How to search blob file by name in Azure Storage Explorer? - azure-blob-storage

Blob files in Azure storage explorer are paged, 100 files per page. Is there a way to search a file by name, so I don't have to go through pages to find it.

The little filter icon on the right side when you are viewing a container is probably what you're looking for.
You can also select Flat listmode to show all of the blobs in the entire container in one list.
Just enter the front part of the name in the prefix filter and it will update in real time.


Extract the screenshot page where the text is found in azure cognitive search

I have PDF documents stored in Azure Blobs that are indexed with Azure Search. I am searching for text in the content of the PDFs and everything works correctly. When I perform the search, is it possible that Azure returns a screenshot of the page where the text was found?
For example, if I search for the word 'information', which is on page 2 of a PDF, let Azure return a screenshot of that page.
You can find an example of this in the JFK sample. The sample uses an image store custom skill that is used to extract the images and an HOCR skill to extract the data necessary to overlay zones corresponding to the text. The full skillset can be found here.
The front-end can then use that data to build a HOCR viewer component from that data.
I encourage you to read through the sample code to get the full details, that wouldn't fit in a Stack Overflow response.

Any way to display referenced images stored in S3 in a Word doc WITHOUT code?

I currently have all my images on a Network drive that I reference from Word. I'm uploading the images to a bucket in S3 and wonder if I can do a referenced link from Word to the images on S3 ...simply...??
Stack Overflow is for programming questions, not end-user how-tos. In the future, please post questions like this at or super User.
Choose Insert>Quick Parts>Field, select the IncludePicture field, enter the URL, check the option for Data not stored with document, then click on OK.
If you want to be able to resize the image, check both resize options in the Field dialog before OKing.

Search for an excell table's content

How can I search for a content in Windows 10 pro?
For example I search for an excell table's content... how can search for it ? Should I use something special caracter?
enter image description here
I think that the best way to do this is to enable the option in Windows to search inside the contents of the file which can be done through the Indexing Options.
Here is a link to a website that explains how to do this.

Showing a picture in visual foxpro 6 from General Data Column [closed]

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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
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What is the code for displaying picture in Visual Foxpro 6?
Does anyone know the codes for displaying a picture that is found within a Column in a table using Visual Foxpro 6?
My project was Library System, that includes the time in and time out of the librarians and students. And needs to upload a picture of students together of their information in the registration.
If a student enters the Library , he/she needs to swipe his/her ID to login or time in and his/her information will appear on the computer of the admin. Same process when he/she leaves the library . . . he/she needs to swipe his/her ID then logout / time out.
I think your question is vague and misleading based on other answer provided. What is SOUNDS like is that you have a database of teachers and students (much like a membership as a gym or similar). For each record in the database, you have an image file associated with that person. The image may be part of the actual table, or just a file name that is pointing to a specific directory on your drive share, where all the people images are available.
From that, these people have ID cards and when they enter a given facility (your Library for example), they run their ID card through a reader. At that time you are doing a search from your network database of users, find the user and pull up the image to the screen to show who the person is to help prevent fraud of someone using somebody else's ID card. This allows the person monitoring the entry area to make sure that Jim is not using "Bill's ID card to gain access.
If this is the case, and your VFP app is already running and ready to read from the card reader, you should only need to add an image file to your screen for presentation somewhere. Then, based on your finding the appropriate ID, get the record, analyze (if part of the record or just file name in a given images path), get the image file and set the property on the image control to point to the correct image. Then, do whatever logging update that states that Bill just entered the facility.
-- update per comment --
Jenna, I don't know how the original records were added to your table, and it sounds like you were handed this project. The column type within VFP is that of a "General" field. Somewhat like that of a memo field that can also hold binary data, the General data type is more for Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) content. It appears that when users were storing the values, they were adding as a linked or embedded content via something like
APPEND GENERAL YourPictureColumn from SomePath\SomeFileName.bmp
check the syntax under VFP 6 for "APPEND GENERAL". You can also state how via a LINK to the actual file vs EMBEDDING by having the actual image included so if the original source is removed, you still have it in the file.
As for the "picture frame" you see when you double-click this column, it is because VFP does not know how to properly interpret the image, such as as "MS.Paint" class object, or "Picture", or whatever. I've never really liked doing General fields, but would instead have a memo field with just the name of the full path/file name of the image I was keeping and had a separate folder to just stick all the image files. Then, when I needed to show that specific image, I would change the property of the image object on the VFP form to that location.
Now, if that is a route you might like to go with, I'm not exactly sure out to extract those image files, but can look into it more.
As for testing the concept of the image sampling, in VFP, make a new folder for a sample form.
Copy in the folder a few images to sample.
Create a simple table with 2 columns...
( PersonName c(10),;
ImgSource m )
Add as many records as images you copied to the test folder. For each, put the file name of the images (full path) into the "ImgSource" memo field, and a sample description for the "PersonName".
Next, create a form, open the data environment and add the "MyPicSample" table just created.
Drag this table from the data environment to the form and it will create a grid on the form. Resize it some you only need a small amount of space to show the one column for PersonName. Close the data environment.
Add an "Image" control to the form. It should default the object name to "Image1"
Double-click on your grid to bring up its code snippet window and then double-click on the "AfterRowColChange" event... paste the following over it..
Thisform.Image1.Picture = MyPicSample.ImgSource
Save and run the form. As you scroll up/down the grid, you should see the image change to the respective BMP/JPG file.
I think this is the concept of what you want, but instead of a data table grid displayed, you will be doing this from a scanned card that gets a record, has an image and then present THAT image (now in a General data column type).
Again, not sure how you have your images via embedding or linked, but with this, we can probably get going closer to your end-result needed.
Depends on where you need to upload the image to.
If you are uploading via FTP, you should be able to use the following snippet in Foxpro. It's utilizing the Internet Transfer Control.
inet = CREATEOBJECT("inetctls.inet")
inet.Execute("", "CD DIRNAME")

