MeterRegistry counter test case failing - spring-boot

I have implemented Micrometer Prometheus counter in my service by injecting MeterRegistry and incrementing the count as shown below, and I have written a test case as well, but when I am running the test case, I am getting:
"java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke
String[])" because "this.meterRegistry" is null".
Service file:
private MeterRegistry meterRegistry;
public void counterIncrement() {
Test case file:
private MeterRegistry registry;
void testCounter() {
// invoking counterIncrement();

How do you create your class under test?
Since the registry is never instantiated, something seems up with how you setup your test.
Check that you are using the #MockBean in the correct way. This will replace the bean in the application context and if you do not spin up a spring context in your test, it will not work. See this post for more info.
A different approach would be to use #Mock and inject the registry in the constructor, example:
public class MyServiceTest {
private MeterRegistry registry;
private MyService myService;
void setup() {
myService = new MyService(registry);
void testCounter() {
var counter = mock(Counter.class);

You can test metrics without Mockito using SimpleMeterRegistry
void testCounter() {
var meterRegistry = new SimpleMeterRegistry();
// invoke counterIncrement();
var actual = meterRegistry.counter("test_count").count();
assertEquals(1.0d, actual);

Depending on which junit version you are using you need to add the annotation to your test class. Junit 5: #ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) or for Junit 4: #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class)

Depending on the test and the service there are several ways to deal with the missing MeterRegistry.
If you use a spring context in your test, try to use a test configuration to create the MeterRegistry bean.
If your test uses some Mock framework, you could mock the MeterRegistry as suggested by by #Hans-Christian.
If you simply make the member meterRegistry non-private. You could set it to a SimpleMeterRegistry in some setup method, anotated with #BeforeEach as suggested by #checketts in the comments.
If mocking the meter registry gets complicated, you could easily build and use some factory that provides the registry and mock this factory. A very easy factory will do, e.g. a spring #Component with an autowired MeterRegistry and some public getter for the factory.
You could use the factory method pattern as described in wikipedia to get the MeterRegistry, overwrite the factory method in a subclass of your service and use this subclass in the test. (Note that the gang of four did use a static factory method, you'll need a non-static method.)
I favour solution 3 but would use solution 1 whenever appropriate. I've added solutions 4 and 5 just because there might be some additional reasons and special cases that make these solutions a good choice. If so, I prefer 4 over 5.


Logger field injection and unit tests

I have the following piece of code:
public class MyBean {
private Logger logger;
private Service service;
public MyBean(Service service) {
this.service = service;
I used constructor injection in order to have clear list of dependencies required by MyBean, but I have also decided to use field injection for logger (since most the the classes would require this extra parameter in constructor, which just feels not right).
I want to use Mockito for testing and I have the following options to use:
I have read in multiple places to avoid it
I can't configure mock before my class is initialized
Inject logger with Whitebox
use of reflection
Use SpringRunner
is it really necessary to create Spring context just to instantiate one class for unit test?
Is there any cleaner way to accomplish that?

Spring Boot - Testing - tearDown for a bean

I use #EmbeddedKafka annotation as follows to have a kafka mock:
#EmbeddedKafka(partitions = 1,
topics = {"topic"},
brokerProperties = {
public class KafkaUsersTest {
private EmbeddedKafkaBroker embeddedKafka;
public void test1() {
// test something
public void test2() {
// test something
Now, after The tests finish I'd like to close the embeddedKafka bean. Something like this:
public void tearDown(){
The problem is:
An #AfterAll method can only be static.
If I make it static - then also the embeddedKafka has to be static, and then #Autowired annotation will not work.
I guess I can the bean to a static field from one of the tests and then use it in the tearDown(), but it's really ugly.
What is the "good practice" for closing a bean only once after all tests have completed?
An #AfterAll method can only be static.
That's not true.
From the JUnit 5 User Guide:
Denotes that the annotated method should be executed after all #Test, #RepeatedTest, #ParameterizedTest, and #TestFactory methods in the current class; analogous to JUnit 4’s #AfterClass. Such methods are inherited (unless they are hidden or overridden) and must be static (unless the "per-class" test instance lifecycle is used).
An #AfterAll method can be non-static if you use #TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS). This is also documented in the JUnit 5 User Guide:
The "per-class" mode has some additional benefits over the default "per-method" mode. Specifically, with the "per-class" mode it becomes possible to declare #BeforeAll and #AfterAll on non-static methods as well as on interface default methods.

Spring: mocking security enhanced service

We'are imlementing part of our security at service layer, so I add #PreAuthorize annotation to some methods of MyService.
At MyServiceSecurityTest I want to test only security role-permission matrix, without any business logic. For that reason I have to mock MyService. the problem is that both Mockito and Spring security use CGLIB proxies, and my service is not enhanced with #PreAuthorize after Mockito.mock(MyService.class).
Is there any way to mock service and preserve #PreAuthorize logic?
public class MyService implements IMyService {
public void someMethod(ComplexDTO dto) {
// lots of logic and dependencies, require lots of stubbing.
In order to avoid initialization of all dependencies of MyService#someMethod and building ComplexDTO at MyServiceSecurityTest I want to mock MyServiceSecurityTest but preserve #PreAuthorize checks.
You need to do integration tests and not unit tests. In general, you do not see mock classes in integration tests, at least you would not mock the class you are testing, in this I case I guess its the MyService class.
Setting up integration tests involves reading up on, but the short example below should get you on the right path
public class MyServiceIT {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
public void testMyService() {"testMyService");
//user TestRestTemplate to call your service.
EDIT: In this integration test, Spring boots up normally. That means all the annotations for security are processed and all the beans it needs to create are created and properly injected. One thing you may have to control is the Spring profile.... that can be done with the #ActiveProfiles("myProfile") annotation, which I just added to the example.

