Generate pb.c/pb.h files using protobuf-c without anonymous members in structs - protocol-buffers

I am trying to generate some pb.c and pb.h files using protobuf-c. I have earlier use nanopb to generate the same files but need to move to protobuf-c for a new project.
When generating the structure for a OneOf field, I see a difference in the generated files.
For the following definition in the proto file:
message MetricValue {
oneof value {
bool aBoolean = 1;
string aString = 2;
uint32 anInteger = 3;
float aFloat = 4;
double aDouble = 5;
Nanopb generates the following:
typedef struct _MetricValue {
pb_size_t which_value;
union {
bool aBoolean;
char aString[32];
uint32_t anInteger;
float aFloat;
double aDouble;
} value;
/* ##protoc_insertion_point(struct:MetricValue) */
} MetricValue;
while using protobuf-c generates the following:
struct MetricValue
ProtobufCMessage base;
MetricValue__ValueCase value_case;
union {
protobuf_c_boolean aboolean;
char *astring;
uint32_t aninteger;
float afloat;
double adouble;
The way my project is configured, the build is unsuccessful with the following error:
"An anonymous member in a struct is an extension to C (AnonymousMember)". I am aware that I can suppress this with some compile flags but the way the rest of the code is written, using an anonymous union will cause significant changes to my code.
Is there a way where I can force protobuf-c to not generate anonymous members?

Looking at the protobuf-c source code in, the generation of union {} is unconditional and has no option for naming it.


how to fix wrong GCC ARM startup code pointer to initialized and zero variables?

[skip to UPDATE2 and save some time :-)]
I use ARM Cortex-M4, with CMSIS 5-5.7.0 and FreeRTOS, compiling using GCC for ARM (10_2021.10)
My variables are not initialized as they should.
My startup code is pretty simple, the entry point is the reset handler (CMSIS declared startup_ARMCM4.s as deprecated and recommend using the C code startup code so this is what I do).
Here is my code:
__attribute__((__noreturn__)) void Reset_Handler(void)
SystemInit(); /* CMSIS System Initialization */
static void DataInit(void)
typedef struct {
uint32_t const* src;
uint32_t* dest;
uint32_t wlen;
} __copy_table_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t* dest;
uint32_t wlen;
} __zero_table_t;
extern const __copy_table_t __copy_table_start__;
extern const __copy_table_t __copy_table_end__;
extern const __zero_table_t __zero_table_start__;
extern const __zero_table_t __zero_table_end__;
for (__copy_table_t const* pTable = &__copy_table_start__; pTable < &__copy_table_end__; ++pTable) {
for(uint32_t i=0u; i<pTable->wlen; ++i) {
pTable->dest[i] = pTable->src[i];
for (__zero_table_t const* pTable = &__zero_table_start__; pTable < &__zero_table_end__; ++pTable) {
for(uint32_t i=0u; i<pTable->wlen; ++i) {
pTable->dest[i] = 0u;
__copy_table_start__, __copy_table_end__ etc. have the wrong values an so no data is copied to the appropriate place in RAM.
I tried adding __libc_init_array() before DataInit(), as suggested in this answer, and remove the nostartfiles flag from the linker, but at some point __libc_init_array() jumps to an illegal address and I get a HardFault interrupt.
Is there a different method to fix it? maybe one where I can use the nostartfiles flag?
Looking at the memory, where __copy_table_start__ is located, I see the data there is valid (even without the use of __libc_init_array()). It seems that pTable doesn't get the correct value.
I tried using __data_start__, __data_end__, __bss_start__, __bss_end__ and __etext instead of the above variables, in the linker file it is said they can be used in code without definition, but they cannot (maybe that's a clue?). In any case they didn't work either.
found the actual problem
all struct members get the same value (modifying one changes all others), it happens with every struct. I have no idea how this is possible. In other words the value of __copy_table_start__.src is, for example, 0x14651234, __copy_table_start__.dest is 0x00100000, and __copy_table_start__.wlen is 0x0365. When looking at pTable all members are 0x14651234.

