how set to data block property pallet in oracle forms to save data to table in oracle forms - oracle

I have two data blocks with two tables(with fields on forms).
How to save records of one table(column values of table one) to second table by setting property pallet.
I have tried by giving where conditions in data block 2 property pallet but it is not saving records to table two

by setting property pallet
Looks like you want to use the 1st block's values in the 2nd block. To do that - using the Property Palette - navigate to any block 2 item and check Data set of properties, especially
copy value from item
synchronize with item
When you're on that particular property, press F1 on the keyboard to read what they do, and then pick the one you find the most appropriate.
You'll have to set that property for every block 2 item, of course - one by one.


how to add one more data block item in oracle forms [duplicate]

In the below given example like rejection date it has total 5 rows of same type.
when i tried to create new data block item like issue date(issue date is table column) I'm getting only one row (I want to get 5 rows as shown below.)
Forms does that itself, but you have to add that new item into that block. Because, it is
block's Number of records displayed property
item's Number if items displayed property
that affect number of "rows" you'll see.
For example, if block's number of records displayed is set to 5 (as it apparently is) and you add a new item to that block and set appropriate canvas, Forms will create 5 instances of that item. You can then choose not to display all of them but any number between 0 and 5 (where "0" also means "all of them" (5 in this case)).

Get changes for an item or a file (properties only)

How can I loop thru all changed columns in a sharepoint list.
I use the
TRIGGER "When a item or file is modified" and then the
ACTION "Get changes for an item or a file (properties only)"
I thought I can loop thru the dynamic content "Column has changed" (A Collection showing which columns have changed)
But this is not a list of changed columns, this is a Object with all columns in the SP-List an a Status "true" or "false" if it is changed or not.
What I want to do, is to loop thru all changed columns and use SWITCH to define next steps per column.
Unfortunately there is no graceful way to do this as of now. However you can achieve this by keeping a reference of all your columns from SharePoint list.
Initialise an array variable ColumnNames and fill all your column names from SP list as it's input. I am taking top 4 columns from your setup. ID, Title, Ticketno, Service_Type
Initialise 2nd Array variable ChangedColumns to collect your changed column names. See the first image below.
Now use a for loop and iterate over ColumnNames and put a condition to check if current item (which will be the column name) value is true or not. If that's true then add it to ChangedColumns array, which we initialised to collect changed column names. The expression you need to use in condition is written as comments in the image itself.

How to read an excel sheet and put the cell value within different text fields through UiPath?

How to read an excel sheet and put the cell value within different text fields through UiPath?
I have a excel sheet as follows:
I have read the excel contents and to iterate over the contents later I have stored the contents in a Output Data Table as follows:
Read Range - Output:
DataTable: CVdatatable
Output Data Table
DataTable: CVdatatable
Text: opCVdatatable
Finally, I want to read the text opCVdatatable in a iteration and write them into text fields. So in the desired Input fileds I mentioned opCVdatatable or opCVdatatable+ "[k(enter)]" as required.
But UiPath seems to start from the begining of the Output Data Table whenever I called for opCVdatatable.
Inshort, each desired Input fileds are iteratively getting filled up by all the data with the data stored in the Output Data Table.
Can someone help me out please?
My first recommendation is to use Workbook: Read range activity to read data from Excel because it is quicker, works in the background, and does not require excel to be installed on the system.
Start your sequence like this (note the add headers property is not checked):
You do not need to use Output Data Table because this activity outputs a string containing all row items. What you want to do instead is to access the items in the data table and output each one as a string in your type into, e.g., CVDatatable.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString, like so:
You mention you want to read the text opCVdatatable in an iteration and write them into text fields. This is a little bit more complex, but i'll give you an example. You can use a For Each Row activity and loop through each row in CVDatatable, setting the index property if required. See below:
The challenge is to get the selector correct here and make it dynamic, so that it targets a different text field per iteration. The selector for the type into activity will depend on the system you are targeting, but here is an example:
And the selector for this:
Also, here is a working XAML file for you to test.
Hope this helps.
Here's a different, more general approach. Instead of including the target in the process itself, the Excel would be modified to include parts of a selector:
Note that column B now contains an identifier, and this ID depends on the application you will be working with. For example, here's my sample app looks like. As you can see, the first text box has an id of 585, the second one is 586, and so on (note that you can work with any kind of identifier including the control's name if exposed to UiPath):
Now, instead of adding multiple Type Into elements to your workflow, you would add just a single one, loop over each of the datatable's row, and then create a dynamic selector:
In my case the selector for the Type Into activity looks as follows:
"<wnd cls='#32770' title='General' /><wnd ctrlid='" + row(1).ToString() + "' />"
This will allow you to maintain the process from the Excel sheet alone - if there's a new field that needs to be mapped, just add it to your sheet. No changes to the Workflow are required.

How to correctly bind a DDL in LibreOffice Calc

I'm trying to bind a serie of simple lists with 2 values to a DDL in LibreOffice Calc. I want the DDL show the description and that returns the relative ID in the linked cell. I currently can just partially do that, I'm unable to show the description in the DDL, as per my image:
I have other lists but the concept is the same, the list should always show the decription and return the relative ID, every list is on its own, so element in list A is not in list B as they are groupped up by type.
The following are the settings in my DDL, the marked setting is always disabled, regardless of what other setting I select. The marked setting should be "data field" and I suppose that it should allow me to specify what column in my list contains the data.
In your example, the control is not bound to any data source. So, it cannot be bound to an underlying field.
The full solution is to create a data source in LibreOffice Base and then use it as the underlying source for the form. Then it is straightforward to bind the combo box control to a field, either through a wizard or by changing the settings.
However, perhaps you want to avoid the complexity of Base. In that case, if the descriptions are unique, then use those as the source of the list, and get the IDs with a function such as VLOOKUP.
Here is an example of VLOOKUP in A6, where A5 is the linked cell.

GWT (smartgwt) grid sort selected records top

I have a grid where the user can select records via checkbox in front of every record. Now I have a requirement to sort the records based on their selection, so that all selected records should be placed top, followed by the not selected ones.
Is there any standard function to achieve this? As an alternative I thought of saving the selection state as an attribute on every record and sort based on the attribute.
The code for the column is:
I try to describe the code I use as the affected code is deeply nested in our own framework classes.
gridRealmDt is a subclass of smartgwt ListGrid. In my Dialog a create an instance of the grid which creates an instance of a database bound datasource. When the dialog is loaded the records are fetched from the database and after that a registered an dataArrivedHandler where I select the records which match records from another table.
I tried to place the selection attribute in an extra field and use that for sortig before my other sort criteria, but this does not work. Here is the code for the field I am using.
ListGridField txtSelected = new ListGridField(SELECTED, "");
When I do not set the canSortClientOnly property the order by is sent to my database resulting in an error, as the table does not contain that field, so I set the property. Now I get following error
Removing field from the sort Specifier array because it specifies canSort Client Only: true and all data is not yet client-side.
I also tried to use a sortNormilizer on the Name field which is my main sort criteria, but the normalizer is called before the selection value is set to the record.
record.setAttribute(CARealmDS.SELECTED,selected ? "a" : "b");
I also cannnot find a way to call the normalizer when selection changes.
Currently we are using Smart GWT Version 6.0p.
I don't think there is any standard function. Just use grid store update. Place checked items first.
