Elasticsearch AccessDeniedException[/usr/share/elasticsearch/data/nodes] on ECS Fargate - elasticsearch

I am deploying elasticserch 7.16.1 on ECS Fargate using bind mount. The container terminates with following error.
org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.StartupException: ElasticsearchException[failed to bind service]; nested: AccessDeniedException[/usr/share/elasticsearch/data/nodes];
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.init(Elasticsearch.java:170) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.execute(Elasticsearch.java:157) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.cli.EnvironmentAwareCommand.execute(EnvironmentAwareCommand.java:77) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.mainWithoutErrorHandling(Command.java:112) ~[elasticsearch-cli-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.cli.Command.main(Command.java:77) ~[elasticsearch-cli-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(Elasticsearch.java:122) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.main(Elasticsearch.java:80) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: failed to bind service
at org.elasticsearch.node.Node.<init>(Node.java:1090) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.node.Node.<init>(Node.java:309) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap$5.<init>(Bootstrap.java:234) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.setup(Bootstrap.java:234) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Bootstrap.init(Bootstrap.java:434) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
at org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch.init(Elasticsearch.java:166) ~[elasticsearch-7.16.1.jar:7.16.1]
Looks like the container does not have write permission on the volume, but the volume is not read-only. The task-definition is as below.
"ipcMode": null,
"executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole",
"containerDefinitions": [
"dnsSearchDomains": null,
"environmentFiles": null,
"logConfiguration": {
"logDriver": "awslogs",
"secretOptions": null,
"options": {
"awslogs-group": "/ecs/elasticsearch-dev",
"awslogs-region": "us-east-1",
"awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs"
"entryPoint": null,
"portMappings": [
"hostPort": 9200,
"protocol": "tcp",
"containerPort": 9200
"command": null,
"linuxParameters": null,
"cpu": 0,
"environment": [
"name": "discovery.type",
"value": "single-node"
"name": "ES_JAVA_OPTS",
"value": "-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
"resourceRequirements": null,
"ulimits": [
"name": "nofile",
"softLimit": 65536,
"hardLimit": 65536
"dnsServers": null,
"mountPoints": [
"readOnly": null,
"containerPath": "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data",
"sourceVolume": "host-data"
"workingDirectory": null,
"secrets": null,
"dockerSecurityOptions": null,
"memory": null,
"memoryReservation": null,
"volumesFrom": [],
"stopTimeout": null,
"image": "docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.16.1",
"startTimeout": null,
"firelensConfiguration": null,
"dependsOn": null,
"disableNetworking": null,
"interactive": null,
"healthCheck": null,
"essential": true,
"links": null,
"hostname": null,
"extraHosts": null,
"pseudoTerminal": null,
"user": null,
"readonlyRootFilesystem": null,
"dockerLabels": null,
"systemControls": null,
"privileged": null,
"name": "elasticsearch-dev"
"placementConstraints": [],
"memory": "8192",
"taskRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole",
"compatibilities": [
"taskDefinitionArn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:task-definition/elasticsearch-dev:7",
"family": "elasticsearch-dev",
"requiresAttributes": [
"targetId": null,
"targetType": null,
"value": null,
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.logging-driver.awslogs"
"targetId": null,
"targetType": null,
"value": null,
"name": "ecs.capability.execution-role-awslogs"
"targetId": null,
"targetType": null,
"value": null,
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.ecr-auth"
"targetId": null,
"targetType": null,
"value": null,
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.19"
"targetId": null,
"targetType": null,
"value": null,
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.task-iam-role"
"targetId": null,
"targetType": null,
"value": null,
"name": "ecs.capability.execution-role-ecr-pull"
"targetId": null,
"targetType": null,
"value": null,
"name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.18"
"targetId": null,
"targetType": null,
"value": null,
"name": "ecs.capability.task-eni"
"pidMode": null,
"requiresCompatibilities": [
"networkMode": "awsvpc",
"runtimePlatform": null,
"cpu": "1024",
"revision": 7,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"inferenceAccelerators": null,
"proxyConfiguration": null,
"volumes": [
"fsxWindowsFileServerVolumeConfiguration": null,
"efsVolumeConfiguration": null,
"name": "host-data",
"host": {
"sourcePath": null
"dockerVolumeConfiguration": null

