Tiddlywiki5 - pass field value to tiddler - tiddlywiki

I have a few folders of PDF files that are all related to the same subject, for instance the PDFs for Adventures in Middle-earth RPG. I like to create a tiddlywiki to use as an index to the files. I will then set up a tidder as a menu then set up tiddlers that embed an iframe to open the PDF right inside the main document.
I used the wonderful technique from here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40561642/10221
I now set a field named "pdf" on the tiddler for each PDF to store the filename to open like this:
\define build-link()
<iframe name="" src=".\$(pdf)$" width="600" height="600" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<$set name=pdf value={{!!pdf}}>
My question, is there a way that I could create a generic tiddler that I use for all the books and then pass the pdf field value into the tiddler when I open it? I'm hoping for something like [[TidderName[pdf=CoreBook.pdf]]]
That would save me from having to create a whole bunch of tiddlers, one for each book, which are almost identical. It would also let me pass in things like the page number to open since the browser lets you append things like #page=5 to advance to a specific page. Then I could do things like [[Character Creation|TidderName[pdf=CoreBook.pdf,page=27]]]
Or maybe I'm just thinking about this totally wrong. I've been using Tiddlywiki for years but I'm certainly not an advanced user.


Finding a div tab in Capybara?

I'm currently trying to find this tab and click on it. I'm trying to find a easier way of clicking on this button. In my code, I tried to use find command and it's unable to find this tab.
<div role="tab" aria-disabled="false" aria-selected="true" class="ant-tabs-tab-active ant-tabs-tab">Animals</div>
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
It looks like you need to study CSS selectors a bit more. 'Animals' is text content and CSS does not provide a way to query on text content. In Capybara you can use the text option to filter matching nodes by their text content so combining valid CSS with the text filter like
find('div[role="tab"]', text: 'Animals').click
find('div.ant-tabs-tab', text: 'Animals').click
would be ways of clicking on that element
Note: I would recommend https://flukeout.github.io/ to learn what you can and can't do with CSS selectors.

Custom id in Sphinx documentation generator

How to create a custom Id for headlines in Sphinx (Jinja)?
Sphinx defines Id same with the headline text by default, but I want to define a different Id
If you write this in text file :
Headline text
After converting it to HTML file by Sphinx, it looks like this:
<span id="headline-text"></span><h2>Headline text<a class="headerlink" href="#headline-text" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
But I don't want this Id and I want to define my own custom Id for this tag
If text isn't English, the default value is 's-id{number}', which number sets by Sphinx.
Now I want to write something in another language and I'm looking for a way to change it.
After many searches, I came up with a way like the following, but the problem is that when I look at the HTML source, I see that it still has its own ID next to mine like following:
.. _my-custom-id:
مثال سرتیتر
And after converting to HTML:
<span id="s-id1"></span><span id="my-custom-id"></span><span id="id1"></span><h1>مثال سرتیتر<a class="headerlink" href="#my-custom-id" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
As you can see, this method still doesn't work and Sphinx still defines its default ID.
What is the solution?

Custom sections Umbraco

Not even sure I labeled this correctly, I am in the process of converting a site to Umbraco, and there are sections of the site that needs to be edited using the CMS tools in the back end, basically it is a grid with pictures and description text
Here is a sample of the HTML
<div class="hi-icon-effect-1 hi-icon-effect-1a">
<a class="hi-icon">
<img class="img-responsive " id="ImgSales" src="../../Images/sales_icon_circle_grey.png" alt="">
<p style="padding-left:5px;" id="lblSales" class="">Sales</p>
What I would like to be able to do is go to the content section of the admin and edit the list of items and configure the image and text for each item.
If you view the above link and scroll down there will be a grid of items (services) and it is this list that I want to be able to generate.
I am comfortable with all the technologies used in Umbraco, I just do not know the system well enough to do these kinds of modifications, can someone please assist or point me to the resources that will help me build this.
You should take a look at the Archetype package: https://our.umbraco.org/projects/backoffice-extensions/archetype/
As far as I understand your question you are looking for a way to add X amount of similar items to the contents of a page - for this, Archetype is probably perfect :-)
Once you have your list of items added inside Umbraco, look here: https://github.com/kgiszewski/ArchetypeManual/blob/master/03%20-%20Template%20Usage.md
Use case #1 in this example will allow you to iterate through items and output it with whatever "template" you want (aka the HTML sample you provided).

