How can I support Java strip hockey iCan open lots email - quote

Every time I try to open an email they say I don’t support Java strip how can I do that can you please help me thank you


I need an information about Chat Messages, Send Sms, Make a call, voice command and face recognition?

I need an information like shown below to make a prototype Flutter app.
Does Flutter capable for these? Can I find any documentation and where?
Can I find any examples similar to these?
1) Help Desk Chat Messages: (Like a Help Desk)
Many user ask the questions and 2 or 3 (max 10) will give the answers.
2) Send Sms to Help Desk:
Mostly after working hours users send questions to Help desk.
3) Make Call to Help Desk:
Users for immediate questions calls the Help Desk.
4) Voice Command for menus:
User activates app menu (like activating the menu or asking “what is
my balance” etc.) via using their voice. Like a Siri but much cut
down version.
5) Iris Login:
User can login the app once and if they needed they can use Face
recognition to use their face scan so next time they don’t need
to use 4 steps login. Next time they use face recognition to login to
Flutter is capable of doing anything you can do with native. Because Flutter is still very young, there might not be Dart solutions available (yet), but it's all possible if you write native code.
I like to keep track of this GitHub rep: It contains links to some libraries that may help you with your prototype.

How to make a text-to-speech app

I'm a software engineer student and I need to do a text-to-speech app in vbs for my project. I coded it and it was very easy. The point is I want to make it possible to speak in French for example or in Russian. Can anyone help me? Making it speak in English is very easy.
This is the code:
Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox("Enter a text","The speaking App.")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message
Did you try changing the text-to-speech voice on your computer? I think the text-to-speech api you are using only supports the voice/language set on the machine running the programme. If you need it to read text in another language, you may want to download some additional voices provided by Microsoft.

Reading PDF in windows phone

In windows phone I have installed adobe reader its very nice but I am not able to jump to particular page I need to start from the starting . Its very difficult if we are reading book please any one have any solution for that.
(reposting my comment as an answer for your approval so this question can get marked as answered):
There is not a good way to do this out of the box. Are you willing to look at using a third party app to accomplish this? Unfortunately I see it as your only option right now. Downside is that you cannot install an app to be used as the "default" PDF reader other than the one adobe provides. I would encourage you to reach out to the Adobe folks and ask for the feature you want to be included in the next release of the app.
The latest adobe reader version released for the windows phone is working fine. We can go to particular pages also many advancement. SO the problem no more exist.
Maybe you could try and ebook reader for windows phone 7:
If it isnt what youre looking for just google for ebook reader,
cheers :)

How can i catch the Recaptcha submission text in selenium

This is my problem,I'm doing the automation test in selenium for Sign up a form, it has Recaptcha submission text,How can i enter they random text field in selenium. I'm using C#.
Anyone can help me please.
Thanks in advance
We use a special sequence of character agreed with development do deal with that, and of course is disabled in production :) You may also suggest development to offer you a backdoor to achieve that. In our QA environment we have a backdoor web application to deal with this special situations.

How do I get TiddlySnip to work in Firefox?

Since Google stopped supporting Notebooks, I decided to look for alternatives and so I gave TiddlyWiki + TiddlySnip a shot. However, when trying to install TiddlySnip2.1, I'm getting this error:
"TiddlySnip" will not be installed because it does not provide secure updates
I followed the procedure specified in the site which is to add in the Allowed sites-Add ons list but it still won't work.
And to add insult to injury, the support for the extension has been stopped as well.
My final workaround is to use an older version(1.21-beta), which I was able to find, but I'm finding it a bit unstable.
Did anyone have any success with this?
Thank you.
Eureka! Google has saved me! Their google group has a post on how to shoehorn it into Firefox 3.5.x:
Right Stumproot, however I just feel the need to look for alternatives.
OT, I went as far as going into the irc channel of tiddlywiki to find out and it seems that there's no other way around this issue than to use the older version.
I think that the TW community still plans to continue developing TiddlySnip but for now it's on hold so TW users will just have to make do with the beta version.