elasticsearch:7.13.0 has added a USER directive in the Dockerfile that ensures elasticsearch container to be run by elasticsearch user instead of root user. But AWS ECS still mounts volume owned by root user, that's why elasticsearch user can't write to it raising AccessDeniedException.
ECS docs suggests to add a VOLUME directive after USER directive in the Dockerfile to make the volume owned by the non-root user. I ended up with the following Dockerfile to build elasticsearch image myself and push it to ECR to make it work.
FROM docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.16.1
VOLUME ["/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"]


How to address the network with ansible inventory plugin vmware_vm_inventory?

I use the ansible inventory plugin vmware_vm_inventory (see https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/scenario_guides/vmware_scenarios/vmware_inventory_hostnames.html). i want to group for the first connected network too. So what is the right Propertyname for it?
my vm.vmware.yml:
plugin: vmware_vm_inventory
strict: False
username: user
password: password
validate_certs: False
with_tags: False
- config.name
- 'config.name'
- 'config.guestId'
- 'guest.ipAddress'
- 'guest.net'
- 'summary.runtime.powerState'
if I run the command:
ansible-inventory --host TESTVM001
i get:
"ansible_host": "",
"config": {
"guestId": "ubuntu64Guest",
"name": "TESTVM001"
"config.guestId": "ubuntu64Guest",
"config.name": "TESTVM001",
"guest": {
"ipAddress": "",
"net": [
"connected": true,
"deviceConfigId": 4000,
"dnsConfig": null,
"ipAddress": [
"ipConfig": {
"autoConfigurationEnabled": null,
"dhcp": null,
"ipAddress": [
"ipAddress": "",
"lifetime": null,
"origin": null,
"prefixLength": 16,
"state": "preferred"
"ipAddress": "fe80::333:33ff:aaaa:903f",
"lifetime": null,
"origin": null,
"prefixLength": 64,
"state": "unknown"
"macAddress": "00:50:00:ab:cd:ef",
"netBIOSConfig": null,
"network": "MYNETWORK"
"guest.ipAddress": "",
"guest.net": [
"connected": true,
"deviceConfigId": 4000,
"dnsConfig": null,
"ipAddress": [
"ipConfig": {
"autoConfigurationEnabled": null,
"dhcp": null,
"ipAddress": [
"ipAddress": "",
"lifetime": null,
"origin": null,
"prefixLength": 16,
"state": "preferred"
"ipAddress": "fe80::333:33ff:aaaa:903f",
"lifetime": null,
"origin": null,
"prefixLength": 64,
"state": "unknown"
"macAddress": "00:50:00:ab:cd:ef",
"netBIOSConfig": null,
"network": "MYNETWORK"
"runtime": {
"connectionState": "connected"
"runtime.connectionState": "connected",
"summary": {
"runtime": {
"powerState": "poweredOn"
"summary.runtime.powerState": "poweredOn"
How should i change the line - 'guest.net' in the file vm.vmware.yml to only get the network name.
What i tried:
- 'guest.net.0.network'
- 'guest.net[0].network'
the result was then the help output for ansible-inventory.
I have found it. The hint came from https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.vmware/issues/902
plugin: vmware_vm_inventory
strict: False
username: user
password: password
validate_certs: False
with_tags: False
- config.name
- 'config.name'
- 'config.guestId'
- 'guest.ipAddress'
- 'guest.net'
- 'summary.runtime.powerState'
ansible_host: 'guest.ipAddress'
ansible_networkname: 'guest.net[0].network'
- key: ansible_networkname
prefix: "net0"
seperator: "-"
the compose key understand jinja2. described in https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/vmware/vmware_vm_inventory_inventory.html
So what i get with ansible-inventory --graph is:
| |--vm1
| |--vm2
| |--vm1
| |--vm2

