SonarQube ignoring AbstractValidator test classes - sonarqube

SonarQube ignores tests for AbstractValidators (FluentValidation.AspNetCore nuget package). In the coverage section, all RuleFor lines are marked as not covered.
What do I need to do, for the tests to be included in the coverage in SonarQube?
ReSharper shows the validator as being fully covered by tests.
The validator:
public class UserValidator : AbstractValidator<User>
public UserValidator()
RuleFor(a => a.Name).NotEmpty();
RuleFor(a => a.FirstName).NotEmpty();
Test class:
public class UserValidatorTests
[Test, TestCaseSource(nameof(User_InvalidData))]
public async Task ValidationShouldFail(UserAndErrors testData)
var result = await new UserValidator().TestValidateAsync(testData.User!);
Assert.AreEqual(result.Errors.Count, testData.ErrorsCount);
public async Task ValidationShouldPass()
var request = new User
FirstName = "John",
Name= "Doe"
var result = await new UserValidator().TestValidateAsync(request);
private static IEnumerable<TestCaseData> User_InvalidData()
yield return new TestCaseData(new User
User = new User(),
ErrorsCount = 2
yield return new TestCaseData(new User
User = new User
Name = "Doe"
ErrorsCount = 1
yield return new TestCaseData(new User
User = new User
FirstName = "John"
ErrorsCount = 1
public class UserAndErrors
public User? User { get; set; }
public int ErrorsCount { get; set; } = 0;
User class:
public class User
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string FirstName { get; set; } = string.Empty;

The issue was the fact that the test project did not reference the coverlet.msbuild nuget package. Without it, SonarQube could not run the tests correctly and could not update the code coverage.


How join List<Class> with IEnumerable<Class>?

