How to publish Windows Forms Control Library with Visual Studio 2022 - visual-studio

I believe this is a question for beginners and I apologize if it was not asked in a right way. I use Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.2.2
The steps I take are:
In the Start Window that asks me "What would you like to do?" I select Create a new project. This takes me to a new window "Create a new project".
In the search field(Search for templates (Alt+S)) I enter "Windows Forms Control" and choose first result. The first result for me is: "C# Windows Forms Control Library(.NET Framework) A project for creating controls to use in Windows Forms(WinForms) applications". and then I click Next.
I click Create because for this question a name or anything else is not something that I have changed. That means(for me) that "Place solution and project in the same directory" is unchecked and that I use .NET Framework 4.7.2
After the project is opened I go to the Build option in the menu and look for the "Publish Solution" option but there is none.
Is it possible to publish this(Windows Forms Control Library with Visual Studio 2022) or I just use .dll when I am finished ?
If it is not possible to publish or it is not possible to create some kind of executable file from Windows Forms Control Library why I am able to drag and drop controls like buttons and text fields and with that create some kind of UI?
If it is possible to publish please tell me how?
Is there some kind of list what we can publish or not when using visual studio?
Additional explanation: I followed this: and then at the end of this article there is a "Next steps" part where it says:
This article has demonstrated how to construct the user interface for
a simple calculator. To continue, you can extend its functionality by
implementing the calculator logic, then publish the app using
ClickOnce. Or, continue on to a different tutorial where you create a
picture viewer using Windows Forms.
And I followed the article that is behind the link "publish the app using ClickOnce" and tried to publish.
After some research(more than one try...) I have decided to ask a question here...
Thanks for your time in advance.


Visual Studio 2010 addin /Projects with GUI

I'm trying to figure out how to do a VS2010 add in with gui, (like a simple popup with a few fields and an enter button)
I found stuff on stack that says Visual Studio (2010?) projects is what I need (instead of an addin) but all the tutorials I can find are for VS2008, and dont' apply to vs2010.
Is the answer outdated? what do I use?
Can anyone tell me what technology I need to use?
We have some powershell scripts that take parameters and generate code for us, I want to click on a menu item under tools (or a tool bar button) popup and ask for the parameter values, click ok, and then run the powershell. (someone else wrote the powershell, i just want to creat a built in gui for them)
As a bonus I'd like to add resultant files to the projects, but that's down the line.
Any hint or tutorials you can point me towards would be a great boon.

adding dialog - Visual c++ Express 2010

I'm used to using Visual Studio 6.0 to develop c++ APIs. I've downloaded and installed Visual c++ 2010 Express and now I find myself in a foreign land!
The first thing I did was make a hello blank windows app. That worked ok.
Next I thought I'd try looking at the "about" dialog but darned if I can find it. I also tried to create a new dialog but have no idea how to go about doing so.
So my questions are....
How do I look at the "about" dialog?
How do I add a new dialog?
I see there is a "add resource" if I right click the project directory but is grayed out.
Feeling like an idiot but thankful for any help....
From what I can determine, there is no resource editor in the c++ express product.
See Free resource editor for Windows .rc files?

Visual Studio Installer how to prompt for install of shortcuts

I am using the basic VS project of Other Project Types\Setup and Deployment\Visual Studio Installer\ Setup Project.
I want to give the user the option of whether or not to create a desktop shortcut to the application. I know how to create a desktop shortcut, but not to make it optional. So far I have not made any custom dialogs for the install, just using the standard interface that VS provided automatically.
Is there any way to provide the user the choice without getting into a whole bunch of customization?
Are many people using this installer? I look around, we have a 5 year old license to InstallShield, but I have also found it to be bulky and more than we need for this application.
I also looked at WiX, but I don't have the time to learn an install package right now and it looks like a fair learning curve on it.
Basically our install has .NET 4.0 requirements, installs SQL Server CE, a couple other DLL's which are just copied in and populates a structure. I am not using the registry, using the preferred resources approach for that, so it is a very straightforward install.
There several ways to do it, in general… But I don't know the particular steps for Visual Studio installer project.
Create a feature which contains the Desktop shortcut. If you have feature selection tree in your installer, present this feature as yet anther option.
With another approach, you'll have to customize one of the existing dialogs or add a new one where you can show a checkbox. The checkbox changes the value of a property which, in its turn, controls the installation of component or feature for Desktop shortcut.
Yet I guess this method is not supported by Visual Studio.
See Microsoft UX guidelines on putting shortcuts on Desktop.
In most cases, it is not necessary to put a shortcut on Desktop unless your target users start your application very often.
The general approach is this:
create a custom dialog which contains a control that can condition the shortcut, for example a checkbox
create a custom action which deletes the shortcut after install
condition it with the checkbox property
This can be done in Visual Studio:
select your setup project in Solution Explorer
click User Interface Editor button on top pane in Solution Explorer
add a Checkboxes dialog under Install -> Start
customize it to contain only a checkbox that conditions your shortcut
add your shortcut deletion custom action in Custom Actions Editor page
condition it with the checkbox property
Some commercial setup authoring tools have this feature built-in.