Windows containers on ECS shows RUNNING but dont do anything

I have a microsoft/iis task set on a ECS cluster running on AMI optimized windows 2016 server.
The task starts fine (it shows RUNNING), but after a few hours, it just stops with: Essential container in task exited.
Looking at the EC2 instance, I can see the container running, but it does not show the regular logs I expect on this particular container.
Another curious thing is that if I manually do a docker run <my image> on the EC2, it starts the container and the log is populated.
Any idea what could be wrong?
adding task definition (JSON format)
"ipcMode": null,
"executionRoleArn": null,
"containerDefinitions": [
"dnsSearchDomains": null,
"environmentFiles": null,
"logConfiguration": null,
"entryPoint": [
"portMappings": [
"hostPort": 8080,
"protocol": "tcp",
"containerPort": 80
"command": [
"New-Item -Path C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\index.html -ItemType file -Value '<html> <head> <title>Amazon ECS Sample App</title> <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #333;} </style> </head><body> <div style=color:white;text-align:center> <h1>Amazon ECS Sample App</h1> <h2>Congratulations!</h2> <p>Your application is now running on a container in Amazon ECS.</p>' -Force ; C:\\ServiceMonitor.exe w3svc"
"linuxParameters": null,
"cpu": 0,
"environment": [],
"resourceRequirements": null,
"ulimits": null,
"dnsServers": null,
"mountPoints": [],
"workingDirectory": null,
"secrets": null,
"dockerSecurityOptions": null,
"memory": null,
"memoryReservation": null,
"volumesFrom": [],
"stopTimeout": null,
"image": "microsoft/iis",
"startTimeout": null,
"firelensConfiguration": null,
"dependsOn": null,
"disableNetworking": null,
"interactive": null,
"healthCheck": null,
"essential": true,
"links": null,
"hostname": null,
"extraHosts": null,
"pseudoTerminal": null,
"user": null,
"readonlyRootFilesystem": null,
"dockerLabels": null,
"systemControls": null,
"privileged": null,
"name": "windows_sample_app"
"placementConstraints": [],
"memory": "1024",
"taskRoleArn": null,
"compatibilities": [
"taskDefinitionArn": "arn:aws:ecs:<my-region>:<my-id>:task-definition/windows-simple-iis:1",
"family": "windows-simple-iis",
"requiresAttributes": [],
"pidMode": null,
"requiresCompatibilities": [],
"networkMode": null,
"cpu": "512",
"revision": 1,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"inferenceAccelerators": null,
"proxyConfiguration": null,
"volumes": []
For a windows task CPU shares should not be zero. "cpu": 0.
On Windows container instances, the CPU limit is enforced as an absolute limit, or a quota. Windows containers only have access to the specified amount of CPU that is described in the task definition. Updating the CPU shares should get everything running and logs to populate.

what is the password for accessing apps that binded with config service in pivotal cloud foundry

I am very new to spring boot in pivotal cloud foundry. I am able to deploy the apps and bind them to config-server. When i access the app, it is asking for login details. I tried with pivotal credentials it didn't worked. I am struggling from days to find the credentials for this. Can someone help where can i find the username and password.
I have checked VCAP_SERVICES env variable but no luck. Below is my VCAP_SERVICES
"p-config-server": [
"binding_name": null,
"credentials": {
"access_token_uri": "https://p-spring-cloud-services.uaa.run.pivotal.io/oau
"client_id": "p-config-server-066a4553-a934-4d52-b016-30e2ab7e6d90",
"client_secret": "rHnPwJj613pP",
"uri": "https://config-da1be911-4c82-41a3-a3bd-0b06ea295480.cfapps.io"
"instance_name": "config-server",
"label": "p-config-server",
"name": "config-server",
"plan": "trial",
"provider": null,
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"tags": [
"volume_mounts": []
"p-service-registry": [
"binding_name": null,
"credentials": {
"access_token_uri": "https://p-spring-cloud-services.uaa.run.pivotal.io/oau
"client_id": "p-service-registry-ae9f69cf-258d-45ea-821e-1fa4db37f1a3",
"client_secret": "XJOLKHZqwssd",
"uri": "https://eureka-89a144f4-7dc7-4b6d-8152-c4414b748ec0.cfapps.io"
"instance_name": "service-registry",
"label": "p-service-registry",
"name": "service-registry",
"plan": "trial",
"provider": null,
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"tags": [
"volume_mounts": []
"application_id": "1b398fd8-61f2-47e3-875d-d3fe7574513a",
"application_name": "customer-service",
"application_uris": [
"application_version": "d0243f11-b7af-4bb3-b3a3-b7a4c95e6298",
"cf_api": "https://api.run.pivotal.io",
"limits": {
"disk": 1024,
"fds": 16384,
"mem": 1024
"name": "customer-service",
"organization_id": "8e425cae-75a0-433a-a8a7-79c4f81d7c85",
"organization_name": "MSA_springboot",
"process_id": "1b398fd8-61f2-47e3-875d-d3fe7574513a",
"process_type": "web",
"space_id": "8902b90c-9964-4f9d-b426-ca1635589ebe",
"space_name": "development",
"uris": [
"users": null,
"version": "d0243f11-b7af-4bb3-b3a3-b7a4c95e6298"
No running env variables have been set
No staging env variables have been set```[enter image description here][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/9kNWC.png

