Including ComplexExpr and ComplexFunc classes in Halide API - halide

The ComplexExpr and ComplexFunc classes in the links below seem very convenient to work with complex numbers. Is there a plan to include them into the official Halide API? Or is there a reason why they are not included?

Speaking as a Halide developer...
Or is there a reason why they are not included?
We haven't included these historically since we didn't want to bless a particular representation for complex numbers. There are a few valid ways of dealing with them and the headers in question are just one.
Is there a plan to include them into the official Halide API?
We've started talking about packaging some of this type of code into a set of header-only "Halide tools" libraries, so named to avoid the normative implication of calling it something like "stdlib". So as of right now, there is no concrete plan, but the odds are nonzero.
In the meantime, the code is MIT licensed, so you should feel free to use those files, regardless.


Java Bytecode manipulation libraries

I am starting to work on a project and for one of the tasks I need to analyze the source code in order to gather information about the classes and their methods. More specifically, for each method I need to know which internal attributes and external objects (references) it uses throughout the entire method body.
I discussed it with my supervisors and they think that Bytecode manipulation libraries is the way to go. I already looked at BCEL, ASM and Javassist but I'm not sure which one I need to use. Do they all provide access to the method body where I can see all the instructions and get the information I need?
Any advice would be appreciate it. Thank you!
If you really “need to analyze the source code”, then libraries which allow to inspect the bytecode are not the way to go.
Otherwise, you really need to define your task precisely. Either, you are about to analyze classes, regardless of whether you will look at their source code or byte code, or you want to analyze source code and consider doing it by compiling first, followed by analyzing the compiled result. In the latter case, you have to compare the effort of both steps with alternative solution, which may, e.g. incorporate direct source code analysis.
Parsing byte code is rather easy, easier than analyzing source code, which is the reason why bytecode is produced prior to the execution of Java programs. To answer your concrete question, yes, all three libraries offer you a way to analyze the instructions and associated information. Which one is the best to fit your needs, is a question that is beyond the scope of Stackoverflow.
Whether analyzing the byte code helps, depends on your exact requirements. When it comes to field and method access, you may precisely get most of them using that approach. Only inlined compile-time constants lack their origins. When it comes to type use, you have to consider that not every source code artifact has an existing counterpart in the byte code, e.g. widening casts produce no actual code and and local variables usually don’t have a declared type (debugging information aside), but only an implied type which depends on how they are actually used. They also have no information about Generics, unless debugging information has been included.

Sonar - Custom C Rule, SSLR C Toolkit - Avoid recursion (+ built in xpath functions)

I'm currently working with implementing some MISRA C rules in Sonar. My current rule is to avoid recursion. I started with
To avoid using the same function name within a function definition, but of course it is possible to use other functions with the same names, but different signatures.
Therefore I've two questions:
Is it possible to find out the method signatures (via built in xpath function, etc.)? Here, i could compare the signature with the call statement.
Is it possible to extend the plugin, as there are MISRA rules where it might be more efficient to go through the abstract syntax tree with the sourcecode?
Thank you really much for your replies:)
(ps :- are there any documentions about the SSLR C toolkit / built in xpath rules?)
The C plugin is deprecated. It has been replaced by the C/C++ plugin. See
Before implementing a new coding rule, you should consider whether it is specific to your own context or might benefit others. If it might benefit others, you can propose them on the developer mailing-list. If the SonarQube team find your proposed rules interesting, they may be implemented directly in the related language plugin. It means less maintenance for you, and benefit to others. See

Scala dynamic class management

I would like to know if the following is possible in Scala (but I think the question can be applied also to Java):
Create a Scala file dynamically (ok, no problem here)
Compile it (I don't think this would be a real problem)
Load/Unload the new class dynamically
Aside from knowing if dynamic code loading/reloading is possible (it's possible in Java so I think it's feasible also in Scala) I would like also to know the implication of this in terms of performance degradation (I could have many many classes, with no name clash but really many of them!).
P.S.: I know other questions about class loading in Scala exist, but I haven't been able to find an answer about performance!
Yes, everything you want to do is certainly possible. You might like to take a look at ScalaMock, which is an example of creating Scala source code dynamically. And at SBT which is an example of calling the compiler from code. And then there are many different systems that load classes dynamically - look at the documentation for loadLibrary as a starting point.
But, depending on what you want to achieve, you might like to look at Scala Macros instead. They provide the same kind of flexibility as you would get by generating source code and then compiling it, but without many of the downsides of that approach. The original version of ScalaMock used to work by generating source code, but I'm in the process of moving to using macros instead.
It's all possible in Scala, as is clearly demonstrated by the REPL. It's even going to be relatively easy with Scala 2.10.

