Uncaught Error: Cannot find module, components not found - laravel

i have an issue with vue in laravel , when i upload the project on server gettings the below error on local everythings working fine !
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module './components/ProfileSkillComponent.vue'
at webpackMissingModule (app.js:334098:133)
at Module../resources/js/app.js (app.js:334098:246)
at __webpack_require__ (app.js:20:30)
at Object.0 (app.js:348515:1)
at __webpack_require__ (app.js:20:30)
at app.js:84:18
at app.js:87:10

Issue was case sensitive as i have uploaded project on Cento OS and i was working on Win OS seems wired but i changed from Cap to small letters and everything worked proper


Two output files share the same path but have different contents, vite error

Help, I'm following a youtube tutorial on how to build a website with three.js but I'm stuck. I started getting this error message after I tried to import orbit controls. I'm using vite as you can see, it's been showing a white screen or an error message the same as in the terminal.
I'm new to using three.js and pretty new to programming in general so any help would be greatly appreciated.
22:39:53 [vite] error while updating dependencies:
Error: Build failed with 1 error:
error: Two output files share the same path but have different contents: node_modules/.vite/deps_temp/three.js
at failureErrorWithLog (/Users/lo/Documents/3d_website_tut/index_3d_website/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1566:15)
at /Users/lo/Documents/3d_website_tut/index_3d_website/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1024:28
at runOnEndCallbacks (/Users/lo/Documents/3d_website_tut/index_3d_website/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1438:61)
at buildResponseToResult (/Users/lo/Documents/3d_website_tut/index_3d_website/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1022:7)
at /Users/lo/Documents/3d_website_tut/index_3d_website/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:1134:14
at responseCallbacks. (/Users/lo/Documents/3d_website_tut/index_3d_website/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:671:9)
at handleIncomingPacket (/Users/lo/Documents/3d_website_tut/index_3d_website/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:726:9)
at Socket.readFromStdout (/Users/lo/Documents/3d_website_tut/index_3d_website/node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.js:647:7)
at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)
at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)
I think this was a temporary bug with Vite, it is working after ignoring it for a day

Error when trying to access Spartacus pages during SSR while AuthService is imported and redirectUri specified in the OAuth config

The Spartacus app works fine without SSR enabled. After enabling SSR, it builds fine (yarn buikd:ssr), however when I try to access the main page (yarn dev:ssr) I got the following error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'location' of undefined
at OAuthLibWrapperService.initialize (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:194105:819)
at new OAuthLibWrapperService (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:194100:14)
at Object.OAuthLibWrapperService_Factory [as factory] (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:194172:167)
at R3Injector.hydrate (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:159836:35)
at R3Injector.get (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:159657:33)
at injectInjectorOnly (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:149394:33)
at ɵɵinject (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:149398:57)
at Object.AsmAuthService_Factory [as factory] (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:212641:426)
at R3Injector.hydrate (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:159836:35)
at R3Injector.get (/Users/XXX/YYY/ZZZ/store/dist/store/server/main.js:159657:33)
Spartacus version is 3.0. In the shell app we make use of AuthService, error disappears when we remove all imports of it. Error is not present also if we remove the redirectUri from the OAuthLibConfig (while AuthService is imported) but this is not our case as we want have it specified.

PhoneGap Build: Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR (missing files)

When I try to use my app from PhoneGap Build, it seems to be missing images. When I check in the Chrome web inspector, it's also missing script files. Here are the errors:
cordova.js:314 Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR
at fileService.js:77
at fail (FileEntry.js:88)
at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:295)
at <anonymous>:1:9
cordova.js:312 Error in Error callbackId: File410316782 : Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR
cordova.js:314 Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR
at fileService.js:77
at fail (FileEntry.js:88)
at Object.callbackFromNative (cordova.js:295)
at <anonymous>:1:9
.png:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
I know I didn't fail to include this file, because it was working before.
Most issues like this, as well as "Upload Error [2]", can be solved in PhoneGap Build by deleting the app and re-uploading. Don't worry about losing anything, since all of your settings are in your config files. It seems that PhoneGap has a tendency to inadvertently retain or misplace files.
I tend to just delete my app and re-upload every time I need to run a build, so I don't have to waste time installing and opening the app, only to find out it's missing files.

Can't run react-native example in windows

I'm trying to run the getting started example in windows for android but after running
react-native run-android
I get the following error:
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'isNative'
at CallSiteToString (X:\code\react_native\AwesomeProject\node_modules\source-map-support\source-map-support.js:195:3)
at Anonymous function (X:\code\react_native\AwesomeProject\node_modules\source-map-support\source-map-support.js:304:5)
at Array.prototype.map (native code)
at prepareStackTrace (X:\code\react_native\AwesomeProject\node_modules\source-map-support\source-map-support.js:303:3)
at stackGetter (Unknown script code:208:9)
at socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:303:3)
at emitOne (events.js:96:5)
at emit (events.js:188:7)
at emitErrorNT (net.js:1265:3)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)
maybe you have a problem with your code ! what is 'isNative' in your code ?
it's better to to copy your code and paste it here.
Figured it out. In case anyone else faces this problem it seems I had both a regular node installation and a node (chakra) installation and the chakra one was causing problems with react-native. After uninstalling node(chakra), react-native runs fine.

jsdom and Contextify error

My node application works fine on my macbook, but when I publish to our servers on Rackspace I get the following error which I've never seen before (sensitive paths replaced with [...]):
var ctx = new ContextifyContext(sandbox);
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Contextify ([...]/node_modules/jsdom/node_modules/contextify/lib/contextify.js:7:15)
at Object.createWindow ([...]/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/browser/index.js:303:3)
at Object.windowAugmentation ([...]/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/browser/index.js:63:24)
at Object.parentWindow ([...]/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/browser/index.js:605:28)
at Object.<anonymous> ([...]/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom.js:81:15)
at [...]/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom.js:170:52
at Request._callback ([...]/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom.js:275:9)
at Request.callback ([...]/node_modules/request/node_modules/request/main.js:119:22)
at Request.<anonymous> ([...]/node_modules/request/node_modules/request/main.js:525:16)
at Request.emit (events.js:67:17)
Contextify needs to be compiled to create .node binaries. These come prebuilt with jsdom. It worked fine on my mac, but not on the ubuntu server I was publishing to. Rebuilding contextify on the server according to the instructions on the github page fixed the problem for me.
