Surface mesh triangles: Best tree algorithm for frustum test - algorithm

Just in case the title was ambiguous, here is the problem.
I have a triangulated planer surface (survey map, not a sphere or other 3d object) that the user can zoom in/out of and pan. As the number of triangles can be very large, I need to test the edges to see if they are visible. I'm sure I need a tree algorithm to contain the edges for testing. Looking at a QuadTree, a BVH, and others. I can't see a logical way to divide the surface for the edges. If I picked a midpoint and divide it along the x-axis there could be thousands of edges that are crossed and bounding boxes would overlap.
Is there a good algorithm I can research for this task?


There is a point on a triangulated surface, how can i find triangle which contains the point?

We have a 3d triangulated surface and there is a point on it. How can i find the triangle which contains the point.
We can find with testing all triangles but it is slow way. I must make the algorithm faster.
Is there any searching algorithm or is there any technique about reducing searching area?
What you need is a spatial data structure, they allow those typical queries of computational geometry. Your point is a query point for the set of triangles.
You might for example calculate a minimal bounding box for each triangle and store those into a R-tree (keep a map of which mbb is for what triangle or put those triangles as leave nodes in the R-tree) and then fast lookups of the best bounding box should give you maybe not the final result, but I think it would deliver a much reduced search area (a list of matching mbbs which result in a list of triangle candidates), where you then quickly search the exact triangle (because bounding boxes and triangles differ a bit).
You could speed up the comparison by using the bounding box of each triangle to test if the point is not contained.
Use a ´bounding sphere collision detection´ algorithm to test all triangles.
This algorithm is fast, but has false positives. On all triangles that fulfill the bounding sphere test, use your algorithm to do the final collision test.

an algorithm for fitting a rectangle inside a polygon

I have a kind of cutting problem. There is an irregular polygon that doesn't have any holes and a list of standard sized of rectangular tiles and their values.
I want an efficient algorithm to find the single best valued tile that fit in this polygon; or an algorithm that just says if a single tile can fit inside the polygon. And it should run in deterministic time for irregular polygons with less than 100 vertices.
Please consider that you can rotate the polygon and tiles.
Answers/hints for both convex and non-convex polygons are appreciated.
Disclaimer: I've never read any literature on this, so there might be a better way of doing this. This solution is just what I've thought about after having read your question.
A rectangle has two important measurements - it's height and it's width
now if we start with a polygon and a rectangle:
1: go around the perimeter of the polygon and take note of all the places the height of the rectangle will fit in the polygon (you can store this as a polygon*):
2: go around the perimeter of the new polygon you just made and take note of all the places the width of the rectangle will fit in the polygon (again, you can store this as a polygon):
3: the rectangle should fit within this new polygon (just be careful that you position the rectangle inside the polygon correctly, as this is a polygon - not a rectangle. If you align the top left node of the rectangle with the top left node of this new polygon, you should be ok)
4: if no area can be found that the rectangle will fit in, rotate the polygon by a couple of degrees, and try again.
*Note: in some polygons, you will get more than one place a rectangle can be fitted:
After many hopeless searches, I think there isn't any specific algorithm for this problem. Until, I found this old paper about polygon containment problem.That mentioned article, present a really good algorithm to consider if a polygon with n points can fit a polygon with m points or not. The algorithm is of O(n^3 m^3(n+m)log(n+m)) in general for two transportable and rotatable 2D polygon.
I hope it can help you, if you are searching for such an irregular algorithm in computational geometry.
This might help. It comes with the source code written Java

Cover a Concave Polygon with a minimum number of rectangles

I am tyring to cover a simple concave polygon with a minimum rectangles. My rectangles can be any length, but they have maximum widths, and the polygon will never have an acute angle.
I thought about trying to decompose my concave polygon into triangles that produce a set of minimumally overlapping rectangles minimally bounding each triangle and then merging those rectangles into larger ones. However, I don't think this will work for small notches in the edges of the polygon. The triangles created by the reflex vertices on those notches will create the wrong rectangles. I am looking for rectangles that will span/ignore notches.
I don't really know anything about computational geometry, so I'm not really sure on how to begin asking the question.
I found other posts that were similar, but not what I need:
split polygon into minimum amount of rectangles and triangles
Covering an arbitrary polygon with minimum number of squares
Find $k$ rectangles so that they cover the maximum number of points
Algorithm for finding the fewest rectangles to cover a set of rectangles
Some examples: Black is the input. Red is the acceptable output.
Another exmaple: The second output is prefered. However, generating both outputs and using another factor to determine preference is probably necessary and not the responsibility of this algorithm.
Polygons that mimic curves are extremely rare. In this scenario much of the area of the rectangles is wasted. However, this is acceptable because each rectangle obeys the max width constraint.
Also, I found this article to be close to what I need:
Covering with rectangular pieces by Paul Iacob, Daniela Marinescu, and Cristina Luca
Maybe a better question is "How can I identify rectangular-like portions of a concave polygon?"
Here is an image showing the desired implementation:
The green is the actual material usage. The red rectangles are the layouts. The blue is the MBR of the entire polygon. I am thinking I should try to get little MBRs and fill them in. The 2-3 green rectangles in the upper left corner that terminate into the middle of the polygon are expensive. That is what I want to minimize. The green rectangles have a min and max width and height, but I can use as many rows and columns necessary to cover a region. Again, I must minimize the number of rectangles that do not span across the input. I can also modify the shape of the green rectangle to fit in small places that is also very expensive. In other words, getting as many rectangles as possible to span as much as possible is ideal.
Maybe I should simply be trying to identify rectangular regions like this:
Or, perhaps a better approach would be using largest-inscribed rectangles instead of MBRs. I could continually cut my polygon down using rectangles until I am left with regions were the largest-inscribed rectangle is not sharing an edge with the original polygon. The remaining regions would have to be handled with a heuristic approach.
I've been working with the engineering and manufacturing departments at my company to bring more clarificaiton to this problem. I am still waiting to confirm, but I am now thinking an algorithm that would return sets of largest inscribed rectangles would work. While it does not completely cover the shape, it would give preference to the orthognal regions while leaving the non-orthogonal regions to some heuristics. The only trick is to maxamize those orthogonal regions.

