USDZ file losing Model Parts when opened in Reality Composer - realitykit

In the USDZ 3d model format, my model has multiple parts that can be selected and edited. However, when the model is opened in Reality Composer, the model seems to lose the multiple parts, which makes the animations that I want to do impossible.
Below is an example of a simple model with multiple independent parts in a USDZ file that gets combined into one part in the .reality file in Reality Composer
How can a model be transferred from a USDZ format into Reality Composer while retaining the separate model components?

When imported into Reality Composer, .usdz models are still retaining the separate model parts (of course, if model's parts are really separate), but they are grouped together. Use contextual menu to expand scene's hierarchy.
macOS Reality Composer
In macOS version of Reality Composer 1.5, you have to use Hierarchy Select contextual menu to get access to independent parts of your .usdz model. I created this test model in Maya 2022.
Then press a required object, in my case it's a pSphere1, and choose Expand pSphere1.
Now you are free to move it, rotate, and scale.
iOS/iPadOS Reality Composer
In iOS/iPadOS version of Reality Composer 1.5, use a Long-Press gesture to get access to Hierarchy Select contextual menu:
and then to Expand pSphere1 menu:
I'm running macOS 12.4 and iPadOS 15.5.


Add a second UIViewController within a single-view application

I have a single-view application open. I need to have two storyboard views (UIViewControllers), because one is a Table View, but when one of the Table View elements is selected it brings up another screen with a normal UIViewController. Is there any way of creating a second storyboard view (UIViewController)?
Of course! Those templates Xcode provides are in no way "set-in-stone". When Xcode created your Single-View Template, it just gave you a base for creating something more. You can create additional classes, view controllers, views, and resources (other than what Xcode starts you off with in a few ways).
To add another View Controller to your Storyboard, just drag and drop one from the Object Library:
It seems like you do not have a basic understanding of using or developing with Xcode. I would recommend reading over all of Apple's documentation on Xcode before going any further. The Building A User Interface section may be of particular interest to you.

Cocoa how to handle multiple views?

I'm have done some development on iOS using Storyboards. Now I'm building on app for Mac OS X and it seems that an equivalent for Storyboards does not exists.
For instance, I'm need to build some kind of wizard, which contains four different windows or views (step 1 to 4).
Currently I've created one Window xib (the standard MainMenu.xib), containing a window with the first view, and three other custom views. Using this approach, I can create outlets and actions, making me able to change the contentView of my window, e.g. when clicking an button. This seems as a fair solution, and my views are all grouped cleanly inside a single xib. But this also cause that the logic for all the view should be handled by the same File's Owner, right? For instance saving the settings on each step and controlling the interaction between the different views.
How is the preferred way to handle a situation like this? Should I instead create four different windows, and maybe in four different xib-files? If you know an sample project somewhere from the internet showing how to handle multiple windows, please give me a hint.
You can make use of the NSViewController class for this purpose. Each view controller will be responsible of loading a xib associated with it and all logic associated with the views can go inside the controllers (Same as in iOS). The MainMenu.xib can now load appropriate views after initialising the required view controllers.
Here is a sample app for your reference.
In xcode, go to File->New->New File
Add an objective C class and set it to subclass of "NSViewController".
This will itself create yourController.h, yourController.m and yourController.xib.
Now you can keep your view and its controller class seperate.

Rebrand WP7 Application

I have a WP7 application which I need to rebrand. I'm using Visual Studio 2012.
My problem is how manage brands in the most automatic way.
Lets say I developed the app for the Main Brand, and I need to restyle for the Secondary Brand.
Secondary Brand consist in change of Images and part some base styles (the base style are used and thus referenced by other style and templates which are shared).
I would prefer to have the XAP with only Images for its own Brand.
I need also to have the possibility to use the designer with one brand or another.
I tried to use a TFS Branch for this purpose, it is satisfing but at every merge (new features or bug fix in the Main Branch that must be merged in the Secondary Branch), I need to pay attention to not overwrite Images and Styles (if changed), it is an error prone process and lead to undetected and critical mistake.
I thinking about bring everything back on the main branch and manage Brands by moving all Images and Style that differs, into different 'theme' class libraries but how can I easily switch between references (I need the designer, so at design time) ? Is there a way to have different references for different solution configuration ?
Another option could be to use the Branch and the 2 theme class library, in the secondary branch the app will reference the secondary theme class library. On the paper it seems the best options, both branch will link statically the resources, they will have their designer branded, merge should not impact anything modified in the 'theme' libraries. Before try it i would like to know if anyone has a better option or foresee any problem on this.
Thank You.
I had similar project, and I can share the way I was trying to solve it.
I had following project structure
AppName.Common - here all common code, views and data templates defined
AppName.Main - here is App.xaml for main project, Resources with specific styles and images
AppName.Branded - here is App.xaml for branded project, Resources with specific styles and images. Also in App.xaml I configure IoC container, because some of behaviors were different for Branded and for Main proj.
All styles are defined in App.xaml in Resourced dictionary. So, in runtime app can resolve them. Sometimes you need to reopen solution, and also ReSharper can't support in, it fails to resolve you styles.
Blend for VS can support this structure. You just select current project as a Start-up proj.
Hope it will help you.
Don't forget, that if you navigate to View from other assembly, you need to change path.

MVC Structure?

I am having some difficulty getting my head around the MVC structure.
What I am still struggling with is, when creating the Control to accompany the supporting code, does one need to include the Object within IB?
Think of IB as a freeze-dried version of an object. It is the object itself in visual form. It's stored in the xib file and pulled out when referenced.
You don't NEED to use IB. You can create an object and add it to a view without ever opening the visual tool (some people prefer to work that way).
Storyboarding carries this to an even greater level where you can create the interaction between views in the form of segues.

How to add a custom object to Xcode?

I want to create an object and use it on my project. I able to do it, but under the objects panel of xib file there is a pop up list that shows these values:
Cocoa touch [Controls, Data Views, and ...]
Custom objects
The Custom objects list is empty! Is any way to add my objects to this list? What is this list exactly?
This list is indeed meant to save custom object templates. You could create those custom objects and then pull them into the list for later reuse.
However, it doesn't seem to work in the current stable version (4.5.2) of Xcode.
You should check if it works in the latest developer preview. If it doesn't you should probably file a bug.