OpenDDS IDL Sequence type

I am trying to publish video frames using the following IDL:
typedef sequence<octet> Pixels;
module message {
struct Image {
int width;
int height;
int bytesPerPixel;
Pixels data;
I would also like to send 2 image data sequences (say, raw and filtered). Instead of declaring "Pixels data2", can sequence container by declared as arrays? The typedef sequence<octet> Pixels[2] gives errors.
Okay, so I gave this IDL to opendds_idl:
typedef sequence<octet> Pixels[2];
module message {
struct Image {
unsigned short width;
unsigned short height;
unsigned short bytesPerPixel;
Pixels data;
and it accepted it:
opendds_idl --syntax-only test.idl
processing test.idl
However I decided to try to build a library with it in case the generated code was wrong, which seems to be true.
testTypeSupportImpl.cpp: In function ‘bool OpenDDS::DCPS::gen_skip_over(OpenDDS::DCPS::Serializer&, Pixels_forany*)’:
testTypeSupportImpl.cpp:83:41: error: ‘sequence’ does not name a type; did you mean ‘servent’?
if (!gen_skip_over(ser, static_cast<sequence*>(0))) return false;
With other errors following. It seems we don't support trying to typedef an array and sequence at the same time. Replacing the typedef with two works:
typedef sequence<octet> PixelSeq;
typedef PixelSeq Pixels[2];

How to send a "struct" vector per message?

I am trying to send a vector of "struct" per message, but when defining the message field the following error is generated:
Entering directory '/home/veins/workspace.omnetpp/veins/src'
veins/modules/application/clustertraci/ error: no viable conversion from 'vector' to 'const vector'
I read chapter 6 of the OMnet ++ manual, but I don't understand how to solve this problem.
Implementation with error
Message Code (MyMessage.msg):
cplusplus {{
#include "veins/base/utils/Coord.h"
#include "veins/modules/messages/BaseFrame1609_4_m.h"
#include "veins/base/utils/SimpleAddress.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
struct updateTableStruct {
int car;
char update;
typedef std::vector<updateTableStruct> UpdateTable;
namespace veins;
class BaseFrame1609_4;
class noncobject Coord;
class noncobject UpdateTable;
class LAddress::L2Type extends void;
packet ClusterMessageUpdate extends BaseFrame1609_4 {
LAddress::L2Type senderAddress = -1;
int serial = 0;
UpdateTable updateTable;
void ClusterTraCI11p::handleSelfMsg(cMessage* msg) {
if (ClusterMessage* frame = dynamic_cast<ClusterMessage*>(msg)) {
ClusterMessageUpdate* frameOfUpdate = new ClusterMessageUpdate;
populateWSM(frameOfUpdate, CH2);
sendDelayedDown(frameOfUpdate, uniform(0.1, 0.02));
else {
Part of code for analysis in MyApp.h:
struct updateTableStruct {
int car;
char update;
typedef std::vector<updateTableStruct> UpdateTable;
UpdateTable updateTable;
You experience a type mismatch: In MyApp.h you define the type UpdateTable, and you do so in MyMessage.h. While these both types have the same content and appear to have the same name, I assume this is not actually the case: one type is UpdateTable (defined at global scope in the file generated based on your message) and the other is MyApp::UpdateTable (defined in your application, assuming you are omitting the class definition in the code you show).
Therefore, the types are different, and they cannot be converted into each other implicitly. In this case this might appear a bit counter-intuitive, as they have exactly the same definition, but they do not have the same name. In the following example the reasoning is shown: Two different types that share the same definition should not necessarily be implicitly convertible into each other:
struct Coordinate {
int x;
int y;
struct Money {
int dollars;
int cents;
void test() {
Coordinate c;
Money m = c;
Gives the following error message: error: no viable conversion from 'Coordinate' to 'Money'
Money m = c;
^ ~ note: candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor) not viable: no known conversion from 'Coordinate' to 'const Money &' for 1st argument
struct Money {
^ note: candidate constructor (the implicit move constructor) not viable: no known conversion from 'Coordinate' to 'Money &&' for 1st argument
struct Money {
1 error generated.
The solution to your specific problem is to remove one of the definitions and include the remaining definition when using it, so you can either remove the UpdateTable definition from the message and include the App header instead, or remove the UpdateTable definition from the App and include the message instead.

