Is there a way to disable accidental link? - vuepress

Whenever I type in VuePress something that looks like a link, it is displayed on the page as a link. An example is "". It's just a name of a script that I'm mentioning on my page. VuePress turns it into a link, which is clickable and takes users to some domain, which I do not know.
Is there some way to disable such a link and make it a normal text?

I actually found some simple solution. It is to wrap the accidental link in a span:
This way, the content is no longer a link.


Liferay 7: Is it possible to get an image for from a linked site to a sitemap automatically?

Liferay 7.3.2.
I'm using a sitemap to create link boxes that link to other pages in the website. Links and names and all else is basic stuff, but I have no idea, if and how I could get images for the boxes.
Asset publisher would've been my first choice, as I've done similar stuff before with them, but I can't find a way to add pages to the publisher, so I'm not sure if it's viable here. Of course, I could create an asset publisher that would ask for a name, image and a link, but this should be automatic to avoid extra hassle.
Sitemap allows for automation, if you just map the page correctly, but getting the image would still be a problem.
Navigation menu I haven't really put much thought into, as there will be many pages with link boxes and would be really hard to control. The image would be a problem as well.
The optimal solution would be to get the image from the page the link takes the user to, but if that's impossible, I wonder if there's a way to give webpage an image, that could be shown here.
Got it working with a bit of looking around! This can help with same kind of problems others might be facing, so I'll gladly answer this myself!
From Admin panel, go to Settings and Additional Fields
Select Page and add a field to it. After filling the details, you should be able to see this field in the page settings for every page.
Go to page settings and fill out your info. In my case, I created a text field, that will be used for image URLs.
Finally, in your Application Display Template, you can find the field by writing:
${entry.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Extra field")}, Extra Field being the name of your field. Remember to put conditional statements, if necessary!

Is it possible to take a screenshot/PDF of part of the page? for ex. a particular div?

I tried to use Phantomjs for taking screenshots of my SPA. As per my requirement, i should be able to take screenshot of part of the page rather than whole page. The png/image works fine with phantom but the PDF is not working. I'm trying to see if it's possible to do a part of the page(not the whole page) as PDF export with Puppeteer. I checked their documentation but nowhere it was mentioned.
Has anybody tried to achieve the same with puppeteer?
As far as I am aware, you can take screenshots of specific parts of the screen using the clip options for the screenshot method. You can read about it in the docs here.
It's not possible to do the same with the pdf method. The relevant docs are here.

Cannot open a link in new tab

I am trying to fix this problem, can anyone suggest me what is occurring this ?
This website is build in wordpress, there are some links here which opens in the same page but opening in the new tab will return only these contents,
Before I answer the question, I noticed that your hierarchy is a bit out, if your using custom post types, you will probably need to do some rewrites to fix that up so your SEO isn't effected too much.
As for your problem about the links, I clicked on every link I could find and couldn't get to the page you linked to as being the problem. It might just be stored in your cache and needing to be cleared.

How properly add a custom event in a PHPBB 3.1 style?

First time working "deep" with phpbb.
I'm adapting OneAll phpbb plugin for Comboot theme, and I have a particular issue about it.
For clarity, here is the (fork of) theme i'm working, and here is the repository of the adaptation. Different for prosilver, it have more places where login can be made directly (in navbar, or in the home page). Due to this, i needed to make some extra events to call the social icons from oneall to the theme, but they arent been called.
What are missing?
Thanks in advance
Nailed my problem.
After inserting the text "IT WORKS" in the first line of both custom events html files, they're showed correctly in the right place. So both custom events works like intended.
Maybe i accidentally something very bad with the oneall code (maybe stripped too much) it doesn't show.
So, case closed. Thanks all for the help!

Remove "componentheading" from homepage - Joomla!

I'm working on a site in Joomla! and on the homepage, at the top of the article, it comes up with a h1 of the website name. The pagesource says (Note it's not the article title.)
Any idea how to get rid of it?
You can set this h1 tag not to display via the Parameters - System section of your Menu Item Manager screen in administrator ... this page has a nice depiction of the steps.
It's so simple
Just do the following :
Login to the Joomla Administrator Interface
Go to the Menu Manager
Select your Menu
Select your Menu Item (Home Menu)
On the right hand, Click Parameters (System)—> and in the *Show Page Title—->*Just Select No.
That's all.
This is not the desired solution, since many people, (including myself) actually need to be able to Set/Override the page title (That Appears in the Browser’s Title bar), and setting Page Title to no here will also remove the functionality to Configure the Browser title (which is important for SEO among other things).
Anyway, I have searched and not been able to find a fully correct solution via CMS or PHP Code. The closest solution which is not fully perfect, but unlikely to cause significant (if any) negative effect on your site is through Javascript (Example is JQuery).
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
This can also be done is JS with no JQuery. When I find a better method of doing this I’ll let you know.This should actually be done by removing output from a template file.I don’t know which one yet. When I do, I’ll post it…
When setting the page title not to show in the menu item as stated in other answers, this will not stop the text entered in the page title box being used as the browser title, it will just stop it being shown in the page.
Using javascript to remove it is not a good idea.
1. It will only work for browsers with javascript enabled
2. Search engine spiders will still see it. As the component heading for articles is 'articles' by default it will see all your pages with the same h1 tag.
Just turn it off in the menu item and enter your browser title in the text box above.
