Get topic name from Spring Cloud Stream MessageChannel - spring-boot

We are using Kafka Cloud Stream in a Spring Boot application to send data to Kafka.
like this
.setHeader(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON)
I would like to know whether it's possible to get topic name from the MessageChannel, other than reading directly from yaml file?
MessageChannel producerChannel();
Topic name is present in a kafka.yaml
destination: topic_name_to_producer
contentType: application/json
partitionCount: ${partition_count:3}

I see you are using annotation-based programming model (e.g., #Output). It has been deprecated for 3+ years and is being removed from the code base.
Please upgrade to functional model.
As for your question about destination name that is configured externally, there is a way to access it programmatically via Bindings, but I am more curious as to why do you need it as it is an internal detail and also given that it is externally configurable it can change without notice, thus affecting your code.

you can create a bean and bind it to the producer topic
MessageChannel producerLogger(){
return (message,l)->{
RecordMetadata meta = message.getHeaders().get(KafkaHeaders.RECORD_METADATA, RecordMetadata.class);
Object txnId = message.getHeaders().get("txnId");
if (Objects.nonNull(meta) && Objects.nonNull(txnId) && txnId instanceof byte[]) {
log.trace("Topic [{}] Partition [{}] Offset [{}] TxnId [{}]", meta.topic(), meta.partition(), meta.offset(),
new String((byte[]) txnId));
return true;
This will give you topic, parition and offeset to which your application is producing the message.


Spring-Cloud-Streams Kafka - How to stop the consumers

I have a Spring-Cloud-Streams client reading from a Kakfa topic consisting of several partitions. The client calls a webservice for every Kafka message it reads. If the webservice is unavailable after a few retries, I want to stop the consumer from reading from Kafka. Referring to a previous Stackoverflow question (Spring cloud stream kafka pause/resume binders) I autowired BindingsEndpoint and call the changeState() method to try to stop the consumer but the logs show the consumer continuing to read the messages from Kafka after changeState() is invoked.
I am using Spring Boot version 2.1.2.RELEASE with Spring Cloud version Greenwich.RELEASE. The managed version for spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka is 2.1.0.RELEASE. I have set the properties autoCommitOffset=true and autoCommitOnError=false.
Below is snippet of my codes. Is there something I have missed? Is the first input parameter to changeState() supposed to be the topic name?
If I want the consumer application to exit when the webservice is not available, can I simply do System.exit() without needing to stop the consumer first?
private BindingsEndpoint bindingsEndpoint;
public void read(#Payload MyDTO dto,
#Header(KafkaHeaders.RECEIVED_TOPIC) String topic,
#Header(KafkaHeaders.RECEIVED_PARTITION_ID) int partition,
#Header(KafkaHeaders.CONSUMER) Consumer<?, ?> consumer) {
try {"Processing message "+dto);
process(dto); // this is the method that calls the webservice
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof IllegalStateException || e instanceof ConnectException) {
// Binding<?> b = bindingsEndpoint.queryState(""); ==> Using topic name returns a valid Binding object
throw (e);
You can do so by utilising Binding visualization and control feature where you can visualize as well as stop/start/pause/resume bindings.
Also, you are aware that System.exit() will shut down the entire JVM?
Had the same issue, the first input parameter to changeState() should be the binding name. It worked for me

How to read Kafka Message Key from Spring cloud streams?

I am using spring cloud streams to consume a message from Kafka.
Is it possible to read the Kafka Message Key from the code?
I have a Kafka topic that generally has 2 types of messages. The action to be taken varies depending on the message key. I see the spring documentation has only the following to read the message. Here, I need to specify the actual mapping of the message (Greetings class here). However, I need a way through which I can read the message key and determine the deserializable Pojo
public class GreetingsListener {
public void handleGreetings(#Payload Greetings request) {
You can try something like this:
public void handleGreetings(#Payload Greetings request, #Header(KafkaHeaders.RECEIVED_MESSAGE_KEY)String key) {
You need to provide a proper deserializer for the key. For e.g. if your key is String, then you can provide:
If there is a need to use different key deserializer for different input channels, this setting can be extended under producer section of each kafka bindings. For example:
startOffset: latest
autoCommitOffset: true
autoCommitOnError: true
key.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer

Springboot cloud Stream with Kafka

I'm trying to setup a project with Springboot cloud Stream with Kafka. I managed to build a simple example, where a listener gets messages from a topic and after processed it, it sends the output to another topic.
My listener and channels are configured like this:
public class FileEventListener {
private FileEventProcessorService fileEventProcessorService;
public FileEventListener(FileEventProcessorService fileEventProcessorService) {
this.fileEventProcessorService = fileEventProcessorService;
#StreamListener(target = FileEventStreams.INPUT)
public void handleLine(#Payload(required = false) String jsonData) {
public interface FileEventStreams {
String INPUT = "file_events";
String OUTPUT = "raw_lines";
SubscribableChannel inboundFileEventChannel();
MessageChannel outboundRawLinesChannel();
The problem with this example is that when the service starts, it doesn't check for messages that already exist in the topic, it only process those messages that are sent after it started. I'm very new to Springboot stream and kafka, but for what I've read, this behavior may correspond to the fact that I'm using a SubscribableChannel. I tried to use a QueueChannel for example, to see how it works but I found the following exception:
Error creating bean with name ... nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: No factory found for binding target type: among registered factories: channelFactory,messageSourceFactory
So, my questions are:
If I want to process all messages that exists in the topic once the application starts (and also messages are processed by only one consumer), I'm on the right path?
Even if QueueChannel is not the right choice for achieve the behavior explained in 1.) What do I have to add to my project to be able to use this type of channel?
anonymous groups consume from the end of the topic only, bindings with a group consume from the beginning, by default.
You cannot use a PollableChannel for a binding, it must be a SubscribableChannel.

