Metamask is showing "invalid amount" in metamask mobile app during transfer with etherjs but works fine in web plugin - metamask

I am getting an invalid amount error while connecting to my dapp using the metamask mobile appilication. It works fine with the browser plugin but not on the mobile app. I am trying to transfer BUSD using etherJs. I already connected with the BUSD contract and abi, and like I mentioned it works fine on web but shows "invalid amount" on mobile app. I'd really appreciate the help.
Here's what my code looks like
const price_r = ethers.utils.parseUnits(price_, 18);
const {BUSDContract, signer} = await getContract();
const contract = BUSDContract.connect(signer)
m_response = await contract.transfer(
gasLimit: 3000000,
This works quite when with the metamask browser plugin. However, when I switch to the metamask mobile app it shows the invalid amount as shown below.
Metamask mobile invalid error image

Add gasLimit and gasPrice:
const gasLimit = await Contract.estimateGas.transfer(to, amount, {from: account });
const gasPrice = await library.getGasPrice();
const tx = await Contract.transfer(to, amount, {
from: account,
gasLimit: gasLimit,
gasPrice: gasPrice
const response = await tx.wait();
return response;

Just in case anyone comes into this issue, I was able to resolve it by switching from etherjs to web3.


Why Does LiveShareClient joinContainer throw Error 500?

I am building a Microsoft Teams tab add-in in TypeScript, that uses the LiveShareClient to share presence. It works fine on a few machines I've tried it on, but on one system on another tenant, the code for the LiveShareClient.joinContainer() throws an error:
500, message: 'Internal error encountered while performing the required operation
Is there any way to get more details about this error? The Typescript code in the stage context is this:
const containerSchema = {
initialObjects: {
presence: LivePresence,
await app.initialize();
const host = LiveShareHost.create();
const client = new LiveShareClient(host);
await client.joinContainer(containerSchema);

Receiving "Phantom - RPC Error: Transaction creation failed" while building solana escrow with #solana/web3.js

I am trying to replicate
Although when I try to initiate my the Escrow I receive the following error:
Phantom - RPC Error: Transaction creation failed.
Uncaught (in promise) {code: -32003, message: 'Transaction creation failed.'}
I am using Phantom Wallet with Solana RPC.
const transaction = new Transaction({ feePayer: initializerKey })
let recentBlockHash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
transaction.recentBlockhash = await recentBlockHash.blockhash;
const tempTokenAccount = Keypair.generate();
// Create Temp Token X Account
fromPubkey: initializerKey,
newAccountPubkey: tempTokenAccount.publicKey,
space: AccountLayout.span,
lamports: await connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(AccountLayout.span )
const { signature } = await wallet.signAndSendTransaction(transaction);
let txid = await connection.confirmTransaction(signature);
You're trying to create an account without signing with the keypair of that account to prove ownership.
You have to add the keypair as a signer like such:
await wallet.signAndSendTransaction(transaction, {signers: [tempTokenAccount]})
I was able to solve my problem by using the following code:
const signed = await wallet.request({
method: "signTransaction",
params: {
message: bs58.encode(transaction.serializeMessage())
const signature = bs58.decode(signed.signature)
transaction.addSignature(initializerKey, signature);
await connection.sendRawTransaction(transaction.serialize())
instead of:
await wallet.signAndSendTransaction(transaction, {signers: [tempTokenAccount]})
Basically at first I was using one simple function to perform all the above steps, however, for some reason it was not working and throwing the subjected error. When I used this breakdown code it worked!. The cause of the error is still mysterious to me.
Thank you.

Stripe returns a "No such token" error (Plaid Integration)

