How does a DATA matrix Code Size in EZPL? - label

I am currently Designing Label with EZPL and struggle with the DATA Matrix Code. My Problem is that it changes the size of the Code when i use longer Text in the Code. How is this proportional to the Parameters or is the sizing arbitrarily?`


How to set spacing in Frangi filter for 3D stack of DICOM data

I am using the Frangi filter for hepatic vessel segmentation.
The problem is that that data are not isotropic [1,1,1].
I can do resampling. It creates more slices but it looses pixels and its not so precise.
I found, that maybe I can change it directly in the Frangi function (skimage function) in the script where the Hessian function is computed. But even then I don't know which values I should set up as spacing.
Because now I have some results, but they are not correct, because I am computing with squeeze image in z-direction.
Thank you for your help.
By my reading of the code, currently it is not possible to use a different scale (sigma) for the different axes — we assume the same sigma is used for each axis. It should be possible to improve this in a future version. You can create a feature request at I suggest that you link back to this question when creating it.

Who stores the image in zeros and ones

I wanted to know who stores the images/ videos or audios in zeros and ones. I know that an image is stored in form of zeros and ones by storing the color for each pixel in the form of zeros and ones, and similar things happen for other types of data. But my question is, for example, if I create an image using any Image creating application and store it in my computer, then what or who is storing the colors in binary form for each pixel?
There are two types of images
acquired from a device (camera, scanner), which measures the amount of light in the RGB channels for every pixel and converts it to a binary value; writing the values to memory is handled by the device driver.
synthetized, from a geometric model with surface and lighting characteristics by pure computation, and every pixel value is obtained "out of nothing"; this is done by a rendering program.
After the image has been written to RAM memory, it can be transferred to disk for long term storage.

how to control size of bubble in circle packing layout in d3

in an animated circle packing d3 chart like this
The bubble will always size to fill the rectangle drawing canvas. Is there a way to fix the size to be consistent such that I can make the bubble growing smaller?
meanwhile because it'll scale up, even if passing in smaller value, the radius doesn't really get smaller.
for example: if data switched from [{"a",40}, {"b",50},{"c",60}] to
[{"a",4}, {"b",8},{"c",10}], ideally the circle get proportionally smaller.
how to control the scale? thanks.
d3.pack() has a method called size. According to the API:
If size is specified, sets this pack layout’s size to the specified two-element array of numbers [width, height] and returns this pack layout.
So, for instance, in the bl.ocks you shared we can do...
.size([width/2, height/2])
... to reduce the packing area.
Have a look at this updated bl.ocks, I put a rectangle to show the reduced area and a lavender background in the SVG:
This is an edit addressing your edit, which is normally not a good practice in a S.O. answer, but I believe that this point is worth a clarification: changing the data doesn't matter!
In your edit you said that...
if data switched from [{"a",40}, {"b",50},{"c",60}] to [{"a",4}, {"b",8},{"c",10}], ideally the circles get proportionally smaller.
No, they won't! The layout gets the data and takes the maximum amount of the available space. For instance, even if you have an object like this:
[{name:"foo", size:1}]
This is what you'll have:

DataStructure to cache a large set of Chart DataPoints

I have a scenario like I am plotting a Chart using API like JFreeChart or SWT Chart or BIRT anything is fine.
The data for plotting the chart is bit high like 10GB. So how chart works is it just keep the latest data points like X,Y and discard other data for efficient memory utilization.
Like I got a scenario that once that is done a user comes and try to
zoom the chart or wanna see the certain specific DataPoints , so solve
this scenario I need to cache all the data points in the chart that
will again take the memory on toss as if I need to save entire data
points it may lead to huge memory.
So what is the most efficient algorithm or precisely any DataStructure to sort this problem.
It is nothing to do with java but I am programming in Java , so I mentioned Java here.

Template matching - Image subtraction

I have a project where I am required to subtract an empty template image from an incoming user filled image. The document type is a normal Bank cheque.
The aim is to extract the handwritten fields from it by subtracting one image from the empty template image.
The issue what i am facing is in aligning these two images, as there is scaling, translation, rotation etc
Any ideas on how to align the template image with the incoming image?
I am posting an example image from the wikipedia page but in the monochrome format as my image is in monochrome format.
When working with Image processing for industrial projects we have in most of the cases a fiducial. A fiducial is like a mark - can be a hole, an cross mark - that never changes, is always in the same positions.
Generally two fiducials are enough to correct misaligning problems like rotation, translation and also scale. For instance If you know the distance between the two, you can always check it to make sure the scale factor is right, or correct it based on the difference of the current distance against the right distance.
In your case, what I would ask you is: Does the template and the incoming image share any visual sign that are invariant and can easily be segmented?
If you have the answer for that question, all the rest will be more simple - the difference itself is a quite straightforward algorithm.
The basic answer is write a function that takes two images and a 2D transform and tells you how aligned they are once you apply the transform to the target image. The function needs to be continuous based on the transform and have a local minima (0) where the images are aligned perfectly. This is called a cost function.
Then use any optimization algorithm over the function and inputs -- you are trying to optimize the transform (translation, scale, rotation). Examples are hill climbing, genetic, simulated annealing, etc.
There are products that do this -- usually they are called Forms Recognition, Forms Registration, Forms Processing, etc. Some are SDKs, but there are also applications that can do it without programming.
Disclaimer: I work at Atalasoft, where we sell a Forms Processing add-on to our .NET imaging SDK.