disable assign integer to string c++

std::string (std::basic_string) have assignment operator for 'char' type.
But, for this reason, std::string may assign any integral types.
See little example.
#include <string>
enum MyEnum{ Va = 0, Vb = 2, Vc = 4 };
int main(){
std::string s;
s = 'a'; // (1) OK - logical.
s = Vc; // (2) Ops. Compiled without any warnings.
s = true; // (3) Ops....
s = 23; // (4) Ops...
Q: How disable (or add warning ) (2, 3, 4) situations ??
There is a related Question
Given the constraints of C++03 and GCC 4.8 as in the tags, I could not get -Wconversion to do anything useful (and in GCC 7 it doesn't even generate the warnings for me despite telling it that I'm using --std=c++03).
As such, there's a good practical solution that requires only minimal change at your calling site:
Proxy the assignment via a class object that wraps your string and that allows assignment from char but disallows it from int:
#include <string>
enum MyEnum{ Va = 0, Vb = 2, Vc = 4 };
struct string_wr {
string_wr (std::string& s) : val(s) {}
operator std::string& () const { return val; }
// we explicitly allow assigning chars.
string_wr& operator= (char) { return *this; }
// ww explicitly disable assigning ints by making the operator unreachable.
string_wr& operator= (int);
std::string& val;
int main(){
std::string s;
s = 'a'; // (1) OK - logical.
s = Vc; // (2) Ops. Compiled without any warnings.
s = true; // (3) Ops....
s = 23; // (4) Ops...
string_wr m(s); // this is the only real change at the calling site
m = 'a'; // (1) OK - logical.
m = Vc; // (2) Should fail with "assignment is private" kind of error.
m = true; // (3) Should fail...
m = 23; // (4) Should fail...
However, if your final goal is to specifically get warnings or errors when using std::string, your best option in C++03 is to patch the <string> header to add the private int-assignment operator shown in the class above. But that means patching a system header and the procedure and results will be dependant on your compiler version (and will have to be repeated in each installation and compiler version).