Unable to see files inside a container

I'm unable to access content in a container created using docker-compose; it's been suggested to me that this could be because the content folder on the host is not being mounted correctly. (Note: I don't know how to validate this advice, so I must assume that it's correct.)
Here's my docker-compose.yml file:
version: "2.1"
image: docs/docstage
- "4000:4000"
- "./:/usr/src/app"
Here's the output of my docker-compose command:
D:\Dev\Git\docker.github.io>docker-compose up
Creating dockergithubio_docs_1 ...
Creating dockergithubio_docs_1 ... done
Attaching to dockergithubio_docs_1
docs_1 | Configuration file: none
docs_1 | Configuration file: none
docs_1 | Source: /usr/src/app
docs_1 | Destination: /_site
docs_1 | Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
docs_1 | Generating...
docs_1 | done in 0.017 seconds.
docs_1 | Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/usr/src/app'
docs_1 | Configuration file: none
docs_1 | Server address:
docs_1 | Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
docs_1 | [2017-07-17 20:58:02] ERROR `/favicon.ico' not found.
...and here's the result:
C:\Users\Admin>docker exec -it 863a59969066 bash
root#863a59969066:/usr/src/app# ls
As we can see, there's no content in the container. Also, browsing to the URL reveals an empty directory:
Here's the result of docker container inspect:
C:\Users\Admin>docker inspect dockergithubio_docs_1
"Id": "863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779",
"Created": "2017-07-17T20:57:06.7250794Z",
"Path": "/bin/sh",
"Args": [
"jekyll serve -d /_site --watch -H -P 4000"
"State": {
"Status": "running",
"Running": true,
"Paused": false,
"Restarting": false,
"OOMKilled": false,
"Dead": false,
"Pid": 3252,
"ExitCode": 0,
"Error": "",
"StartedAt": "2017-07-17T20:57:08.0003358Z",
"FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"Image": "sha256:9670258d73f081ef2c7dd476c56fc5945627ee68867e1296fbe19e612ddd29a4",
"ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779/resolv.conf",
"HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779/hostname",
"HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779/hosts",
"LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779/863a59969066444d0b6e908a46d0f05b68605b7fe72bfd4b0ddf2036847b0779-json.log",
"Name": "/dockergithubio_docs_1",
"RestartCount": 0,
"Driver": "overlay2",
"MountLabel": "",
"ProcessLabel": "",
"AppArmorProfile": "",
"ExecIDs": null,
"HostConfig": {
"Binds": [
"ContainerIDFile": "",
"LogConfig": {
"Type": "json-file",
"Config": {}
"NetworkMode": "dockergithubio_default",
"PortBindings": {
"4000/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "4000"
"RestartPolicy": {
"Name": "",
"MaximumRetryCount": 0
"AutoRemove": false,
"VolumeDriver": "",
"VolumesFrom": [],
"CapAdd": null,
"CapDrop": null,
"Dns": null,
"DnsOptions": null,
"DnsSearch": null,
"ExtraHosts": null,
"GroupAdd": null,
"IpcMode": "",
"Cgroup": "",
"Links": null,
"OomScoreAdj": 0,
"PidMode": "",
"Privileged": false,
"PublishAllPorts": false,
"ReadonlyRootfs": false,
"SecurityOpt": null,
"UTSMode": "",
"UsernsMode": "",
"ShmSize": 67108864,
"Runtime": "runc",
"ConsoleSize": [
"Isolation": "",
"CpuShares": 0,
"Memory": 0,
"NanoCpus": 0,
"CgroupParent": "",
"BlkioWeight": 0,
"BlkioWeightDevice": null,
"BlkioDeviceReadBps": null,
"BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null,
"BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null,
"BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null,
"CpuPeriod": 0,
"CpuQuota": 0,
"CpuRealtimePeriod": 0,
"CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0,
"CpusetCpus": "",
"CpusetMems": "",
"Devices": null,
"DeviceCgroupRules": null,
"DiskQuota": 0,
"KernelMemory": 0,
"MemoryReservation": 0,
"MemorySwap": 0,
"MemorySwappiness": -1,
"OomKillDisable": false,
"PidsLimit": 0,
"Ulimits": null,
"CpuCount": 0,
"CpuPercent": 0,
"IOMaximumIOps": 0,
"IOMaximumBandwidth": 0
"GraphDriver": {
"Data": {
"LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f7ba6861640a6fb639f64c475db0260cb4c9ded686711b05625ff37c19737fa-init/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/0772e69f7faba8d149e7d9aed149d4607c905f1d01b28b97f5453772e5326904/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6d2a854de0c3c7af4e8e3b6ef831af1dde8c400f5aa8fd809d76a06f3ba5c705/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8a4466b60f60d0141625c1ad32233f3fee49821f534f8709685c2d6514b9d3f6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6a4fe33cae424e9a671300332244aa19f5a314d90c945b399f35ea487e01d333/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/de35de0b23cb93e811a7f2ec6b59e3e282faf770131179c60cad588c522551be/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e7f896a4b4d0da7ddbddd208a9130affea2358f4b1fd147f403b82fe7fe748aa/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b09694bfeb6b2e7d75de351286d95bf9af18181004f9d3c2d9bf73ea6538ba56/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4feb0e4dccefd6570fee715baf80ebe6ea77ab133cc3ac15fd850bb737f7e8b2/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/1291c76b0bb03c133b70dad4dd08147f3c753b52f8ac3070d2e0f9bbdd99e874/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/9166f2a32c7b3284fab5a95803ac66c83cba936161083f0405b630178f5dbeb2/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/46499476944e8234be84f662104f3968f8717f3e36a67bb06d814f9c70998d9f/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/fc1f9d566f52e9f994bd02dd73528fb3402a98a2618c5b3a9dbf10c8c5ae554c/diff",
"MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f7ba6861640a6fb639f64c475db0260cb4c9ded686711b05625ff37c19737fa/merged",
"UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f7ba6861640a6fb639f64c475db0260cb4c9ded686711b05625ff37c19737fa/diff",
"WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/8f7ba6861640a6fb639f64c475db0260cb4c9ded686711b05625ff37c19737fa/work"
"Name": "overlay2"
"Mounts": [
"Type": "bind",
"Source": "/D/Dev/Git/docker.github.io",
"Destination": "/usr/src/app",
"Mode": "rw",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": "rprivate"
"Config": {
"Hostname": "863a59969066",
"Domainname": "",
"User": "",
"AttachStdin": false,
"AttachStdout": false,
"AttachStderr": false,
"ExposedPorts": {
"4000/tcp": {}
"Tty": false,
"OpenStdin": false,
"StdinOnce": false,
"Env": [
"Cmd": [
"jekyll serve -d /_site --watch -H -P 4000"
"ArgsEscaped": true,
"Image": "docs/docstage",
"Volumes": {
"/usr/src/app": {}
"WorkingDir": "/usr/src/app",
"Entrypoint": null,
"OnBuild": null,
"Labels": {
"com.docker.compose.config-hash": "f86127819d2d94cf924f8d7ef0fe8579286043aebafc2940e6ca0b1d1b4828b7",
"com.docker.compose.container-number": "1",
"com.docker.compose.oneoff": "False",
"com.docker.compose.project": "dockergithubio",
"com.docker.compose.service": "docs",
"com.docker.compose.version": "1.14.0"
"NetworkSettings": {
"Bridge": "",
"SandboxID": "b6ad8a59f8f902f5a2fff0e4d6656bed6b3ecf1904424504886543614524f570",
"HairpinMode": false,
"LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
"LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"Ports": {
"4000/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "4000"
"SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/b6ad8a59f8f9",
"SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
"SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
"EndpointID": "",
"Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 0,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"MacAddress": "",
"Networks": {
"dockergithubio_default": {
"IPAMConfig": null,
"Links": null,
"Aliases": [
"NetworkID": "8c5980632aa0810c818544573e76247a7b27f95e86d137e5f755cbff5b16b6aa",
"EndpointID": "ead13e880ebeede298f16c912d4eac0f5eb89ec5600da208202d54868273927d",
"Gateway": "",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 16,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:12:00:02",
"DriverOpts": null
At first glance this appears OK, but I must admit to a lack of knowledge on exactly interpreting the detail.
I've opened an issue here, but it seems I've exhausted all resources on that thread.
How can I determine whether there's a mount error occurring, and—if so—how can I fix it?
You need to configure docker to share your D drive into the embedded docker VM. Without that, the VM has nothing at this location and when mounting a volume in a container to a directory that doesn't exist (inside the docker VM, not on your windows machine), you get the resulting empty directory.
See the windows install steps for how to share this drive:

panic when start traefik with boltdb backend

I'm trying to start traefik with the boltdb backend. Sadly I always get a panic. Following my setup and the terminal output.
Start Command
./traefik_darwin-amd64 -d -c config.toml
debug = true
defaultEntryPoints = ["http"]
address = ":8081"
address = ":8082"
endpoint = "/Users/tochti/Tmp/traefik.db"
watch = true
prefix = "/traefik"
Terminal Output
After a long time of waiting the following panic is displayed
Output of traefik version: (What version of Traefik are you using?)
Version: v1.3.1
Codename: raclette
Go version: go1.8.3
Built: 2017-06-16_11:00:34AM
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
What is your environment & configuration (arguments, toml, provider, platform, ...)?
"GraceTimeOut": 10000000000,
"Debug": true,
"CheckNewVersion": true,
"AccessLogsFile": "",
"TraefikLogsFile": "",
"LogLevel": "ERROR",
"EntryPoints": {
"http": {
"Network": "",
"Address": ":8081",
"TLS": null,
"Redirect": null,
"Auth": null,
"Compress": false
"Cluster": null,
"Constraints": [],
"ACME": null,
"DefaultEntryPoints": [
"ProvidersThrottleDuration": 2000000000,
"MaxIdleConnsPerHost": 200,
"IdleTimeout": 180000000000,
"InsecureSkipVerify": false,
"Retry": null,
"HealthCheck": {
"Interval": 30000000000
"Docker": null,
"File": null,
"Web": {
"Address": ":8082",
"CertFile": "",
"KeyFile": "",
"ReadOnly": false,
"Statistics": null,
"Metrics": null,
"Path": "",
"Auth": null
"Marathon": null,
"Consul": null,
"ConsulCatalog": null,
"Etcd": null,
"Zookeeper": null,
"Boltdb": {
"Watch": true,
"Filename": "",
"Constraints": [],
"Endpoint": "/Users/tochti/Tmp/traefik.db",
"Prefix": "/traefik",
"TLS": null,
"Username": "",
"Password": ""
"Kubernetes": null,
"Mesos": null,
"Eureka": null,
"ECS": null,
"Rancher": null,
"DynamoDB": null,
"ConfigFile": "/Users/tochti/Tmp/traefik_test/config.toml"
Bolt "traefik" Bucket Items
/traefik/frontends/srv1_example_com/backend srv1_example_com
/traefik/frontends/srv1_example_com/routes/test_1/rule Host:srv1.example.com
Thanks for help!