Magento - update product image paths on multiple products through a csv file

I am trying to add products by duplicating them in a CSV file. It seems to work fine but when I update the product image path with the same path to multiple products it doesn't seem to update. When I export again and look at the data it has reverted to it original state. What is the problem here...?
Please review the following:
Typical Problems:
Name of File (Name does not match file name. ie: Name.jpg vs /name.jpg)
Image file does not exist on server for processing. (file is not at store/media/upload/file.jpg)
Permissions (store/media/* store/media/upload not accessible)
Reminder: When dealing with Image Modification/Upload etc, please flush (disable during trouble shooting) the cache, then re-enable after.
Uploading via Dataflow:
Assuming you have the correct basic required fields, there are two main behaviors.
If the SKU is unique, the product ID will be created in the system.
If the SKU exists, information will be replaced/updated or Appended in the system.
When you copy and paste, you will want to make sure each SKU is unique, and that there will be a correlating image that will 'live' on the server during the upload dataflow process.
In the case of Images, the Path is going to be looking for yourstoreroot/media/import/ for the images you reference in your image / small / thumbnail, if the image doesn't exist with the path described, or doesn't match exactly the name, then the data will not be added/appended in the cart as it is invalid to the import files and would not show on new exports.
To solve this problem I learned how to create an attribute, an attribute set, then a configurable product. With the configurable product I can apply the image once. Each product listing with a different size or color is listed as an associated product with all duplicate content but is not visible individually.
Here is a tutorial that got me started:
Found this question via Google looking for something similar and thought I'd chime in.
The most common problem I've encountered (and its poorly documented) is that when importing using the built-in import tool, the "image" path must be relative to /media/import/. Note that by default there is no 'import' folder in /media, you'll need to make it.
That means that in your CSV under the "images" column, you should have '/somepicture.jpg', this corresponds to /media/import/somepicture.jpg during the actual import. If this is incorrect, while the import is going on you'll see a bunch of "image not found" errors scroll by, and the existing image data will not be updated.
Unfortunately it does not look like there is a way to simply update the stored image path (such as pointing a bunch of products to the same image) using the built-in importer, as it expects to be importing new images, and will dupe them up just like editing images manually does.
