- laravel redirects to local host - laravel

I am using It seems to work well. localhost/login goes to my login page, as does however, when I actually login, using the computer returns "419 Page Expired" and the url is changed to localhost/login.
will changing the value of the APP_ENV variable prevent the web.php routes file from changing the url back to localhost from
My routes are defined in web.php like
Route::middleware(['auth', 'verified'])->get('/home', function () {
return view('home');
That is the landing page after you login. My APP_ENV=local.

First of all, you may try with browser refresh (Ctrl/cmd + Shift + r).
Then check you have included #crsf in login form. like check this out
and then check in .env file you have APP_URL="" or APP_URL=""


Adding subdomain in Laravel 9

For some reason adding subdomain route isn't working and keeps on returning my homepage instead of the page I need. I'm using Laravel, Inertiajs Vue in my app.
Here is my route:
Route::domain('webshopview.localhost:8000')->group(function () {
Route::get('/webshopview', function () {
return Inertia::render('Products/Index');
I want to be able to access it as webshopview.localhost:8000 but every time I try to visit this route it returns my app home page. If I do this in normal route like the below example, it works like a charm.
Route::get('/webshopview', function () {
return Inertia::render('Products/Index');
What is missing to create a subdomain for group of routes? Why it keeps returning the app homepage ignoring the subdomain
My app works locally on 'http://localhost:8000/' and '' and it works like that by default without me doing anything. So all I want is to add subdomain to specific routes so that I can access like this 'example.localhost:8000' or 'example.'. The end result is to have the route displayed like this after deployment ''
I even tried this and it didn't work:
Route::get('/productview', function () {
return 'First sub domain';
now accessing 'http://productview.localhost/' returns 'This site can’t be reached' error.
I had to manually add the routes in my etc/hosts file on windows and restart the entire machine for it to take effect.

Laravel Sanctum SPA Auth - Unauthenticated After Successfully Login

I have an application with Laravel and Vue.js for the separate folder which one is for the backend and another is the frontend and I have successfully configured all following the Laravel sanctum documentation and also protecting the route API and I am able to successfully log in and register but after successfully Login it's showing me "Unauthenticated " when I try to fetch the authenticated user. I am using localhost as a default. can anyone give me some suggestions
.env file I have also set it
Unfortunately, I have found the solution
localhost:8080 for frontend server the port might be changing sometimes like localhost:8081 localhost:3000 so make sure you put the correct URL
#Live Server
I have also figure out sometimes I was right but the Laravel cache gives me the wrong result so you have to clean the Laravel cache and also browser cache. you can follow the below code to make a route function in web.php
Route::get('/clear', function() {
return "Cleared!";
Hope it will works

Laravel - GET request download logout automaticlly

i have a download file link like this:
Download file
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web','auth','Admin','active'], 'prefix' => 'admin'], function(){
Route::get('area_download/document/{file}', function ($file){
$path_file = storage_path().'/app/public/documents/'.$file;
return response()->download($path_file, $file);
Arrival at the "" view without problems. When I click on the GET link it redirects me to the LOGIN, but being my user logged in by login redirects me to "".
I did some tests getting the following information:
Request does not arrive at route "area_download / document / {file}"
The request does not arrive at the 'Admin', 'active' middlewares.
So my conclusions are that the problem is in the middleware "Web" or "Auth" but I can not understand why. Place the entire group of routes, if it can be useful. If you need more on the routes, I can attach screenshots!
I would appreciate your help thank you!
If you just allow downloading a file without any authentication then,
You can try this :
Blade File
Download file
From this user can directly download the file. Just need to add file path in href and download attribute.
or else remove the middleware AUTH if you don't want to Authenticate the user.
And you want to authenticate the user then need route:list and middleware details.
I found the solution! the problem was that my get request was made this way.
the final PDF extension creates system error. Avoiding the final extension such as:
Problem solved!

Vue SPA url not working with history mode enabled

I am creating a SPA using Vue js and it kind of works but I have one problem. With history mode enabled on Vue I can enter urls and go to that page using the Vue Router but when I try to login I get the literal page html. I know I can do something like auth\{vue?} but I would prefer if i didn't have to do that. I want to be able to always keep the url with no prefixes unless it is to an API request. So for example:
I have the root view:
Route::get('/{vue?}', function () {
return view('');
})->where('vue', '[\/\w\.-]*');
and then I have the api requests:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api'], function () {
Route::post('/login', 'Auth\\LoginController#login');
Route::post('/register', 'Auth\\RegisterController#register');
Route::get('/logout', 'Auth\\LoginController#logout');
but when I hit /api/login I get the return view data from /{vue?}.
I hope that makes sense and if so any help would be amazing, Thanks.
it is clearly explained here:
Short story: declare history mode to false in VueRouter and then on the Laravel side, whenever the $request->ajax() is false, the same route will always capture the request. So, we can safely define a catch-all route to redirect such traffic to the index() method of our resource controller:

Laravel - Redirect::intended route not working

I have a laravel built blog, and to comment on a post (if you're logged out) you must login. I put a link like this:
login to do this.
This redirects to the login form, which once filled out and user is authenticated, I have this:
return Redirect::intended('/');
Which takes the user to the homepage, not the page they intended to be on, in this case, the page with the post that they clicked the login link from to be able to comment. How can I return them back to the intended url in this case?
Actually, Redirect::intended('/') works if there is a key available in the session as url.intended otherwise it redirects to the default URL which is in your case '/', so definitely you didn't put the URL in the session. To accomplish this, you may put the URL in the session using something like this:
Session::put('url.intended', 'url...');
So, probably, in the login link, you may add a query string like this:
So, you can track the redirect and in that route's method (before return View) just put the previous URL in the session, using something like this:
if(Input::get('intended')) {
Session::put('url.intended', URL::previous());
Then before you redirect from there, you should remove the URL from the session using something like this:
$intendedUrl = Session::get('url.intended', url('/'));
return Redirect::to($intendedUrl);
This should solve the issue. Also, you may check this answer, could be helpful.
Redirect::intended requires two parts to work. The first is when the user tries to access a restricted page /orders but they aren't logged in you redirect them to the login page via:
Then on your login post-back if authentication is successful you call:
