Customizing Optimizely (Episerver) block outer div css class - model-view-controller

Is it possible to add css classes to auto-generated outer div for block element ?
I have a simple Block with a ViewModel and a Controller and I need modify this autogenerated outer div, or optionally remove it?
I looked at other answers to this question where it was recommended ie.
#Html.PropertyFor(model => model.CurrentBlock.ClientLogos, new
CustomTag = "ul",
CssClass = "list",
ChildrenCustomTagName = "li",
ChildrenCssClass = "list_item"
Problem is when I use this syntax, model has no CurrentBlock property ???
My model is bound to ViewModel, I'm not sure if it affects this. I am very new to Optimizely.

You can use custom tag and css class. In your example CurrentBlock is probably part of the viewModel, you can directly use model.ClientLogs. Alternativly if you want more control you can use editing attributes.
<h1 #Html.EditAttributes(x => x.Heading)>
/* Render the Heading property, unless it it empty, then use PageName as fallback */
#Model.Heading ?? #Model.PageName
You can find more information about editing attributes here:

Related core pass data from content page to layout

I'm trying to set a master layout.cshtml page that works consistently for all page except for one or two (typically login and logout). In my layout I'd like to display some elements that I want to not display for these special pages.
I've seen partial views and sections and they all seem to work "backwards" to the way I want - in this case I want the default to be 'display all the elements', but for special pages I want to be able to turn an element off.
I've seen previous code that uses PageData to pass a variable to the layout (which seemed very useful as I could slap a bool in the relevant pages and check it in the layout) but this seems to have been removed. Are there any other ways that work without involving the controller or updating every page to display the bits I want hidden on just 1 page?
There's a number of different ways you can achieve this. If you want to simply "turn off" an area of the page, the simplest approach is probably with ViewData. Something like:
#if (ViewData["ShowThis"] as bool? ?? true)
<!-- HTML here -->
This will cause it to default to true (show the HTML) if the ViewData key is not defined, so then in your views where you want to disable it, you'd just need to define it as false:
ViewData["ShowThis"] = false;
Alternatively, you can use sections. This would give you the ability to optionally replace the HTML with something else.
#if (!IsSectionDefined("Foo"))
<!-- HTML here -->
#RenderSection("Foo", required: false)
Then, in your view, you simply define the section. If you want to display nothing, you can just define it empty:
#section Foo {}
Or you can can actually put something in there to replace the area with:
#section Foo
<!-- alternate HTML here -->
You can try this to pass ViewData in _Layout page in mvc
public class DynamicMenuAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
var result = filterContext.Result as ViewResult;
result.ViewData["key"] = "Hello Bangladesh";
Add Dependency Injection into Startup.cs file
config =>
config.Filters.Add(new DynamicMenuAttribute());
Now you can you ViewData["key"] in _Layout.cshtml

Add content to blade stack

I have a helper class to draw UI elements. Is it possible, in a method, to add content to a blade #section or #stack?
Here's an example that can clarify what i want to do: say i have some sidebar element that's being built using a #stack('sidebar'). I want to know if it is possible to add to this stack inside some helper class' method:
public function changeSidebar($content)
$this->View->addToStack('sidebar', $content);
I'm assuming, of course, the existence of the addToStack() method in View.
Thanks in advance.

how to set the radio button's 'checked' attribute dynamically.

I've developed a Joomla 2.5 component that does ALMOST exactly what I want it to do. I have a form that contains a fieldset with 2 radio buttons (for "am" and "pm"). I have been unable to figure out how to set the appropriate button's 'checked' attribute based upon other information. It is trivial to set a default within the xml file that defines the form fields, but I don't see how I to do this dynamically.
It is possible? Have I missed something in the documentation that would explain how to do this??
In case you load the form from the view: in the display() method of view.html you will be loading your form:
$this->form = $this->get('Form');
This is invoking a model which in turns extends joomla.application.component.modelform; its getForm method loads the form:
$form = $this->loadForm('com_yourcomp.model', ...
This is what I gather from your description. If this is not the case you might want to move the suggested code below right after you load the form: this is the complete snippet that allows you to set the value of a field:
/// Load the form from the model:
$this->form = $this->get('Form');
// Check for errors.
if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) {
throw new Exception(implode("\n", $errors));
//... some logic ...
$this->form->setFieldAttribute( 'businessid', 'readonly', 'true' );