How to inject Mocks into Spring Service

Environment :
Spring MVC 4
Code :
Spring Service under test :
public class AbhishekServiceImpl implements AbhisheskService {
private DaoOne daoOne;
private DaoTwo daoTwo;
private DaoThree daoThree;
private DaoFour daoThree;
Junit Test :
public class AbhishekServiceImplTest {
private DaoOne daoOne;
private DaoTwo daoTwo;
private DaoThree daoThree;
private UserDao userDao;
private AbhisheskService abhisheskService;
public void setUp(){
abhisheskService = new AbhishekServiceImpl();
Issue :
1)As shown in code snippet one , the class under test uses four dependencies.
2)As shown in code snippet two , in junit test case class , all 4 dependencies are mocked using #Mock
3)My question is : how these four mocked objects should be injected into test class ?
4)My class under test doesn't have constructor/setter injection but field injection using #Autowired.
5)I don't want to use #InjectMocks annotation due to its dangerous behavior
as mentioned here
Can anybody please guide on this ?
You are trying to test a class wrongly designed to test the behavior i.e. the properties are not accessible to be mocked. AbhishekServiceImpl has to provide a way to inject the mocks to the class. If you cannot access the fields then it is a clear case of wrongly designed class. Considering that the AbhishekServiceImpl is a class in a legacy code and you are trying to test the behaviour then you can use reflection to inject the mock objects as below:
DaoOne mockedDaoOne = mock(DaoOne.class);
when(mockedDaoOne.doSomething()).thenReturn("Mocked behaviour");
AbhishekService abhishekService = new AbhishekServiceImpl();
Field privateField = PrivateObject.class.getDeclaredField("daoOne");
privateField.set(abhishekService, mockedDaoOne);
assertEquals("Mocked behaviour", abhishekService.doSomething());
Its very rare that you test behaviour of a class that you have not written yourself. Though I can imagine a use case where you have to test an external library because its author did not test it.
You can mark the junit test with #RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) and then use #ContextConfiguration to define a context which instantiates the DAOs and service and wires them together.

Trying to generate error about Spring's #Autowired field injection for JUnit

I am working with Spring 4.0.7, and with JUnit about testing of course.
About DI Spring offers #Autowired to be used in three locations
I always work through the two first, why never the third option?
Because I remember have read long time ago about field injection should not be used, because it has a negative consequence about Testing. It does JUnit fails.
Note: Only for Testing is the problem. To runtime or production all goes well
Objective: For demonstration/academic purposes I want generate this problem.
I have the following:
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, String>{
A Service
public class PersonFailTestServiceImpl implements PersonService {
private static final Logger logger = ...
private PersonRepository personRepository;
Other Service (calling or using the service shown above)
public class PersonFailTestProcessImpl implements PersonProcess {
private static final Logger logger = ...
private PersonService personService;
How you can see the two services are based on Field Injection.
Now the testing:
How the beans are loaded
#ComponentScan( basePackages={"com.manuel.jordan.server.infrastructure"},
basePackageClasses={PersonProcess.class,PersonRepository.class, PersonService.class})
public class CentralConfigurationEntryPoint {
public class CentralTestConfigurationEntryPoint {
Now the two testing classes
public class PersonServiceImplDevelopmentFailureTest extends CentralTestConfigurationEntryPoint {
private PersonService personService;
public void savePerson01(){
Person person01 = PersonFactory.createPerson01();;
public class PersonProcessImplDevelopmentFailureTest extends CentralTestConfigurationEntryPoint{
private PersonProcess personProcess;
Well all the testing methods pass, all green. I don't know if I am missing something or through Spring 4 the problem has been fixed
If this was your premise or problem
Because I remember have read long time ago about field injection
should not be used, because it has a negative consequence about
Testing. It does JUnit fails.
then you thought wrong. There is nothing inherently wrong with using field injection, definitely nothing that would cause JUnit tests to fail in and of itself. If a bean exists, Spring will be able to inject it whether it's in a constructor, a setter method, or a field.
Since you've activated your failure profile, your PersonFailTestServiceImpl bean will be found.
I think I can help. The example code you've posted here is a good example of a system / integration test, not a UNIT test.
If you were UNIT testing PersonFailTestProcessImpl, you would have to set the personRepository dependency yourself through code. But it is private, so how do you do this? You cannot use a constructor or setter since none is provided. This is what is meant by 'hard to unit test'.
Java 5+ provides a way to set private variables like this via reflection (the so-called privileged accessor). Basically, you obtain the class, get the declared field, call its setAccessible method, then you can set its value directly. There are libraries that will do these steps for you, but the point is that this is a pain compared to X.setSomething();
So there is nothing that 'makes jUnit fails' by using #Autowired on a private field. But building an object model without constructors or setters for establishing dependencies is unnecessarily constraining.
