Laravel get one record from the database - laravel

Im trying to make a list with game developers, and when you click on one of them you can see the games they have made. I only dont know how to get further....
This is what i have now:
<table class="table">
<thead class="thead-dark">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Naam</th>
<th scope="col">Opgericht in:</th>
#foreach($gamedevs as $gamedev)
<td>{{ $gamedev['id'] }} </td>
<td>{{ $gamedev['naam'] }}</td>
<td>{{ $gamedev['opgericht'] }}</td>
I already tried some methods like these:
href="{{route('', ['id'=>$gamedev->id])}}
public function index()
$gamedevs = Gamedevs::all();
return view("index", [ 'gamedevs' => $gamedevs]);
public function show(Gamedevs $gamedevs)
$gamedevs = Gamedevs::where($gamedevs)->first();
return view('')->with('Gamedevs',$gamedevs);
Never did this before.. so hope im on the right way :)

Laravel controller methods like show will use service container to resolve all the parameters you define there. Since you define a model, laravel will automatically find the one corresponding with explicit model binding.
So you wont have to write another query to show your Gamedev:
public function show(Gamedevs $gamedevs)
return view('')->with('Gamedevs',$gamedevs);

Sample route in web.php
Sample Method in your listController.php
public function show($gamedevs)
#let's say your $gamedevs is your devs id so target their id's
$devs = Gamedevs::where('id',$gamedevs)->first();
return view('')->with([
In your view


Level 7 display relationship data in blade using one to many

whats wrong why in blade don't want to show the LEVEL name
return view('streams.index',compact('streams'));
Stream Model:
public function level()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Level', 'level_id');
Level Model:
public function stream()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Stream', 'level_id');
Blade Index:
#foreach($streams as $stream)
<th scope="row">#</th>
Also tried:
#foreach($streams as $stream)
<th scope="row">#</th>
#foreach($stream as $level)
Trying to get property 'name' of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\project\sms\resources\views\streams\index.blade.php)
DD result:
[{"id":3,"name":"Class A","code":"GRC0001A","uuid":"X9HG9zc7ceTlhdfF1fN1wAer1cHP1MhfuM7GHBSqNogYSo3bsGmpTl06iJQyyKp3QMrkHe1VyiTxeKFa49wC7W5BY3E3kFZkpF1D","level_id":1,"created_at":"2020-06-14T10:58:28.000000Z","updated_at":"2020-06-14T11:39:54.000000Z","level":{"id":1,"name":"YEAR 7","code":"CODE1","uuid":"X9HG9zc7ceTlhdfF1fN1wAer1cHP1MhfuM7GHBSqNogYSo3bsGmpTl06iJQyyKp3QMrkHe1VyiTxeKFa49wC7W5BY3E3kFZkpF1D","created_at":"-000001-11-30T00:00:00.000000Z","updated_at":"-000001-11-30T00:00:00.000000Z"}},{"id":4,"name":"Class B","code":"GRC0001A","uuid":"gq2kZZikN76XEa4pQWsyAZBMxjKeHBJt0a840ZMSiuHGztuhYT0G6q5WcGgp8z6BD6nx0WSrrOTvEb4iQ0ewyB9Fa1M54CAv8HS2","level_id":null,"created_at":"2020-06-14T10:58:36.000000Z","updated_at":"2020-06-14T11:39:59.000000Z","level":null}]
Your first Blade template is almost correct.
The issue is that one or more of your records has no Level assigned (level_id=null), but you're still trying to pull the name property from $stream->level, which is null.
Simply add a check for $stream->level before trying to access/print its properties. For example:
{{ $stream->level->name }}
{{ $stream->level ? $stream->level->name : 'No Level Attached' }}
{{ optional($stream->level)->name }}

How to showing data on blade with pass through 2 table FK

I have 3 table like users , data_users , practice
users : id , name ,dob ,email , etc . . .
data_users : id , user_id , number_exp , etc . .
practice : id , data_user_id , practice_number , etc ....
in 3 tables connect by relation belongsTo and and want to showing this .
i want to show data on table practice :
My controller :
public function show()
$practice= Practice::with('data_users')->get();
return view('admin.practice' ,['practice'=>$practice]);
my view
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th>No Surat</th>
#foreach ($practice as $i)
<th scope="row">1</th>
<td>{{ $i->data_users->users->name}}</td>//i want to show name but i cant show this
<td>{{ $i->practice_number}}</td>
<td>{{ $i->practice_date}}</td>
<td>{{ $i->status}}</td>
i have problem to showing Data 'NAME' form table users , and i just can showing id from data_users
but still error Trying to Get property
try this:
public function show()
$practice= Practice::with('data_users', 'data_users.users')->get();
return view('admin.practice' ,['practice'=>$practice]);
You are returning $practice collection from controller, trying to foreach $riwayat collection.