Polygon adding algorithm

I want to do the following: I have some faces in the 3D space as polygons. I have a projection direction and a projection plane. I have a convex clipping polygon in the projection plane. I wnat to get a polygon representing the shaddow of all the faces clipped on the plane.
What I do till now: I calculate the projections of the faces as polygons in the projection plane.
I could use the Sutherland–Hodgman algorithm to clip all the singe projected polygons to clip to the desired area.
Now my question: How can I combine the projected (maybe clipped) polygons together? Do I have to use algorithms like Margalit/Knott?
The algorithm should be quite efficient because it has to run quite often. So what algorithm do you suppose?
Is it maybe possible to modify the algorithm of Sutherland–Hodgman to solve the merging problem?
I'm currently implementing this algorithm (union of n concave polygons) using Bentley–Ottmann to find all edge intersections and meanwhile keeping track of the polygon nesting level on both sides of edge segments (how many overlapping polygons each side of the line is touching). Edges that have a nesting level of 0 on one side are output to the result polygon. It's fairly tricky to get done right. An existing solution with a different algorithm design can be found at:

Algorithm for determining whether a point is inside a 3D mesh

What is a fast algorithm for determining whether or not a point is inside a 3D mesh? For simplicity you can assume the mesh is all triangles and has no holes.
What I know so far is that one popular way of determining whether or not a ray has crossed a mesh is to count the number of ray/triangle intersections. It has to be fast because I am using it for a haptic medical simulation. So I cannot test all of the triangles for ray intersection. I need some kind of hashing or tree data structure to store the triangles in to help determine which triangle are relevant.
Also, I know that if I have any arbitrary 2D projection of the vertices, a simple point/triangle intersection test is all necessary. However, I'd still need to know which triangles are relevant and, in addition, which triangles lie in front of a the point and only test those triangles.
I solved my own problem. Basically, I take an arbitrary 2D projection (throw out one of the coordinates), and hash the AABBs (Axis Aligned Bounding Boxes) of the triangles to a 2D array. (A set of 3D cubes as mentioned by titus is overkill, as it only gives you a constant factor speedup.) Use the 2D array and the 2D projection of the point you are testing to get a small set of triangles, which you do a 3D ray/triangle intersection test on (see Intersections of Rays, Segments, Planes and Triangles in 3D) and count the number of triangles the ray intersection where the z-coordinate (the coordinate thrown out) is greater than the z-coordinate of the point. An even number of intersections means it is outside the mesh. An odd number of intersections means it is inside the mesh. This method is not only fast, but very easy to implement (which is exactly what I was looking for).
This is algorithm is efficient only if you have many queries to justify the time for constructing the data structure.
Divide the space into cubes of equal size (we'll figure out the size later). For each cube know which triangles has at least a point in it. Discard the cubes that don't contain anything. Do a ray casting algorithm as presented on wikipedia, but instead o testing if the line intersects each triangle, get all the cubes that intersect with the line, and then do ray casting only with the triangles in these cubes. Watch out not to test the same triangle more than one time because it is present in two cubes.
Finding the proper cube size is tricky, it shouldn't be neither to big or too small. It can only be found by trial and error.
Let's say number of cubes is c and number of triangles is t.
The mean number of triangles in a cube is t/c
k is mean number of cubes that intersect the ray
line-cube intersections + line-triangle intersection in those cubes has to be minimal
c+k*t/c=minimal => c=sqrt(t*k)
You'll have to test out values for the size of the cubes until c=sqrt(t*k) is true
A good starting guess for the size of the cube would be sqrt(mesh width)
To have some perspective, for 1M triangles you'll test on the order of 1k intersections
Ray Triangle Intersection appears to be a good algorithm when it comes to accuracy. The Wiki has some more algorithms. I am linking it here, but you might have seen this already.
Can you, perhaps improvise by, maintaining a matrix of relationship between the points and the plane to which they make the vertices? This subject appears to be a topic of investigation in the academia. Not sure how to access more discussions related to this.
