What is the correct MS Access expression within a form to return a value from one field related to another field in the same table? - expression

I have a database of student travelers on an international tour. Each student picks three others as roommates, and I need to associate each roommate ( [R2] [R3] and [R4] ) with their respective contact phone numbers. I thought a DLookup function would work, but there seems to be an error.
=DLookUp("[Phone Number on Tour]","[June 2022 Travelers]","[Phone Number on Tour] = " & Forms("Rooming Roster")("[R2]"))
I can obviously create duplicate fields in the table to include the appropriate phone number associated with [R2], [R3], and [R4]; however, I'm trying to avoid having to duplicate field content.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Thanks in advance.



I've looked at many threads regarding COUNT and COUNTA, but I can't seem to figure out how to use it correctly.
I am new to DAX and am learning my way around. I have attempted to look this up and have gotten a little ways to where I need to be but not exactly. I think I am confused about how to apply a filter.
Here's the situation:
Four separate queries used to generate the data in the report; but only need to use two for the DAX function (Products and Display).
I have three columns I need to filter by, as follows:
Customer (Display or Products query; can do either)
Brand (Products query)
Location (Display query)
I want to count the columns based on if the data is unique.
Here's an example:
Customer: Big Box Buy;
Item: Lego Big Blocks;
Brand: Lego;
Location: Toys;
Customer: Big Box Buy;
Item: Lego Star Wars;
Brand: Lego;
Location: Toys;
Customer: Big Box Buy;
Item: Surface Pro;
Brand: Microsoft;
Location: Electronics;
Customer: Little Shop on the Corner;
Item: Red Bicycle;
Brand: Trek;
Location: Racks;
In this example, no matter the fact that the items are different, we want to look at just the customer, the brand, and the location. We see in the first two records, the customer is "Big Box Buy" and the brand is "Lego" and the location is "Toys". This appears twice, but I want to count it distinct as "1". The next "Big Box Buy" store has the brand "Microsoft" and the location is "Electronics". It appears once and only once, and thus the distinct count is "1" anyway. This means that there are two separate entries for "Big Box Buy", both with a count of 1. And lastly there is "Little Shop on the Corner" which appears just once and is counted just once.
The "skeleton" of the code I have is basically just to see if I can get a count to work at all, which I can. It's the FILTER that I think is the problem (not used in the below example) judging by other threads I've read.
TotalDisplays = CALCULATE(COUNTA(products[Brand]))
Obviously I can't just count the amount of times a brand appears as that would give me duplicates. I need it unique based on if the following conditions are met:
Customer must be the same
Brand must be the same
Location must be the same
If so, we distinctly count it as one.
I know I ranted a bit and may seem to have gone in circles, but I was trying to figure out how to explain it. Please let me know if I need to edit this post or post clarification.
Many thanks in advance as I go through my journey with DAX!
I believe I have the answer. I used a NATURALINNERJOIN in DAX to create a new, merged table since I needed to reference all values in the same query (couldn't figure out how to do it otherwise). I also created an "unique identity" calculated column that combined data from multiple rows, but was hidden behind the scenes (not actually displayed on the report) so I could then take a measure of the unique values that way.
TotalDisplays = COUNTROWS(DISTINCT('GD-DP-Merge'[DisplayCountCalcCol]))
My calculated column is as follows:
DisplayCountCalcCol = 'GD-DP-Merge'[CustID] & 'GD-DP-Merge'[Brand] & 'GD-DP-Merge'[Location] & 'GD-DP-Merge'[Order#]
So the measure TotalDisplays now reports back the distinct count of rows based on the unique value of the customer ID, the brand, and the location of the item. I also threw in an order number just in case.
I am semi new to DAX and was struggling with Count and CountA formula, you post has helped me with answers. I would like to add the solution which i got for my query: Wanted count for Right Time start Achieved hence if anyone is looking for this kind of answer use below, filter will be selecting the table and adding string which you want to

