How do I call Mix_GetError from the nim SDL2 Mixer bindings? - sdl-2

There are multiple references in the nim SDL2 mixer.nim file to
Error messages can be retrieved from Mix_GetError().
However, I can't seem to find this function defined in the mixer.nim file
How can I get the latest error string?

You can call sdl2.getError() (from from the base sdl2 bindings) to get the latest error string.


trying to work with EDSDK from Canon using Xcode

just tried to install the EDSDK framework into the Xcode project framework folder. However I cannot run anything, as I am getting a lot of error messages. for example at this position in the EDSDK.h file:
EdsUInt32 EDSAPI EdsRetain( EdsBaseRef inRef );
I get the error message:
A parameter list without types is only allowed in a function definition
I get these all over the place. I really would like to make an MacOS app that takes an image and saves an image with a certain name.
The EDSDK should include two sample XCode projects written in Objective-C, namely:
CameraControl -- controlling the camera
RawDevelop -- processing (raw) images downloaded from the camera
If you'd like to skip the Objective-C part, you could bridge this into Swift yourself. Alternatively, have a look at the most recent PowerShot G7X SDK where Swift is used to make a similar example project.

XCode Boost C++ Library compiling error

I've post this issue 3weeks ago,
And I now post it again.
I use 3rd party library in my project.
Boost C++ Library.
only circular_buffer.hpp header file make trouble.
I don't know what means error message.
so, I post error logs today.
My mac os 10.11 version
Xcode version 7.1.1(7B1005)
C++ Language Dialect : c++11[-std=c++11]
C++ Standard Library : libc++(LLVM C++ standard library with C++11 support)
====================error logs
/Users/genosyde/Downloads/Coding/ofFrameWork/of_v0.9.4_osx_release/addons/ofxOSXBoost-master/libs/boost/include/boost/circular_buffer.hpp:39:27: No member named 'remove_pointer' in namespace 'boost::move_detail'
/Users/genosyde/Downloads/Coding/ofFrameWork/of_v0.9.4_osx_release/addons/ofxOSXBoost-master/libs/boost/include/boost/circular_buffer.hpp:40:27: No member named 'add_pointer' in namespace 'boost::move_detail'
/Users/genosyde/Downloads/Coding/ofFrameWork/of_v0.9.4_osx_release/addons/ofxOSXBoost-master/libs/boost/include/boost/circular_buffer.hpp:45:7: No member named 'disable_if_c' in namespace 'boost::move_detail'; did you mean '::boost::disable_if_c'?
/Users/genosyde/Downloads/Coding/ofFrameWork/of_v0.9.4_osx_release/addons/ofxOSXBoost-master/libs/boost/include/boost/circular_buffer.hpp:50:27: No member named 'is_const' in namespace 'boost::move_detail'
there are hundred of errors below.
thanks for reading and have a good day!!!
Thank you for your interest.
I'm sorry
But, I don't understand your request.
circular_buffer.hpp is 3rt_party library from
Any time, you can download it for individual OS.
And I send you a link, that is my test project file link in google drive.
If you download it, you might just run it.
my test of xcode porject's location:
If you got Xcode, just double click it on finder.
I just add circular_buffer.hpp on ofApp.h to use it.

Xcode unable to find Eigen in workspace

I'm working on Xcode 7.0.1. I'm working with CGAL 4.7. I have a mesh that I want to refine using fair() and refine() as shown in this example.
I initially copied the code and ran it in Xcode and it gave me this error:
/Users/.../Desktop/CGAL-4.7/include/CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/fair.h:133:5: Static_assert failed "The function fair requires Eigen3 version 3.2 or later."
Subsequently, I added usr/local/Cellar/eigen/3.2.6/lib and usr/local/Cellar/eigen/3.2.6/include/eigen to Library Search Path and Header Search Path. Eigen is working, I run some sample code to test. But, I'm still getting that error.
As documented here you can set the environment variable EIGEN3_INC_DIR to the directory contain the Eigen directory containing the header files before running CMake.

Manually defining external symbols with gcc

I'm using DLL injection in a video game for the purpose of modding (I'm building a game API).
I want to directly access structures and variables in the EXE from my new DLL. The absolute addresses of variables are known (the EXE has a fixed image base) .
According the GNU ld documentation, I can use --defsym=symbol=expression to create a global symbol in the output file, containing the absolute address given by expression.
I can't get it to work.
If I declare the symbols as extern in my code, and use ld --defsym, I get undefined reference errors. But if I define the symbols in my code, it just uses the local (DLL) versions, not the EXE ones.
It seems the --defsym options are having no effect. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Update: --defsym works perfectly under Linux. When I try compiling on Windows using mingw, I get undefined reference errors.
I've figured out the problem.
After inspecting the assembly produced by mingw, I found the C symbol names are being prefixed by an underscore. This happens on Windows, but not on Linux.
There is a gcc option -fno-leading-underscore, but this results in an undefined reference to WinMain.
Simply adding leading underscores to the symbol names works.
Example: if my my symbol is named alien in C, using gcc --defsym=_alien=0x500000 works fine.

Reusing OpenCV 2.3.1 bundled image Stitching module

I am lost in a rabbit hole, please bear with me.
I'm trying to use the OpenCV Stitching module from the 2.3.1 Win superpack distribution. I dragged all the source files in /modules/stitching into a Visual Studio project, resolved the Includes and Libs as best I could, and got it to compile.*
The first strange runtime error I had was that I could not read a JPG file from disk with imread(). It did not throw an error, but was returning true for myImage.empty(). I reverted to cvLoadImage() and then it worked.
Now, after that, there is a new runtime error:
Unhandled exception at 0x00870d8f in MyStitcher.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x010e7000.
This occurs in /modules/stitching/matchers.cpp when trying to pass reference to features.keypoints as a detector_->detect() argument. I assume detect() is supposed to populate the keypoints with its result. features appears to be uninitialized (it has 612933850 empty keypoints at the breakpoint). Now this is starting to sound like the source I'm trying to compile is just broken, but opencv_stitching.exe that comes prebuilt works just fine. Was it compiled from different source?
By the way, I do not know how to use the CMake system to generate Visual Studio projects, as recommended, for OpenCV. The CMakeLists.txt file in the /modules/stitching folder did not work. Is it not supposed to be used as a starting point?
*One note on this: CMakeLists.txt in /modules/stitching specifies some
libs named opencv_core, opencv_imgproc, opencv_highgui, etc. (without
a version indication) but the libs included with OpenCV 2.3.1 Win32
superpack (which I'm linking to) are named opencv_core231.lib,
opencv_imgproc231.lib, etc. Is this a clear indication that I am using
mismatched binaries for the stitching module?
I got this working after building the latest from the OpenCV SVN. The stitching module came a long way since the 231 release.
