nouislider with livewire how to get values - laravel

How can i get the values from nouislider in livewire? So i can compare the min and max price. I don't see how i can get the values. It has 2 handles a min and max price.
<div wire:ignore id="slider-margin"></div>
<div class="d-flex">
<div wire:model="min_price" class="me-5" id="slider-margin-value-min" aria-valuenow="min_price"></div>
<div wire:model="max_price" id="slider-margin-value-max" aria-valuemax="max_price"></div>
class Shop extends Component
use WithPagination;
protected $paginationTheme = 'bootstrap';
public $min_price;
public $max_price;
public function render()
$this->products = Product::query()
return view('',[

try this code:
<div wire:ignore id="slider-margin"></div>
<div class="d-flex">
<div wire:click="setMin({{ $min_price }})" class="me-5" id="slider-margin-value-min" aria-valuenow="min_price"></div>
<div wire:click="setMax({{ $max_price }})" id="slider-margin-value-max" aria-valuemax="max_price"></div>
class Shop extends Component
use WithPagination;
protected $paginationTheme = 'bootstrap';
public $min_price;
public $max_price;
public function setMax($max_price)
$this->max_price= $max_price;
public function setMin($min_price)
$this->min_price = $min_price;
public function mount()
$this->products = Product::query()

A div is no input, so a wire:model won't do anything on it. noUiSlider builds HTML after page load, so to be able to use it for variables in Livewire, you will have to use JavaScript. You can listen for the events and use the global Livewire JS object to emit changes to your component
So, an example of how this might work:
let slider = document.getElementById('slider-margin');
slider.noUiSlider.on('update', function (values) {
Livewire.emitTo('shop', 'sliderUpdated', values);
Then in your component, you can do something with the passed values:
function sliderUpdated(array $values)
$this->min_price = \Illuminate\Support\Arr::first($values);
Ensure to take a good read on the event docs, as I am not 100% sure above code will function straight away, but I think this will at least get you in the right direction!


Livewire component not updating

I have a simple component:
<input type="text" wire:model="search">
{{ $search }}
I load this like this:
And this is my class:
class Searchbar extends Component
public $search;
public $results = [];
public function updatedSearch()
$this->results = Client::search($this->search)->get();
public function render()
return view('livewire.searchbar', [
'results' => $this->results,
When I type into the input field, the info() logs the correct value but in the view, the the {{ $search }} gets not updated. When I use protected $queryString = ['search']; the URL get's updated correctly as well and if I would use dd() instead of info() I'd see the view updating with the dd.
Why is the $search not updating in the view?
Wrap your component. Make sure your Blade view only has ONE root element.
<input type="text" wire:model="search">
{{ $search }}
First thing first, inside livewire render, you do not need to send variables.
This will be sufficient.
public function render()
return view('livewire.searchbar');
You already declared $results as public variable, just like $search.
Livewire will know when the content of those variables are updated.
And now please try again.
$search should be automatically updated based on any text you inserted in input text with wire:model attribute.

How to dynamically add input fields with livewire

I want add new Inputbox to be created when the user clicks the add button.
I tried the following code but it didn't work, And I get the following error:
get_class(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type object, string
class Test extends Component
public $tests=[''];
public function render()
return view('livewire.test');
public function mount()
$this->tests = Test::all();
public function add()
$this->tests[] = '';
<form wire:submit.prevent="submit">
#foreach($tests as $index=>$test)
<label for="title">
<input wire:model="title.{{$index}}" type="text">
<button type="submit">Save</button>
<button wire:click="add()">ADD MORE</button>
There are a few issues to address here, so I will provide some background information and try to be as descriptive as possible.
In your mount function you assign a collection of Test objects to your tests array property:
public function mount()
$this->tests = Test::all(); // <-- returns a collection of Test models
This overrides the default value and type you have assigned to tests which is an array:
* This declares $tests to be an array
* but this becomes a Collection due to your mount method
public $tests = [''];
Yet in your add function you're adding a string:
public function add()
$this->tests[] = '';
So you're getting the error because you're trying to add a string to a variable that is a collection of Test models. What you likey want to do is add a new empty Test model.
public function add()
However, the above will not work as you're working with an existing database collection and so you'll get the following error:
Queueing collections with multiple model connections is not supported.
Therefore to achieve your goal of adding a new Test we need to approach this differently.
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Livewire\Component;
class Test extends Component
// A collection of your models from the database
public Collection $tests;
// A conditional variable that we use to show/hide the add new model inputs
public bool $isAdding = false;
// A variable to hold our new empty model during creation
public \App\Models\Test $toAdd;
// Validation rules
// These are required in order for Livewire to successfull bind to model properties using wire:model
// Add any other validation requirements for your other model properties that you bind to
protected $rules = [
'tests.*.title' => ['required'],
'toAdd.title' => ['required']
// Livewires implementation of a constructor
public function mount()
// Set some default values for the component
public function render()
return view('livewire.test');
public function add()
// Set the show/hide variable to true so that the new inputs section is shown
$this->isAdding = true;
// Save the new model data
public function save()
// Save the model to the database
// Clean things up
// Just a helper method for performing repeated functionality
public function prepare()
// Get all the required models from the database and assign our local variable
$this->tests = \App\Models\Test::all();
// Assign an empty model to the toAdd variable
$this->toAdd = \App\Models\Test::make();
// Set the isAdding show/hide property to false, which will hide the new model inputs
$this->isAdding = false;
<!-- loop over all your test models -->
#foreach ($tests as $index => $test)
<!-- the :key attribute is essential in loops so that livewire doesnt run into DOM diffing issues -->
<div :key="tests_{{ $index }}">
<label for="tests_{{ $index }}_title">Title {{ $index }}
<input type="text" id="tests_{{ $index }}_title" name="tests_{{ $index }}_title"
wire:model="tests.{{ $index }}.title" :key="tests_{{ $index }}_title" />
<!-- Only show the new model inputs if isAdding is true -->
#if ($isAdding)
<!-- this doesnt need a :key as its not in a loop -->
<label for="title">Title
<input type="text" id="title" name="title" wire:model="toAdd.title" />
<!-- triggers the save function on the component -->
<button type="button" wire:click="save">Save</button>
<!-- triggers the add function on the component -->
<button type="button" wire:click="add">Add More</button>
Hopefully, with the comments I have added the above makes sense.
Is it possible to create several input boxes and finally save all the data at once?
That is entirely possible yes. Due to some limitations with Livewire, specifically it not knowing how to hydrate Eloquent Models in a Collection correctly, we need to use a little wizardry to make it work.
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Livewire\Component;
class Test extends Component
// A collection of your models from the database
public Collection $tests;
// A conditional variable that we use to show/hide the add new model inputs
public bool $isAdding = false;
// A variable to hold our new empty models during creation
public Collection $toAdd;
// Validation rules
// These are required in order for Livewire to successfull bind to model properties using wire:model
// Add any other validation requirements for your other model properties that you bind to
protected $rules = [
'tests.*.title' => ['required'],
'toAdd.*.title' => ['required']
// Livewires implementation of a constructor
public function mount()
public function hydrate()
// Get our stored Test model data from the session
// The reason for this is explained further down
$this->toAdd = session()->get('toAdd', collect());
public function render()
return view('livewire.test');
public function add()
$this->isAdding = true;
// Push (add) a new empty Test model to the collection
// Save the value of the toAdd collection to a session
// This is required because Livewire doesnt understand how to hydrate an empty model
// So simply adding a model results in the previous elements being converted to an array
session()->put('toAdd', $this->toAdd);
public function save($key)
// Save the model to the database
$this->toAdd->first(function ($item, $k) use ($key) {
return $key == $k;
// Remove it from the toAdd collection so that it is removed from the Add More list
// Clean things up
public function saveAll()
$this->toAdd->each(function ($item) {
// Just a helper method for performing repeated functionality
public function cleanUp(bool $reset = false)
// Get all the required models from the database and assign our local variable
$this->tests = \App\Models\Test::all();
// If there are no items in the toAdd collection, do some cleanup
// This will reset things on page refresh, although you might not want that to happen
// If not, consider what you want to happen and change accordingly
if ($reset) {
$this->toAdd = collect();
$this->isAdding = false;
<!-- loop over all your test models -->
#foreach ($tests as $index => $test)
<!-- the :key attribute is essential in loops so that livewire doesnt run into DOM diffing issues -->
<div :key="tests_{{ $index }}">
<label for="tests_{{ $index }}_title">Title {{ $index }}
<input type="text" id="tests_{{ $index }}_title" name="tests_{{ $index }}_title"
wire:model="tests.{{ $index }}.title" :key="tests_{{ $index }}_title" />
<!-- Only show the new model inputs if isAdding is true -->
#if ($isAdding)
#foreach ($toAdd as $index => $value)
<div :key="toAdd_{{ $index }}">
<label for="toAdd_{{ $index }}_title">New Title {{ $index }}
<input type="text" id="toAdd_{{ $index }}_title"
name="toAdd_{{ $index }}_title" wire:model="toAdd.{{ $index }}.title"
:key="toAdd_{{ $index }}_title" />
<!-- triggers the save function on the component -->
<button type="button" wire:click="save({{ $index }})" :key="toAdd_{{ $index }}_save">Save</button>
<button type="button" wire:click="saveAll">Save All</button>
<!-- triggers the add function on the component -->
<button type="button" wire:click="add">Add More</button>
I've not removed some of the previous comments and not commented on the code that should be pretty obvious what it is doing.
I did rename the prepare function to cleanUp and it seemed more appropriate.
I also provided functions for saving an individual Test model, or all at the same time. You might want to be able to do one or the other or both at some point so seemed useful.