Enabling #KafkaListener to take in variable topic names from application.yml file

I am attempting to load in multiple topics to a single #KafkaListener but am running into trouble as I believe it is looking for a constant value, but initializing the topics variable from the application.yml file causing something issues, I was wondering if someone could help me troubleshoot this issue, or provide me with direction into how to load multiple Kafka topics into a single KafkaListener.
I am able to listen to multiple topics in the same #KafkaListener by passing them in a comma delimited object as seen below:
#KafkaListener(topics = {
I realize I could do an object with comma delimited values representing the topics, but I want to be able to add topics through a config file, rather than changing code in the code base.
I believe there may be the problem in that #KafkaListener needs to take in a constant value, and I am unable to define an annotation as a constant, is there any way around this?
public class KafkaWebSocketConnector
private String[] topics;
#KafkaListener(topics = topics)
public void listen(ConsumerRecord<?, Map<String, String>> message)
{"Received messages on topic [{}]: [{}]", message.topic(), message.value());
String dest = "/" + message.topic();"destination = {}", dest);"msg: {}", message);
messageTemplate.convertAndSend(dest, message.value());
auto-offset-reset: earliest
group-id: kafka-websocket-connector
topics: flight-events,
Answer provided from #Gary Russell from this GitHub issue:
You can use a SpEL expression; there's an example in EnableKafkaIntegrationTests...
#KafkaListener(id = "foo", topics = "#{'${topicOne:annotated1,foo}'.split(',')}")
In my case "#{'${spring.kafka.topics}'.split(',')}"
I was able to implement the above code, (provided by Gary Russell) in order to answer the above question.

Spring Cloud Stream dynamic channels

I am using Spring Cloud Stream and want to programmatically create and bind channels. My use case is that during application startup I receive the dynamic list of Kafka topics to subscribe to. How can I then create a channel for each topic?
I ran into similar scenario recently and below is my sample of creating SubscriberChannels dynamically.
ConsumerProperties consumerProperties = new ConsumerProperties();
BindingProperties bindingProperties = new BindingProperties();
bindingServiceProperties.getBindings().put(consumerName, bindingProperties);
SubscribableChannel channel = (SubscribableChannel)bindingTargetFactory.createInput(consumerName);
beanFactory.registerSingleton(consumerName, channel);
channel = (SubscribableChannel)beanFactory.initializeBean(channel, consumerName);
bindingService.bindConsumer(channel, consumerName);
I had to do something similar for the Camel Spring Cloud Stream component.
Perhaps the Consumer code to bind a destination "really just a String indicating the channel name" would be useful to you?
In my case I only bind a single destination, however I don't imagine it being much different conceptually for multiple destinations.
Below is the gist of it:
protected void doStart() throws Exception {
SubscribableChannel bindingTarget = createInputBindingTarget();
bindingTarget.subscribe(message -> {
// have your way with the received incoming message
// at this point the binding is done
* Create a {#link SubscribableChannel} and register in the
* {#link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext}
private SubscribableChannel createInputBindingTarget() {
SubscribableChannel channel = endpoint.getBindingTargetFactory()
endpoint.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton(endpoint.getDestination(), channel);
channel = (SubscribableChannel) endpoint.getBeanFactory().initializeBean(channel,
return channel;
See here for the full source for more context.
I had a task where I did not know the topics in advance. I solved it by having one input channel which listens to all the topics I need.
The target destination of a channel on the bound middleware (e.g., the RabbitMQ exchange or Kafka topic). If the channel is bound as a consumer, it could be bound to multiple destinations and the destination names can be specified as comma-separated String values. If not set, the channel name is used instead.
So my configuration
concurrency: 2
partitioned: true
# inputs
group: application_name_group
destination: topic-1,topic-2
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Then I defined one consumer which handles messages from all these topics.
public class CommonConsumer {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommonConsumer.class);
#StreamListener(target = Sink.INPUT)
public void consumeMessage(final Message<Object> message) {"Received a message: \nmessage:\n{}", message.getPayload());
// Here I define logic which handles messages depending on message headers and topic.
// In my case I have configuration which forwards these messages to webhooks, so I need to have mapping topic name -> webhook URI.
Note, in your case it may not be a solution. I needed to forward messages to webhooks, so I could have configuration mapping.
I also thought about other ideas.
1) You kafka client consumer without Spring Cloud.
2) Create a predefined number of inputs, for example 50.
And then have a configuration for some of these inputs.
Related discussions
Spring cloud stream to support routing messages dynamically
We use Spring Cloud 2.1.1 RELEASE
MessageChannel messageChannel = createMessageChannel(channelName);
public MessageChannel createMessageChannel(String channelName) {
return (MessageChannel) applicationContext.getBean(channelName);}
public Function<Object, Message<Object>> getMessageBuilder() {
return payload -> MessageBuilder
.setHeader(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON)
For the incoming messages, you can explicitly use BinderAwareChannelResolver to dynamically resolve the destination. You can check this example where router sink uses binder aware channel resolver.
