The Composer installer script did not run correctly [exit code 259] and no output was returned - composer-php

Hey guys i just got a new device so i tried installing composer on it, so i downloaded it from
and i tried installing but then after clicking next on the ready to install page, it took me to the page where the installation progress shows but it ended up with the error message below:
"An error occcured. Clicking retry may resolve this issue.
The Composer installer script did not run correctly [exit code 259] and no output was returned."

Please deactivate your antivirus and run composer again it should work.


Composer install failed. The Composer installer script did not run correctly [exit code 259]

The Composer installer script did not run correctly [exit code 259] and no output was returned.
enter image description here
I tried hard to install composer from install via cmd and even the GUI now. I have uninstalled my xampp many times to install composer and even I have also installed xampp version 5 but the result is still the same or the error remains, I have also turned off the antivirus and various others. Please help me
This error message means that the Composer installer script has encountered an error and has stopped running. The exit code 259 indicates that there was a problem with the script and it could not be completed.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
Check for any error messages in the terminal or log files.
Ensure that all dependencies and requirements for the composer install are met.
Check if the environment variables are set correctly.
Try running the command with elevated privileges, i.e. using sudo.
If the error persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling Composer.
If the problem persists, you can also seek assistance from the Composer community or reach out to the vendor for support.

How to fix route has error Laravel that showed me when I hovering the Route::has that show me a alert

How can I solve the problem shown in the image above (Route::has) Laravel?
Try to run this code in another editor if it's showing same error than try to run composer install and composer dump-autoload then check because sometime some files are missing that we have to fix so try once

Laravel giving error "Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update"

I am trying to host my application using Microsoft Azure. When I build my laravel web to Azure web app, the error I get is "Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update". I have run the command "composer update" but still get the same error.
enter image description here
Does anyone know how to solve this?
You have the solution on your screenshot - enable php extension ext-fileinfo. How? Check documentation
Or, for just test deploy - add flag to install command
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs

Failed to initialize global composer: mac /Sites

Trying to view a local website:
"Uncaught Error: Class 'ComposerAutoloaderInite0e6765..etc' not found in /Users/{ username }/Sites/{ sitename }/htdocs/vendor/twig-autoload.php".
So on into Terminal to do composer dump-autoload. (It worked the first time I did it).
I now get this message:
"The 'git' command requires command line developer tools. Would you like to install the tools now?" (It asks for Xcode)
I click No.
Terminal tells me the file command has been run OK, but no...
Repeating the dump autoload with -vvv reveals the truth:
Failed to initialize global composer: Composer could not find the config file: /Users/{ username }/.composer/composer.json
Searching about, the only things I've found on the composer error seem to be related to Lavarel.
Composer is installed in /Sites/{ sitename }/vendor/
Composer version: 1.10.6
So what I'd like to understand:
Why is composer trying to initialise a 'global composer'? Does it think the locally installed one is global, or could there be another Composer it's trying to default to?
How do I tell composer where the json file is?
What should I do about the xCode message, if anything?
I've reinstalled composer (and Twig - the only package I'm using - seems overkill for one package, but trying out alternatives didn't end well).
The site is now back running (locally).
Still have the issue of xCode request from Terminal, but that's for another question.
So the answer seems to be: Reinstall composer and packages.

error occurred on running composer playground

I had installed my business network and then successfully started it. Then I opened my composer playground from the command line. After opening it is showing the below message what should I do?
This looks like you have installed composer-playground as root or using sudo or su.
The composer install instructions state that you should not use su/sudo.
There is additional information about installing composer in the Knowledge wiki, but if you are having permissions problems trying to install without root/su/sudo please see this link from the npm site.
