Converting base 64 encoded protobuf message to javascript object using protobufjs - protocol-buffers

Trying out protobuf protocol messages for first time. I am able to serialize the object using protobuf-net library at .net core end.
However got stuck on the client side part of the protobufjs while deserializing the same serialized object.
Below i have added the script used for deserializing base64 string CgRNYXJz
This string is valid protobuf because i have tried to decode using Marc gravells tool
protobuf.load("planetp.json", function (err, root) {
if (err)
console.log("THIS ::::" + err)
var protoPlanet = root.lookupType("planetpack.Planet");
console.log("HERE 1" )
try {
console.log("HERE 2")
const buff = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode("CgRNYXJz");
console.log("HERE 3")
var decodedMessage = protoPlanet.decode(buff);
} catch (e) {
Exception caught while running above code
Error: invalid wire type 7 at offset 2
at Reader.skipType (reader.js:377:1)
at Reader.skipType (reader.js:368:1)
at Type.Planet$decode [as decode] (eval at Codegen (index.js:50:1), <anonymous>:14:5)
at Type.decode_setup [as decode] (type.js:507:1)
at planet.html:24:50
at finish (root.js:105:1)
at process (root.js:143:1)
at root.js:194:1
at XMLHttpRequest.fetchOnReadyStateChange (index.js:103:1)
Above error does not make sense to me. Please help!


AWS Textract does not run callback in error free run of analyzeDocument

I am trying to get AWS Textract working on a Lambda function and am following documentation on
My Lambda code:
"use strict";
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
exports.handler = async (event) => {
let params = JSON.parse(event.body);
console.log("Parse as document...");
let textract = new AWS.Textract();
let doc = params["doc"];
let config = {
Document: {
Bytes: doc,
textract.analyzeDocument(config, function (err, data) {
console.log("analyzing..."); //<-- nothing logged to console if no error
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack);
// an error occurred
else {
console.log("data:" + JSON.stringfy(data)); //<-- nothing logged to console if no error
} // successful response
console.log("Finished parsing as document.");
I cannot get the data back from Textract. It seems I am unable to get the callback working entirely. What's odd is if there is an error e.g. my configuration is wrong, the error handling of the callback will print the log and "analyzing..." log, but without error, none of the logs in the callback print.
Current Logs:
Parse as document...
Finished parsing as document.
Expected / Desired Logs:
Parse as document...
data:{textract output}
Finished parsing as document.
Please help!
I am using a role for that Lambda that allows it to access Textract.
I get the same result whether I include the HumanLoopConfig settings or not.
Solved, apparently I needed to setup a promise:
let data = await textract.analyzeDocument(config).promise()
console.log("data:"+data );
console.log("Finished parsing as document.")

Angular 8 patch request httpclient.subscribe() doesnt hit response, err or ()

I am encountering an issue I do not understand.
Inside one service I have the following code.
when the code hits PATCH LINE, it jumps immediately to RETURN NOTHING LINE.
the catchError line is not hit.
the () line is not hit
the err line is not hit.
I have compared this to working services and I do not see any difference.
patchItem(item_: Project): Observable<Project> {
const url: string = `${this.serviceUrl}/${}`;
const data = JSON.stringify(item_);
console.log('inside patch item');
this.http.patch(url, data, httpOptions) //PATCH LINE
catchError(err => this.handleError('PatchItem', err))
.subscribe((response) => {
console.log('item patched ');
return this.myResponse.push(response);
, err => console.log("inline error encountered")
,() => console.log("this seems to have completed")
console.log("return nothing"); //RETURN NOTHING LINE
return null;
The API is C# webapi 2
It is being hit.
There is a problem though, I am expecting the JSON to be passed in and webForm_ is always NULL.
This is probably an important clue.
Again, i compare this to working calls and can not find a difference.
When I inspect the variable in jquery, it has the correct value.
In postman, i get the expected response.
public IHttpActionResult PatchById([FromUri] int itemId_, [FromBody] Models.mpgProject webForm_)
return JSONStringResultExtension.JSONString(this, "foobar for now", HttpStatusCode.OK);
To save a cycle, here is the handleError function.
I have copy/pasted this from a service that is working as expected.
protected handleError<T>(operation = 'operation', result?: T) {
return (error: any): Observable<T> => {
console.error(error); // log to console instead
console.log(`${operation} failed: ${error.message}`);
// Let the app keep running by returning an empty result.
return of(result as T);
How can Angular be skipping all the subscription stuff when it IS actually calling the API?
I think it has to be a simple syntax issue, but I have been staring at it for hours... :-(
Happy to post any other code requested...
ps - I would also be happy to retitle the question. I am at a loss for how to phrase a good question title for this...
Your handleError method returns a function (that returns an Observable) when it should return an Observable.
It looks as if the error handler you copied from another service does not fit here.
I could imagine an error handler like this:
private handleError<T>(operation = "operation", error: HttpErrorResponse) {
console.error(error); // log to console instead
console.log(`${operation} failed: ${error.message}`);
// Let the app keep running by returning an empty result.
return of({} as T);
This method returns an Observable of an empty object. However, this might not be the best option to react on a failing HTTP PATCH request. You would better throw that error up to the component and let the user retry.