I am getting this error from Stripe when I try to create a new source for the selected bank account. I am using the new (beta) version of the Plaid Node SDK. Here is my code:
let user;
const mode = "sandbox";
const dsService = new CaspioDsService();
// Load the user if not already loaded by cognitoAuth
if (!req.user) {
user = new User(
new CaspioRefDataService(),
new AuthUserService({
organizationId: res.locals.organization.Organization_ID,
isAuthenticated: res.locals.isAuthenticated,
await user.load(req.params.userId);
} else {
user = req.user.userObject;
const configuration = new Configuration({
basePath: PlaidEnvironments[mode],
baseOptions: {
headers: {
"PLAID-CLIENT-ID": config.plaid.clientId,
"PLAID-SECRET": mode === "sandbox" ? config.plaid.secretSandbox : config.plaid.secretProduction,
"Plaid-Version": "2020-09-14",
const plaidClient = new PlaidApi(configuration);
console.log(configuration.basePath); //
// Exchange the public token for the Plaid access token
const plaidTokenRes = await plaidClient.itemPublicTokenExchange({
public_token: req.body.publicToken,
const accessToken =;
console.log(accessToken); // access-sandbox-d92396c2-1f49-4780-9ae9-23d50645f364
// Get the Stripe bank account token from Plaid
const stripeTokenRes = await plaidClient.processorStripeBankAccountTokenCreate({
access_token: accessToken,
account_id: req.body.accountId
const bankAccountToken =;
console.log(bankAccountToken); // btok_1JFMGwGq7ejZoSiwGmM8WSSm
let stripeCustomerId = user.getStripeToken();
const stripeClient = await StripeHelper.getStripeClient(mode); // Get Stripe client in sandbox mode
console.log(stripeCustomerId); // cus_Jt7AWZjC8rHPzt
// Add the source to the Stripe customer and get the bank account info
const bankAccount = await stripeClient.customers.createSource(stripeCustomerId, {
source: bankAccountToken,
}); // Error: No such token: 'btok_1JFMGwGq7ejZoSiwGmM8WSSm'
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I expect the issue is with my code, or possibly Plaid (I don't think it is a Stripe problem).
It sounds like you're getting a token from Plaid, but Stripe is rejecting it, which suggests a problem with the relationship between your Plaid and Stripe setups. Are you sure that you enabled the Plaid/Stripe integration in the Plaid dashboard and that the client id / secret you're using matches the Plaid account where the integration is enabled? The Plaid docs also suggest that this error can be caused by using a mismatched set of environments (e.g. using Production with Stripe but Sandbox with Plaid).
The problem was that we had the wrong Stripe account connected. Silly one, but I'm posting this in case anyone else makes the same mistake.

getting weather info using flutter http package

i want to get current weather information of coordinated base from openweathermap API.
For this purpose i am using flutter's HTTP Package.
the problem is here when i use this method
One more problem is that... I got these coordinates on Memu App Player but does not gives on Real android device and Android Studio's Own Emulator.
void getWeatherData()async{
String url = '';
Response response = await get(Uri.parse(url));
print(response.body); }
this should give me API result completely but it gives me this error when i run my app.
Unhandled Exception: Bad state: Insecure HTTP is not allowed by platform:
This is how I did it. I'm going through a course in Udemy that is going over what you are asking.
void getData() async {
var url = Uri.https('', 'data/2.5/weather', {
'lat': '35',
'lon': '139',
'appid': 'b6907d289e10d714a6e88b30761fae22'
http.Response response = await http.get(url);
Remember to use
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

Unable to issue identity card using Hyperledger Composer Javascript API

I am trying to create an identity card using the javascript API of Hyperledger Composer. Here is the code:
const BusinessNetworkConnection = require('composer-
async function identityIssue() {
let businessNetworkConnection = new BusinessNetworkConnection();
try {
await businessNetworkConnection.connect('admin#demoNetwork');
let result = await businessNetworkConnection.issueIdentity('org.acme.demoNetwork.Participant#testUser', 'test');
console.log(`userID = ${result.userID}`);
console.log(`userSecret = ${result.userSecret}`);
await businessNetworkConnection.disconnect();
} catch(error) {
I already have a participant testUser.
Although the code succeeds and I get the userID and userSecret, no card is created.
Does anyone have an idea how to do it instead of using the cli?
You haven't imported the card.
async function importCardForIdentity(cardName, identity) {
const metadata = {
userName: identity.userID,
version: 1,
enrollmentSecret: identity.userSecret,
businessNetwork: businessNetworkName
const card = new IdCard(metadata, connectionProfile);
await adminConnection.importCard(cardName, card);
See also nodejs test hyperledger composer v0.15 fails with Error: Card not found: PeerAdmin#hlfv1 (answer) it has an example too.
After importing, you should connect with your card to download the cert/key to the wallet eg await businessNetworkConnection.connect(cardName);
