PySide2 - adding an event method screws up my view - events

I am trying to create a node graph in pyside2.
It has multiple files, one which handles all the events.
I am implementing the tab keypress event so and just want to print something when tab is pressed. This works fine but when i add the code my whole node graph is cropped and cut off. Seems weird.
Here's the code i add that screws it up:
def event(self, event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab: # tab
print("Tab pressed")
return True
Before i add the event code:
After I add the event code:


NSApplication responder chain for arrow keys

I have an NSTextField in my window and 4 menu items with key equivalents ←↑→↓.
When the text field is selected and I press an arrow key, I would expect the cursor to move in the text field but instead the corresponding menu item action is performed.
So there has to be an issue in the responder chain. To figure out what's wrong I've watched WWDC 2010 Session 145 – Key Event Handling in Cocoa Applications mentioned in this NSMenuItem KeyEquivalent space " " bug thread.
The event flow for keys (hotkeys) is shown in the session as follows:
So I checked the call stack with a menu item which has keyEquivalent = K (just any normal key) and for a menu item which has keyEquivalent = → (right arrow key)
First: K key event call stack; Second: Right arrow key event call stack
So when pressing an arrow key, the event is sent directly to mainMenu.performKeyEquivalent, but it should actually be sent to the keyWindow right?
Why is that and how can I fix this behavior so that my NSTextField receives the arrow key events before the mainMenu does?
Interesting observation about the call stack difference. Since arrow keys play the most important role in navigation they are probably handled differently from the rest of keys, like you saw in the NSMenuItem KeyEquivalent space " " bug thread. Again, it's one of those cases when AppKit takes care of everything behind the scenes to make your life easier in 99.9% situations.
You can see the actual difference in behaviour by pressing k while textfield has the focus. Unlike with arrows, the menu item's key equivalent doesn't get triggered and input goes directly into the control.
For your situation you can use NSMenuItemValidation protocol to override the default action of enabling or disabling a specific menu item. AFAIK this can go into any responder in a chain, e.g., view controller, window, or application. So, you can enable/disable your menu items in a single place when the window's first responder is a textfield or any other control that uses these events to properly operate.
extension ViewController: NSMenuItemValidation {
func validateMenuItem(_ menuItem: NSMenuItem) -> Bool {
// Filter menu item by it's assigned action, just as an exampe.
if menuItem.action != #selector(ViewController.menuActionLeftArrowKey(_:)) { return true }
Swift.print("Validating menu item:", menuItem)
// Disable the menu item if first responder is text view.
let isTextView = self.view.window?.firstResponder is NSTextView
return !isTextView
This will get invoked prior displaying the menu in order to update item state, prior invoking menu item key equivalent in order to check if action needs sending or not, and probably in other cases when AppKit needs to check the item's state – can't think of any from the top of my head.
P.S. Above the first responder check is done against NSTextView not NSTextField, here's why.
This is the solution I've chosen, which resulted from the comments from #Willeke.
I've created a subclass of NSWindow and overridden the keyDown(with:) method. Every Window in my application (currently 2) subclass this new NavigationWindow, so that you can use the arrow keys in every window.
class NavigationWindow: NSWindow {
override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
if event.keyCode == 123 || event.keyCode == 126 || event.specialKey == NSEvent.SpecialKey.pageUp {
print("navigate back")
} else if event.keyCode == 124 || event.keyCode == 125 || event.specialKey == NSEvent.SpecialKey.pageDown {
print("navigate forward")
} else {
super.keyDown(with: event)
This implementation registers all four arrow keys plus the page up and down keys for navigation.
These are the key codes
123: right arrow
124: left arrow
125: down arrow
126: up arrow

How to clear more than one tkinter entry field using a function

I have a rather simple problem which is when I am in a particular tkinter entry field on my GUI when I press the backspace key it deletes the field of any text.
All was going well until I wanted to use this method on more than one entry field.
The code
import tkinter
class BuildWidgets:
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master # reference the main window
self.BACKSPACE = ''
self.TextBox = tkinter.Entry(self.master,width=10)
self.TextBox.bind("<Key>", self.clearTextBox)
self.TextBox2 = tkinter.Entry(self.master,width=10)
self.TextBox2.bind("<Key>", self.clearTextBox2)
def clearTextBox(self,event):
pressed = event.char
if pressed == self.BACKSPACE:
def clearTextBox2(self,event): #I want to eliminate repetitive methods
pressed = event.char
if pressed == self.BACKSPACE:
I basically bind the key event to the entry field and the callback checks if backspace was pressed and if so deletes the text. However, when I add a second entry fields I need to create a second method and it goes on and on for each entry field! This is because I cannot find a way to pass the entry to field to a single method as it is a callback in a widget.
How do I, or can I , create a single clear method that distinguishes which entry field is calling it?
The event object that is passed to the function has a widget attribute that is the widget that caught the error.
def clearTextBox(self,event):
pressed = event.char
if pressed == self.BACKSPACE:

wxPython ListCtrl OnClick Event

So, I have a wxPython ListCtrl which contains rows of data. How can I make an event that calls a function, with the row contents, when one of the rows if clicked on?
You can use the Bind function to bind a method to an event. For example,
import wx
class MainWidget(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, title):
super(MainWidget, self).__init__(parent, title=title)
self.list = wx.ListCtrl(parent=self)
for i,j in enumerate('abcdef'):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnClick, self.list)
def OnClick(self, event):
print event.GetText()
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = wx.App(redirect=False)
frame = MainWidget(None, "ListCtrl Test")
This app will print the item in the ListCtrl that is activated (by pressing enter or double-clicking). If you just want to catch a single click event, you could use wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED.
The important point is that the Bind function specifies the method to be called when a particular event happens. See the section in the wxPython Getting Started guide on event handling. Also see the docs on ListCtrl for the events that widget uses.