ApplePay completeMerchantValidation fails

We have a site behind ssl that runs a page with ApplePay.
We've got a server side that returns a Merchant Session that looks like the following:
We receive this response in session.onvalidatemerchant as a string and convert it to a Json Object and pass to session.completeMerchantValidation.
As a result we get the following error:
Code: "InvalidAccessError"
Message: "The object does not support the operation or argument"
We run the following code on our page:
session.onvalidatemerchant = (event) => {
const validationURL = event.validationURL;
getApplePaySession(validationURL).then(function (response) {
try {
let resp = JSON.parse(response);
} catch (e) {
Additional questions:
Is the object described above a "correct" Merchant Session opaque that needs to be passed to completeMerchantValidation or it's missing some fields?
Is this object needs to be passed as is or it needs to be base64 encoded?
Does it need to be wrapped into another object?
Any help or lead is greatly appreciated.

Cloud Code: Creating a Parse.File from URL

I'm working on a Cloud Code function that uses facebook graph API to retrieve users profile picture. So I have access to the proper picture URL but I'm not being able to acreate a Parse.File from this URL.
This is pretty much what I'm trying:
success: function(httpImgFile)
var imgFile = new Parse.File("file", httpImgFile);
fbPerson.set("profilePicture", imgFile);
error: function(httpResponse)
console.log("unsuccessful http request");
And its returning the following:
Result: TypeError: Cannot create a Parse.File with that data.
at new e (Parse.js:13:25175)
at Object.Parse.Cloud.httpRequest.success (main.js:57:26)
at Object.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:842:19)
I was having trouble with this exact same problem right now. For some reason this question is already top on Google results for parsefile from httprequest buffer!
The Parse.File documentation says
The data for the file, as 1. an Array of byte value Numbers, or 2. an Object like { base64: "..." } with a base64-encoded String. 3. a File object selected with a file upload control. (3) only works in Firefox 3.6+, Safari 6.0.2+, Chrome 7+, and IE 10+.
I believe for CloudCode the easiest solution is 2. The thing that was tripping me earlier is that I didn't notice it expects an Object with the format { base64: {{your base64 encoded data here}} }.
Also Parse.Files can only be set to a Parse.Object after being saved (this behaviour is also present on all client SDKs). I strongly recommend using the Promise version of the API as it makes much easier to compose such asynchronous operations.
So the following code will solve your problem:
Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({...}).then(function (httpImgFile) {
var data = {
base64: httpImgFile.buffer.toString('base64')
var file = new Parse.File("file", data);
}).then(function (file) {
fbPerson.set("profilePicture", file);
}).then(function (fbPerson) {
// fbPerson is saved with the image

Proper separation of concerns natively in node.js?

I am a total node.js noobie and trying to figure out the best way to structure my application with proper separation of concerns.
I am using mongodb via mongoose and have successfully gotten my controllers separated out using node.js modules and am trying to then separate out my models. What I've gone appears to work, but when I check the database nothing has been saved. Also, I tried a console.log() in the save function and nothing gets logged.
from my server.js I have: + '/messages', messagesapi.insert);
I then have a /controllers/api/messages.js:
var m = require('../../models/message');
exports.index = function(req, res, next){
res.send('all the messages...');
exports.insert = function(req, res, next){
var message;
message = new m.Message({
messagebody: req.body.messagebody
}); {
console.log('here we are in the save');
if(!err) {
return console.log('message created');
} else {
return console.log(err);
return res.send(message);
and my /models/message.js looks like this:
// required modules
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
, db = require('../models/db');
// setup database connection
var Message = exports.Message = mongoose.model('Message', new mongoose.Schema({
messagebody: String
When I post to the API I get a the proper JSON back and it even has the _id field with what appears to me as a mongodb provided unique id. With that, I am having trouble understanding why it is not actually going into mongodb if it appears to be creating the object and communicating with mongodb correctly.
sounds like a connection is not being made. try listening to the open/error events of the default mongoose connection to find out why.
function log (msg) { console.log('connection: ', msg) }
mongoose.connection.on('open', log);
mongoose.connection.on('error', log);
