Need help on BaseTree - wicket-7

We are in the process of upgrading Wicket from 1.4 to 7. I found that some of the classes below are not available in Wicket 7. How can I use these in Wicket 7? Do we have an alternate for this?
Thank you,


Is there a way to hide Grizzly server version when displaying error pages?

Is there a way to hide Grizzly server version when displaying error pages for security reasons. Also could you point me document for configuring Grizzly server. Not able to find from
Grizzly server version: 2.3.16.
thanks in advance.
please do the following:

Tiles3 in spring portlet mvc

I've updated tiles version from 2.2.2 to 3.0.1 and i currently have a workaround to show portlet content based on solution described in Applying:
ServletUtil.setForceInclude(request, true);
resolved the JSP blank problem in this case. Is there any kind of similar solution for tiles3? In tiles3 i am facing the same situation and i can't find the ServletUtil class or any alternative to help me solve this problem.
With Tiles3, you can do request.setAttribute(AbstractRequest.FORCE_INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, true)
A new TilesViewResolver#alwaysInclude property will be available in Spring Framework 4.1.2 to set this easily, more details available in the comment of this related JIRA issue at

Migrate jsf application to Glassfish 4 and JSF 2.2

I moved a JSF application from Galssfish 3.1.2 to Glassfish 4.0 and I thought the new server release was completely back compatible.
I found out it is not.
I used an outdated library, Primefaces 2.X, and some components stopped working properly, at least <p:tabview>. Common sense suggests to pass to a newer library such as Primafaces 3.5, but that way I have to modify my xhtml pages. Cannot find a compatibility matrix anywhere, nor a migration tutorial. Can you help ?
There is at least another weird problem outside those related to the Primefaces library.
I have a quite complex page and till now I couldn't isolate the problem to a simpler scenario.
In this page I have an <ui:repeat> tag and then a form with a button.
The button is configured to send Ajax request and update (render) only a single ui component.
At the 3rd Ajax request it stops working and I get an error saying there is a duplicate ID corresponding to the <ui:repeat> tag.
Any idea ?
Is there a migration guide from Glassfish 3.1.2 to Glassfish 4.0 which gives hints on what has changed and how to modify existing applications ?
I found the following post which deals about the last problem I'm talkin about
Component ID xxx has already been found in the view.
Unfortunately I cannot understand how to solve it despite it has an accepted answer !
This is one of the many bugs that were released with GF4.
I would suggest either waiting for the next release of GF (if you need a released version) or update GF to the latest JSF release (Currently 2.2.8 I think).
JSF implementation jars
JSF current and older bugs

Missing TextUtils from Struts2 Library

My project was using older versions of Struts2 (2.0.x)
Now we are planning to upgrade Struts2 version which has some improvements and bug fixes.
I updated the pom.xml as per that. However I found out that in my old strtus2-core lib, there's
But in latest version it's not there and I am facing compilation errors.
Any idea why it's missing or how do i get it?
Indeed org.apache.struts2.views.util.TextUtil was removed from Struts 2 after 2.1.6. You have a few options.
First, as Jaiwo99 indicated, Struts 2 is licensed under the Apache License v2, so you can just take a copy of the source for TextUtil from Struts 2.1.6 and put it in your application. The class has no dependencies on other code, so it should work fine.
Second, you could look at using StringEscapeUtils from Apache Commons Lang 3, which is now used by Struts2 for escaping HTML and JavaScript. Specifically, look at StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4() method.
Could it be this one?

I`m looking for a equivalent in Spring of JavaAsync from Play Framework

I wondering is there an equivalent of this feature from play framework
Basicly it helps to create more efective applications. Doesn anyone knows something like that for Spring Framework ?
Sure, Spring provides asynchronous processing via the #Async annotation. See
Not from Spring, but if you don't want/can't use Play, check Akka, it provides similar tools.
