What is the meaning of parameters starting with tilde ~ in functions? - syntax

What is the meaning of parameters starting with tilde ~ in functions, like in the this example:
let draw_line ~img ~color ~p0:(x0,y0) ~p1:(x1,y1) = ...

They are named parameters where the label is the same as the formal parameter name:
# let divide ~num ~den = num /. den;;
val divide : num:float -> den:float -> float = <fun>
# divide ~den:10.0 ~num:30.0;;
- : float = 3.
This is described under function definition here.


OCaml syntax confusion

When I first began using the in statement I thought it was pretty straightforward and made sense. However, these code examples made me question how well I understand them.
let fun1 x = let fun2 y = y + 1 in fun2(x);;
val fun1 : int -> int = <fun>
I think this can be thought of as declaring fun2, and then applying it to call fun2 with a variable x that you get from fun1.
let sum1 i = let sum2 j = i+j in sum2;;
val sum1 : int -> int -> int = <fun>
This one confuses me much more and raises more questions. I don't really know how to interpret this. Is it that sum1 was declared to be used in sum2? If so why does in apply to the outer function and not the inner function like it did in the first example?
Any help in interpreting these code snippets would be appreciated.
There's no such thing as an in statement. There are let definitions of the form let [rec] pattern = expression {and pattern = expression} and let expressions of the form let [rec] pattern = expression {and pattern = expression} in expression (where [] means "optional" and {} means "zero or more"). So in is merely a part of the syntax of let expressions.
Is it that sum1 was declared to be used in sum2?
No. sum2 is defined to be used inside sum1 just like in your first example. sum1 i simply returns sum2 as its result. Another way to write it without giving a name to the function being returned would be:
let sum1 i = fun j -> i + j
Or even:
let sum1 i j = i + j

How to pass a parameter that changes with time to SciLab ode?

I'm trying to solve and heat transfer problem using SciLab's ode function. The thing is: one of the parameters changes with time, h(t).
My question is: how can I pass an argument to ode function that is changing over time?
ode allows extra function's parameters as list :
It may happen that the simulator f needs extra arguments. In this
case, we can use the following feature. The f argument can also be a
list lst=list(f,u1,u2,...un) where f is a Scilab function with
syntax: ydot = f(t,y,u1,u2,...,un) and u1, u2, ..., un are extra
arguments which are automatically passed to the simulator simuf.
Extra parameter is a function of t
function y = f(t,y,h)
// define y here depending on t and h(t),eg y = t + h(t)
function y = h(t)
// define here h(t), eg y = t
// define y0,t0 and t
y = ode(y0, t0, t, list(f,h)) // this will pass the h function as a parameter
Extra is a vector for which we want to extract the corresponding term.
Since ode only compute the solution y at t. An idea is to look for Ti < t < Tj when ode performs a computation and get Hi < h < Hj.
This is rather ugly but totally works:
function y = h(t,T,H)
res = abs(t - T) // looking for nearest value of t in T
minres = min(res) // getting the smallest distance
lower = find(res==minres) // getting the index : T(lower)
res(res==minres)=%inf // looking for 2nd nearest value of t in T: nearest is set to inf
minres = min(res) // getting the smallest distance
upper = find(minres==res) // getting the index: T(upper)
// Now t is between T(lower) (nearest) and T(upper) (farest) (! T(lower) may be > T(upper))
y = ((T(upper)-t)*H(lower)+(t-T(lower))*H(upper))/(T(upper)-T(lower)) // computing h such as the barycenter with same distance to H(lower) and H(upper)
function ydot=f(t, y,h,T,H)
hi = h(t,T,H) // if Ti< t < Tj; Hi<h(t,T,H)<Hj
disp([t,hi]) // with H = T, hi = t
ydot=y^2-y*sin(t)+cos(t) - hi // example of were to use hi
// use base example of `ode`
H = t // simple example
y = ode(y0,t0,t,list(f,h,t,H));