Limiting AutoIncrement to a specific range

I am trying to create an application for work. The app will be used internally and should allow us to assign some barcode numbers to our product SKUs. I am using Visual Studio / Basic 2010 Express to build this as my very limited and beginners experience is with VS 2010 Express.
I'll give a bit of information about how I see this application working and then I'll get on with my actual question:
I see the app allowing us to create a new Product in the database by a user entering the SKU and description of the product and then the app will assign this product the next available base number for the barcode and from there the app will (if required) generate the correct EAN13 and GTIN14 barcodes and store them against that SKU.
As a company we have a large range of barcode numbers we can use and we have split this large range up so that the first 50,000 (for example) are for our EAN13 codes, the next 50K are for our GTIN14 codes for Inner Cartons and the remaining 50K are for Master Cartons.
So in order to achieve this I have my Product table which contains the fields 'SKU', 'Description' and 'BarcodeBase'. I have managed to set the BarcodeBase field as unique and I am attempting to use AutoIncrement(Seed & Step) to make sure that this assigns the product a base barcode (before I calculate the check digit) that falls within the EAN13 range as described above...
So finally my question is: Is there a way I can put an upper limit on AutoIncrement so that on the off chance, way way in the future, the base barcode number will not overflow into the next range?
I've been googling unsuccessfully for an answer and I am only coming across things which talk about the data type of the field having a limit. For example the upper limit of an Int32 type. Through my searches I have become vaguely aware of the 'Expression' property of the field and also the possibility of coding a partial class - but I don't know if that is the right direction to go in or if there is something much simpler that I am overlooking / have not found.
I would really appreciate any help!
Edit: As per GrandMasterFlush's comment - I have added a local database to my VS project. So I think I am using a SQL Server Compact 3.5 db.
Use a CHECK constraint, e.g.:
CHECK (BarcodeBase BETWEEN 1 AND 50000);
I suggest you do not make BarcodeBase an IDENTITY column in the Product table (IDENTITY is the feature that you are referring to as "autoincrement"). IDENTITY is really designed for surrogate key use only and isn't ideal for meaningful business data. You can't update an IDENTITY column, it isn't necessarily sequential, may have gaps in the number sequence and you also only get to use one IDENTITY column per table. Instead of using IDENTITY in the Product table you can generate the sequence elsewhere, for example by incrementing a single value stored in a single row table.

Not getting the correct totals using Cognos Report Studio. Need to get totals that show up in column

if (([MonthToDateQuery].[G/L Account] = 4200 and [Query1].[G_L_Group] = 'NEW')) THEN ([Credit Amount]-[Debit Amount]) ELSE (0)
Data Item1
I need Data Item1 to return newparts_calc values only.
So for example in 1st row Data Item1 should be 8,540.8, but is 34,163.2
Whats wrong? how do i fix?
I apologize for not making sense on the original question.
I have many of the calc's that im trying to gather and put on a crosstab. I want to see sales by month (row) and part category (column)
[Query2] is the one shown in picture above.
It joins [MonthToDateQuery] AND [Query1]
The join is on 'Invoice' and carnality is 1..1 = 1..1
[MonthToDateQuery] is based on the package im working in. General ledger. It supplies the g/l entries for each sales g/l account
[Query1] is a SQL query i brought in to be able to break out categories even further from g/l group.
For example g/l account 4300 is rebuilt. However i needed to break out even further to see Rebuilt-Production and Rebuilt-New. I can do that with the g/l group.
I saw in my g/l account ledger entries that it referenced the invoice number. So thats how i tied in my SQL.
So as you can see from the table below (which is the view tabular data from query) i need a total. I have tried plugging newparts_calc into my crosstab and setting aggregation to total but the numbers still dont seem right. I dont think i have something set as it should be.
All the calc's im doing are based on single or multiple G/L Accounts and single or multiple G/L Groups.
Any Advice?
As you can see the problem seems to be duplicate invoice numbers.
How can i fix?
Couple things come to mind:
-Set the processing order to 2
-Since your calc is always a multiple and you are joining two queries, you may need to check your cardinality. Sometimes it helps to add derived queries to ensure you are working with the correct grain.
I'm obviously missing something, but if you want
I need Data Item1 to return newparts_calc values only.
just use newparts_calc, without total? That would give you proper value for row 1 -)
If you need a running-total for days (sum of values for previous days) — you should use a running_total function.
At a guess, one of your two queries is returning multiple rows for each invoice, which will cause this double counting. Look at the output of the two queries and see if that's happening. If so, then you just need to work out how to collapse that down to one row per invoice.
Per your new question - The underlying data has got to be causing the issue. Its clearly not 1:1 (note that even though this is what your stated cardinality is, Cognos does not enforce 1:1). Invoice number is not unique, GL Group is at a lower level.