Customize a document_view and add a div?

This feels like a newbie question but:
I am trying to create a new page from the drop-down display menu so that I can supply a background color to the page (so end user doesn't have to go into the html and add a div). I tried adding a new (empty) div to the template but it's not working. Is this even possible?
Here is my code (my div is called "s_holder"):
<metal:field use-macro="python:here.widget('text', mode='view')">
Body text
<div metal:use-macro="here/document_relateditems/macros/relatedItems">
show related items if they exist
<div tal:replace="structure provider:plone.belowcontentbody" />
<div id="s_holder"></div><!--end s holder-->
For the part of creating the new display view: as #Auspex said, you should put the div inside the macro.
To add your display view to the drop down menu you need to edit every content type. There are two ways of doing this:
1- manually add a "types" folder in the genericsetup profile of your product and put inside one xml file per content type. Ex:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="File"
meta_type="Factory-based Type Information with dynamic views"
i18n:domain="plone" xmlns:i18n="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/i18n">
<property name="view_methods">
<element value="file_view"/>
<element value="myniewfantastic_view"/>
2- in the ZMI -> portal_types edit every content type to add your display view and then in the portal_setup tool export the step for types. Extract the xml definitions from the downloaded archive to your genericsetup profile (in the "types" folder) and then edit them to remove unuseful parts as above.
Sure you can do it. I'm not convinced it's a good idea :-), but you need the <div> to be inside the main_macro (your example HTML is invalid - you have a </tal:main-macro> and no start tag, but I'm assuming you just cut and pasted the last part of the template here, because that template would never display, if it was written that way.
That said, how exactly are you adding it to "the drop-down display menu"?

How to add an additional article info on sidebar in Joomla 1.5?

I want a sidebar on article page, with additional info. Is there such a solution for Joomla 1.5.
I mean that I add an article and the info is pulled from my text between the tags e.g.
Lorem ipsum....
And this info shows in sidebar for current article with actual info.
Is this possible?
Setting up something like what you are asking for require some sort of workarounds.
First, lets agree that what you are calling a "sidebar" is nothing but a content... You enter that content as a part of your article.
So, to achieve what you are asking for I would recommend you use what is called CCK - Content Construction Kit - extension for Joomla using Form2Content. There's a free light edition that would be enough.
Form2Content let you setup a content type. You define what fields you want for each content. Then you create a template that will use the info you are going to enter on the fields to built an article layout.
So let's say you are going to create 3 fields like this :
1- Intro text
2- Full text
3- Sidebar
You are going to create a template as we said. each content type will have 2 templates an intro text template and a full text template
The full text template shall be like this :
<div class="content-container">
<div class="content-sidebar">{$SIDEBAR}</div>
<div class="content-fulltext">{$FULLTEXT}</div>
<br clear="both" />
The {$SIDEBAR} and {$FULLTEXT} are the text you entered in the form and Form2Content will use it to create a regular content with layout.
If you don't want to use another extension or that solution looks too complicated, you could use a javascript solution. For example you could create an HTML module in Joomla and assign its to the sidebar. On this module switch the view to HTML code and enter this:
<div class="content-sidebar"></div>
When you enter an article, switch the view to HTML code and enter the text you want to show on the sidebar and add a class to the paragraph or the div like this :
<p class="special-content">Lorem ipsum dolor<p>
Then use jQuery to append this special text to the sidebar like this :
Note: Joomla does not load jQuery by default, you have to add it on your template or use a plugin.
