Spring framework abstraction for creating beans from interfaces - spring

Is there an abstraction for creating spring beans from interfaces like JpaRepositoriesRegistrar does in spring-data-jpa using RepositoryBeanDefinitionRegistrarSupport from spring-data-commons?


What Spring annotations can we use in Hybris commerce project?

I was reading about Spring core module and came across Spring annotations that I did not see till now in the Hybris project:
Are these used in Hybris projects?
Hybris uses both. Annotation Injection and XML Injection. You can also use both. I recommend you, to define a clear strategy when you use which one.
For example:
Controller - Annotation Injection
Facade - XML Injection
Service - XML Injection
To your point, which kind of Annotation you should use, have a look here:
What's the difference between #Component, #Repository & #Service annotations in Spring?
In common said, there is not really a different. It's just nice to use the correct Annotation for the correct class.
Hybris 6.6 uses Spring 4.3. The usual annotations like #Autowired, #Required, #Controller, and many others should work.
If you have access to Hybris Help, have a look at "Spring Framework in SAP Commerce": https://help.hybris.com/6.6.0/hcd/8c63621986691014a7e0a18695d7d410.html
There is:
Dependency Injection
Interface-Driven Design
Beans (and aliasing)
Spring Profiles
Spring MVC
Spring Integration

Spring Boot External Hibernate JPA Entities

I have a maven project with many separate modules. I would like to move my Spring Boot JPA Entities (annotated with #javax.persistence.Entity) in a common module, and use that module as a dependency in Spring Boot.
The trouble is that when I do that, Spring Boot can no longer find data for those entities. It returns empty lists. My current workaround is to annotate the models with #MappedSuperclass in common and have dummy classes in Spring Boot which have the #Entity annotations and extend the classes in common. This is quite stupid though, there has to be a better way to do this.

Spring AOP for non spring component

I am writing Spring 4 application with java config. I can use AOP in this project for all spring component. But i can't use it for a normal POJO class.
what is the library I need to add and what is the configuration I need to put in my config file to get this working
Spring AOP can only be applied to Spring-managed components/beans, not to non-Spring POJOs.
If you want to apply AOP to non-Spring classes you need AspectJ, not a proxy-based "AOP lite" framework like Spring AOP. For more information about how to use AspectJ (which does not need Spring at all) in combination with Spring and how to configure load-time weaving, please read the corresponding part of the Spring manual.

Injecting Spring managed beans in EJBs and injecting EJBs in Spring Controllers

I am getting NullpointerException when calling EJB
Issue relates more to ways of configuring EJBs so that they can be injected in spring Controllers and Injecting Service classes into EJBs.
Make sure all beans defined are known to spring application context
A work around to injecting beans in EJBs is to use #PostContruct, this is the only way I could get everything working but a better example of a working setup could be more appreciated.

How many types of Containers are there in spring framework?

How many types of containers are there in spring framework?
In Servlets, we know containers in any web or application server. likewise, where are Spring Framework containers?
The heart of Spring (as far as DI is concerned) is the ApplicationContext. It is responsible for loading bean definitions and resolving dependencies. It will create all required beans and inject them accordingly (wire in Spring speak). It will also manage the lifecycle of the singleton beans. There can be more than one context and they can be hierarchical, such as in SpringMVC where the web context is aware of it's parent context (this is uni-directional).
There are two types of Containers for Spring.
BeanFactory Container
ApplicationContext Container
For detailed description please refer this