Enum to string in C++11

I realize this has been asked before more than once on SO but I couldn't find a question explicitly looking for a current solution to this issue with C++11, so here we go again..
Can we conveniently get the string value of an enum with C++11?
I.e. is there (now) any built-in functionality in C++11 that allows us to get a string representation of enum types as in
typedef enum {Linux, Apple, Windows} OS_type;
OS_type myOS = Linux;
cout << myOS
that would print Linux on the console?
The longstanding and unnecessary lack of a generic enum-to-string feature in C++ (and C) is a painful one. C++11 didn't address this, and as far as I know neither will C++14.
Personally I'd solve this problem using code generation. The C preprocessor is one way--you can see some other answers linked in the comments here for that. But really I prefer to just write my own code generation specifically for enums. It can then easily generate to_string (char*), from_string, ostream operator<<, istream operator<<, is_valid, and more methods as needed. This approach can be very flexible and powerful, yet it enforces absolute consistency across many enums in a project, and it incurs no runtime cost.
Do it using Python's excellent "mako" package, or in Lua if you're into lightweight, or the CPP if you're against dependencies, or CMake's own facilities for generating code. Lots of ways, but it all comes down to the same thing: you need to generate the code yourself--C++ won't do this for you (unfortunately).
In my opinion, the most maintainable approach is to write a helper function:
const char* get_name(OS_type os) {
switch (os) {
case Linux: return "Linux";
case Apple: return "Apple";
case Windows: return "Windows";
It is a good idea not to implement the "default" case, since doing so will ensure that you get a compiler warning if you forget to implement a case (with the right compiler and compiler settings).
I like a hack using the C preprocessor, which I first saw here: .
It uses the token-pasting operator # .
// This code defines the enumerated values:
#define MY_ENUM(x) x,
enum Fruit_Type {
#undef MY_ENUM
// and this code defines an array of string literals for them:
#define MY_ENUM(x) #x,
const char* const fruit_name[] = {
#undef MY_ENUM
// Finally, here is some client code:
std::cout << fruit_name[Banana] << " is enum #" << Banana << "\n";
// In practice, those three "MY_ENUM" macro calls will be inside an #include file.
Frankly, it's ugly and. but you end up typing your enums exactly ONCE in an include file, which is more maintainable.
BTW, on that MSDN blog link (see above) a user made a comment with a trick that makes the whole thing much prettier, and avoids #includes:
#define Fruits(FOO) \
FOO(Apple) \
FOO(Banana) \
#define DO_DESCRIPTION(e) #e,
#define DO_ENUM(e) e,
char* FruitDescription[] = {
enum Fruit_Type {
// Client code:
std::cout << FruitDescription[Banana] << " is enum #" << Banana << "\n";
(I just noticed that 0x17de's answer also uses the token-pasting operator)
Here is a simple example using namespaces and structs.
A class is created for each enum item. In this example i chose int as the type for the id.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define ENUMITEM(Id, Name) \
struct Name {\
static constexpr const int id = Id;\
static constexpr const char* name = #Name;\
namespace Food {
ENUMITEM(1, Banana)
ENUMITEM(2, Apple)
ENUMITEM(3, Orange)
int main() {
cout << Food::Orange::id << ":" << Food::Orange::name << endl;
return 0;
== Update ==
#define STARTENUM() constexpr const int enumStart = __LINE__;
#define ENUMITEM(Name) \
struct Name {\
static constexpr const int id = __LINE__ - enumStart - 1;\
static constexpr const char* name = #Name;\
and using it once before the first usage of ENUMITEM the ids would not be needed anymore.
namespace Food {
The variable enumStart is only accessible through the namespace - so still multiple enums can be used.
You can use macro to solve this problem:
#define MAKE_ENUM(name, ...) enum class name { __VA_ARGS__}; \
static std::vector<std::string> Enum_##name##_init(){\
const std::string content = #__VA_ARGS__; \
std::vector<std::string> str;\
size_t len = content.length();\
std::ostringstream temp;\
for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i ++) {\
if(isspace(content[i])) continue;\
else if(content[i] == ',') {\
else temp<< content[i];}\
return str;}\
static const std::vector<std::string> Enum_##name##_str_vec = Enum_##name##_init();\
static std::string to_string(name val){\
return Enum_##name##_str_vec[static_cast<size_t>(val)];\
static std::string print_all_##name##_enum(){\
int count = 0;\
std::string ans;\
for(auto& item:Enum_##name##_str_vec)\
ans += std::to_string(count++) + ':' + item + '\n';\
return ans;\
As the static variable can only be initialized once, so the Enum_##name##_str_vec will use the Enum_##name##_init() function to initialize itself at first.
The sample code is as below:
Then you can use below sentence to print an enum value:
And use below sentence to print all enum as string:
As mentioned, there is no standard way to do this. But with a little preprocessor magic (similar to AlejoHausner's second contribution) and some template magic, it can be fairly elegant.
Include this code once:
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#define ENUM_VALS( name ) name,
#define ENUM_STRINGS( name ) # name,
/** Template function to return the enum value for a given string
* Note: assumes enums are all upper or all lowercase,
* that they are contiguous/default-ordered,
* and that the first value is the default
* #tparam ENUM type of the enum to retrieve
* #tparam ENUMSIZE number of elements in the enum (implicit; need not be passed in)
* #param valStr string version of enum value to convert; may be any capitalization (capitalization may be modified)
* #param enumStrs array of strings corresponding to enum values, assumed to all be in lower/upper case depending upon
* enumsUpper
* #param enumsUpper true if the enum values are in all uppercase, false if in all lowercase (mixed case not supported)
* #return enum value corresponding to valStr, or the first enum value if not found
template <typename ENUM, size_t ENUMSIZE>
static inline ENUM fromString(std::string &valStr, const char *(&enumStrs)[ENUMSIZE], bool enumsUpper = true) {
ENUM e = static_cast< ENUM >(0); // by default, first value
// convert valStr to lower/upper-case
std::transform(valStr.begin(), valStr.end(), valStr.begin(), enumsUpper ? ::toupper : ::tolower);
for (size_t i = 0; i< ENUMSIZE; i++) {
if (valStr == std::string(enumStrs[i])) {
e = static_cast< ENUM >(i);
return e;
Then define each enum like so:
//! Define ColorType enum with array for converting to/from strings
#define ColorTypes(ENUM) \
enum ColorType {
static const char* colorTypeNames[] = {
You only have to enumerate the enum values once and the code to define it is fairly compact and intuitive.
Values will necessarily be numbered in the default way (ie, 0,1,2,...). The code of fromString() assumes that enum values are in either all uppercase or all lowercase (for converting from strings) that the default value is first, but you can of course change how these things are handled.
Here is how you get the string value:
ColorType c = ColorType::BLUE;
std::cout << colorTypeNames[c]; // BLUE
Here is how you set the enum from a string value:
ColorType c2 = fromString<ColorType>("Green", colorTypeNames); // == ColorType::GREEN
