Do all ESP32 pin can be used when using wifi? - esp32

lately I build a project which is use relay and several sensor, I also use wi-fi to connect it to internet, but when I try to code digital write use some pin, i tried pin 12, 13, 32, 25, it didn't work
when I tried it without connect it to wi-fi, it works
can someone help me please?


thonny won't show esp32 port

I'm prying to program an esp32 with micropython but when I go to flash micropython to the board the port for the esp32 won't come up.
I have made sue that my system can can connect to the esp32 and it can shwon in the
I have also tried to install/update the CP210x driver but nothing will work for me
if you can help me out that would be great and thank you in advance.

Connecting the STM32 blue pill to the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE (macOS)

I am using the Arduino IDE to program a STM32 blue pill using a St-link v2. To configure everithing I follwed few guides like this one and eventually I could get a successful upload and get the blinking pin c13 example running.
My problem is that enven I am able to compile and upload, the Arduino IDE does not detect any port, so I cant use the Serial Monitor as it shows
Not conected. Select a board and a port to connect automatically.
And indeed, the IDE does not recognise a port for any configuration...
but it does show the stlinkv2 in the macOS system report
Does anybody know what Im missing here? Theres maybe other alternative to see code-promts?
The ST-LINK probe you have doesn't provide a virtual serial port functionality. It's a debugger/programmer using the SWD protocol.
I'm not familiar with using STM32 with Arduino framework, but in order to use Serial class of the Arduino framework, you probably need to access one of the hardware serial ports of STM32F103.
In this case, you need an external USB - Serial converter which works with 3.3 volts logic levels and connect it to the relevant serial port pins of your Blue Pill board.
Some ST-LINK models also provide embedded USB - Serial converter interface along with the SWD functionality. But even if you have one of those, you still need to physically connect ST-LINK serial pins into the Blue Pill serial pins.

Connect esp32 cam to pc

I would like to know if there is a way to connect an esp32 cam via an esp32 to the pc to program it.
I have only found tutorials to connect it via an arduino or FTDI...
ESP32-CAM doesn't have USB->serial converter so the only way to program ESP32 for the first time is via serial. After uploading sketch via USB-TTL converter you can use OTA to update ESP32 via Wi-Fi but if you don't have FTDI converter it's useless.
Another solution is to use arduino board as USB-TTL converter because converter is already included on most of the arduino boards (nano, UNO..).
Yes, you can connect it to a PC - but, as you said, only using an Arduino or FTDI.
You can't connect it directly.
The ESP32-CAM doesn't support USB for communications. FTDI allows the PC's USB connection to communicate with the ESP32-CAM's serial port. They can't communicate without some kind of adapter - that's what FTDI or an Arduino are for.

Problems reading serial data on Windows IOT rasberry pi3

I have an Adafruit Ultimate GPS on a USB serial interface and using the same UWP application can read data just fine on a x86 build on a desktop. When I try a ARM build on the PI3 (remote), everything appears to work, but the serial data read never returns. No timeout, nothing. On the desktop, it starts getting GPS data from the chip right away. I also tried the CustomSerial sample app and am getting the same result. I do have the manifest updated to show serial port access, so don't think that is the problem.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Problem resolved, operator error. Prolific driver not supported, was trying to read data from on-board serial port. Move the GPS sensor to the on-board serial, all is working now. Apologies for the distraction.

Windows 7 wireless service not working as expected

I have this one issue, which I'm hopeful you guys will help me out with...
I use a plugin we have created for IE... It detects devices over the network... Devices are the ones that we ourselves have created... Now this plugin works fine and detects devices when it is wired with the Ethernet on our Subnet in XP as well as Windows 7... It detects devices when it is connected Wirelessly over our Subnet in Windows XP... But when I connect it with my Wireless subnet over Windows 7 it stops discovering the devices... The moment I enable my LAN it again detects the devices... It's behaves very stange on this part and I can't be sure that Windows 7 is responsible for this but it had to be considered... There seems like a wireless security affecting it but there is no such proof as off now...
I'm not fully aware of the plugin code but it uses mDNSresponder service over the network...
I use Windows 7 64-bit OS and Internet Explorer 9... The tests have been made over Windows 7 32-bit and IE version 8 and 9, to give the same outcome... Windows firewall has been turned on/off as well...
I'm sorry if I've posted over a wrong thread, please forgive me for any inconsistencies... Any help is appreciated... Thanks...
EDIT-1: The plugin has been built with C++ and I could give you the code for it as well but the point is that it does not get involved here... It seems like an issue over Wireless in Windows 7... I used Wireshark to sniff the packets over the network and found out that there while running in a wired network I can see requests and responses over the MDNS protocol... But when I switch to Wireless network there is no request or response over MDNS and hence there is no query sent only over the network... Seems like when I connect with the Wireless network, something blocks the plugin from querying the network... Help me out with this if possible... Thanks so much...
Ok the issue is solved... The problem was that my program was not being able to find the IEEE 802.11 wireless network interface... Since the dawn of Vista, Windows has changed some it its architecture and my program was made years before that...
Before Vista, the network adapter type value for Ethernet and IEEE wireless was same i.e 6 and is known as MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET... But now they both have been differentiated and IEEE wireless adapter gets a new value 71 named IF_TYPE_IEEE80211... In our code we had a validation to reject network adapters other than MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET and so it used to work with XP, but Windows 7 had other plans... Adding another validation for IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 solved the problem.
You can check out the below link to get more clarity over this and let me know if you've any queries...