performance of static member constraint functions

I'm trying to learn static member constraints in F#. From reading Tomas Petricek's blog post, I understand that writing an inline function that "uses only operations that are themselves written using static member constraints" will make my function work correctly for all numeric types that satisfy those constraints. This question indicates that inline works somewhat similarly to c++ templates, so I wasn't expecting any performance difference between these two functions:
let MultiplyTyped (A : double[,]) (B : double[,]) =
let rA, cA = (Array2D.length1 A) - 1, (Array2D.length2 A) - 1
let cB = (Array2D.length2 B) - 1
let C = Array2D.zeroCreate<double> (Array2D.length1 A) (Array2D.length2 B)
for i = 0 to rA do
for k = 0 to cA do
for j = 0 to cB do
C.[i,j] <- C.[i,j] + A.[i,k] * B.[k,j]
let inline MultiplyGeneric (A : 'T[,]) (B : 'T[,]) =
let rA, cA = Array2D.length1 A - 1, Array2D.length2 A - 1
let cB = Array2D.length2 B - 1
let C = Array2D.zeroCreate<'T> (Array2D.length1 A) (Array2D.length2 B)
for i = 0 to rA do
for k = 0 to cA do
for j = 0 to cB do
C.[i,j] <- C.[i,j] + A.[i,k] * B.[k,j]
Nevertheless, to multiply two 1024 x 1024 matrixes, MultiplyTyped completes in an average of 2550 ms on my machine, whereas MultiplyGeneric takes about 5150 ms. I originally thought that zeroCreate was at fault in the generic version, but changing that line to the one below didn't make a difference.
let C = Array2D.init<'T> (Array2D.length1 A) (Array2D.length2 B) (fun i j -> LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero)
Is there something I'm missing here to make MultiplyGeneric perform the same as MultiplyTyped? Or is this expected?
edit: I should mention that this is VS2010, F# 2.0, Win7 64bit, release build. Platform target is x64 (to test larger matrices) - this makes a difference: x86 produces similar results for the two functions.
Bonus question: the type inferred for MultiplyGeneric is the following:
val inline MultiplyGeneric :
^T [,] -> ^T [,] -> ^T [,]
when ( ^T or ^a) : (static member ( + ) : ^T * ^a -> ^T) and
^T : (static member ( * ) : ^T * ^T -> ^a)
Where does the ^a type come from?
edit 2: here's my testing code:
let r = new System.Random()
let A = Array2D.init 1024 1024 (fun i j -> r.NextDouble())
let B = Array2D.init 1024 1024 (fun i j -> r.NextDouble())
let test f =
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
f() |> ignore
printfn "%A" sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
for i = 1 to 5 do
test (fun () -> MultiplyTyped A B)
for i = 1 to 5 do
test (fun () -> MultiplyGeneric A B)
Good question. I'll answer the easy part first: the ^a is just part of the natural generalization process. Imagine you had a type like this:
type T = | T with
static member (+)(T, i:int) = T
static member (*)(T, T) = 0
Then you can still use your MultiplyGeneric function with arrays of this type: multiplying elements of A and B will give you ints, but that's okay because you can still add them to elements of C and get back values of type T to store back into C.
As to your performance question, I'm afraid I don't have a great explanation. Your basic understanding is right - using MultiplyGeneric with double[,] arguments should be equivalent to using MultiplyTyped. If you use ildasm to look at the IL the compiler generates for the following F# code:
let arr = Array2D.zeroCreate 1024 1024
let f1 = MultiplyTyped arr
let f2 = MultiplyGeneric arr
let timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
f1 arr |> ignore
printfn "%A" timer.Elapsed
f2 arr |> ignore
printfn "%A" timer.Elapsed
then you can see that the compiler really does generate identical code for each of them, putting the inlined code for MultipyGeneric into an internal static function. The only difference that I see in the generated code is in the names of locals, and when running from the command line I get roughly equal elapsed times. However, running from FSI I see a difference similar to what you've reported.
It's not clear to me why this would be. As I see it there are two possibilities:
FSI's code generation may be doing something slightly different than the static compiler
The CLR's JIT compiler may be treat code generated at runtime slightly differently from compiled code. For instance, as I mentioned my code above using MultiplyGeneric actually results in an internal method that contains the inlined body. Perhaps the CLR's JIT handles the difference between public and internal methods differently when they are generated at runtime than when they are in statically compiled code.
I'd like to see your benchmarks. I don't get the same results (VS 2012 F# 3.0 Win 7 64-bit).
let m = Array2D.init 1024 1024 (fun i j -> float i * float j)
let test f =
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
f() |> ignore
printfn "%A" sw.Elapsed
test (fun () -> MultiplyTyped m m)
> 00:00:09.6013188
test (fun () -> MultiplyGeneric m m)
> 00:00:09.1686885
Decompiling with Reflector, the functions look identical.
Regarding your last question, the least restrictive constraint is inferred. In this line
C.[i,j] <- C.[i,j] + A.[i,k] * B.[k,j]
because the result type of A.[i,k] * B.[k,j] is unspecified, and is passed immediately to (+), an extra type could be involved. If you want to tighten the constraint you can replace that line with
let temp : 'T = A.[i,k] * B.[k,j]
C.[i,j] <- C.[i,j] + temp
That will change the signature to
val inline MultiplyGeneric :
A: ^T [,] -> B: ^T [,] -> ^T [,]
when ^T : (static member ( * ) : ^T * ^T -> ^T) and
^T : (static member ( + ) : ^T * ^T -> ^T)
Using your test, here's the output:
Here's the same test on ideone (with a few minor changes to stay within the time limit: 512x512 matrix and one test iteration). It runs F# 2.0 and produced similar results.