Extending VisualStudio

I want to extend Visual Studio such that, when someone right clicks on Solution Explorer, context menu should have a new menu item, say "Open custom form", clicking which should open a form (this form would actually accept some settings and modify config file accordingly)
Q1. Please provide on where should I start for such extension. Couldn't find any reference/tutorial link :(
Q2. What technology can be used to make such a form - Winforms/WPF?
Either Windows Forms or WPF should be fine.
SO: Visual Studio Add-In - adding a context menu item to solution-explorer
Google Code: explorer-popup-add-in
There's a lot of docs on Visual Studio integration here

Visual Studio - I want "Go To Definition" to open Object Browser, not "metadata"

In Visual Studio version 2002 and 2003 "Go To Definition" would find the selected type or member in the Object Browser. In 2005 onwards it opens a source window "generated from metadata" instead. How do I configure these newer versions to go to Object Browser? (In other words, I have the opposite problem to this one.)
Installing ReSharper makes this change, so I know it must be possible, but how do I do it without ReSharper?
As workaround you can create the following macro:
Sub GoToDefinitionUsingObjectBrowser()
DTE.ExecuteCommand("View.ObjectBrowserSearch", DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text)
End Sub
Then go to Tools/Options/Keyboard and assign hot key for this macro.
Tested in Visual Studio 2010.
I believe what re-sharper is doing is doing some hooks on that click event with the Visual Studio SDK I do not think there is any simple menu or location that can change that setting.
Instructions (pulled from CODE Magazine) edited down a bit to the part that pertainst to making the right click menus.
Creating a VSPackage
...The VS SDK installs a few more project
templates in Visual Studio, one of
them being the Visual Studio
Integration Package (Figure 1),
located under Other Project Types >
Extensibility on the New Project
dialog box.
After this standard dialog box, the
Visual Studio Integration Package
Wizard guides you through creating the
new package project:
Select a programming language. The wizard currently supports Visual
C++ and Visual C#. You can create or
pick a key file to sign the new
Supply basic VSPackage information. The wizard prompts you
for details such as the company name,
VSPackage name, version, icon,
detailed information, and minimum
Visual Studio edition (such as
Professional or Enterprise) that the
package is designed to at this step.
This information goes into the Visual
Studio splash screen and About dialog
box and is also used to request a PLK
for the package (covered later).
Select VSPackage options. A package may add three types of
functionality: Menu Command, Tool
Window, and Custom Editor.
A menu command is a command added either to the menu
at the top of Visual Studio or
to a context menu (right-click).
When the wizard finishes its job, the
VS SDK adds core elements to the
solution to support the new package.
For instance, if you selected Tool
Window as part of the functionality
for the package, the project contains
a user control where you should place
the visual controls for the window.
The project also contains files for
.NET code to handle the functionality
that you will add to the package.
A CtcComponents folder contains
pseudo-C++ files (ctc files) where you
define things like menu, groups,
buttons, etc. Fortunately, Microsoft
is phasing out CTC files and replacing
them with a friendlier, XML-based VSCT
file format (which will ship in the
SDK for Visual Studio 2008).
The wizard creates a few other files
with .NET code required for the
plumbing of the package within Visual
Studio. Some of these files contain
classes that map the C++ constants to
.NET constants and other files contain
configuration information for the
package when it’s installed.
I know it has been a long time, but it appears, at least in newer versions of Visual Studio for the VB (Basic) language, to be an setting in the options.
Text Editor > Basic > Advanced
Under "Go to Definition".
I don't know why they don't have that for other languages...
Place the mouse cursor on the object you want to access on the object browser. Then, use the keyboard shortcut ctrl + alt + j, which will take you directly to the Object Browser window.