I have the following classes.
public class Course
public string CourseNumber { get; set; }
public List<PriceGroup> PriceGroups { get; set; }
public class PriceGroup
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CourseNumber { get; set; }
I have a service that fetches data from the database. Courses is an IEnumerable<Course> and priceGroups is a IEnumerable<PriceGroup>. As you can see in the Course class, a course has a List<PriceGroup>. I need to somehow add each PriceGroup in the IEnumerable<PriceGroup> to the list in each course in the IEnumerable<Course> if they match on the variable CourseNumber. So I will end up with a correct Course containing the right List<PriceGroup>'s
public async Task<IEnumerable<Course>> GetAllAsync()
//courses is an IEnumerable<Course>
var courses = await _courseRepository.GetAllAsync();
//priceGroups is an IEnumerable<PriceGroup>
var priceGroups = await _coursePriceGroupRepository.GetAllAsync();
courses.GroupJoin(priceGroups, c => c.PriceGroups.Select(i => i.CourseNumber), pg => pg.CourseNumber, (c, pg) => new
return await courses;
To do this I've tried to do a GroupJoin but without success. I have not finished the attempt as I am completely stuck mentally. Perhaps I am trying to do something that is not possible with a GroupJoin. Does anyone know a way to achieve what I need?
So you want all (or some) Courses, each Course with all (or some of) its PriceGroups.
There is a straightforware one-to-many relation betweeen Courses and PriceGroups: Every Course has zero or more PriceGroups, every PriceGroup belongs to exactly one Course, namely the Course that foreign key CourseNumber refers to.
You are right, whenever you want items with their sub-items you use GroupJoin.
public async Task<IEnumerable<Course>> GetAllAsync()
IEnumerable<Course> courses = await _courseRepository.GetAllAsync();
IEnumerable<PriceGroup> priceGroups = await _coursePriceGroupRepository.GetAllAsync();
var queryCoursesWithPriceGroups = courses.GroupJoin( // GroupJoin Courses
priceGroups, // with PriceGroups
course => course.CourseNumber, // from every Course take primary key
priceGroup => priceGroup.CourseNumber, // from every PriceGroup take foreign key
(course, priceGroupsOfThisCourse) => new // from every Course with
{ // its priceGroups make one new
// Select the Course properties you plan to use:
Id = course.Id,
Name = course.Name,
StartDate = course.StartDate,
PriceGroups = priceGroupsOfThisCourse.Select(priceGroup => new
// Select only the PriceGroup properties that you plan to use
Id = priceGroup.Id,
Name = priceGroup.Name,
// not needed, you know the value:
// CourseId = priceGroup.CourseId
// Note: this is a query. It is not executed yet!
return await queryCoursesWithPriceGroups.ToListAsync();
//Assuming courseNumber is unique in Courses table
return Courses.Select( c=> { c.PriceGroup=priceGroup.Where(p=>p.CourseNumber==c.CourseNumber).ToList(); return c; });
I did a practical example, obviously you should substitute the fake methods with repository ones:
class Program
static async void Main(string[] args)
var courses = GetAllAsync().Result;
private static async Task<IEnumerable<Course>> GetAllAsync()
//courses is an IEnumerable<Course>
var courses = await GetCoursesAsync();
//priceGroups is an IEnumerable<PriceGroup>
var priceGroups = await GetPriceGroups();
foreach (var course in courses)
foreach (var priceGroup in priceGroups.Where(x => x.CourseNumber == course.CourseNumber))
return courses;
private static async Task<IEnumerable<Course>> GetCoursesAsync()
return await Task.FromResult<IEnumerable<Course>>(
new List<Course>() {
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA1",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA2",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA3",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
private static async Task<IEnumerable<PriceGroup>> GetPriceGroups()
return await Task.FromResult<IEnumerable<PriceGroup>>(
new List<PriceGroup>() {
new PriceGroup{
Id = 1,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA1"
new PriceGroup{
Id = 2,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA2"
new PriceGroup{
Id = 3,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA3"
public class Course
public string CourseNumber { get; set; }
public List<PriceGroup> PriceGroups { get; set; }
public class PriceGroup
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CourseNumber { get; set; }
You should avoid using IEnumerable when you return data from DB, you can incur in unexpected behaviours. I suggest you this approach:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var courses = GetAllAsync().Result;
private static async Task<List<Course>> GetAllAsync()
var courses = await GetCoursesAsync();
var priceGroups = await GetPriceGroups();
courses.ForEach(x => { x.PriceGroups.AddRange(priceGroups.Where(y => y.CourseNumber == x.CourseNumber)); });
return courses;
private static async Task<List<Course>> GetCoursesAsync()
return await Task.FromResult(
new List<Course>() {
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA1",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA2",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA3",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
private static async Task<List<PriceGroup>> GetPriceGroups()
return await Task.FromResult(
new List<PriceGroup>() {
new PriceGroup{
Id = 1,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA1"
new PriceGroup{
Id = 2,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA2"
new PriceGroup{
Id = 3,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA3"
public class Course
public string CourseNumber { get; set; }
public List<PriceGroup> PriceGroups { get; set; }
public class PriceGroup
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CourseNumber { get; set; }
I made a version using GroupJoin too:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var courses = GetAllAsync().Result;
private static async Task<List<Course>> GetAllAsync()
var courses = await GetCoursesAsync();
var priceGroups = await GetPriceGroups();
var groupedData = courses.GroupJoin(priceGroups,
course => course.CourseNumber,
priceGroup => priceGroup.CourseNumber,
(course, priceGroupsCollection) =>
CourseNumber = course.CourseNumber,
PriceGroups = priceGroupsCollection.ToList()
courses.ForEach(x => { x.PriceGroups = groupedData.FirstOrDefault(y => y.CourseNumber == x.CourseNumber)?.PriceGroups ?? new List<PriceGroup>(); });
return courses;
private static async Task<List<Course>> GetCoursesAsync()
return await Task.FromResult(
new List<Course>() {
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA1",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA2",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
new Course{
CourseNumber = "PIZZA3",
PriceGroups = new List<PriceGroup>()
private static async Task<List<PriceGroup>> GetPriceGroups()
return await Task.FromResult(
new List<PriceGroup>() {
new PriceGroup{
Id = 1,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA1"
new PriceGroup{
Id = 2,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA2"
new PriceGroup{
Id = 3,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA3"
new PriceGroup{
Id = 4,
CourseNumber = "PIZZA1"
public class Course
public string CourseNumber { get; set; }
public List<PriceGroup> PriceGroups { get; set; }
public class PriceGroup
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CourseNumber { get; set; }