Unary minus and floating point number in OCaml

I wanted to have a vector of complex numbers in my program, so I wrote this:
[|pt 0. 0.; pt -4. 1.; pt -7. -2.; pt 4. 5.; pt 1. 1.|]
Here pt is a function of type float -> float -> Complex.t. But ocaml refused to compile this saying:
Characters 12-14:
[|pt 0. 0.; pt -4. 1.; pt -7. -2.; pt 4. 5.; pt 1. 1.|];;
Error: This expression has type float -> float -> Complex.t
but an expression was expected of type int
What I wanted to do here is (obviously) include the complex number whose real part is -4 and whose imaginary part is 1. But ocaml treated what I intended to be an unary minus as a function of type int -> int ->int.
What should I write to do what I wanted to?
Here's how I think it goes (after reading docs and experimenting). There really are four completely different operators:
- Integer subtraction int -> int -> int
-. Floating subtraction float -> float -> float
~- Integer unary negation int -> int
~-. Floating unary negation float -> float
If everybody used these operators, things would be clear, but unfortunately it's also a pretty clumsy notation. In my experience the ~- and ~-. operators are rarely used. The OCaml grammar is specified to let you use the subtraction operators as unary negation operators, as in many other languages. If you do that, you often have to use extra parentheses. If you're willing to use the specific unary operators, you don't need the parentheses.
I.e., you can write (as in pad's edited answer):
[|pt 0. 0.; pt ~-.4. 1.; pt ~-.7. ~-.2.; pt 4. 5.; pt 1. 1.|]
Or you can write:
[|pt 0. 0.; pt (-.4.) 1.; pt (-.7.) (-.2.); pt 4. 5.; pt 1. 1.|]
There's also one extra confusing factor, which is that the OCaml lexer is specified to let you use the integer subtraction operator for unary negation when you use it with a floating constant. Again, this makes the notation more like other languages. Since it's fundamentally a binary operator, you need the parentheses here too.
This means you can write:
[|pt 0. 0.; pt (-4.) 1.; pt (-7.) (-2.); pt 4. 5.; pt 1. 1.|]
This notation only works for negative floating constants. The other two notations work for any expression you might want to negate.
# (-) ;;
- : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# (-.) ;;
- : float -> float -> float = <fun>
# (~-) ;;
- : int -> int = <fun>
# (~-.) ;;
- : float -> float = <fun>
# let f x = x +. 2.0;;
val f : float -> float = <fun>
# f ~-.5.;;
- : float = -3.
# f -.5.;;
Characters 0-1:
f -.5.;;
Error: This expression has type float -> float
but an expression was expected of type float
# f (-.5.);;
- : float = -3.
# f -5.;;
Error: This expression has type float -> float
but an expression was expected of type int
# f (-5.);;
- : float = -3.