PYGTK redirect event to TreeView

In PyGTK, I have an Entry and a TreeView. When a TreeView is focused, the key events (Up, Down, PageUp, PageDown) move selection in the view in a certain way. I want to intercept these key events when the Entry is focused, and redirect them to the TreeView so that the selection is moved as though the TreeView was focused.
I can intercept the key press events on the Entry and determine if it's for the keys I need, but I have trouble with passing it to the TreeView.
# In UI initialization
self.name_entry = gtk.Entry(max=0)
self.name_entry.connect('key-press-event', self.on_key_press)
store = self.create_store() # a simple ListStore is created here
view = gtk.TreeView(store)
rendererText = gtk.CellRendererText()
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Name", rendererText, text=0)
self.tree_view = view
# ...
def on_key_press(self, widget, event):
if event.keyval == UP:
self.tree_view.do_something() # ???
return True
# etc. for other keyvals
Is there a way to make tree_view handle the event, as though the key was pressed while it had focus?
(Note: the program is a hack; I don't care for the best practices of PyGTK development here.)
Any help is appreciated.
Something like this should work:
def on_key_press(self, widget, event):
if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) in ("Up", "Down", "Page_Up", "Page_Down"):
self.tree_view.emit('key_press_event', event)

DataGridView: how to make scrollbar in sync with current cell selection?

I have a windows application with DataGridView as data presentation. Every 2 minutes, the grid will be refreshed with new data. In order to keep the scroll bar in sync with the new data added, I have to reset its ScrollBars:
dbv.Rows.Clear(); // clear rows
SCrollBars sc = dbv.ScrollBars;
dbv.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.None;
// continue to populate rows such as dbv.Rows.Add(obj);
dbv.ScrollBars = sc; // restore the scroll bar setting back
With above codes, the scroll bar reappears fine after data refresh. The problem is that the application requires to set certain cell as selected after the refresh:
dbv.CurrentCell = dbv[0, selectedRowIndex];
With above code, the cell is selected; however, the scroll bar's position does not reflect the position of the selected cell's row position. When I try to move the scroll bar after the refresh, the grid will jump to the first row.
It seems that the scroll bar position is set back to 0 after the reset. The code to set grid's CurrentCell does not cause the scroll bar to reposition to the correct place. There is no property or method to get or set scroll bar's value in DataGriadView, as far as I know.
I also tried to set the selected row to the top:
dbv.CurrentCell = dbv[0, selectedRowIndex];
dbv.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = selectedRowIndex;
The row will be set to the top, but the scroll bar's position is still out of sync. Not sure if there is any way to make scroll bar's position in sync with the selected row which is set in code?
I found an answer to resolve issue. As I mentioned that the control does not have methods or properties to set the correct scroll bar value. However, the scroll bar and the DatagridView content will display correct if there is an interaction directly towards to the UI such as touch the scroll bar or grid cell. It looks like that the control needs to be refocused and a repaint.
Simply use the following codes does not cause the scroll bar reset:
// or dbv.Focuse();
The way I found is that I have to make the DatagridView control disappear to back again. Fortunately, I have a tab control with several tabs. Then I switch the tab to get scroll bar reset:
int index = myTabCtrl.SelectedIndex;
if (index == (myTabCtrl.TabCount)) {
dgv.SeletecedIndex = 0;
else {
dgv.SelectedIndex = index + 1;
myTabCtrl.SelectedIndex = index;
If you don't have any way to hide the DatagridView on your form, you could simply minimize the form and then restore it back.
The problem is that there will be a fresh on the UI.
It seems, TAB, SHIFT+TAB, END keys don't always bring last column into the visible view.
The following code inside the CurrentCellChanged event handler seems to fix this issue (
If Me.MyDataGridView.CurrentCell IsNot Nothing Then
Dim currentColumnIndex As Integer = e.MyDataGridView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
Dim entireRect As Rectangle = _
Me.MyDataGridView.GetColumnDisplayRectangle(currentColumnIndex, False)
Dim visiblePart As Rectangle = _
Me.MyDataGridView.GetColumnDisplayRectangle(currentColumnIndex, True)
If (visiblePart.Width < entireRect.Width) Or (entireRect.Width = 0) Then
Me.MyDataGridView.FirstDisplayedCell = Me.MyDataGridView.CurrentCell
'OR Me.MyDataGridView.FirstDisplayedScrollingColumnIndex = currentColumnIndex
End If
End If