Separating template logic from Backbone.View

I just started learning Backbone.js, and have been working on (what else) a simple to-do application. In this app, I want to display my to-do items inside of <ul id="unfinished-taks"></ul> with each task as a <li> element. So far, so simple.
According to the tutorials I have read, I should create a View with the following:
// todo.js
window.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
className: 'task',
// etc...
This works fine, but it seems like bad practice to define the HTML markup structure of my to-do item inside of my Javascript code. I'd much rather define the markup entirely in a template:
// todo.js
window.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($("#template-task").html()),
// etc...
<!-- todo.html -->
<script type="text/template" id="template-task">
<li class="task <%= done ? 'done' : 'notdone' %>"><%= text %></li>
However, if I do it that way Backbone.js defaults to using tagName: 'div' and wraps all my to-do items in useless <div> tags. Is there a way to have the HTMl markup entirely contained within my template without adding unsemantic <div> tags around every view element?
If you are only planning to render the view once, you can set the el property of the view manually in .initialize():
// todo.js
window.TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($("#template-task").html()),
initialize: function() {
this.el = $(this.template(this.model.toJSON())).get(0);
// etc
There are some caveats here, though:
Backbone expects the el property to be a single element. I'm not sure what will happen if your template has multiple elements at the root, but it probably won't be what you expect.
Re-rendering is difficult here, because re-rendering the template gives you a whole new DOM element, and you can't use $(this.el).html() to update the existing element. So you have to somehow stick the new element into the spot of the old element, which isn't easy, and probably involves logic you don't want in .render().
These aren't necessarily show-stoppers if your .render() function doesn't need to use the template again (e.g. maybe you change the class and the text manually, with jQuery), or if you don't need to re-render. But it's going to be a pain if you're expecting to use Backbone's standard "re-render the template" approach for updating the view when the model changes.

Is it good practice to add own file in lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element folder

I need to create module in Magento which will have few database tables. One of the function of the module is adding multiple images.
For example while being on the "Add new item" or "Edit item" page in the admin, from the left side I have tabs, one of them is "Item Images". When being clicked I want the content of this tab to be my own custom one.
After digging into the code, found out that the way it renders this content, Magento is using one of the Varien_Data_Form_Element classes for each element in the full form. I want to add my own class here that will render form elements the way I want.
Is this a good practice to do so, or there is some other more elegant way of adding own content in the admin forms?
EDIT: I must add that none of the existing classes is helping my problem.
I have a controller in my custom module that is in Mypackage/Mymodule/controllers/Adminhtml/Item.php. In the editAction() method which I am using for adding and creating new items, I am creating 2 blocks, one for the form and one left for the tabs:
The Block/Adminhtml/Edit/Tabs.php block is creating 2 tabs on the left: General Info and Item Images, each of them are rendering different content on the right side using Block classes.
protected function _beforeToHtml()
$this->addTab('item_info', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('mymodule')->__('Item Info'),
'content'=> $this->getLayout()->createBlock('item/adminhtml_edit_tab_form')->toHtml(),
$this->addTab('item_images', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('mymodule')->__('Item Images'),
'active' => ( $this->getRequest()->getParam('tab') == 'item_images' ) ? true : false,
'content' => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('item/adminhtml_images')->toHtml(),
return parent::_beforeToHtml();
I wanted the tab item_images to render my own form elements and values, not the default varien form elements.
class Mypackage_Mymodule_Block_Adminhtml_Images extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
public function __construct()
$this->setTemplate('item/images.phtml'); //This is in adminhtml design
public function getPostId()
return $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
public function getExistingImages()
return Mage::getModel('mymodule/item')->getImages($this->getPostId());
Then in the template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/item/images.phtml you can use these values:
//You can add your own custom form fields here and all of them will be included in the form
foreach($this->getExistingImages() as $_img):
//Do something with each image
//You can add your own custom form fields here and all of them will be included in the form
No, it's not. You should never edit or add to files that provided by a vendor. If you absolutely must replace a class file you should use the local code pool. For example, if you wanted to change the behavior of a text field,
You should place a file in the local or community code pool
However, doing the replaces the class, and it becomes your responsibility to maintain compatibility with future versions. That means if Magento Inc. changes lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/Text.php, you need to update your version to be compatible.
Based on what you said I'd look into creating a class rewrite for the Block class that renders the form.