Passing multiple variables in Controllers

I am trying to add an update table on a show blade for a Laravel project.
The idea being if someone is paid owed subs, they can be check off on the roll.
I can pass the into the Controller, however this is a member view so I need to grab the roll.member_id of the record and pass this into the redirect to show the updated member page
Here is the html table
<table class="table">
<thead class = 'text-primary'>
<th class="text-center">Date</th>
#foreach ($member->outstanding as $o)
<td class="text-center">{{$o->roll_id}}</td>
<td class="text-center"><i class="material-icons">done</i></td>
This is the RollController#updateRoll
public function updateRoll($id){
$o = Roll::find($id);
if ($o != null)
$o->status = "C";
return redirect(action('MembersController#show'))->with ('success', 'Member Present');
return redirect(action('MembersController#index'));
So I would like to add the Member_id into the
return redirect(action('MembersController#show'))->with ('success', 'Member Present');
So I am taken back to the member show blade.
Have you tried passing the ID to the action, same as in your blade view?
For example:
return redirect(action('MembersController#show', $o->member_id))
->with ('success', 'Member Present');

Spring Boot And Thymeleaf remain on the same page on post request is made

I've created an web app that searches for online car ads and populates the page with a few tables after a post request.It looks like this:
After Search:
Every table element has a save button which should save those values to the database but my problem is that the page gets refreshed after submitting a post request. How can I do this without refreshing the page?
<form th:action="#{/saveAd}" method="POST">
<table class="table table-sm table-hover">
<thead class="thead-dark">
<th>Titlu Anunt</th>
<!-- <th style="width: 16.66%">Link</th> -->
<tbody id="myTable">
<th:block th:each="element : ${lista}">
<trth:onclick="'javascript:rowClicked(\'' + ${element.url} + '\');'">
<td><img th:src="#{${element.img}}" class="size" /></td>
<td th:text="${element.title}"></td>
<td th:text="${element.pret}"></td>
<td th:text="${element.oras}"></td>
<td><input class="btn btn-danger" type="submit"value="Save"></td>
#RequestMapping(path = "/saveAd", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveAd(#ModelAttribute("adValue") AdValue adValue) {
return "home";
And also, how could I bind the list to a model object after pressing the save button?
I guess you may like this project. It is similar with what you need :
You can use .bootstrapTable(). It a very method to update dynamically your table.
<table id="car-table" class="table table-striped">
<th data-field="id">Id</th>
<th data-field="title">Title</th>
<th data-field="price">Price</th>
<th data-field="city">City</th>
<th data-width="10" data-formatter="saveButtonFormatter"/>
The beauty is that it will map the data-field to a java object.
js stuff:
function saveButtonFormatter(value, row, index){
var adId =;
return "<button class=\"btn btn-danger \" data-title=\"Save\"
data-toggle=\"modal\" onclick=\"saveAd(\'"+adId+"\')\"
The function saveAd(adId) will call the rest endpoint and will update the bootstrap table on success.
I see that in your thymeleaf you don't have inputs. I suggest to not post your entire object if you don't need user input, just the id.
// anotate the controller class with #RestController
AdService adService;
#PostMapping(path = "/ad/{id}")
public ResponseEntity<?> saveAd(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.ACCEPTED);
P.S : don't write code in Romanian :D

Laravel Building Referral System- Cant display Users in Blade

I Building an Affiliate System for my Users. Registration with ID works fine and save all correct in my DB, but i cant see any Referrals that use my URL ID for Registration in my Example Blade.
Any one cant find the Error?
$referal_id = $user->id;
$referer_id = $request['referal_id'];
$referalUserData = [
'referer_id' => $referer_id,
'referal_id' => $referal_id,
$insert = ReferralUser::insert($referalUserData);
<th>User Id#</th>
<th>User Name</th>
<th>Registration Time</th>
#foreach($referalUser as $referData)
<th scope="row">{{$referData->id}}</th>
<td>#for($i=0;$i<count($referData['names']);$i++) {{$referData['names'][$i]['name']}} #endfor
<td> {{$referData->created_at}}<br/> <span class="label label-primary">
{{Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimestamp(strtotime($referData->created_at))->diffForHumans()}} </span> </td>
<div class="alert alert-noreferals">
<strong></strong><span>No referrals!</span>
Ignore the created_at Timestamp.
Did you convert the $request object to an array?
That looks suspicious. Typically you would use
or via dynamic properties
To access a given value.
Are you getting an error? Anything in the log files?
