Combining CLOB columns in Query - oracle

I have a table with a CLOB column. What I need to do is query the table, and combine the CLOB column of each row into a single CLOB column.
So, say I have something like:
What I need at output is:
LISTAGG will not work due to the length, and I'm not having any luck with XMLAGG (unless I am doing it wrong).
I tried this, but it is not retrieving all the records:
price_date).EXTRACT('//text()').getclobval() AS daily_7d_prices
FROM daily_price_coll
WHERE price_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 7
I'm only getting the most recent row, when there are actually 3 rows in the table.
Any ideas?


Split the table into equal chunks based on varchar column Oracle

I have a huge table with 20 million records and I want to split the table into 10 equal chunks.
The problem is the table only has varchar columns. I am able to use ROWNUM column and split the table into equal chunks but I couldn't seem to get the Start and End value of the varchar column into the query result set. Below is the query.
with bkt as (
select ROWNUM, width_bucket(ROWNUM, 1, 100100, 10) as id_bucket from "BOOKER"."test"
select id_bucket
, min(ROWNUM) as bkt_start
, max(ROWNUM) as bkt_end
, count(*)
from bkt
group by id_bucket
order by 1;
Please advise how can I add the varchar column with this query to give me the start and end varchar values of the column.

Inserting Record Type

I have a source table, and a history table. They are identical, except the history table has a notes column as the last column.
The table is large, 55 columns, which I do not want to list all the columns. We do not want to use a trigger on this, but just create the history entry in the code itself.
If I simply do an INSERT INTO <history> SELECT * FROM <source> WHERE...... I will get "not enough values".
I'm hoping to do something of this nature: (Note this is just an anonymous block)
v_old_rec company_table%ROWTYPE;
SELECT * INTO v_old_rec
FROM company_table
WHERE company_id = 32789;
INSERT INTO company_table_hist
VALUES v_old_rec || ',MONTHLY UPDATE';
Anything like this possible, so I do not have to list 55 columns?
Thank you.
It's quite simple actually:
INSERT INTO company_table_hist
FROM company_table t
WHERE company_id = 32789);
Of course monthly_upd must be bound somehow

My Hadoop interview scenario based query -solution can be in HIVE/PIG/MapReduce

I have data in a file like below(comma(,) separated).
I want the output table to be like below
101, Ramesh M, 1000
102, Prasad K, 500
i.e Name and Surname in a single column in the output
In Hive if I give row format delimited fields terminated by ',' it will not work. Do we need to write a serde?
Solution can be in MR or PIG also.
Why you dont use concat function, if you dont want process data and just query the raw data, think about creating a view on it :
select ID,concat(Name ,' ' ,Surname),Sal from table;
You can use concat function.
First, You can create the table(i.e. table1) with raw data having 4 columns delimited by comma :
ID, first_name,last_name, salary
Then concat the first_name and last_name using select query and store the results in another table using CTAS(Create TABLE AS SELECT) feature
CREATE TABLE EMP_TABLE AS SELECT ID, CONCAT(first_name,' ','last_name) as NAME, salary from table1

Oracle order by varchar2 with numeric values in it

I have an issue where a Oracle DB column(say 'REF_NO') is VARCHAR2 and carries values similar to the ones below
If I do an ORDER BY REF_NO I get this:
Which makes sense because the values are being treated as characters. I have been asked to change this so that the returned results are ordered like this:
I cannot guarantee the format of these values either so I cannot really see how I can use regex or sub-string as it's a completely free text entry for users to enter values. The example above just happens to be what the requested data looks like. Other data could be completely different.
I cannot see how this is possible, so was hoping for some suggestions.
Additional information
To add to the complexity, here are some more examples from other customers:
Customer 1: OB 12, WE-11, WAN-001
Customer 2: P4, D1, W9
Customer 3: NTT-33A, RLC-33L, ARR-129B
Here are the steps
create table test01 (c varchar2(30));
insert into test01 values ('LET-2-1');
insert into test01 values ('LET-2-10');
insert into test01 values ('LET-2-2');
select * from test01
order by to_number(SUBSTR(C,INSTR(C,'-',1)+1,INSTR(C,'-',1,2)-INSTR(C,'-',1)-1)),
Assuming all the values are having structure of -- - in the above query I try to extract numbers and converted to number in order by clause.
select * from TABLE
first you need to order by length and then order by REF_NO

Distinct Column in Hive

I am trying to get a query result in HiveQL with one column as distinct. However the results are not matching . There are almost 20 columns in the table.
create table uniq_us row format delimited fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n' as select distinct(a),b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j from ctry_us_join;
The resulting number of Rows :513238
select count(distinct a) from ctry_us_join;
The resulting number of rows : 151616
How is this possible and is something wrong in my first or second query
U need to use subselect with group by statement.
select count(a) from (
select a, count(*) from ctry_us_join group by a) b
This is just one solution for this.
Distinct is a keyword, not a function. It applies to all columns you list in your select clause. It is quite reasonable that your table has only 151,616 distinct values in the column a, but multiple rows with the same value in the column a have different values in other columns. That might give you 513,238 distinct rows.