Masstransit Saga correlate by Natural Key doesn't work

I would like to use unique natural key instead of build in Guid CorrelationId in Masstransit Sagas. However it seems not really work.
If I send twice Initial event with same key value, two Sagas created in repository - expected is single instance.
Same scenario with using CorrelationId produces one Saga instance in repository.
Any ideas, why second Saga instance created with same key, ignoring correlation statement?
Here is short example with unit test:
public class SagaTests
public void TestSagaInitialization()
var testSaga = new TestSaga();
var testSagaRepository = new InMemorySagaRepository<TestSagaState>();
var busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingInMemory(
cfg =>
e =>
e.StateMachineSaga(testSaga, testSagaRepository);
busControl.Publish(new TestSagaInitEvent() { UniqueNaturalKey = 1 }).Wait();
busControl.Publish(new TestSagaInitEvent() { UniqueNaturalKey = 2 }).Wait();
// Message with same natural key published again
busControl.Publish(new TestSagaInitEvent() { UniqueNaturalKey = 1 }).Wait();
// Wait till all messges consumed
var till = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1);
while (DateTime.Now < till) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); }
var sagaInstances = testSagaRepository.Where(x => x.UniqueNaturalKey == 1).Result.ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(1, sagaInstances.Count, "Dublicate initial events with same Natural Key value must not create new Saga instance");
public class TestSagaState : Automatonymous.SagaStateMachineInstance
public Guid CorrelationId { get; set; }
public int CurrentState { get; set; }
public long UniqueNaturalKey { get; set; }
public class TestSaga : MassTransitStateMachine<TestSagaState>
public TestSaga()
InstanceState(x => x.CurrentState);
Event(() => SagaInitiated, x => x.CorrelateById(state => state.UniqueNaturalKey, context => context.Message.UniqueNaturalKey)
.SelectId(context => Guid.NewGuid()));
.Then(context =>
context.Instance.UniqueNaturalKey = context.Data.UniqueNaturalKey;
public State Initiated { get; private set; }
public Event<TestSagaInitEvent> SagaInitiated { get; private set; }
public class TestSagaInitEvent
public long UniqueNaturalKey { get; set; }

Web API Serialize/Deserialize Derived types

I have a Web API that returns a list of objects, when the client passes Accept application/json I want my globally registered json formatter to include TypeNameHandling for the derived types during serialization. However this doesn't work and I can't see why this shouldn't work ?
My objects
public class BaseClass
public int Id { get; set; }
public class SubClass : BaseClass
public string SubClassProp { get; set; }
public class SubClassA : SubClass
public string SubClassAProp { get; set; }
public class SubClassB : SubClass
public string SubClassBProp { get; set; }
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
var formatters = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters;
var jsonFormatter = formatters.JsonFormatter;
var settings = jsonFormatter.SerializerSettings;
settings.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
settings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore;
settings.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto;
Web API Controller
public class MyController : ApiController
public async Task<IList<BaseClass>> GetClasses()
return new List<BaseClass>
new SubClassA
Id = 1,
SubClassProp = "SubClass",
SubClassAProp = "SubClassAProp"
new SubClassB
Id = 2,
SubClassProp = "SubClass",
SubClassBProp = "SubClassBProp"
Call from API Client in same solution
var client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri("uri goes here...")}
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var resp = await client.GetAsync("uri goes here..."));
var jsonContent = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var ListOfClasses = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IList<BaseClass>>(jsonContent, new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto });
I'am expecting to get one element which is SubClassA and one that is SubClassB, but both is BaseClass ?
I also want it to be possible to Deserialize json to object in Post method.
And this should be possible for both json and xml

