, I would explore the kafka exporter for Prometheus to expose Kafka metrics in prometheus format. You could then use Prometheus server to scrape these metrics and Grafana for dashboarding/visualisations. There's other tools you could use for scraping instead of Prometheus/Grafana, e.g. Elastic Metricbeat (which I mention because you've tagged the question with 'elasticsearch'), but the Prometheus/Grafana combination is quite easy to get up and running - there's also out-of-the-box Grafana dashboards that you can install without having to set this up manually e.g. this one.
I have a functioning application using Spring Boot, Rabbit MQ & MySQL DB locally. I'm curious, how I can upload this app to the AWS Environment and get it working seamlessly.
The only part where I'm lost is how to get RabbitMQ in the cloud? Any suggestions?
I see three options for your needs :
Use AmazonMQ managed service. This uses ActiveMQ under the hood, and supports the AMQP protocol (so you can continue to use the RabbitMQ client). Here's an article on how to do it : https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/migrating-from-rabbitmq-to-amazon-mq/.
Use a third-party managed service (such as CloudAMQP). This is similar to the first option, but you can choose a RabbitMQ provider if you wish.
Install RabbitMQ on an EC2 instance and manage it yourself. This is the most flexible option, but it will require more effort on your part and it will probably cost more. I would recommend this option only if you have special requirements that are not met by using a hosted service.
In all cases, I would also recommend to use a messaging library such as Spring Messaging or Apache Camel to isolate your code from your messaging implementation. This will reduce the boilerplate code you need for messaging and allows you to focus on your application logic.
We are doing R & D on RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ, now we want to measure CPU and Memory consumption by particular MQ.
For ActiveMQ we found good support with JConsole and working as expected,
but we are unable to find out JConsole support RabbitMQ.
Can anyone please give me some head up to test RabbitMQ with JConsole.
If not possible with JConsole than suggest some alternatives.
JConsole is a Java tool, RabbitMQ is written in Erlang.
In order to monitor RabbitMQ you can use the Management UI
you can enable it using:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
The web UI is located at: http://server-name:15672/ The HTTP API and
its documentation are both located at: http://server-name:15672/api/
(or view our latest HTTP API documentation here).
Have a look also a this plugin https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-top