VB6 and data-bound MSHFlexGrid, moving and populating columns

I'm working on a VB6 program that connects to a SQL Server 2008 R2 database. In the past I have always used the MSFlexGrid control and populated it manually. Now, however, the guy who is paying me for this wants me to use data-bound grids instead, which forces me to use the MSHFlexGrid control because I'm using ADO and not DAO. So, I have two questions...
First, how would I move a column in a MSHFlexGrid? For example, if I wanted the third column to appear as the sixth column in the grid, is there a simple single line of code that would do that?
Second, believe it or not, I've never had to do anything in a grid other than display the data, as is, from a recordset. Now, however, I have a recordset with some fields that contain just ID numbers that refer to records in other files - for example, a field containing an ID number referring to a record in the Customers table, instead of the field containing the customer's name. What is the easiest way to, instead of having a column showing customer ID numbers from the recordset, having that column show customer names? I thought I read somewhere that there's a way to embed a sql command in a MSHFlexGrid column, but if there is I wouldn't know how to do it. Is this possible, or is there a simpler way to do it?
The column order would typically be handled by your SELECT statement.
Say you have a Pies table that has a FruitID foreign key related to the FruitID in a Fruits table:
ON Pies.FruitID = Fruits.FruitID
This returns 3 items: ID, Pie, and Fruit in that order.
Moving columns after the query/display operation is rarely used, but yes ColPosition can be used for that.
Wow! VB6.... Back to the future! :-)
You can move Columns using the ColPosition Property.
This article shows how you could setup the grid to display hierarchical data.
If you just want to display the customer name on the same line as the main data then that is doable as well by just creating the proper SQL for your data source. For that matter you can control the column order the same way as well.
Now, how about considering upgrading to .Net? Just kidding..... No, I'm not. OK. I am, maybe. :-)

WCF Data Services - neither .Expand or .LoadProperty seems to do what I need

I am building a school management app where they track student tardiness and absences. I've got three entities to help me in this. A Students entity (first name, last name, ID, etc.); a SystemAbsenceTypes entity with SystemAbsenceTypeID values for Late, Absent-with-Reason, Absent-without-Reason; and a cross-reference table called StudentAbsences (matching the student IDs with the absence-type ID, plus a date, and a Notes field).
What I want to do is query my entities for a given student, and then add up the number of each kind of Absence, for a given date range. I prepare my currentStudent object without a problem, then I do this...
Me.Data.LoadProperty(currentStudent, "StudentAbsences") 'Loads the cross-ref data
lblDaysLate.Text = (From ab In currentStudent.StudentAbsences Where ab.SystemAbsenceTypes.SystemAbsenceTypeID = Common.enuStudentAbsenceTypes.Late).Count.ToString
...and this second line fails, complaining "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
I presume the problem is that while it DOES see that there are (let's say) four absences for the currentStudent (ie, currentStudent.StudentAbsences.Count = 4) -- it can't yet "peer into" each one of the absences to look at its type. In fact, each of the four StudentAbsence objects has a property called SystemAbsenceType, which then finally has the SystemAbsenceTypeID.
How do I use .Expand or .LoadProperty to make this happen? Do I need to blindly loop through all these collections, firing off .LoadProperty on everything before I can do my query?
Is there some other technique?
When you load the student, try expanding the related properties.
var currentStudent = context.Students.Expand("StudentAbsences")