Testing NancyFX Model Validation

I'm testing model validation in NancyFX (1.4.1). The validation works fine when hitting the API endpoint, but fails in the tests. I'm using the default bootstrapper. The tests are in a separate project. Both projects have nancy.validation.fluentvalidation package referenced. Is there some more configuration required in the Test browser?
Thanks in advance!
public class CreateServiceCommand
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false)]
public string TestField { get; set; }
Module under test:
public class ServiceModule : NancyModule
private readonly IServiceCreateRequestedListener _listener;
public ServiceModule(IServiceCreateRequestedListener listener)
_listener = listener;
Post["/services/create"] = parameters =>
var request = this.Bind<CreateServiceCommand>();
var result = this.Validate(request);
if(!result.IsValid) return HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
return "";
Test snippet:
public void Setup()
var browser = new Browser(with =>
_result = browser.Post("/services/create", with =>
public void ShouldReturnBadRequest
Assert.That(_result.StatusCode, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
The data annotation on the CreateServiceCommand as shown in the demo code didn't work.
I had to implement an instance of
from FluentValidation

Access to a property with Interface cast

ActionBase, ActionA, ActionB and ActionC are Entities (from a database). ActionA, ActionB and ActionC are derived type of ActionBase.
ActionB and ActionC implements ISpecialAction with a SpecialProperty.
ex :
public interface ISpecialAction
Guid SpecialProperty { get; }
public partial class ActionBase
public objectX OnePropertyBase { get; set; }
public partial class ActionA : ActionBase
public objectY OnePropertyA { get; set; }
public partial class ActionB:ActionBase,ISpecialAction
public objectZ OnePropertyB { get; set; }
public Guid SpecialProperty
return OnePropertyB.ID;
public partial class ActionC : ActionBase ,ISpecialAction
public objectW OnePropertyC { get; set; }
public Guid SpecialProperty
return OnePropertyC.ID;
My problem is that SpecialProperty is build from other Properties of the objects (ActionB or ActionC) and when the cast (to ISpecialAction) is done, OtherProperty and OtherProperty2 are null.
I tried :
GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x=>x is ISpecialAction && ((dynamic) x).SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty);
GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x=>x is ISpecialAction && ((ISpecialAction) x).SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty);
GetActionBase().ToList().OfType<ISpecialAction>().Where(x => x.SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty).Cast<ActionBase>();
return GetActionOnGoing().ToList().OfType<ICityAction>().Cast<ActionBase>().Where(x => ((dynamic)x).CityId == p_CityId);
remark : OfType<> doesn't works with an Interface in Linq to entities but is ok in Linq to object
How do I access my property interface without knowing the type of the object?
I might missed something but this is Ok with the code you provided :
public class objectX
public class objectY
public class objectZ
public Guid ID { get { return Guid.NewGuid();} }
public class objectW
public Guid ID { get { return new Guid(); } }
class Program
private static Guid p_SpecialProperty;
static void Main(string[] args)
var result = GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x => x is ISpecialAction && ((dynamic)x).SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).FirstOrDefault();
var result1 = GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x => x is ISpecialAction && ((ISpecialAction)x).SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).FirstOrDefault();
var result2 = GetActionBase().ToList().OfType<ISpecialAction>().Where(x => x.SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).Cast<ActionBase>().FirstOrDefault();
private static IEnumerable<ActionBase> GetActionBase()
return new List<ActionBase> {new ActionA{OnePropertyA= new objectY()}, new ActionB{OnePropertyB=new objectZ()},new ActionC{OnePropertyC=new objectW()} };
Not sure if I exactly understand your question, but could you try using an intermediate interface, such as:
public interface ISpecialActionB : ISpecialAction
objectZ OnePropertyB { get; set; }
public class ActionB : ActionBase, ISpecialActionB
//same stuff
and casting to that instead.
var b = new ActionB{OnePropertyB = new Whatever()};
var bAsSpecial = b as ISpecialActionB;
var whatever = b.OnePropertyB; // should not be null
It' ok.
Your example run very well without problem so I searched in a other way : AutoMapper.
l_List.Actions = Mapper.Map<List<ActionBase>, Action[]>(l_ActionManagement.GetActionBySpecialId(l_Special.ID).ToList());
The problem was not interfaces or Linq queries but it was that automapper need an empty constructor and in this constructor, I need to initialize OnePropertyB and OnePropertyC to compute SpecialProperty.