Code Golf: Solve a Maze [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
Here's an interesting problem to solve in minimal amounts of code. I expect the recursive solutions will be most popular.
We have a maze that's defined as a map of characters, where = is a wall, a space is a path, + is your starting point, and # is your ending point. An incredibly simple example is like so:
+ =
= ==
= #
Can you write a program to find the shortest path to solve a maze in this style, in as little code as possible?
Bonus points if it works for all maze inputs, such as those with a path that crosses over itself or with huge numbers of branches. The program should be able to work for large mazes (say, 1024x1024 - 1 MB), and how you pass the maze to the program is not important.
The "player" may move diagonally. The input maze will never have a diagonal passage, so your base set of movements will be up, down, left, right. A diagonal movement would be merely looking ahead a little to determine if a up/down and left/right could be merged.
Output must be the maze itself with the shortest path highlighted using the asterisk character (*).
Works for any (fixed-size) maze with a minimum of CPU cycles (given a big enough BFG2000). Source size is irrelevant since the compiler is incredibly efficient.
while curr.x != target.x and curr.y != target.y:
target.x > curr.x : dx = 1
target.x < curr.x : dx = -1
else : dx = 0
target.y > curr.y : dy = 1
target.y < curr.y : dy = -1
else : dy = 0
if cell[curr.x+dx,curr.y+dy] == wall:
destroy cell[curr.x+dx,curr.y+dy] with patented BFG2000 gun.
curr.x += dx
curr.y += dy
survey shattered landscape
F#, not very short (72 non-blank lines), but readable. I changed/honed the spec a bit; I assume the original maze is a rectangle fully surrounded by walls, I use different characters (that don't hurt my eyes), I only allow orthogonal moves (not diagonal). I only tried one sample maze. Except for a bug about flipping x and y indicies, this worked the first time, so I expect it is right (I've done nothing to validate it other than eyeball the solution on the one sample I gave it).
open System
let WALL = '#'
let OPEN = ' '
let START = '^'
let END = '$'
let WALK = '.'
let sampleMaze = #"###############
# # # #
# ^# # # ### #
# # # # # # #
# # # #
############ #
# $ #
let lines = sampleMaze.Split([|'\r';'\n'|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
let width = lines |> Array.map (fun l -> l.Length) |> Array.max
let height = lines.Length
type BestInfo = (int * int) list * int // path to here, num steps
let bestPathToHere : BestInfo option [,] = Array2D.create width height None
let mutable startX = 0
let mutable startY = 0
for x in 0..width-1 do
for y in 0..height-1 do
if lines.[y].[x] = START then
startX <- x
startY <- y
bestPathToHere.[startX,startY] <- Some([],0)
let q = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<_>()
let StepTo newX newY (path,count) =
match lines.[newY].[newX] with
| WALL -> ()
match bestPathToHere.[newX,newY] with
| None ->
bestPathToHere.[newX,newY] <- Some((newX,newY)::path,count+1)
| Some(_,oldCount) when oldCount > count+1 ->
bestPathToHere.[newX,newY] <- Some((newX,newY)::path,count+1)
| _ -> ()
| c -> failwith "unexpected maze char: '%c'" c
while not(q.Count = 0) do
let x,y = q.Dequeue()
let (Some(path,count)) = bestPathToHere.[x,y]
StepTo (x+1) (y) (path,count)
StepTo (x) (y+1) (path,count)
StepTo (x-1) (y) (path,count)
StepTo (x) (y-1) (path,count)
let mutable endX = 0
let mutable endY = 0
for x in 0..width-1 do
for y in 0..height-1 do
if lines.[y].[x] = END then
endX <- x
endY <- y
printfn "Original maze:"
printfn "%s" sampleMaze
let bestPath, bestCount = bestPathToHere.[endX,endY].Value
printfn "The best path takes %d steps." bestCount
let resultMaze = Array2D.init width height (fun x y -> lines.[y].[x])
bestPath |> List.tl |> List.iter (fun (x,y) -> resultMaze.[x,y] <- WALK)
for y in 0..height-1 do
for x in 0..width-1 do
printf "%c" resultMaze.[x,y]
printfn ""
//Original maze:
//# # # #
//# ^# # # ### #
//# # # # # # #
//# # # #
//############ #
//# $ #
//The best path takes 27 steps.
//# # #....... #
//# ^# #.# ###. #
//# .# #.# # #. #
//# .....# #. #
//############. #
//# $....... #
387 Characters
Takes input from stdin.
import sys
R=lambda m:[r.replace(p,'*')for r in m]
while'#'in`m`:n+=[R(m)[:r]+[R(m)[r][:c]+p+R(m)[r][c+1:]]+R(m)[r+1:]for r,c in[(r,c)for r,c in[map(sum,zip((m.index(filter(lambda i:p in i,m)[0]),[w.find(p)for w in m if p in w][0]),P))for P in zip((-1,0,1,0),(0,1,0,-1))]if 0<=r<len(m)and 0<=c<len(m[0])and m[r][c]in'# ']];m=n.pop(0)
I did this sort of thing for a job interview once (it was a pre-interview programming challenge)
Managed to get it working to some degree of success and it's a fun little challenge.