On the use of of Internal`Bag, and any official documentation?

(Mathematica version: 8.0.4)
lst = Names["Internal`*"];
Pick[lst, StringMatchQ[lst, "*Bag*"]]
{"Internal`Bag", "Internal`BagLength", "Internal`BagPart", "Internal`StuffBag"}
The Mathematica guidebook for programming By Michael Trott, page 494 says on the Internal context
"But similar to Experimental` context, no guarantee exists that the behavior and syntax of the functions will still be available in later versions of Mathematica"
Also, here is a mention of Bag functions:
Implementing a Quadtree in Mathematica
But since I've seen number of Mathematica experts here suggest Internal`Bag functions and use them themselves, I am assuming it would be sort of safe to use them in actual code? and if so, I have the following question:
Where can I find a more official description of these functions (the API, etc..) like one finds in documenation center? There is nothing now about them now
If I am to start using them, I find it hard to learn about new functions by just looking at some examples and trial and error to see what they do. I wonder if someone here might have a more complete and self contained document on the use of these, describe the API and such more than what is out there already or a link to such place.
The Internal context is exactly what its name says: Meant for internal use by Wolfram developers.
This means, among other things, the following things hold about anything you might find in there:
You most likely won't be able to find any official documentation on it, as it's not meant to be used by the public.
It's not necessarily as robust about invalid arguments. (Crashing the kernel can easily happen on some of them.)
The API may change without notice.
The function may disappear completely without notice.
Now, in practice some of them may be reasonably stable, but I would strongly advise you to steer away from them. Using undocumented APIs can easily leave you in for a lot of pain and a nasty surprise in the future.

What tools for migrating programs from a platform A to B

As a pet project, I was thinking about writing a program to migrate applications written in a language A into a language B.
A and B would be object-oriented languages. I suppose it is a very hard task : mapping language constructs that are alike is doable, but mapping libraries concepts will be a very long task.
I was wondering what tools to use, I know this has to do with compilation, but I'm a bit afraid to use Lex and Yacc and all that stuff.
I was thinking of maybe using the Eclipse Modeling Framework, which would help me write models (of application code) transformations in a readable form.
But first I would have to write parsers for creating the models (and also create the metamodel from the language grammar).
Are there tools that exist that would make my task easier?
You can use special transformation tools/languages for that TXL or Stratego/XT.
Also you can have a look and easily try Java to Python and Java to Tcl migrating projects made by me with TXL.
You are right about mapping library concepts. It is rather hard and long task. There are two ways here:
Fully migrate the class library from language A to B
Migrate classes/functions from language A to the corresponding concepts in language B
The approach you will choose depends on your goals and time/resources available. Also in many cases you wont be doing a general A->B migration which will cover all possible cases, you will need just to convert some project/library/etc. so you will see in your particular cases what is better to do with classes/libraries.
I think this is almost impossibly hard, especially as a personal project. But if you are going to do it, don't make life even more difficult for yourself by trying to come up with a general solution. Choose two specific real-life programming languages ind investigate the possibities of converting between them. I think you will be shocked by the number of problems and issues this will expose.
There are some tools for direct migration for some combinations of A and B.
There are a variety of reverse engineering and code generation tools for different languages and platforms. It's fairly rare to see reverse engineering tools which capture all the semantics of the source language, and the semantics of UML are not well defined ( since it's designed to map to different implementation languages, it itself doesn't define a complete execution model for its behavioural representations ), so you're unlikely to be able to reverse engineer and generate code between tools. You may find one tool that does full reverse engineering and full code generation for your A and B languages, and so may be able to get somewhere.
In general you don't use the same idioms on different platforms, so you're more likely to get something which emulates A code on B rather than something which corresponds to a native B solution.
If you want to use Java as the source language(that language you try to convert) than you might use Checkstyle AST(its used to write Rules). It gives you tree structure with every operation done in the source code. This will be much more easier than writing your own paser or using regex.
You can run from checkstyle-4.4.jar to launch Swing GUI that parse Java Source Code.
Based on your comment
I'm not sure yet, but I think the source language/framework would be Java/Swing and the target some RIA language like Flex or a Javascript/Ajax framework. – Alain Michel 3 hours ago
Google Web Toolkit might be worth a look.
See this answer: What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?