Livewire Flickity Conflict/Issue

I am having issues rendering a dynamic slider built using Flickity. I have a CRUD where I add/remove slider images to the database and load them instantly live on the page. I have the following code setup, when I add a new slider image using addPhoto() method, it is added but does not load on the page until I refresh the page.
Livewire and Flickity conflict with each other. If i remove wire:ignore from the blade template it loads the newly added photo but messes with the Flickity slider (of course livewire manipulates the DOM).
If i keep wire:ignore inside the blade template it does not load the newly added photo until i manually reload the page. I also tried the '$refresh' via listener but no luck.
Is there any solution or workaround for this issue?
class ProfileEdit extends Component
public $photos;
public function mount()
public addPhoto()
// Add a new photo to database
// And finally load photos again to get latest data
protected function loadPhotos()
$this->photos = load photos from database
public function render()
return view('livewire.carousel');
<div wire:ignore x-data="carousel()" x-init="init()" x-ref="carousel">
#foreach ($photos as $photo)
<div wire:key="{{ $loop->index }}">
function carousel() {
return {
init() {
var flkty = new Flickity(this.$refs.carousel, {
mount() is only ever called when the component is first mounted and will not be called again even when the component is refreshed or rerendered.
class ProfileEdit extends Component
public addPhoto()
// Add a new photo to database
protected function loadPhotos()
$photos = load photos from database
return $photos;
public function render()
return view('livewire.carousel', [
'photos' => $this->loadPhotos(),

Laravel Accessing Attributes & Slots Within Component Classes

I have a question about Laravel - Documentation - Accessing Attributes & Slots Within Component Classes
I read this section, and did some experiments. What I've found is that the closure only can return string but component.view, and what it returns would overwrite what is defined on the component view, which leads me to a question What use case is this feature for?
Could anyone make some examples of using this feature for me?
Anyone could help me with it will be so much appreciated.
If the string matches an existing view then it will render that view and not overwrite it. You can return an existing view as follows:
// app/View/Components/Post.php
public function render()
return function (array $data) {
// $data['componentName'];
// $data['attributes'];
// $data['slot'];
return ''; // /resources/views/components/post.blade.php
// views/components/post.blade.php
<div class="item">
<div class="title">
New Post
<div class="content">
<p>Content post...</p>
// component class
class Link extends Component
public $path = "";
public function __construct()
$this->path = request()->path();
public function render()
return function (array $data) {
if(isset($data['attributes']['href'])) {
$data['attributes']["link"] = $data['attributes']['href'];
if ($data['attributes']['href'] == "/".$this->path) {
$data['attributes']['active'] = $data['attributes']['class']." link-active-class";
} else {
$data['attributes']['active'] = $data['attributes']['class'];
return '';
// component view
<a href="{{ $attributes['link'] }}" class="{{ $attributes['active'] }}">
{{ $slot }}
< href="/module/news" class="primary-action">
<i class="fas fa-newspaper"></i> News

Sending laravel livewire event from child to parent gives fingerprint error

Im getting this error when sending an event from child to parent container. I am using wire:key as recommended but get the JS error Cannot read property 'fingerprint' of null. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Please see example below.
class Container extends Component
public $listeners = [
public function render()
return view('livewire.container');
public function submit()
//dd("The child says wow - it works!");
with view
<h1>Im the container</h1>
#foreach([1,2,3] as $nbr)
#livewire('child', compact('nbr'))
class Child extends Component
public $nbr;
public function mount($nbr)
$this->nbr = $nbr;
public function render()
return view('livewire.child');
public function submit()
$this->emit('submit', 'wow!');
with view
<div wire:key="{{ $nbr }}">
Hey im a child
<button wire:click="submit">submit</button>
When defining Livewire components in a loop, you need to give them a key, so Livewire can keep track of each individual component.
<h1>Im the container</h1>
#foreach([1,2,3] as $key=>$nbr)
#livewire('child', compact('nbr'), key($nbr))
This is done on the component, not on the root-element in the view, meaning that its incorrectly placed with wire:key="{{ $nbr }}" being in your child-view.
