Thymeleaf doesn't show images - spring

I'm showing images from resources/static/images/
The weird thing is if I give the path like "/images/milk.png", it shows the image but if I get name from ${}, it doesn't work.
<img class="card-img-top"
th:alt="${res.getLogo().getUploadFileName()}" />
it seems res.getLogo().getUploadFileName() is working well. So it will be replaced like /images/milk.png. But it doesn't show the image...
How can I fix this?
One more thing, I know basic Thymleaf path is resources/templates, but how it recognize image when I gave like "/images/milk.png"

If u want to upload static images
th:src="#{images/} + ${res.logo.uploadFileName}"
if you want to upload dynamic images
th:src="#{} + ${id}


cant use local image as src laravel-mix vuejs

I have a Vue component located at resources/js/modules/MyComponent.vue and inside it, I'm trying to use a local image as an src for the img tag, and the image is located at public/assets/myproj/image/myimage.png.
I've tried using the following :
<img src="#/assets/myproj/image/myimage.png"/>
<img src="require('assets/myproj/image/myimage.png')"/>
<img src="../../../public/assets/myproj/image/myimage.png"/>
<img src="/assets/myproj/image/myimage.png"/>
but none of them work...
I know this is a straightforward question but I hope someone can help me because I've been trying to find an answer for almost an hour now but I still can't figure it out.
If you want to use this in javascript you can do like this
<img :src='getImage(name)'/>
then you will need to import your image in your javascript code
return require(`#/assets/myproj/${name}`);

Pass image in yield section in laravel

For the <title> I've followed this SO answer This is working perfectly for part but the image is not working
Laravel dynamic page title in navbar-brand
But, Here when I try to make an image dynamic instead of title it's giving me a text instead of an image.
For instance,
In another blade, I called image as in section
#section('image', '<img src="http://localhost/appname/public/front/images/heading.png">')
Every page has a dynamic logo so I want to put logo dynamic the same like we're doing in the title.
But the result I'm getting is
<img src="http://localhost/appname/public/front/images/heading.png">
You can do like this
<img src="http://localhost/appname/public/front/images/heading.png">

What is the problem not showing the image??? Is there any location error?

Laravel image showing problem.I can't find where the problem happens
Image is not showing.I have tired using asset function
<!----------End Navbar Part----------------->
{{-- start Sidebar+Conent --}}
<img src="{{asset('images/products/p.png')}}" alt="This is a image">
I expect the image will be shown
Looking at the screenshot you added, it seems that you have a space in your filename.
The filename looks like "p .png". Check if there is a space and if so, remove it from your image filename.

How to display uploaded images in pdf using wkhtmltopdf

I am using Carrierwave to upload images in rails4.
In the html view page the image is showing. But, when generating the pdf, from this view, the image is not showing.Instead , a blank box is showing.
From the view, while inspecting the path is showing as below:
<img alt="Small images" src="
The code i used is:
<%=image_tag Student.find(id).image_url(:small) %>
If the image is stored in app/assets/images, then the images will appear.But, i need to upload the image in this location only.
Can u pls help...
Thanks in advance.
I could do it with php Laravel this way >>
<img alt="Small images" src="{{base_path().'path/to'image.jpg'}}">
I have no experiences with Ruby , but try to find something similar.

Loading image src using a variable containing base64 data in AngularJS

Loading image using variable containing base64 data in AngularJS
I am trying to find the right way to load a image source from a variable containing base64 encoded image data (for example pulled from a canvas using toDataURL(); ).
At first I just tried it like this:
<img src="{{image.dataURL}}" />
where the image is a scope variable with a variable dataURL containing the base64 data. This is actually working pretty well, the only problem is that I get a 404 error in my console. Something like this:
GET 404 (Not Found)
Not so pretty. When I tried a more angular style solution like this:
<img data-ng-src="image.dataURL" />
the images are not loading at all.
I made a fiddle which you can find HERE
Any suggestions how to get rid of this error in my console?
Gruff Bunny was right. This <img data-ng-src="{{image.dataURL}}" /> is working...
Working solution can be found HERE
The content of the ng-src needs to be interpolated: Try this:
<img data-ng-src="{{image.dataURL}}"/>
I admit I spent way too much time trying to fix similar problem,
my problem was I had extra brace here (see three braces at end):
